Saturday, 9 a.m. Sunday, 9 a. m Monday, p.m ===! THE DAILY NEW Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist gE - - — z : ————————_—_—_—————_—————_—_—— Sellen (J, NO. 257 Prince Rupert, B.C., Fripay, Novemppr 1, 1912. PRICE FIVE Cente TURKEY BEATEN AND WILL TRY AND END WAR TRAWLER CANADA ALMOST SINKS IN HEAVY SEAS OFF BANKS ISLAND-—-LIGHTENS CARGO io TURKS TO MAKE PEACE PROPOSALS TO = { vec sccours | NORTHERN B.C. ORES ATTRACTED MUCH THE VICTORIOUS ALLIES IMMEDIATELY) -----..| ATTENTION AT BIG FAIR AT SPOKANE S) Badly Beaten and Discouraged is*the Turkish Army That the in : neo dated tu | H. B. Brown Writes of the Success of the Ores From This District Porte is Compelled to Make Advances of Peace--- The expenditure was s08,. at the Spokane Fair and Offers Prospectors Here Most Remarkable War i in History $37,046,776." Net debi was # a and Assistance — his teens * held ? hell dees et GEE stood In a personal lett ind the new Leadville camp in the} will not be lacking to take hold a eS pe, a he a Ol te sete =f: oS SoS sitll wah gee von s86r — SCOTSMEN HOLD = a So SeR See ‘se ! nt thes a ~ Madison Square Crowd Cheer the Spokane exhibitio wn to exist in the territory ing industry. The American Min- un are discuss Wha in be learns he Wilson 23 Minutes Longer Mr. Brown, who is at ad ace nt to yvour eity j ing Congress will meet in Spo- ; ~ he mining congress | Ther 4 |kane : 5 , . eonelud- | 4 i Ia , he than Roosevelt as “ e was a very complete| on November 25th. Eight i ine ' esentative makes a Splen- | on wing of coals and cokes from|hundred delegates wili be pres- . ent reigns py an Special to Daily News St. Andrew's “Reciety Have Very sid 0 fer to the mining mer fjthe province, but you will bejent from all over the world, as \ . vildest kind - peace N, ort rr ' an Successful Social and Dance rrthern British Columbia Mr.|pleased to know that the main | well as interested capitalists and he about the| 'h ” wg my € Wood in Pythias Hall. ;ProOwn says: | nterest was centred in coal com- j mine owners who will listen to ¢ Nazim Pasha i wht ag Phe tirst My success with the B.C. ore ‘| ng from the Groundhog Basin|the discussions and serutinize the say that bh i Lig n “ ne ne arose t r ' it the Spokane fair is of special|/and samples from along the G,|data furnished by the different : hera that | ihe i f fk Lilissel Mar square Garde - , te") interest to the coast, as those|T. P. Undoubtedly the coal re-|delegates. I have been appointed again that he hicl ! . ‘ evealer eh sted anne Knights f Pythias Ha res were n the limelight ar d}s urees of the North are to be|delegate from British Columbia. pon seeing ! - i ! ais| tl ‘ ill . oes st eve ze D he S Andrew s|the constant subject of quiries.ja nportar factor in the de-|and will be pleased to receive ¢ against him.|#'¢ _ fjat 9.41 a - s z ebra ci ee lid the terest bee e|velopment of that section and | samples of ore from the different es are sj lie l Kis Ait ut 4 ; Nieh@ Was. as is usue the ores of the Northern B. ¢ jPr nee Rupert }prospects with information re- owing the ! WI ' : 4 : ie side ast and the Interior that dona-| Mining is receiving renewed| garding the same by mail. If the h is with i i ‘ . ns were asked for and were/attention all over the world and|owners wish to sell they might ‘ sta wy ted will ! es ! : ’ 7 re Rive he Spokane permanent|now is the time to direct capita!|say what prices they demand, as eal Acres ‘ i : W “ i ‘ exhibit of samples of Red Cliff,|to this seetion, and a_ proper!often after having seen a promis- : h z ¥ { 7 - | — - . Portland Canal and Stewart De-|showing of the commercial ores|ing sample the interested person Xs I - ia . Ss, €a Ss an pine companies of Stewart;| with definite and reliable data as|asks as to the prices of claims in “ ‘ ' and tr h ving shor eh a grade samples from|to the working conditions of the|the vicinity, and in that manner ' a . } ; ‘ . e mag Refresh Liddle Creek at Granby; Silver] dis furnish inguirers will|T might be able to help your . > quantities if Lead King, Rocher de Boule | «be ineh te popularize the dis prospéctors and the distriet. You ; r i I adies of inadian King, Silver Standard, | t: The establishment of ajean intimate to them through ‘ . ‘ irris Bros. and O eca es | pe inent exhibit of the ores of|their mining body or what, or- ' } M eg . Gray's chestra ! oe sed | the Hazelton district hes: he Northern Coast and Interior) ganization they have in Prince | Basket Ball. : cede sit ind alto atte es were Commented upon] with the co-operation of the press|Rupert that any sgmples ad- ent Ree th ‘ ' we ore . hie st delightful and £/ with more tha sua terest asta business men with the pros-| dressed to me at Hedley, B. C., ma Bulgaria vas \ I z, N ere evening & eN-| stive ead es have always been] pes “ attraet capital to the | will receive my best attention. I be — ; ‘ “ { 8 A 1 by the/a feature he Spokane x so doing, and if the in-/|will also be pleased to answer d 2 : . Admiss ents urge gsathe g of young and old cles and much capital is now]formetion published is reliable|any questions that may be asked st remakable . : eee eel ; 7 o one vethe elebration of the| being put into the Goeur d'Alene} ane the terms agreeable the me ujot me.” ; eS : gl hat has thus | REFKS TAKE © MASONS HOLD ANNUAL i on. BIG GOLD STRIKE AT _ _ |STRIKE ON THE TWO ISLANDS BALL: GREAT SUCCESS ss" a KITSELAS ON G. T. P. C.P.R. MONDAY as 1 = Z Mr Mel g pre 4 _ . wl We { . dance Mess . “a News was br ght dow mi tio om the — 7 the — m j } y hie 1. Gibs Ames ‘ | at eve ne’s iy j re f the much to be desired dol- Grecian Navy Took Two Turkish ed a wi , ia a jiand MeK songs : ” ; w “se and ae Men Will Go Out on Strike Uniess lands and Raised the Gro- . oh Pi as al siahianmenanie —_n j waren 2 K whose head eee Company Meets Them by Mon- cian Flag on Them. ‘ M i 7 . , = L. Wes 8 ‘i. G. Westo quarters are i Kitselas, that SMELT BY ELECTRICITY day to Discuss Troubles. ‘ > ! . ‘. ha y the We \ transfer man,|great excitemer reigns a tha . : 5 . ‘ Specia Daily News . a s f Ts I : i sble | & will eke No. 941 the $10] y)ace over the rich finds of free Report to Be Published by Depart- Special to Daily Nowe.) ! { Ad ' I ‘ N 8, A. F.& A.M gold prize at the Majestic The- | sin dunia: Ula iinet ahah) tae ment of Mines Shows Cana- Montreal, Oct. 31.-Unless the ‘ ed| TI ‘ : ae \ splendid programm, | Dial dian Ores Can Be Smelted. ©. P. RK. treats with the represen- 4 ad 7 - 6 | i ! ans =e x of several good dramas “ - : shnit a — tative employees delegate’ to bis have occupied the g tl s a ener ’ und ¢ es, Was shown, among ss , = _— b Special to Daily News. meet tiem before Monday next . . Bohros and | y the | vas ‘ ! er - which i hinvar Dy ~— W or jis tremendous!) ch is estap Ottawa, Oet, 31 A report has 500 members of the Brotherhood ? ge there ! " . i shiy er Seott, and a two reel comedy) jished beyond doubt Assays been received here proving that : : M I us Met \ # | entitled 4 Country Seandal,”’| made recently have run as high|the demonstrations made in re- of Railway Employees will @o on . , "1 Ha fa te i ea - he featured as S700 to the ton, and quanti-|gard to electrically smelting strike. * ce ¢ reelihe wg ern vl snd Mrs. M. M. Stephens ——————— ties of it are to be found within| Ganadian ores has been entirely Ho a he w ‘ The mus i ‘ \ : Mrs. J. Christianse M hb. Kobe the well anOWR)a short distance of the railroad?) suecessful The report will be Mrs. Hascamp Was a passenger Mr. Hannifan, wh i . \\ s Mrs J M and Mrs BE ele ities who representea rhe recent strike made at Kil-| published sMortly. on the Prinee George this morn- eh & resident of th cily | aug ’ . George Frizz M ind Mrs. J.) Sir Donald Mann during the early) sumkalum Lake in this district, ing, leaving on a visit to the os 8 ears, was on the | Profess Kalli oe M. Carmichas M ind Mrs. J.| ays of the Portland Canal quartz} and the present find is attracting} Best room in town at Savoy. lower coast cities. ~~ ‘ 1) Hotel and was} needless i ha yas OF Me) pn di. M ind Mrs. F. G xeileme and who has been!» uch interest in mining circles} ie ne : ' Prince Rupert jvery highes le ry an al Mrs J. ¢ Me spending the last week in Prince io the gold-bearing quartz Of | a . | i M ‘ Mrs. J. MeLeod, | Sup the guest of Major Gh-|ihat section of the interior where TRAWLER CANADA COULD. NOT D und Mrs. L. W. Kergin, Mr./* eft on the Prince George! goid is known to exist and which BASKET BR WILL BE : Mrs. D. M. H ter. Mr. and/this morning for the South Mr./| was worked some years ago M und Mrs. H »n London, England, is at present] work has been done, and will not ~ » MeMordtie i | OPENED TONIGHT AT THE RINK «onc wiv costs WPA Sica oss Kerr, Mr-and Mrs. L. W. Patmore,|{e iron properties of Northern) account of the snow and dil. | Weapyem was TOO MUON FOR LITTLE BOAT WHICH CAME ¥ ee: aa Arnold. Mr intario leulty of getting supplies, mater-| AROUND THE HORN—WILL COMMENCE TRAWLING IN A Fi . ) ; _s- —_—- | tec.. Oo io the ground, for mr hme OF THE NEWLY FORMED BASKET BALL LEAGUE |. \. T. Parkin, Mr. and) peniaths bélileae” Cheounee tar on : oe oo WEEK—COAL HAD TO BE THROWN OVERBOARD. LL TAKE PLACE NG Mrs. KE. ¢. Letrace, Mr. and Mrs ant 108 S.jihe early siages of developmen THIS EVENING AT THE SKATI i Pt ne 4 0 . RINK-BANKERS FAILED TO ENTER TEAM Frank Mobley, Mr. and Mrs, R, W.) mOne Ss work a After sailing over 16,000 miles, M and Mrs R A. Stalk ii Zs ‘i om Quite arush has been gone my se ee 1a ore i al aro e ae deman Chaneseen’ Meee to the vicinity and a number of [°° ™ than half around th : at endid arena); will get wethe ate ee Ree siniane staked and } the ob. | globe, covering a period of nearly , he rath emt SM irehgements Melntost iL. Robinson, G stacles to be contended with sta-|four months, and then to come = | Tr oF the) so as to tak ye 1. L. Gray, Misses Jenns, K S ted above, one company thinks|very close to losing their ship eb e st} . 41 mas . ‘ i ew miles o s des ‘ me Of rit . } a and manly winter sp . kK \ | tor Moure with the railroad facilities at} with a few ile fit \e tine ™ leap ' he Basket Phe 3 j anne } ; » “Co Vraser, E. G hand, they may be able to make | tion Was the experience of Skip- Entire Change of Program played, the sere " atnivre, Drukemaeil a trial shipment je Quinn and his trusty little : the mighty, the keenest interest ae rh “ D rhe coming spring will see a/erew of eight men on the steam / ONK H / Tr a someme ay tae pueik "a “si } la Haywood, MeKas Op in | ereat deviopment in quartz mit iwier Canada, whieh tied up at * lig, ! = viz.. the! merit and for how \ Ww \. Pettigrew jing in this promising district, as he cold ste rage pl int shortly be. 1H j ‘rotherhood | son by the severe ~ \l th mas Met | fer some vears experienced pros fore 4 o'’elock vesterday after } Lochinvar oly te as as co h Oe tee W. Peck, €. C, Purdy, i DO IT EARLY l}pectors have been going over the ’ f By Sir Walter Seolt ' prepar will be watehed by ree : : . e . . : Che two steam trawlers, Can e strunaion |of the sport =) C.F. Brown, Lee Bake Our stock of new goods ground, and mineral i paying 2 eters ae > 6 Lutti i - "ts a us 4“ ‘ H MekKeet 7. ae help vou in making se quantities has been known to ex a iil wa ra rhe Two-Reel Gomedy am 0 | people ee upe ; } Fisheries 0 | whieh i : . , L Noahs W. G, Ba ‘ etitane We te - F . These men have only bee 1 team, but Ponight May Newl : Qa W. Mick i a o Saree your lwaiting for the railread thro (ie ge Doughty of Grimaby, Ene A Country Scandal her they| been invited to be pres , » Wils W the country to be completed ind, is the head, left the latter rgan-jopening game and has Brac rorke W. J. Tod W W. 4S S. enable them to open up the ton the 42th of July last for |¥ Goid Prize Tickets ne re intimated fh pron 7s W. J. Hughe ° ark on mines and obtain the comune he waters of Northern British ) ae ta } ; : the ba oped im.|ing and will put the | , BaP oe. oan Aina et eee eon ike ticle ADMISSION 100 AND 160 ‘aken atjat the hour the aa , 1 1. Be lmineral wealth of this rieh » Continued on Page 4 ‘nd the boys | 8:30 sharp : |