' ’ AT THE REXALL STORES THIS WEEK ———— Rexall “93” Hair Tonic---The Guaranteed Kind C. H. ORME The PIONEER DRUGGIST Phones 82 and 200 Fall and Winter Overcoats for Men OU do not have to send to Vancouver or eastern cities to get satisfaction in a Fall or Winter Overcoat. We have in stock now an excellent assortment of the most up- to-date overcoatings of every Coneriptien. Let us show them to you. : Sweder Bros. Tailors Sixth St., Helgerson Block MISSING! Thousands of readers are missing our offer to send FREE our large range of patterns of OUR FAMOUS SUITS or OVERCOATS TO MEASURE (Carriagg and Duty Paid) at $8.60 (valued by our customers at $20). Funder with patterns we will also send a tape measure, fashion plate, and full instructions how to measure yourself, ALL FREE. You hive only to read our book of testimonials and you will be convinced that no other firm in the world can approach us for value. Money returned if you are not satisfied. Address for Patterns: CURZON BROS., Clougher Syndicate, ), 449 Spadina Averue, TORONTO, ONTARIO. Please mention this Advertisement (Dept. 1a + “FROM HOME TO HOME." HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. 1142 Pender Street West - - Phone 8500. Vancouver, B.C. nr GZ \\ Monn ©) } The Best Procurable. Absolutely pure business men are now wearing “Rego clothes fact is significant ; it means that 2 .000 men recognize that “Rego” style is what they want, and that “ Rego” eas and value are the right standard. “ Clothiers are London’s leading The (with 23 shops in the Empire Metropolis), and they offer you high-class tailoring at practically ready- made prices—or “REGO” NEW YORK @ American Model Lounge Suit. The cut and fashion of this superb model have been endorsed by experts as “the best American style of the year.” It is the suit * New many smart styles illustrated and fully described in our tailoring magazine “FASHIONS FOR MEN” (just published) a F FREE of which, with full range of 1912 patterns and simple self. measurement form, we will send you on application. “Rego” Clothiers, Dept. ©P.0.Box Montreal. | pre ithe |} there Council Talks Long But Not Much Business Done Continued from Page 1 o be engaged intendent, who was t the exam- to at the at once, be present chance th ination, giving hin get started off right w every yasible nanke mrtunity p the pp good in position Dybhavi Board of Works \iderman chairman of the motion, which was carried un that a t the imously, stalled leph e iv I in ante root I chamber «fi the ¢ of attending ity the matter of of the system, a eCruneii venience the Coune ind public the meetin the In tion Council. the installa- Giamewe fire alarm report of the Fire and is read and | Light committee wi with Mr the adopted concurring entirely and of Morrissey fact the plans of the chief Woods ire the lo« Aldermat as to be atior alarm xes, still disagreeing as to the fihat there were boxes Fraser street, statir from the locality would handed to the Counci thal report I to the committee to the had juildings they ig that a peti- of that rtiy be } tion residents very she looking for redress natter spector in the building in- Fire and Light effect that several owners he of that the tection, of irregular- proper fire received by of ity notified on Comox avenue were not complying with bylaw in regard to fire bei flues the sHection, pre there several cases de- ik rective and other ities in matter of been Phe ead eunei had committe latter to the ¢ report the ¢ and adopted. the was by erk Alderman Morrissey the brought which Government away with the for again Inanher the getting up in the boats wharf were tv's 1 It ad up water without paying practically straight- the of the Fire that interview- Was DY report ‘oOmmitlee Mana subject it upon Jack Beattie ne he atter w upon that the track of took through of the and was the transpired as exact seeping every drop that they fie instrumentality ded Verhninent LWo wate! peters prov by Provin- charg- ne up the san boats thus served, Alderman Morrissey was still a bit skeptical as to the existence of the that he money of the certain individuals said little the like do a night use. Council decided that lo be Mr. schedule further to meters, and would like the water see a result of Boats, might the Common reat as skip, ships that pass in being a proverb the Was in However, nothing really Beattie of for aiarmed about, and would be given a charges and act collector the eity. Extension Sale. We to extend the the are about size taking in ad This present yor store by ‘joining premises. means alterations in arrange- ment and to avoid the rehandling pf many lines we are cutting prices deeply for four days Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday—this week, 259 H. 8. Wallace Co., Lid. “> Presidential Election Returns. Gio to Cole's Third Ave., the turns this, Cigar Store, Tuesday evening presidential election canvas, Don't fail 259.260 on to see re- on to see -0O—— Raincoats at @emere’ Sale. #1000 Sra —-0 Rest rooin in town at the Savoy. | 260 ‘ reduced Ave. Regular 45.00. Demers’, THE DAILY NEWS o0tgyt, “The News” Classified Ads. ==()ne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== HERE— ~TH an ERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES" oi POLISH EAGLE 4 j | For Rent OR RENT—-Ofiice, Second Ave., next door to Rogers’ Steamship Office Apply at Rogers’ Ticket Office 24st cCINTYRE HALL to lease for dances, om, “terms Grey & Son. Black 78 208t Sees Chance of Independence 10 | POR RENT—Purnished house Apply box Possible Clash of Austria 15, Daily News 233-263 and Russia London, Novy i—A Vienna Wanted despatch to the Daily Mail says For the first e since Na poleon’s invasion Russia, a hundred vears 1g the White Lost and Found Eagle of Poland < PASI LES | Qmermemmcemermcemermertermermes . fiead and looking he threat-]pounD.—The FRENCH WAY GLBANEBS, : i 1007 Robson St., Vancouver, B. ¢ ened contliet betwee Austria ane press paid one way on $5.00 sein. | ot . , 810 { ore Ps e Russia to free the P sh nation ogg #10,00 rder wen from the hated Russian yoke LOST—-Gold enamel whist pin, marked While the eves Lurope are — ‘03.’ Return to 6. R - € riveted on the iltiefields of Thrace and Maced a, a great national moveme s spreading For Sale in Poland. Its ai s to unite all _ the Poles in con action for the possible outbreak of hostil-|POR SALE—A small hall safe with inner fireproof door, document and cash ities between Russia and Austria drawers Apply to Continental Trust The Polish i numbers| © Secong Ave #56¢f twenty-five mil of whom |! IANO a Sale, nearly new Apply at 229 7th Ave. E 253-26 twelve million are Russian sub-| ; ee ante . van e te | MORRIS piano, in good condition, cheap jects, over six | n Austrian)" address box 60, News, Prince Ru subjects inhabiting Galicia and | pert 254tf four million Prussia subjects.) FOR SALE—Good double barrelled gun, "hare a heey inlea English make; or will exchange for rife inte are tw Poles in Apply S., Daily News 253tf merica The informatio ipon whieh | § ro 7 the correspondent bases the fore- Miscellaneous going is somewhat slim, being to } aii’ 4 Speco commerms eee ee he effect that meetings are tak ‘ NOTICE Iclean wallpape and) =kKalsomine ace all ove Galicia with a walls like new Painting and kalsomin y to removing a he present ing ot for Belew, Grand Hote difficulties existing between the — s ‘ A OOD opportunity for the right party lifferent parties Poland, be- in the business district Three tren tween the Poles and Ruthenians rooms could be let and eight or ten day d accommodated Address P. O,. box 327, city 257-261 Winter Coats. | — { new shipment is expected to} NOTICE. uerive wlay Demers iraua_ av In the Matter of the Gompat “ Act and in the Matte f Sloa - Church Services - & Company, Limited —z | TAKE NOTICE that an applica n wil FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH jbe made to the Registrar of Joint Stock Services every Sunday in the ~ompantes alter the expiration FP son Chureh Hall at 11 am. and month from the date the first publica Empress Theatre at 730 p.m j tion of this notice for leave to change the Sunday School at 2.30 p.m name f the above mpany from Sloan REV. F. W. KERR M.A E | & Company Limited t Bryant Com ; ° . . M.A. PASTOR | pany, Limited | 7 the ist day of November, A. D 1912 THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH | McINTYRE HALL, 83RD AVE., NEAR 6TH ST WLLIAMS & MANSON, Services every Sunday at 1! Solicitors for Sloan & Company, Limited am. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday 226 Si s » > . oP School 280 p.m. ~o 4 22¢ xth Street, Prince Rupert, B. ( Bible Class 2.30 p.m. —_—— REV. W.H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor |) ee LAND PURCHASE NOTICES > 4 us THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH ! SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE } Services every Sunday at 11 Skeena Land District——District of Coast am. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday Range V Schoo! at 2.30 p.m. | REV. C. R. SING, B.D. Pastor Take notice that Beryl I. Gamble, of cree Ei iio Pa tam Yeseonver, S C., occupation spinster, in c “ } tends to apply for permission to purchas« THE "SALVATION anny CITADEL | the following dsaevtned lands oe tener aes es 44 Commencing at @ post planted at ihe : ! E. corner of L. 4409, thence south 40 Ye Poe a chains, thence east 20 chains more or oe a : . iess to W. bdy of Timber Limit No. 545 = See services, See thence north 40 chains, thence west 26 oe aad aeleraas chains more or leess to point of com eee Eee 5 eepeemens, containing 80 acres more or r BERYL 1. GAMBLE P. M. Miller, Agent peeee Bent. | Sth, 1012 ru ept. 14. Georgetown Sawmill Co. Lid. Lumber and Mouldings A large stock of dry finish. ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Cor. Gth St. and 2nd Ave. GOOD VALUES GOOD SERVICE GOOD SHOES Coupled with years of experience in the shoe business, gives you all the advantage in purchas- ing your footwear from us. Patronize an exclu- sive shoe store and be convinced that we handle the best line in the city. Renworth & Jefferson BEST IN FOOTWEAR 3rd Ave. and Sth St, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT PIONEER LAUNDRY Ltd. Successors o |} Pioneer Steam Laundry | A First oughly Class Plant Thor Experienced and Competent Superintend ence Prompt Service HYGIENE QUALITY — FINISH Solicit Your Patronage Wagons Call and Deliver Anywhere Write - or Phone 18 Third Ave., Near McBride ———SaS in Cats —_—2 Red Chair Sign-844 3rd Ave. We buy furniture, clothing, ete GRATTON & BROCHU Box 335 Send Card or Phone stoves, cast poly Launch For Sale Full 32x86 ift., well equipped for cruising oF lowing, 10 h, p. Palmer engine, speed 8 miles, with dinghy; 8700 cabin launeh, em tere ems, George Leek 618 Srd Ave. Prince Rupert LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. perevcoseoesooeroseroereseesseess | Skeena Land District——District of Coast ange IV rake notice that William J, Mogridge FOR SALE Vancouver, B. ¢ occupation broker, in ends apply for permission to purchase ‘ the following described lands . 6} 900%, 0, ) " mmencing at @ post planted on the Ptah Fh | bal. tern foreshore, about 2 miles distant in 24, sect ' northwesterly direction from Kumeol a equity and G. T. P. t inlet, and about 0 feet south of a amall ba thence east chains thence north chains, thence west ) chains more or H. DOUGLAS less t foreshore, thence southerly follow ling the foreshore to point of commence 339 Third Ave. P. 0. Box 606 iment, containing 90 acres more or less | (Opposite Post Office | WILLIAM J. MOGRIDGE | Dated October 8th, 1912 } Pub, Oct, 20, 1012 | | shone Land District District of Coast, Khange IV Take notice that Richard J. Grant, of | Vancouver, B. ¢ bookkeeper, Nn j int ids to apply for pe on to pur e ehase the following described lands Commencing at 4& post planted on the foreshore in @ small bay about one-half | mi le north of entrance to Kumeolon Inlet, | |}thence north 40 chains, thence east 60 chains thence outh 60 chains, thence orner } west to foreshore thence following the foreshore westerly to point of commence Inent mtaining 240 acres more or less RICHARD J. GRANT Tyewr William J. Mogridge Agent t NL Ff Dated October 7th, 191% — Pub. Oct. 20, 1012 Ee y ~~ Skeena Land District-—District of Coast SECTION SIX Range V Take notice that Vernon F. G. Gamble, | of Prince Rupert, B. C., cecupation broker intends to apply for permission to pur-| $2000 cash and the balance ;chase the following described lands > | Commencing at a post planted at the years at 6 per W. corner of L, 4419, thence north 40 chains, thence west 20 chains, thence }south 40 chains, thence east 20 chains to | Scres of commencement, containing 80 Sa | H . &C acres more or less VERNON Ff G6. GAMBLE mue arrison ompany Dated Seu’ biti 1012 M. Mill AkeGt Brokers and Financial Agents Pub. Sept. 14 |Second Ave. Prince Rupert Skeena Land District—District of Coast,| Range V. | Take notice that |, Napoleon Roy, of Wallace, idaho, occupation mill man, in tend to apply for permission to purchase $ the following described lands Commencing &@t @ post planted about 1 ..For Christmas.. mile south from the mouth of the Shames iver, and about half a mile south from Have you thought of 5 as the south bank of the Skeena River, thence a solution to the gift problem? A ysuth 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, dozen of your portraits finished | thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 one of our new dis tive styles hains & st of commencement, contain. | will make twelve appropriate gift ing 640 acres more or less | ach one of which is s to be a NAPOLEON ROY | preciated Dated August 26th, 1912 Every customer elves a beaut Pub. Sept. 28, 1912 ful Photo Calendar Skeena Land District—District o: Coast, Give us @ call toda Range V . Take notice that I, Hubert 0. Crew, of The Peerless Studio Prince Kupert, B. ¢ occupation broker, a niend to apply for ermlanion to pur Roome 19-21-22, Alder Block hase the following described lands Cor. 3rd Ave. and 6th 8 Commencing @t @ post planted two and ne-palf mile east from the mouth of the ‘Yulnamiaas Hiver, thence east 8U hains thence north 80 chains, thence West 50 chains, thenee it 80 chains tw point of imunencement, containing 640 acres, more or less G li E HUBERT ©. CHEW Dated August 17th, 1912 aso ine ngine Pub. Sept. 14 Skeena Land District-—District of Coast,| For Sale Range V Take Notice that |, Ethel M. Thom | Two horse power, § aed Rupert, B. C., occupation| Meal stationary eng ‘ “ Wizard intend to apply for permis-| ™agneto Will sell ata “ hase the following described Address box ,E, Da Rupert, B. ¢ Commencing at @ post planted about 70 chains distant and in @ Southerly direction from Graveyard Point telegraph office and being on the south side of the Skeena iver, thence south 80 chains, thence West 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence ast 50 chains to post of commencement, obtaining 640 acres more or less, MIKE VUKSTICH Dated August 24th, 1912 Pub, Sept. 28, 1912. skeena District-—-District Kange V Take notice that L, Khupert, B. C., occupation tend to apply for permission ue following described lands: Commencing at & post planted about 2 miles southwest from Graveyard Point telegraeph office and about 1% miles south of south bank of Skeena Kiver, and sdjoining Peter Stacey's application lo purchase, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chaing to post of commence Land of Coast, Horace Koy, of Prince gentieman, in to purchase ment, containing 640 acres more or less HORACE ROY Dated August 24th, 1012 Pub. Sept. 28, 1012 Skeena Land District-—-District of Coast, Hange V Take notice that |, Henry Smith, of Prince Kupert, B { occupation rail roader, intend \o apply for permission to purchase the following described tends Commencing’ at & post planted about 70 chains south from Graveyard Point tele graph office, and being on the south side of the rena Hiver, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to post of commencement, containing 640 acres more x or less HENRY SMITH Dated ivi2 Pub August 24th, sept. 28, 1012 Skeena Land Commencing @t @ post planted four and ne-balf miles east from the mouth of the Quinamaas Hiver, thence nor 8u hains, thence east 8u chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to// TT point of commencement, containing 6406 SMITH & MALLE acres, more or less | . ETHEL M THOMPSON THIRD AVE Hubert UO. Crew, Agent 1 ing, Steamfitting and Dated August 17th, 1912 Plumbing, Heating, St« Pub. Sept. 14 Sheet Meta! Work . Workshop Skeena Land District-——District of Coast, Giion: 08 Ave. @nd Ave. bet. 7th end Sth Ste Khange V | Take notice that Mrs. L. ©. Putnam, of St Paul, Minneso@, occupation married woman, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at @ post planted about 80 PANAMA STUDIO hains west from the southwest corner of surveyed T. 1 $0045 on the bank or o13 med Bee Store skeena River, thence south 80 chains Above Bur thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 Christmas ts Coming hains more or less to bank of Skeena) jjaye your father’s, mot . HKiver, thence In 4h easterly direction along) photographs enlarged and bank of river 80 chains more or less to in Is, et post of commencement, containing 640/ cstnan f [ al acres more or less Make Early oo oo » ' MKS. L. C. PUTNAM George KK. Putnam, Agent Dated August 16th, 1912 Pub. Sept. 17, 1912 Skeena Land District—-District of Coast, i H. BADERTSC Take notice that Il, Mike Vukstich, of . Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation restaurant chiniet man, intend to apply for permission Ww General Ma purchase the following described lands Locksmith, Chimney Sweep Razors Hones Sharpened, 5ciss Et Knives Ground * Post Office saa —“ St., Near Soe aupent —THE Westholme Lumber Co. LIMITED Lumber and Mouldings All Kinds of Building Supplies one 186 Firet Avenue Phone For Sale District—District Kange V notice that I, of Coast, Take Prince Mike Vidak, of Kupert, B. C., occupation restaurant | man, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following deseribed lands Commencing at & post planted about 2 mites south from Graveyard Point tek eraph oMee and being of the south side of the Skeena liver, thence south 80 chains, thence east 8&6 chains, thence north 8° chains, thence west 80 chains to post of commencement, co ore ae are i niaining 640 acres) MIKE VIDAK Dated 1012 Pub August Sept. 28, Vath, ivi 264.4 B. Frere, Ocean Falis TRY A NEWS WANT AD Lot Block S ih is is : Lot 18 ha ! shop and ay R. Naden Co., Lid. 2nd Avenue