and ne : cae a —_——__ a THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. Contract rates SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DaiLy, 50¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries — Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City SeATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. Susscripers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. DAILY EDITION. a pa Fray, Nov. 1 Editorial Notes and Clippings SAVING THE COUNTRY. These are the days when the good wife serubs, does the washing, feeds the cow, licks the kids, gets the meals and does things generally while her liewe lord is to be found down- town on the corner saving his great country. Tt is a snap, this saving one's country, and it is a great pity for some of these old ducks that it can’t be worked oftener than once in four or more years.—Yorkton Times. iii icicles DECEIVED OR DECEIVING. In a mass of half truths and squinting falsehoods the Mail tried Liberal newspapers for the “if Canada made the British the British government would and Empire impudently to make responsible argument that a con- tribution to navy retrench its expenditure on naval account by an equal sum.” The truth of that ar- gument is’ another question, bul its origin was not in Lib- eral circles. More than three years ago in Londen and in Canada that argument against a “contribution” either = of of ships was vigor frank- ness by no less a Tory author- ity than Lord Charles Beres- ford. It is no secret that the jaunty admiral was outspoken- ly opposed to a Canadian “‘con- tribution” and was just as un- reservedily in favor of a Can- adian fleet. The very argu- ment charged now against Lib- eral mewspapers Lord Charles propounded in Toronto some- what to the confusion of the jingo element that had hoped for his approval. To him “con- tribution sounded liké ‘“‘trib- ute.” He saw in it division of Canadian opinion and weaken- ing of Canada’s sense of re- + sponsibility. He stood, as he so often declared, for “an Im- perial navy made up of as many national fleets as the na- tions composing the Empire choose to maintain.” He would have had the Canadian fleet Canadian in the fullest sense, money or pre- sented with and with one unit on the North At- lantic and another unit on the North Pacific. And one of his definite arguments was that, no matter what = stipulations might be made, the British government, Looking for chances of relief from exces- sive taxation as all govern- ments find it advantageous to would reduce naval budgets by a sum equal to the amount of Canada’s contribu- tion,” And if it 1909 is a long ago, that the situation has changed since the Mail might consider the circular is- do, its is argued that time and then, and Empire sued on September 26, 1912, by the Imperial Maritime League, giving the authorized report of the interview in London of the league with the Canadian Min- ister of Marine. The spokes- man, L. Graham H. Horton- Smith, M. A., certainly no Lib- eral, used these words to Hon. Mr. Hazen: “A mere gift" of cash will effect at The giving of money the the of Canada will merely have the effect of saving the pocket of the Liberal government for other schemes of so-called social reform, which, being in- terpreted, means further to the United Kingdom elector- ate, and will be of no advantage whatsoever to the navy. The Liberal government here would only spend on naval defense by so much less as would coincide with the extent of the Canadian gift.” What Lord Charles ford said in 1909 is repeated in 1912 by the Imperial Mari- time League, whose president is the Rt. Hon. Lord Willoughby de Broke, the valiant leader of the Tory “Last Ditchers”: “A mere gift of cash will have no useful effect at all.” The argument may be sound or it may be unsound, but it is of English Tory have no useful all. for navy by Dominion sOps Beres- origin and is still used and endorsed by the Imperial Maritime League, which boasts high Tory leader- ship and “over 200 admirals and generals” on_its council, in flinging it as an accusation of disloyalty against Libera! journals in Canada, the Mail and Empire either is deceived or it delibeately deceives its readers.—Toronto Globe. THE DAILY NEWS MR. C. HARRISON HELPED TO DEVEVLOP NORTH AND ISLAND PIONEER OF MASSET INLET IS VISITING PRINCE RUPERT— HAS BEEN AN IMPORTANT FACTOR IN DEVEVLO?- MENT OF THE NORTHERN COUNTRY. how Mr. C. Harrison, of Masset, who has been a resident of Gra- ham Island for 27 years, is in in the city on a brief visit nection with his business as mag large sums had he cared to them, One ever, he gave to Harvard univer- sity, but not before the Cana- authorities had refused its pose of relie, in con- dian istrate. He is very optimistic as| acceptance, to the future of Graham Island This was a huge carved spread and especially Masset, which he|eagle, once the figurehead of an renenhbers as but an Indian vl-| American ship, which was cap lage tured and broken up by the In- Mr. | airison has bees an i:.-|dians. The lives of the screw portant factor in the bie cling uppman, Chief Edenshaw, whose son of th island and has t! eotire| were saved by that remarkable contidcnee of not ony the se'-[}the present chief, Henry Eden theres Put of the India«: in. | shaw, is so well known and so deed, so great trust was placed| prominently identified with the in his hover aml jetegrity by the| development of the wonderful natives that some vears ago they} resources of Graham island adopted him into the Eagle The eagle came into Mr. Har- tribe. His experiences and the|rison’s possession and he offer. stories he has to relate of thehed it to the museum authorities early settlemnt of eth north arejat Ottawa, but they would not wonderful and perticularly in-| pay the freight on it teresting. Having mastered the Several American college stu- Haida language he has heard | dents holidaying at Masset saw and can recount the wonderful| and coveted for their several col legends of that remarkable race.| lege museums the relic. Finally Recently Mr. Harrison completed| Mr. Harrison, seeing their anxi- a series of articles on the build-|ety, offered it as a prize for a ing of Graham Island and they/half mile awimming race. are now appearing in the Queen Harvard won the race by a Charlotte Islander. narrow margin and the delight- Mr. Harrison's lovely new/ed stydent packed the wooden house, jujsjtj jcompleted, is fill-| bird in cotton and shipped — it ed with curios and articles of|east where it now adorns the great value on account of their| walls of the museum historical association. Several Mr. Harrison is a most genial man and has neve self to use times has he presented the Do- minion and British Columbian his every endeavor in museums with for aiding in the development of the which he could received country. PROPOSE PATROL JOHNSON’S DAYS OF THE ATLANTIC AS CHAMP OVER iceberg Ship to Travel in Track No Promoter Will Stage Man Who of Liners and Give Warn- Says He “Can Get Any spared him- specimens have ing of Ice. White Woman.” London, Oct. 314.—A permanent} San Francisco, Oct. 30.——The iceberg lookout ship in mid-/fighting days of Jack Johnson Atlantic is suggested by the Brit. |}the black heavyweight champion i ish Board of Trade as a sequeljof the world, probably are over | ‘ i the report of Lord Mersey on) Disgusted by the tlaunting bods | the Titanic disaster por the negro that ill «white At present the plan is being |'women seem to ‘fall’ for him, and considered by the advisory com-|that he could win any of them, mittee of the Board of Trade. If|Johnson is barred today by lead the proposals are carried out, the |'"* fight promoters from appear jing in any of the veasel will be stationed in the |ithe world, with the possible ex track of Atlantic travel and she|eeption of Paris. will cruise along the boundaries The debarment of Johnson as of the ice region. She will then|a fighting attraction was led by Hugh D. MelIntosh, the Australian be in a position to warn the hur- promoter. He had virtually com rying liners by her powerful | . ste arré re > 8 the wireless equipment of the exact pleted arrangement with th position of the various ice fields. |"¢8"? for two fights at Sydney ni which would have netted Johnson The proposed ship will also se nits SO0,000, warning of drifting icebergs and }something any derelicts which she may on. | Word of the aitemnd abduction fe counter |Lucille Cameron and the negro’s According to }boast reached th Australian me the advisory committee, the most | Popolis. suitable iceberg ship would be | Cancel of about 2,000 tons displacement, | Johnson, like when reports made to all negotiations with was the gist of a cable 250 feet long and 32 feet broad, ; MeIntosh sent his American with a draft of 12 feet 6 inches representative, W. C. J. Kelly She would have a speed of 10| “Australians will not stand for knots and consume about twelve |® '#@) of this negro’s calibre ap- | ar r are.’ T . +RRt , tons of coal every twenty-four | pearing here, se ~ age hours. Her wireless telegraph j geet every place on the globe to s xe Par equipment would be of the most Johnsen except Paris, powerful type and widest range. Tear The Board of Trade etaidel Weather Report for October. express the belief that the sta-| During the month of October tioning of such a ship in mid-|the mean temperature was 48; ocean would add immeasurably | precipitation, 12.414 inches; high- to the safety of ocean traveling. |est temperature, 67, on the 14th, and lowest the 19th. temperature, 29%, The report this morn. ing was: Barometer, 29.972: maximum temperature, 49; min- imum temperature, 44; precipita ee on Boy or Young Man Wanted. Good pay, good opportunity to learn business and rapid promo- tion to the right lad. H. 8, Wal- lace & Co., Ltd. 254tf tion, .38 inch. SS SLD0P-NOW THAT YOU ARE SPORTING— \S THIS THA SPORTY EDITOR ? fieht centres of} M AWHITE HOPE | (Go RIGHT IN THA MY NAME is CYCLONE SIMP An) TL THOUGHT MAYBE “OUR PAPER COouL GET ME A ot FOR AFIGHT! Lester W. David Co, Lt. LUMBER First Ave. and McBride St. Box 865 | | PHONE 25 | Prince Rupert, B.C. | oD Prince Rupert Lodge, LO.OF. No. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. A. #. ALLISON, N. G. W. G. BARRIE, Sec. | SONS OF NORWAY Meets every Thursday at 7 p. I., at 319 3rd Ave. All Norwegians are welcome. ‘Valhalla’ of S.H. & E.F. (SCANDINANIAN SOCIETY) Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8| p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. Silversides Bros. The up-to-date House Decora-| tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties “We always deliver the goods.” 2nd Street Phone 156 Green Little’s NEWS Agency CIGARS TOBACCOS FRUITS 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Island Ciub 1: Newspaperr STUART & STEWART Accountants 309 2nd Avenue Phone 280 Auditors for the City of Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | Alex. M. Manson, B. A. W. E. Williams, 8. A. LL. B WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Heigerson Biock Prince Rupert, 8B. C. ALFRED CAKSS, Cc. of British Columbia and Manitoba Bars. Vv. BENNETT, B.A. of B.C., Ontario, Sas katchewan and A! Bars. CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NoTaries, Etc. Office— Albert Block, Seeond Avenue. P.O. BOX 2 PRINCE RUPER’! JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOKON, BSQ., A.R.A.M., 1ON., BNO HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS Funeral Directors 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 36 E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embaimer CHARGES KEASONABLE Phone NIGHT 2nd &t., cor. 2nd Ave. OPEN DAY AND ee a Friday, November 4 PTY ci a 8.5. PRINCE RUPERT vert leaves for Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle FRIDAYS, 9 A.M. “PRINCE JOHN” i Port Simpson, Granby Bay, Stewart, Naas, 11 ith and t8th For Masset and Naden Harbor, 12 p. n Vov, at nd. t For Skidegate, Aliford Bay and other Queen Charlotte teland Nov, 10th, 24th, Dee, 8th, gend @. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER service No. 2 leaves Prince Rupert 10 a. m. Wednesday ang Grand Trunk Railway System (The Double Track Route) Nine month excursion rates in effect Choice of routes ¢t Chica with the excursions and fast trains of the Grand Trunk fa Agency for all Atlantic Steamehip Lines. Fo: all infermation apply to A. ©. MOMASTER, Feneral Agent. Cen: eet B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAFETY SPEED SERVICE PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX FAMOUS —— ULE PaaS PACIFIC LINE RAILWAY S. S. Princess Sophia SOUTHBOUND Saturday, Nov. 2, 9 a.m. ( 4. @. MYNAB, General Agent runes and operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway or are equal to any hotel on the coast. Is made comfortable, safe and fast by using the Best Route Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day The Great Northern Ry. Offers the choice of routes G. A. Sweet, Manager. through a well settled country. | 3 DAILY TRAINS | From Seattle or Vaneouver to|> Chicago and all points east } “Camosun” - Saturdays at 10 p.m. J. H. ROGERS, Agent the American and European plar Excellently furnished with | | steam heat, electric light, and al) rl modern conveniences, being abso p | lutely first-class in every respect | } The appointmente and service Rogers’ Steamship SAVOY Hotel Agency PHONE 116 Cor, Fraser and th. RUPERT'S PALACE OF Choice Wines and Cigare COMFORT UNION 5.5. COMPANY OF B.C. Ltd. THE IROQUOIS POOL > ”? | Inglish and America liards . Chelohsin es . ‘ wo AVE. —AND — “Camosun ” Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver as follows: ‘Chelohsin” -- Wednesdays at 10 p.m. The new steel Passenger Steamers as ————} me i Empress Bowling Alleys | AND POOL ROOM 4 ALLEYS 12 TABLES Best Fitted and Most Luxurions on the Coast H. E. ROSS, Prop. Srd Ave. | nee SSSA Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening and Monday morning, respectively | None safer on the coast than these two fine passenger steamers New Wellington Coal. Phone 116 eas Phone 116 LINDSAY'S “’Storace™ G. T. P. Transfer Agents PRINCE RUPERT FEED (0 Dealers in HAY, GRAIN FEED AN SEEDS Orders promptly filled Prices reasonable. OFFICE —H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone ® L. A. Barbeau Cartage, Coal and Storage Reliable Messenger Service Agents for the International Stock fi 735 3rd Ave.| wai overs PRomPrLy ATTENDED T eee, The City Ed. Knows a Good White Hope When He Sees One —Drawn for The Dally News by “Hop” HE LIKES You ~ T NEXT DOOR THERE MARKED CITY EDITOR, CYCQWNE, AND SHOW HIM HOW MOU CAN FIGHT- IF \e You WANT To | WMow WHAT HE THINKS OF MY Fie@urin’ You HAD