i, 1912. November THE DAILY NEWS 3 priday - Me 7 ——— = =—_ » vr - — - — ee ee Ai — —— a - > — ; ‘CHASE NOTICE LAND LEASK NG 2 : prertn | : | LAND PUR : Piel LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, it ee ae i ~~ me ‘ | Skee na Land District District eS at eee ITEMS OF. ‘ee ~~ eee Land pistrict District of | — Range \ ' . , i Land Distriet—District of Coast, ayeena 1". Range Four . ake notice that Michael w han@we IV vice wnat |, Fred ao" Pd Porcher island patior fereaae nd rake not that William J, Mogridge, axe notie ypation farmer, ; D-| tends to apply for perm oF - wr Van ‘ h. &., oeeupation broker, in is huper® permission to pure hase} following deseribed and mn wit Is to apply for permission to purchase ond 00 SPP ' ped lands com Commencing at a ' unted following deseribed lands Ee Oe Or ven’ following : planted three miles) west end of Gurd isiana tt ne rin e at @ post planted on the . wing at 8 Pon of End Mi, Banks) east of Lot 179 and, about two miles! foreshore, shout, # miles” aisiamt 10 8 bustiahd edled two trvoute fo gens, one, » 40 cheing, aa | = Kitkatlah Inlet, they “ eneten deat northwesterl lirection from Rumecion | Norton and Cunningham Nop.| When Snodgrass Missed Engie’s = — SSS ee sient then e nor : , vence 40 chain th ¢ ” ine : niet, and at ' 10 feet south of a sma : ‘ = aE eat 00a ohn 0 potas of ire | named, {hence along the | sh ire tite ta] Bay, thence east 30 chains, thence north | ti «a first sacker who has been Fly He Lost $29,000 for General Merchandise ° ‘ Largest Stock thence ue sintne , mmencement Mtainine 39% ha ence west 30 chains more or) th Stockto ih { , His Club. mencetl acres more or less, the purpose fi hore, thence southerly follow-/ With toc noi it ilifornia anes . - reine ati plese FRED DAWSON the lease is required lo ( warry’ fa : ig the foreshore to point of commence: | aiaie League Cunningham is an - ee eee v7 ae Aue i, 1018 rock : y Mme) ment aining 90 a¢res more or less I 4 | 7 1" ‘ petee vug. 19, 1009 : MICHAEL McPADDEN WILLIAM J. MOORIDGE linflelder hailing from Oakland The 829,000 error rhat's pul ated Sept. 3rd 919 bated tober th, 1012 fate ’ . Pub sept 14, esony Pub, Oct , 104% (The Beavers were after Brooks,| what Snodgrass’ muff of Clyde owest rices in ort ern ° ° " ' ’ ic "he inst « ‘ geen Land D strict —_Distries of Skeena Land District—pistrict of Const the Victoria tir baseman, to Engle's flv in the tenth inning of as Hane" sabelle Smith El : Range V Skeena Land District—Distriet of Coast,| finish the season, bul he was not | tute oul rake Hol ee. vecupation married | > ake notice that George RN aden. of Range IV ble the final world’s series game wil +e t | P for permission to Prince Rupert, occupation broker, intends rake notice that Richard J, Grant, of | Available, j | ~~} ~—-4-~-o-~ gn, int ee lescribed lands | Pe epply, for permission ease the fol.| *™ ' B. wcupation bookkeeper, | sai be ealled tt will rank vith wo 7 wit a. | (OWine described land nd 4 | fo ” asic to Dp | } Vast pos four miles . pi r permission pur . ‘ : — paryencing at & post wet End Hill lr aoe ne at & post planted about] “He the following deseribed lands | Jack Killilay has a lead as the }Schmidt’s passed ball! Chicago — - — Ped i " —_ "| four distant in , he ; mite i 4 he 1 oat 80 chains, 4 1 tion f ' ~ at @ post planted on th . . -_ ‘ . paoks 7 ns nent north 40 one & Cove, thence east & hati thenes ! 1 & small bay about one hair |‘ oasts winning pitcher that notin 1907, and Mathews: s failure pence ¢8 . so chains, thence) aire ite — thence west 80 chains to| "!l a one a to ee so other twirler will be able to touch, fy, pass Baker in 1011 It was 4, then e west 40 chains t " sence horth § hains 1 , rth 40 chains, thence east 6 ‘ ; oo 4 al pang BB 440 | Point of commencement ntain ae 64 un het south 60 chains, thence {Or in faet, coming within hail. more costly than Merkle's f 7 a ' mt " acres) more ess esh thence following the} distance K . promises " e ¢ i . ~ i ‘ Pres, more oF SMITH ELLIS JEORGE R. NADEN westerly to point of commence: | '!'# to h see ° tone Dated Per Daniel Lyons, Agent we ntaining 240 acres more or less.) {4 finish with @ percentage con touch second. ‘ wd Aue To ated September 19th, i9t9 KICHARD J, GRANT | ; i 4 Dated { 12 } vi fT ‘ ‘tle } a0 ‘ Snodgrass error deeided he i Pub. Sept. 98 ) siderably better tha } Wal yh. Aus I 28, 1912 Wi im J. Mogridge Agent Sd gal tae ‘ae ter Leverenz ,the I Angeles|aame in favor of Boston after the _ — ————— = = Distriet of Coast saat . pte ant r * ‘oad i | j ’ southpaw, is an easy second, andi Giants had apparent acored ¢ ena 18 oa | 80 ’ Hiants had appare cored alg THE GUARANTEE OF THE FIRM 16 BEHIND eee’ Charles H. Ziegler, CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT. Skeena Land District—District of Coast] Klawitter, of Portland running lyjetory, Engle went | second |i | IT—THE GUARANTEE OF THE FIRM Tee ee Engle — oe Notice—Buffalo Miueral Claims, situate Range V | third ' 2 inom , 1} hig > ff Lond for pe ssio Skee ; ’ ' ‘ass dropper . r ; co wah + ig Po! k one Mining Division of Cassiar Take notice that Vernon F. G. Gamble, | when noe e PI ! igh WHICH ALWAYS KEEPS ITS WORD pase the ‘tg post planted at thelin the said mini soceted Near Granby,| of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation broker ' skier. The next man, Hooper : We offer to everyone the opportunity to ma g 4 s | ‘ thense ports | 4 . m ning division and adjoining | intends to apply for permission to pur Joht McGraw has his foot od | . theas « 0 chain, thones | tee ne the Granby Consolidated| chase the following described lands John MeGre as | i OOLblined to eentre, Yerkes walked,|@ | purchase the watch which will best suit port y 0 ¢ ? Smeltir a i | : a V : oe ak aan oe Peeaees melting and Power Company Commencing at a post planted at the) dawn on further newspaper work Speaker's single scored Engle and | 9 their requirements. There is an honesty tt ha » s corner of L, 4419, thence north 46 ‘ Ty . ‘ wut! 7 y ninet : ’ oo ‘ wy afert ' : n the workmanship and erials used in nt of count met eee eats winer " rif a i) - 8 J. Lee, Free} chains, thence west 20° chains, thence| Dy the Giants. hey irted in bLewis walked Gardner's sari- the construction of the BIRKS ute Eee : s more i 1 Ps at 20756, intend, sixty} south 40 chains, thence east 20 chains to } her 1 tt | » . , yo) a ; HENRY ZIEGLER days from the date hereof ; ye to show one anothe Pp With very biiee fly brought in Hoops ments which guarantees their durability -_ ‘ exander Noble, Agent, Mining Ree aeter ti > . Ce eune p 7 = point of commencement, containing 80), . p | The player aiid bro : way | as well as their accuracy as timekeepers. b, 1912 provements, for the purpose of obtaining| "VERNON F. 0. GAMBLE bad results. se players were Snodgrass failure to hold Write for our Ilustrated catalogue g. 1 ' obtainin 4 . . 1912 Crown Grants of the above claims PrP. M “Mille asent.| Panned for some of their mis-| Engle's fly took $29,514.44 out of wan ae ee oe > Steet And further take notice that action Duted Sev’ bth, 1042 ’ ; ec Seek few ame E | watches, and from which you may select under Section *5, must be commenced Pub. Sept. 14.” akes in 1¢ a W games New York's pocket and presented as satisfactorily as though you stood be fore our counters in the city. ict—District of Cassiar.| before the issue of such Certificate of eibitietth . . . “ "nen lier Besner, of Prince| Unprovements Skee : a , — the sum to the Red Sox he pation hotel ae, in Dated this 30th day of July, A. D. 1019 = ie ig br — of Coast,| Jimmie MeAleer ridicules the} money represented the difference | Ti. Bi 5 S / . . ermission to purchase JAMES J : j . ois . iin in the camel ee eee v Dy iis Aneat Fe 2 caleeton “i Take notice that I, Napoleon Roy, of/rumors of frietior 1 th NP thetween the winner's and loser’s enry ur 'S ons, imite s post planted on the Pub. Aug. 1%, 1912 allace Idaho occupation mill man, iD-| .¢ the Red Sox after Monday's anil bay, Observatory Inlet, egnd ip epoly fer germueeep 0 perenann JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS f mile south of tndian|~— , the a wing de ae : plant 5 eens gee He says the story origin The error actually cost over hains 60 nce § Commencing at @ pos anted abou | A ; 8 Maclean notte, ‘thence CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. » south from the mouth of the Shames|ated from the fact that Joe Wood|go9 900 that we know of, but Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director nt of commencement, Notice--Cayuse Mineral Claims, situate ~ ut ae ob See, foun oe and Buck O'Brien tried | ease lihink of the many thousands of VANCOUVER o B.C. es more or less, in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar yank Oo ) 1a ‘ 1 aaa OLIER BESNER District Where located Near Granby in chains, thence east 80 chains, the feelings of thei: eam mates speculative dollars that were lost . ist, 1012 the said mining division and adjoining the| “#eoce north 80 chains, thence west 80 with 1 fake wrestling match are ' ; hecs Dated fy eg, 1912 property of the Granby Cons lated Min-| ©24ths to post of commencement, contain- | ‘ ‘ . when Snodgrass hands yecame pub. Aug. 12, ing, Smelting and Power Company, Lim-|'®@ ©4 &«res more or anni LEON ROY iThere were no hard feelings nervous At least 100.000 was ited i : LEC 3 F wena Land District—District of Coast, Take notice that I, James J. Lee, Free tg era —_ | “ . wagered on New York, and pos-|.« — — ——— — Range V Miner's Certificate No. 2978B, intend, UD. Sept. 28, | Who wi ve the hero of the — ‘s . s vce that Henty Burbank, of sixty days from the date hereof, to apply sae = I : > ) > dag tier Lank to post of commenc: | \aiins 4 ciher take notice’ that setion,| 6 Quinainaas River, ihence north 80 post of said lot, being all the foreshore in 7 he Best ment, conta « 40 acres more or less ; ' Sect at must be commenced| °bains, thence east 80 chains, thence front 6 ren vy ay : , Re & Omes Warkel /. A Pake, northwest corner inder jon : a 4 om “| south 8 thence west 80 chains to tered in Prince Rupert Registry ) efore the issue of suct rtifeate of Im chains, ‘= ; 7 J. R. PARE : _— ee point of commencement, containing 640 nder plan 1007 xs e Peed Aug. Dist, 1912 provements ‘ » | acres, more or jess. Do P, bl li Pub Sep. 16, 1949 Dated this 30th day of July, A. D. 1912. : ETHEL M. THOMPSON OF OLD LAND Dated October 15th, 1912 rocul a 2. Absolute Y pure ties ! en Pub. Aue 1, 1012 ais : . ta ee Crew, Agent Pub. Oct, 21, 1912 tiem lant District District of Coast ies oa ' . - — _——_— Range i — " — iC 2 r a 5 " Tue wile that Allan Sim, of Prince CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. re (fe) wie fo) (2) fe) fo) MMA wea waa eee Sea fal) a i a ry | hapert, jon bridgeman, intends | Notice—-Kaien Minerel Claim, situate Skeena Land District—District of Coast, | don, O ) The follow. a) wl) ter ssion purchase the fol-| Skeena Miuag Division of Cassiar Dis Range V : ; . . ties sooo st planted at the} ‘ict. Where located Near Granby, | fake notice that Mrs. L. C, Putnam, of} ing are the couns © eague ane ewe ; 1160 4 = a ked the sai mining division and adjoining| st. Paul, Minnesota, occupation married) , ba games played this after | a a — then _ a sy} the property of the Granby Consolidated| woman, intends to apply for permission to | am 4 t went er, oe nore or | Minine smelting and Power Company,| p mase the following described lands al ee od ee ne gg Commencing #t @ post planted about 80 . a4 bak of Limogotis River, - ; Take notice that I, Sam McCague, edmin-| chains west from the southwest corner of First Division. , Wong dank ve h @ Southerly oon |istrator of the estate of James McCaguc surveyed iT l 1945 on the bank of re punt Rovers 6 Bolton | fel] won 4 uns m™ a r less to the north! pce Miner's Certificate Ne 2079B, intend,| skeena River thence south 80 chains siackbu . A = r less 1 a at pd 4 ten. sixty djs ‘rom the date hereof, to apply! thence west 80 chains, thence north 80) \Wanderers 0 | 2 ou re on e nc j enbtadnir 1 Pale Commencement.) ro the Mining Recorder for # Certificate of| chains more or less to bank of Skeena , W ih A | Fi iaing 80 acres more or less mprovements, for the purpose of obtain-| River, thence in an easterly direction along sradford City 4 oolwieh Ar-} [i Ts ie ocg LAN SIM ne a Crown Grant of the apove claim bank of river 80 chains more or le8$ t0| c,;)4) 4 | fal oy ugus 1, 1912 And further take notice that action post f commencement, containing 640 : ; | cep. 19, 1912 minder Section 85, must be commenced be-| acres more or less Derby County 4, Liverpool 2. a YOU h P bli h ° d O 4 me lente of such Certificate of Im MRS. L. C. PUTNAM Everton 0, Neweastle United 6 | = —t e u 1¢c—are t e ju ge. n your Rem La i t—Distriet of Coast PPOVeTNSS SS . e George RK. Putnam, Agent 7 F i in Dated this 30th day of July, A. D. 1912 éth, 1912 i Manchester City 2, Chelsea 0 n Kange V SA MCAGUE Dated August 16 by } i I I ~» é WwW Bite, on, O6eel ioe "span wer, | By His Agent, F. J. Coleman PU, Sept. ¢7, 1998 | Middlesborough 3, Manchester 2 g opinion an your g or epen e 1 ashing ccupation spinster . . “4 ‘ - Pub. Aug. 12, 1012 daa ae fe h d d ] F } ah ithe Ghee 1 | United 2 success of the advertised article. or no amount = omg a at on a | - Skeena Land District —District of Coast,! Sheflield Wednesday 1, Shef-| a) °° ° ° ° - gal a pos lan tec I i , ei inlay" Lon sit. ange “2. WATER nOTIOS. rae notice soar Witte Vuhsuiem, of! fleld United 0 a of advertising will induce you to buy a second time ro et ganeties a | Water prince Rupert, B. C., occupation restaurant ; : e 7. ° ew pplication to purchase),| or @ License to Take and oe Toe ul intend to apply for permission tw Sunderland 4, Notts County ( d h d | k N d ll being al hains west of] Notice is hereby given that The Britis purchase the following described lands Pottenham Hotspur 3, Aston Ww at you oO not 1Ke. oa vertising wl offset as f this lot, thence|Columbia Packers Ass elation of i - Commencing at @ post planted about 70 ' . ‘ , west to east bank couver, B. ¢ will apply for @ ilcense ch $ distant and in @ southerly direction ila 3 h bad ff f d fi d b - ' southerly follow-|take and use’ one hundred miner's inches | chains distant and th a soulty eee and = the effect of a dissatisne uyer. Tow bank of Hocsall River to the]jof water out of Cunningham Lake a be as ‘on the south side of the Skeens West Bromwich Albion 6, Old. fp : p irtbwest cort f Lot 5151, thence fol-| water will be diverted at Cunningham) ) ie) thence south 80 chains, thence west/hanm Athletic 3 ; 1 Wing ‘ this jot to point!Lake and will be used for canning, ae chaina themes morth 60 cheina, thenee|. wOSy 5 Ss must an Ce) maintain 4 nlaining 40 acres pee ane enema e pore ; * = land aan aa So S oat F ecmmmaloumalan Second Division. sr at As WwW y a vertiser described as the no ' ssin ae ing ¢ “res more or less HA ANN KRUTZ This notice was posted on the ground | CObtMinIng O40 acres MANY Oh CH Barnst 3, Wolverhampton the quality of their goods. Date lobe 1, 1012 on the 28th day of September, 1912. Th Dated August 24th, 1912 iste ane fe = iy application will be filed in the oMce of the Pub, Sept. 28, 1912 ‘ Water Recorder at potmse Rupert... ; : Birmingham 0, Glossop 0. al] Objections may be fled with the sak , at Rem Land District—District of Coast troller Black poo Bradford aban-| ff : : 1 Distric et of Coast,| Water Recorder or with the Comptr ames ania i —_ ack| » . Range V oT Water Rights, Parliament Bulldings,|S&eens Land District—District of Coast,) | |g = Advertisers realize that to turn No manufacturer can afford to Soy o's l, Peter stacey, of | Victorla, B 13H LUMBIA PACKER i, K f pri B r | City 1, Clapton Brient e their outlay for advertising into advertise for long an inferior article. Mince Rupert, occupa aia’ THE BRITISH COLUMB f 8 rake notice that 1, Horace Roy, of Prince fristol Ci . Clapto ent, . : . s Be by apply rex upation carpenter, | ip ASSOCIATION Rupert, “B,C. occupation gentieman, in-| 4 a profit they must give good value. From the moment the advertising B tilowing dercheny ston o pure ‘ M. M, English, AgeDt./teng w apply for pores a to purchase} !. : : 2) begins, the quality must either be mubencing ai & post planted about the following described lands: — Bury 2, Stockport County 0, i f one- : a BRiks south trom Graveyard Point tele Commencing at @ post plauied abous 3) TY =» Ni0CN hn ena omse 4 _ They are not looking for kept uniform or improved—to go Fe sation ind being on the south side WATER LICENSE. miles southwest ve rt fy "1 . miles — to : . 7) time sales. First sales, In most back means ruin. ‘ me Kiver, thence south 80 chains, - aa? pn > bee f Ske ene nives and Grimsby Town 0, Preston ce cases would not pay for the adver st 80 chains, thence north 80 A tg ae aia : ; é ’ \ ” « . : any, wat 0 .chAIDE 40 Boek Of) os scenes to Tene ane Wee Water. |purchase, thence south 60 chains, thence) \OrIR End 0. Hull ; tising. The day of pickle when you ook leh, containing 640 acres more| For @ License to Ta TL ey ce Meuce ‘north 80° chains,| Huddersfield Town 5, Hull] f I i west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains,| i ic or a pint oO pic es. ou name , 3 lee is hereby given that G. A. T.! thence east 80 chains to post of commence- | (»\, > ; : Bed August dun, A9td EY” | sawie, of Prince Rupert, will apply for 4! ment, comtaiming 640 acres more or less.| °' i iin. 5. mien ec To be successful, they must make the brand. Mw. Sept. 28, 1919 license to take and use ten (10) inches of ORACE Ré ottingham Fores . Lines 2 d t . a <7 2 912 stea , s , ater out of a nnamed creek whit Dated August 24th, 1912 s rad cust omers » quality don’t ens flows in an easterly direction through Lot| Pub, Sept. 28, 1012 Vee Oe fa being put im to bold the trade that You ask for Rolled Oats. land District—District of Coest.| sot ann Gopties into Goose Bay near south Leeds Gity 4, Burnley 4. = ” You name the brand you prefer. Ta Range V end of said lot. The water will be di Qonttiee A . fe) advertising produces, 4 layer notice that John Merritt, of Prince| verted at a point about 00 feet from!skeena Land District-—District of Coast,| uther eague. ; fal] The unkno icle be on to cupau 8 constable, intends toj mouth and will be used for domestic pur Range V. Queens Park Rangers 2, Swin- (2) p wn arti may > Pee described ye, Burchase the fol-| poses on the land described as Granby PAY) 14.) voce that 1, Henry Smith, Of) i) Pown 0 @ Thus, to be sure of quality, one good, but you are not so sure of it s ed lands o sit — = ’ ond dow 0 ! " , : . mer ening at 4 post planted on the : This i tice Was posted on the creme : coed rn “caalet for sires to Brentford 0, Bristol Rovers 1 @ naturally turns to 8 ° that are as you are of the advertised article, of the Quins , ‘of Octoper, 1912 re | roade ‘ 0 mM: 0 : ae (C , . + ; ° Bits cast or “indian” shacks’ thenes | Stpitetinatwill'be tied in the omee of the |Durchase the following deseribed inde: || Citingham 0, Exeter City 4 a advertised. And isn’t it only rea- which bears the seal of quality, 40 chains, thence eas . » eopder at Prince Rupert Commencing at 4 post planted about 70 ‘ » & alt) . J} fre P tere south L— geet 66 ceains, Wihtony onder at Pr nce wih the saidl< tains south sree Seeverers. rt tele Northampton 4, Portsmouth 2 al sonable? a well known maker’s trade name. Ae 160 gett Of commencement, contain-| Water Keeorder or with the Comptroller) 6PaPy ONAN. ols vier, thence south 80 Plymouth Argyle 0, Watford 0 ) acres more or less t Water Rights, Parliament Bulldings,| Of the echa ' ‘ el} JOHN MERRITT, Loe o pater 5 ; chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north Southampton 0, Coventry City 0. = A. G. Fallown id, ator, Vietoria, B. | E s0 chains, thence west 80 Chains to post ; amy »G ) fel puuea September dnd, 1919" Agent. a KR. T, SAWLI of commencement, containing 640 acres) Sioke 0, Millwall Athletie 2. = Se > ’ . , : y vi2 0: mn ess | fe wm OF, i008 “et eal on oS HENRY SMITH, | Reading 1, Brighton and Hove} TO MANUFACTURERS Meena ™ Dated August 24th, 1912 ‘inna fel 40d District-—Distries : " — . TICKS Pub, Sept. 28, 1012. | P , Range \ of Coast.) LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. 7 | me eee You who make good goods and do not advertise—show your con- he hotice aii . Selkirk yy, M8! Thomas Partington, of —_ Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast,) Town 4. ] ; ply fe we, ‘cupation clerk, intends to|Skeena Land District—-District of Coast Range V | Norwich Gity 2 Weet. Ham 5 fidence in your product. WING des ried Noh, to purchase the fol Range V Take notice that J, Mike Vidak, of |, ae ~* i if Advertise my ittbene sy notice that 1, Albert Lopas, Of) prince Rupert, B. C., occupation restaurant) | Itller all : Mind coe nk. *t 4 Dost planted on an} primes’ Rupert, Br ¢., eccupation pros: (fin *atehd to apply for permission Rugby. c Let the public know that you stand back of your goods to Were ai Mouth ea terly from Indian re pector, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands; fel} : . th . as li wt 49 chains 1, yeas River, thence purchase the following described lands commencing at @ post planted about.?} South Africans 12, Londen 8.] & maintain eir high qua ity. don talas ollow ng river "boees west Commencing at & post planted about + miles south from Greveyard vols? or Blackheath & London oot fel (i 49 chains 1, er Dank, thence | ¢ f Graveyard Point telegraph Laon omice and being on the south side HACKNEE ' ‘ § - = ‘ . : : Be host oiats: thence east 40. éhains 10| omee and. being Berean th side of the | ETaPh Ollhce ond hiver, thence south 60l (inh 42 @ Make your trade name the recognized standard in your line. ( " thore oy — ement, containing 160 Skeena River, thence south 40 chains ha thence east 80 chains, thence north) : ) : ° 1 THOMAS pany ithence east 40 chains, thence porth 40 . hains, thence West 80 chains to post Kichmond 0, Oxford 28, fe) Yatea AO. 9 sllownela. hee t chains, thence west 40 chains 10 post mnencement, containing 640 acres London Welsh 0, Old Merchant] f@ ( ne September o 0 » Agen o si » ining 160 acres mir I less , : . a. Pub sept mt f ena ‘ie jor'esa containing " I MIKE VIDAK. } Pavlors 33. . , ALBERT LOPAS Dated August 94th, 1042 Saba ae! ‘ ak ‘ ‘ arlequins 8&8, Cambridge 21 7 Steeng | Dated August 24th, 1012 Pub. Sept, 28, 1042 : fe . “ . a ( Land Districs District of Coast | Pub, Sept, 28, 1012 teieester 26, Lianelly 3, ral Advice regarding our advertising problems ws available ; Hange . . . +s : Ss matte,’ oh denis Cardiff 6, Gloucester 4, through any advertising agency, or the Secretary — e'at Beryl 1, Gamble, of | Skeena Land Distriet-— District ae re ~ : ; R [e) D epmty S:.°CCUDStion aptmeted, 12 Range V LIQUOR ACT, 1010, swansea 4, Newport 0, = of the Canadian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden 1 sf Missio , . . < 5 ) . . . . ° . | BE described Inne. > DUreneee| » ame poties, that |, Themempation pi County Championship. C uilding. Enquiry involves no obligation on your = tt. *, Be planted at ihe! peetor, intend to apply for permission | ection 41.) Cheshire 9, Northumberland 3.| @ part so write, if interested. cant >’ “hence south 40| purchase the following deseribed lands Scottish L ue ; { chains more or| Commencing at @ post planted on th hereby given that on the first eague. ‘ che ber Limit No. 645,! south bank of the Skeena Hiver and about)’ mber next application will be Aberdeen 2, Palkirk 2. © loos thence west 20/2 miles southeast of the mouth of Shames| 04 superintendent of Provineial 2 Containing point of eom-| River, thence south 80 chains, thence west | wal of the hotel license to Hamilton Academieals 4, Air 7 *Y acres more or| 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence retail tn the hotel known me , ‘ BERYL 1. @ east 80 chains to post of commencement! vr ey nyon Hotel, situate at kit jd onians 3, Das AMBLE | eontaining 640 acres more or less ' vince of British Columbia, mo ee - . ; eens - = sen eeen aaa td Se, \ MM . . ) ‘ } - i Wind fal lteay SI {heal fro ir = MT rr fate Fi ro j =) ra} ' vt. ba ; iller, Agent THOMAS A, KOY th day of October, 1042 ie) fe) Ter S ffx" Ta) Wii | Fro) (TS Ta ia MO Bop. yg. 1018 | Dated August 26th, 1919 De ;) W'pATERSON, Applicant, | Best room in town at the Savoy, VO WH AMA UE PY eT Pub, Sept, 28, 1012 i