————————————————————— AT THE REXALL STORES THIS WEEK Rexall “93” Hair Tonic---The Guaranteed Kind C. H. ORME The PIONEER DRUGGIST A Drop in Neckwear Fancy Collars Dutch Collars Collar and Cuff Sets Jabots Cuffs Bows Your choice of any of this up-to-the-minute neck wear in our Fifth Street window for 25c., the regular value of which ranges to T5e. WILL J. HUGHES Fifth Street Phone 443 LOTS - WANTED fam in the market to b some real estate in Prince Ruper Those having attractive propositions to offer please send particulars to J. W. McKINLEY Box 706 Prince Rupert UNDERWEAR SATISFACTION There is a lot of difference in the way Underwear fits feelx and wears Usually the satisfactory kind costs about the same as the perfectly satisfactory kind Whether you prefer the union suits or separate gar- ments, you ean find what you want here at a price you want to pay. Dr. Jaegar’s Pure Wool Stockinet Underwear will satisfy the wearer in every respect. Sloan & Company, Ltd. Exclusive Agents “The Store of Better Things” 200,000 business men are now wearing “Rego clothes The fact is significant ; it means that men recognize that “Rego” style is what they want, and that " Rego” quality and value are the right opens. “Rego” Clothiers are London's Tailors (with 23 shops in the aie Metropolis), and they offer yon! high-class tailoring at practically ready- made prices—or “REGO” NEW YORK @ American Model Lounge Suit. The cut and fashion of this superb model have been endorsed by experts as ° ‘the ane Keeton de © Ge yes. It is Gene be wontes. The a na «me is only one of the many mart styles ihustrated and bully described in our tailoring magazine wine te FOR MEN” FREE {" published) a Free of which, with full range of 1912 patterns and si _ self- measurement form, we will send you on application. “Rego” Clothiers, Montreal. $10 Made to Measure Dept. OP.O. Box AOL NM ae PLL mt “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. Phone 8600, reer Friday, N THE DAILY NEWS 7 a - = — er rm" - = - = ~ : : ] e FINAL VOYAGE e ews” ° Prince George Left This Morning with Small Passenger List on aaa or or C Mer Last Trip of Season. ” ~THERE ARP NO “DEAD ONES" HERE— G r The Prince George left this y ge Leek morning for the South with a — — 618 3rd Ave p i ; ines . small passenger tist This will| -—-—- be her last trip this s#¢ n, she TRAWLER COULD NOT For Rent LAND PURCHASE NOTICE going on to the ways for a thor- ae i meses ough overhauling before going on MAKE SKIDEGATE Skeena Land District-—District of . . xt : e . Coast Range Four the run again next yea rh RK RENT—OMce, Second Ave., next door rake notice that I, Fred Dawson, of FOR SALE Prince Rupert will take her s« hed- | . : to Rogers’ Steamship Office Apply 8! prince Rupert, occupation farmer, in in mail f the Soutt Continued from Page ! Rogers’ Ticket OMce s4st tend to apply for permission to purchase| Lot 19, Block 39 ile, arriving here from the South aoe a the following described lands:—Com $000.00; % cast, ba ae : : nade ; nest the F MCINTYRE HALL to lease for dances, etc. mencing at 4& post planted three miles Lot 23, B k S oeoeree t ; ' th j Columbia Af para Terms Gray & Son. Black 78 208tf west, one mile south of End Hill, Banks equity and 6. T. | ’ passengers of the George 1s | ‘sland, thence south 4 chains, thence . ¥ uneventful vovagce. ba Z west 4 chains, thence porth 40 chains, morning were the following :| FOR RENT-—-Furnished house. Apply DOX) thence east 40 chains to point of com H. DOUGLA M : ; ei ts tte ' 15, Daily News 233-263 ; 6 . . . 8 iss Me Millan Emma Tannutte a \ or h Xf = containing 160 acres, more 339 Third A P. wv, less ve. Tom Wynn, F. Wilson, B. Cun-|ences, the Canada ss stated PRED DAWSON (Op ’ 0. Box 606 nghe W.H jen, R. H. Sit Dated August 1, 1012 posite Post Office ningnham, owden iN- | above, tied up at the 1 at ime Wanted Pub. Aug. 13, 1912 clair H. J. Deffenbaugh, ‘ H. plant her t ph iant ere, and he ni = ————___ Larsen, H. Wood, ©. L. Land- Skeena Land District—District of 5 made he } des Coast Range Four jstrom, H. Dow, Mrs. F. O'Brien, roa : YOUNG man, married, seeks situation in Take notice that |, Isabelle Smith El | s > ; Ce ar Skidegate ery fruit and general store five is, of Prince Rupert ccupation married io oa Mrs ‘ i ; Mc “ 2 m s €xperience in the West; highest) woman, intend to apply for permission to rs Jippard, rimble, A. 1e Canada ti a quantity} references P. O. box 44¢ 255-258! purchase the following described lands C r = M ‘ mmencing at 4 post planted four miles —— James Matthews rs , f coal, over ‘ tons, at |A position by young widow as housekeeper) west and one mile south of End Hill, ‘ ae » Mrs. Captair “ulte, } w cook w lady or gentleman preferred.| Banks Isiand, thence south 80 chains, H Handa yde, Mr apta I Unio ‘y, on Va ver Island,| Apply box 40, Daily News 253tr thence east 80 chains, thence north 40 Mary Wood, Mrs. Hascamp, J. A , aT chains, thence west 40 chains, thence |Waleott, J. P. Babcock, GC. P.|84 it ..aded her down to the! wayrep a giet for syperat housework | Ort 40 chaing, dnence weet 46 chaine i orner | Hickman sunwales, causing | to be al- smail family. Phone 456 2530f acres, more or less , , Hi an. ISABELLE SMITH ELLIS satiation - most unnavigable the forty | KITCHEN girl wanted at the Bayview Dated August 1, 1912 rrr Hotel 2a0ur t A 13, 1912 7 h A VE NL E | Empress House League. miles of bad wat: tween Banks Pub. AUG t 1 J The Doves came home victors I eee | . sland and Skidegwa She made S Skeena Land Dristrict—District of Coast r lin this game with the Ravens Los > F , SE( PION j : two or three al tive attempts] t and Found Range 6 l j after a very lively and exciting | Take mottos snes I, Charles H. Ziegler, ta : . . . s f London, England, occupation gentieman, match last night I). Peyton Dr. make the passage and had a intend to apply for permission to pur Ferg » 5 ne > serious . ef ne ' - hase the following described lands 2000 cast I » balance ae ¢ Evans, both of the Ravens, tied} serious time of some hours,|Lost—Gold enamel whist pin, marked cS ceusian Gls pene pieced ot tie 3 eash and the bala ver te for high score, 163 and E.jfinally deciding | make for Cleveland, ‘03." Return to G. R. T. northeast corner of lot 29, thence north years at 6 per cent i ales 6 | Prince } ; Sawie a 40 chains, thence west $0 chains, thence Waterman had high average, 136. rince Rupert ar south 30 chains, thence east 30 chains to The scores were as follows tion of her carg , point ot ‘ mminencement, containing pinety v cres more or less ° Doves ist 2nd ard Ti.i proceeding on h: way | her CHARLES HENRY ZIEGLER Sa | H & ( ‘ Emblieton 153 113 120 386 I For Sale Alexander Noble, Agent mue arrison ompany H. Landry 146 0«124 «=| 158— 408] ome port. Dated Aug. 19th, 1012 . F Loop 114 146 106— 366 A visit to t eth | Pub. Sept. 3, 1012 | Brokers and Financia! Ayents J. Emmerson 134 157 113 4o4 . ° “ 1@ « v © corms | . Ss. Shiviey 1273 139 141 403} storage plant shortiv after her| -_ b . small pe sane vite ner | Second Ave. Prince Rupert repro« door documen an cash — . oa ’ keena Land District—District of Cassiar.| Grand total 670 «869679 «66 381967) arrival by a representative of The : ge to Continental » ghee m Take botice that Olier Besner, of Prince : Ravens ist 2nd 3rd) = TH. | Daily News and an introduction} one te | ppiy fo eorminaan te porches ‘ey 5 25 b I i 0 ) saie € ne : tends app! or pe a Or 0 ure se e- fare -— 2 - séito the cheery skipper and h .| aa ae the following described lands 31 229 7 253-2 a 08 d on the . H. Fraser 11¢ 149 114 379 | erew wroved of great interest -umnTnenCLag at ap ' piante U F h E. Waterman 153 113 148— 409) 9 ! bios ; MORRIS piano, in good condition, cheag smore Of Seats bay, ybeervatory inlet, | ot OF ( ristmas.. > 3 1 iformation and gossip relative! ddreas bo 60 2 soe ul « aif mile sou o < bo oven oe toy 168 404 { i , itt . | aaa _ - " * oa heserve, thence 80 chains south, thence 20/ Have you thought of portraits as | 7 ; oO the voyage and the anner | - hains east, thence 80 chains north, thence! a solution to the gift if a 70 , 6 | . . yrand total ov 630 1930 procedure to be carried it I m SALI Good double barrelled gun,| 2! Chains west t point of commencement, dozen of y rp Of all the bowlers visiting the | English make; or will exchange for rife oteiuing 160 ecres more or less. one of our new dist ; regard to working of the trawlers| apply s., Daily News e53tf OLIER BESNER will make twelve apy Empress alleys only eleven have 4 | 7 : Dated july @ist, 1912 ach one of which is Rowied over the O06. mack ast” these waters being furnished r | Pub. Aug. 12, 1018 preciated l¢ n i bi on ‘eat with the utmost courtesy and Prmacomermsemeermacrmnsrmmsrmns emars omer | TT eis eactain 0 ten ollows unter 220, 2 ‘ . j ful Photo Calendar [ree 090: Ren Self, 242, 213: Dr, Cade [200% mature | Miscellaneous | pon Land District—Distriet of Coast, oo. 290: Ren if. 242. 2 ‘ade. | ange jive us @ cal a > on Or : , The skipper and a f his met i iciiacahiaiad | ake notice that Henry Burbank, of " 202; W. Herger, 205; H. Landry, sets Medias = ik ae 4 ' | c—omcome@ | prince Rupert ipation lumberman, The Peerless Studio 212; C. Bailey, 204; 1} Armstrong, | | avine do: ract rr Wo young gentlemen can have nice, com: | a! Tent des” land Rooms 19-21-22, Alder Block 211: W. Sherman, 200; R. Strand,|"® so ee its ; — gh A, _.8 ; mimencing at @ post planted 40 chains Cor. 3rd Ave. and 6th 6 07 4 Astoria, 222: R. Shafer jelse all their lives They ex box 50, Daily News snare. 6, south of the southeast corner of Lot 1728, e000 eee ve Ta . ; | F " K ‘ District, thence east 40 710 { Hunter is the winning of press the greatest satisfac | . » took t n ak ; then¢ ith 4 chains, thence | ve gw the ve seen! 5 t te . © hains, thence north 40 chains to} the gold prize for the most 200) me ‘ eee hey ha our ; : c | . - ms f commencement, containing 160) acores » three to eo era jand encounteres = far » the | azel tot n ao acres, more less having three to his eredit | irevel od ane nents | 2 e eee o aie HENRY BURBANK. | li E . spececanapeiiniemencnaeanigiaipinnensinangententi j . » ‘ ‘ nous te. 256 Andrew Kennedy, Agent Hub Bowling Alleys jstating their desire to make the Doted Sept. 1008, 6988 Gaso ine ngin . | On I bn rt 1 ‘ Pub, Sep In tt ; t night | Provinee their future home and|* ! mt vty fi r v 1 ihe ieakue fame as ight) = - 5 ' B i ’ : ' 7 a lestablish themselves in this w 1 a and k | Skeena Land Depemes ernst of Coast, For Sa e the vars wo three straign . la L lers ‘ me i Add \ahge from the Panthe H. Lever jderful new land, where the op P. O. box 327, city 257-261 | notice that |, J. R. Pake, of Prince Two horse r r ald © raenwiers seven sortunities are so great for ther i upation biacksmith, in cal, static nary engine Wiza hagen had high score, 178, and ' ' ogg ue it ) permission to purchase / magnet Will sell at a low price higt ; 153 . selves and the children that are he following cribed lands , | hédress box Da also high average 5: ve ‘ encing &t & post planted at the/ Kuper ‘ ht's game will be between, the|t? come after. Some of them arel Ff augnch For Sale | ssriwest corer ot ust ide tence sou ghi's game ye betwee e , ilready casting around for in- 60 chains more or less to bank of Zimogo ligers and the Lynx at 8 o'cice& Full cabin Jaunch 2x8 ft zx River, thence along th bank of river hary 1 tr ht I wer formation as to the best methods , , = - in @ northwesterly direction 30 chains sharp ast night's scores were : $ ’ : : - "0 , r s well equipped for cruising or|fsalong river bank to post of commenc pag te eB of getting their families out to 1uIpy nent, containing 40 acres more or tess.11 SMITH & MALLETT ; 4 join them. towing, 10 h. p. Palmer engine, | Marked J. KR. Pake, northwest corner | Bears ist 2nd ra Tu. Led " 7 > J. R. PAKE THIRD AVE Miles 172 122 «= 109—- 403 The two boats that hav ust | 2Pee 8 miles, with dinghy; $700] J.4 4 g. 31st, 1948 : Siieael : =. . ' © boats f ave 8 pee alec u Sist, Stear ar Watson 151 166 133— 450 } 254-4 B. Frere, Ocean Falls| bub. sept. 16, 1012 Plumbing, Heating, Stea Bryant i4i 135 143— 419) arrived, the vanguard of the fleet Sheet Meta! Work 33 sf ey m8 459 ready to follow as soon as actual Skeena Land District—District of Coast,| | omee: ard Ave. Workshop b 49 i6—- 456 Range V Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet. 7th end ath Sts i —o— -l experience has shown what the Take notice that Allan Sim, of Prince Grand total 745 750 = 602-9187 Pena am ‘ aie Rupert, occupation bridgeman, intends to} Panthers ist 2nd rd Tu [soo former are able to do, are supply for permission to purchase the fol Meighen 140 147 137 424| strongly built little vessels of lowing described lands iii a roe 27 5 a4 Commencing &t & post planted @ re paces n 138 +46 75 ioe from 190 to 120 feet long, w a eesthaelt | aan of Lot 1706, end marked PANAMA sTUDIO Vaughan 1395 147 130— 412] first rate accommodations for all Allan Sim 8. E. Corner, thence north 40 @13 3rd Ave Moxley 148 132 145 415 | chains, thence west 20 chains more of Meat store hands and are ready to. start less to bank of Zimogotiz River, thence Above Bur r t Grand total 39 94 663 ais of e 4 along bank of river in a southerly direc-| Christmas is ming and Us. 633 699, 663--1995/ right in trawling, possibly a tion 40 chains more or less to the Orth] yy. your father’s, mother’s or childre ee j week's time being taken to get|New England Fish Company Will) ne of Lot 1706 ot cast 90 chains photographs enlarged and fnished oun ieee “ more or ess to post of commence > it 3 et || the nets in readiness Locate in Rupert Before containing 80 acres more oF less. | oe Sittings for All Dists | | } ALLAN SI) © es oe PERSONALS. || Leaving Grimsby on July 12th Long—Will Station Dated August 31, 1048 Countries a inlet ie +} last, they have been four months Boats Here Pub, Sept, 19, 1042 | Mrs. Tutte. wife of > Captain {out the 12th of this month. The ——- Skeena Land District ‘District of Coast, | . ' 4 : tange | Tutte, officer in charge of the skipper, William Quin, is most Although very reticent t fake notice that Martha Ann Krutz, of , t ) » or i 7 he Washington, oct ation spinster, RTSC local branch of the Salvation anxious to get down to work and gard to the plans of his companys -_ ‘8 to “apply tae pe ate pur | H. BADE ve » net at the earlies: has the following described lands Army, was a passenger south on} ""¥* the nets out a , , n connection with Prinee Rup oe ee tne at & pest pansed Om. tan! General Machinist the Prince George this morning, | POssible opportunity, ert, Mr. R. W. Payne, represent rth boundary of Lot 8151, Range 5.) pocksmith, Chimney Sweep, Razors Hor > * nat - . ° Coast District not yet gazetted kath | Knives Sharpened, Scissors —_ Pilot J, | . Noel, an old UM@)ling the New England Fish Go een Agnew's application to purehase),| Ground, Et The Prince John arrived from| mariner of thirty years’ experi- | (id. who went south this mort the cant ae al this tot,” thence O0 Cow Ore the islands at 1 o'clock this|enee in these waters, guided the) ing on the Prince George, after a aoe ae “ane ae yr how. | o% eve ee ‘6 ack ., » ‘ne jpe > ocs liver sence souther ollo morning, long overdue, she hay-|Canada through the intricacies) short visit to the eity, eonfis ne east "bank ‘of Hocsall River ta the ing encountered extremely bad|of the inside passage, and after|oqg the announcement made some pavement carmee of he Ott me peel , P l¢ op ¢ ‘ ~grate “. iowin , pounds o s lo 0 a weather, She left again shortly| landing her at Skidegat Will re-| week's ago in the columns of the }of commencement, Containing 40 acres THE for Masset with a number of pas. |!urn to his home in Victoria On| Nows that the company would|™" ° less eh. ieee (neune Co sengers, including the party of| the first boat going south, wake their headquarters in this Besee Desens fom *Pt settlers for Sewell City. Great interest will attaeh to the ty. a ee LIMITED — —- receipt of the report of the first Within two week's time a start | skeena Land District—District of Coast, Che steamer Camosun arrived|haul made by the trawlers upon! will be made in getting ready for Range V — at 3 o'cloek this afternoon, sev-|putiing their great nets in the operations in these waters. The Take notice that I, Peter Stacey, of j , » Rupert, occupation carpenter, in ° eral hours overdue, owing to her| water , ‘ oo : era ‘ : g water, decision as to the exact location |tend to apply for permission to purchase an ou Ings | ,r Vi . * . i . . ‘ 7 the following deseribed lands: r Ie oa ~e! paper a a — of the companies wharf and Commencing at @ post plansed at ile she le shortiy atlerware buildings is not vel settled 2 miles south from Graveyar ‘olmt tele | aa: 6 | . . ’ > . = a o 8 . yes for Stewart and Granby Bay. |Red@ Chair Sign-844 3rd Ave.| ‘rw. vessels, the celestial Kin [ABE Suk iets, chase) All Kinds of Building ov? -_ . . 4 thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 4 j We buy furniture, stoves, cast.|]Pire and the Emma H., will be chains, thence east 80 chains to post of| Mr. M. RK, Jamieson, proprietor off clothing, éte lengaged in the fishine business, | commencement, containing 640 acres more | of the Northern Hotel at Stewart, GRATTON & BROCHU the catch being brought in pack.|" ™ eee peal ; left on the Camosun this after- rT joc: ed ready in ice for shipment t Dated August 24th, 1912 Firet A Phone Box 335 ; : pinent LOT pup, sept. 98, 10412 t Avenue noon for the latter place M. Vi ) ’ : : ; ancouver, and thenes to the | ‘ - ' am és ' Send Card or Phone 204 | Jamie Se been an the markets of the middle west and] sxeena Land District—District of Coast,| i Kenera lospita ere for the las _— _ _----——— —— as et 4 » Oo M a Range V | three weeks suffering f h east. It is a matter of congrat fake notice that Jobn Merritt, of Prince | ee we sulfering from a@ s@. ulation to the citizens of Prince] Rupert, occupation constants, ee » ‘re Ine as rec ‘re q fo rmission urchase the fo ficiently to return home, His ful corporation are making an]. Commencing at © poss, planted on the | ap “ia ara abis . 10 a 0 , amas oY, | num oc frie ~ are delighted initial start this winter, furnish-]20 chains east of ‘Indian shack, thence ito see hin around again, | “ ie ‘ ,fmorth 40 chains, thence east 40 chains,/ | — jing am earnest of what may be}thence south 40’ chains, thence west 40 M ou ' leonfidently looked forward to as chains to post of commencement, contain: | Mra. © ' s . io uf } ing 160 acres more or less | . . o p t jandasyde Jv, left | ithe real beginning of a branch of JOHN MERRITT, Locator Lot Block 1 . . ‘oe Cle re ts . | 0 sul On the Mring jeorge this morn. j innchuist ry, that is going to play Dated senrembne baa thine Agent 8 he aan for ; weeks’ visil to Be such an important part nthe Pub. Sept, 27, 1042 15 ’ , attie i “tt ’ COM ‘s p jttle and the lower Coast cithe building up of this city 18 ; | skeena Land District—Districet of Coast, ae Range V i Hubert Ward, of the Parkin- Muckers $3.00 Q | James Matthews, late super fake notice that Thomas Partington, of] — '?! 1O Ae lan ie isin . . | . . : Selkirk, Man., occupation clerk, intends to ial Ward Electric Co wenl south | Drillers $3.50 lintendent of the city eleetric light |apply for permission to purchase the fol-| shop and awe ale morning on the Prince} 6 00 plant, left on the Prince Georg: lowing described lands leorge > . ad ak rid r ¥ . ' * Commencing at @ post planted on an/ George for a few weeks’ vac ation | ge Carpenter $4 this morning for Vaneouver, | island one ml easterly from Indian re » the F . 7 . : serve at mouth of Quinamas River, thence for the sake of his health. Mr where, it is understood, he has|south 40 chains to river bank thence west! ar ank a Ward, who has been unwell for! * accepted a position with the B, ¢ 40 chains following river bank, thence! some little time past. will oh ] W , north 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to , past, ! prod. Kleetrie Co the post of commencement, containing 160 ably take a course at the H rete} aa were HOM as ve a en 0., ' SS _ OMAS PARTINGTON, Locator son Hot Springs before returning | Central Hotel AD ; 4. G. Pallowfeld, Agent . to his home in Prince Rupert | RY AN A N § W sn tar nar ivte gud Aven