1 CIROULATION canoes 4 orTy AND NORTHERN ay t Chetohsin Wednesday 10 p.m envrien LUuMetA Prinee Rupert Friday, 9 am a a Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist you. II, NO. 26) RATS MAKE CLEAN SWEEP IN THE STATES =a —— a = Prince Rupert, B.C., Wepnespay, Novemppr 6, 1912. : —— gULGARIANS DEFEAT TURKS AFTER DESP WAN CUTS THROAT FROM EAR TO EAR ON PRINCE RUPERT RICK wee VAINLY TO JUMP OVERBOARD, CUTS HIS THROAT WITH RAZOR IN LAVATORY OF SHIP. DYMOND, STEERAGE PASSENGER, AFTER ATTEMPT- WOODROW W N ELECTED THE DAILY NEWS PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES "Wilson Polls Tremendous Vote nd Gets Immense Majority Over hed stark dead inf Prir Ruy y p blood in the} ' he ! ad ¢ i HW j " . eck portion of]* ee heegt cael R It and Taft---South Goes Solid for De Par h ie boat, | waited oosevelt and laft---Sou oes Solid for Democrat--- Rupert with } f avila aeauaintance with i Taft Was Completely Snowed Und ear to eat,| prin teen wrlipren Pon aft Was Compietely Snowe nder Dymond, a : ee s “ repel gae f events Special to Daily News. assurred as itfieations received| Hampshire, Pennsylvania, South ‘ was Tound ¢ . He ade an a rt end his New ork, Nov. 6 While »| here indicate Bhat the percent-| Dakota and Wyoming still in . | York h the i vas made by one|!tfe b ping de of] majoril in favor of Wilson is|*** of electorag votes now known | doubt ithe hoa nine jto be in favor f the Demoeratie | Roose- passengers who ! e not ‘ omplete and will not be} i fied the third|/eIne restrained by | mopar 1 candidate will give him a small| state. Taft. Wiison. velt. watch, the| f h ntion clallye announced for” some) majority, whil@ the complete re-| Alabama 12 th a ' bis mente 4 tthe i, Alaska and the other turns will giv@ him an overwhel- Arizona 3 iking the neces - ! ses ae have the body re-! ly the ar i f the Prinee oe points having to be beard] Ming iead over Roosevelt’ and| Arkansas 9 : , } ) from, it is absolutely certain that) P4ft. Only me&gre reports have (California 13 his superior of pe this mor re he Pro. occurrence vineial authorities ‘ at onee!| the United States has returned to been received from Pennsylvan-|(jolorado 6 Oe uid be Sad Cuiata’ D all a, Indiania, Ofte and other large Connecticut .. 7 atic eoul " ee stable lé the Democrats a great majority state but e#oue! he been | h i ‘ els , ; intecedenats o1 g charge of the cas The body ‘ ; ’ ‘ soenin ul emough has been; Delaware . .. 3 ihe detesaed it} ha ts oti ontien t” d that the country, torn by the learned to givé the Demoerats a! Plorida 6 , , ; strife in the Republican party and | most assured Pictor: and it is | Georwis R hmet I I j reia 14 i yas a& Working ’ lerta gc esta . nent i e ith sti baetiee | A iuest will probably be held| Sickened by the actions of the|¢ertain that infthe heavily popu- | tilinois - 29 er deck passengers day by Co er MeMullit Progressives and Republicans, |/@ted States tat Wilson reeeiv-| indiana 15 oe | lhas gone strongly in favor of? °4.the majority. We. 2 itis 13 | Wils Karly returns gave Wilson a/Kansas ... es 10 jagainst h Admiral Oster rhe latest reports give Wils solid lead in the south, embraec-| Kentucky.. 13 haus rhe investiga ) tie ¢ oli : ‘aii f 543 ge al the Democratic States; Louisiana . 10 ' developed the cual south of the 7 Potomae and in| Maine : 6 charges against Davis, b Vhat N \ \ , ' ‘ { necticul Delaware, Ken-| Maryland.. 8 « said to be a systen f illega r h 14:30 cky, Maine, Maryland, Massa- | Massachus- hi ss afte ; lealings by nissa stewards ; . hu'ssets, New York and appar- selis .. 18 ke is un wave ihe ‘ x Ps mn many other shiy As i W West Virginia Indiania| Michigan .. ss 15 i s - iis Reports Show That Commissary cases of the kind sa the presid uid Missout . Mississippi 10 Deartment le Reeking with etal discuss the situa Nahas” iawhusiahs CUMbunelaia Roosevelt's #ietory in IMinois| Missouri is Corruption. The navy men are jea s of 1h Delaware. Florida: Indiana, Keticteerries with = ilarelty-of—ever Maniana... .. j re oni o tne , 2 North Caro a. Marviand, | 100.000 New Hampshire and | Nebraska . s ; 6 ee OF y ae Massachusetts, Mississippi. Wy-| Vermont have given a majority |* a . e . i. mi enim ir 1 4 } u u ‘ om Yosh A on raft Ms \ ee , he iN which _ 1, Tennesses Texas, Virginia The states where the results|**' * panseO i ) ‘ tl |New York.. e i) shi the \t Oklah 1. New Mexik Missour are east ibly certain give the ill tema ' i | GREAT DIAMOND FOUND West Virginia, New Jersey Giv f wing electoral votes | rth Garo- , : revealed by ‘ 2 il Rea Ad jing a tal of 201 electoral votes Wilson, 267 I 4 De . r ed New Stone Found in South Africa Ct R marge orth Da- i eported 0 e toosevelt, 2 ots 5 ; | Weighs 1,649 Karats. New York, Nov. 5—In a spec- : Oe MS ouer cas ) { that the inves : , ; \ raft, 8 | Ohio 14 - ed in the la edit hight the merican : er: i : .| Oklah« 4 0 Johannesburg, N A dia-|says that both the Senate and Rarly in the evening when the] Oklahoma . 10 Ir. Davis, ehief come returns were arriving, Demoera- | Oregon 15 ‘ t I nond we hing 1,049 irats as|the Congress w be Demoeratic, | : , 2 ee a tleship Lous - rhe § save Danboed ate National Chairman Mc-| Pennsyl- liscovel aa h Pret ve i \\ n th Coombs from New York sent this Vania 38 . hia edes ilse e \ ) haus report is eh I ! sa message to Governor Wilson | Rhode all i. e I Wilson ca ed) Virgin . 1ins no details! the famous Cu in diamond was by 40000 over a wire direct to his home in island .. Vis o Oe eee ee eres ' re Illinois is coneeded to Roose- ' Princeton You have carried} Seuth Caro- sfed = the stewards |) 3.07% irats , had be ul : said “yp 1 ie | New York by a tremendous plur- lina 9 n the fleet—at ‘in wavs deetenpnte Phis wn se 90,000 ality You have also carried] Tennessee. 42 ven eevee ree a. porter ee 8 live plete ‘ ns dicate | Massachussets by sixty thousand] Texas ‘ 20 estigation, which ! one s ‘ the PAIGE ‘ » | Pluralitys Have just received a} Utah i fa th hat Wilser was ected by a : , way for severa the irgest single stone i » with Pat nd| message from the national com-| Vermont ' ‘* great aye t th iff secon ; mal court of | world 1 Roosevelt third mittee chairman, Fred B, Lyneh,| Virginia 12 ; conducted with that you have carried Minnesota} Washing- recy \ Kinds af sincoats and by twenty-five thousand Its a awed ye eal 7 sa hat afier Davis had! Capes for s and boys at Wal San Francis Nov. 6-—-Wo0Ge ) 7s West Vir ; =e , fat jclean sweep es ir- ea \ seaed. Aihiiene . 261-262 w Wilson carried the state of] i 8 5 egal an ces. " wai Calif ia by a majority of over] Senator James M. Dixon, the ginle 13 4 a ? oo WwW. Ad . 20.000 over Roosevelt Progressive National chairman,}| Wisconsin. : . » ete — an ak i —— after scanning the returns from] Wyoming. ‘ ! ( , ripe et ) ss ‘ s eturne ; te ie a Nis a hich ip laid a trap inj|panied by M Ada } — Seattle, Wash Nov. 5—The| New York, ‘Massachussetts and f hie i = Davie wasi;on th ePring . Rupert _ —_ few scattered returns that have| Eastern States, recognized that \ T. Broderick, manager of ”" ' n elles “este om short acation spe Bevis ' . ' a ww fed jing fron +. . — been received here indieate that|the situation was against them./4the loeal branch of the Union une referre *harges » Sout : ; m rec charge in the ruth Roosevelt is leading by a small|He said We have got to go tO} Bank. returned on the Prince majority over Taft, but Wilson's/the west for Roosevelt Rupert this morning from a election is freely conceded - : : ] R —— New York, Nev, 6 2:45 a. pcouple of weeks spent in the New York, Nov. 5—The elec-|™ The latest returns of all}lower coast eities. tion of Woodrow Wilson as pre-|the states give Wilson 293 elee- —_—__————_——- — sident of the United States and, toral votes, Roosevelt 74 and Taft Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Marshall as Vice-President is\5, with 5 votes in Idaho, New| Phone 4, i ee PERSONS ENTERTAINED IN M’INTYRE HALL LAST A SERIOUS CHARGE , L. Crippen, managing director|PadAMA FAIR FUNDS VENING AT THE SECOND ANNUAL BANQUET OF THE *+of the Crippen Boneless Herirng COME IN SLOWLY BA Pi PTIST BROTHERHOOD OF PRINCE RUPERT. Man Named Paxton Arrested On packing Co. returned on the ae ry Charge of Forgery—List of Prince Rupert this morning from San Francisco, Nov. 6, Phe | “second annual banquet of such an extent that suitable Usual Drunks. ale eroogy th foes first report of Rodney 8. Durkee, Me Bayt : | ; ib ed to oe ” = “ : oller 0 » Panama Pa- 7m Brotherhood. held in} Quarters had to be obtained H. G. Paxton was up before! coast citie comptroller of = re Pa | a aan @ ¢ ereas ON 5. ‘ifie F s mm. he » "ORL. Ha 1st Wine oak jn | Aecommodal: th ver inerea Magistrate MeMullin this morn j cite Expo ition randed to res ty pa : | ing membership and now a the police court on al = ee j dent Charles ©, Moore, shows that i ‘ een From) yuitding of theu wn is planned aos : f forgin the name of but $2,325,804 of the signed sub- ny il ee ed rin eharge 0 orging ‘ a pete tag til a sidan ane ment iby the members In the athlett C. Smith to a cheque for 835 ; scriptions pledged for anqne ing | A single dul . sore Wes icontests, in which they have en draw non the Union Bank of this --W A R K =... the exposition haye been par m i moment Not}, red. the members have won rhis is just a little over 38 per Was the feast one that K pred, jcity, It was cashed by W. H LEADING JEWELERS , himself ec, — | considerable honors and a nun Wright, proprietor of the Wing We carry the largest and most cent, of the amount promised, | h, but Hd find no fault} hep of handsome trophies Hotel, Upon enquiry by the] reliable stock of Diamonds, Pearl 3{Al‘hough the expenditures of the he ee ae hich is : ole 0 woes | and Solid Gold Jewelry. > —_ . .@ es Deeches and re President Mellior presided al ca no euidenes. of One Sterling Silver flat ware, hollow | building and grounds committee \ '’ various teasts ware and toilet articles lhas been in excess of $3,000,000, 1 we od. etl lihe banquet and ai 8 0 ed ever having an aceount In} Laelnh: hand Maan elu ; heme, ' Damas mee th ned tl eond annual bat inv bank in the eity was obtain card a lines there still remains a balance { is rege s » Opened i seco i at ‘ as . osc ‘ nk ” . 2 « ta Merhood. yay bras thei iting rema able rhe case was adjourned] Hand painted and Royal Crowi the treasury of 8630,044 i Prince f hut Canada and}duet with a few fitting ; pepo iva! Derby china and every other line Special attention is ealled by "Spert i Re \“ H. MeLeod invoked a Saturday next lo enabte | suitable for Xmas gifts ; anal rt | ey ‘ : . t| Comptroller Durkee to the fact is f the be blessing on the board and th , ed to obtain the services oO WE DO ALL KINDS OF WATCH . + he seeond eel . Some six for his defense (2 REPAIRING AND JEWELRY WoRK 3) {lhl of (he $1,000,000 pledged by : ‘iniversary of| Who sat at meat ayinne ae mal .n old offender, was! Optical Work Is Receiving Our the City of Oakland, not one cent ; Ne f ' ruests “re seate around th me One § | Specta ttention and A . Brothoph . the Baptist | wus ts were eated - or 4 nd coate for ‘heingl Work Guaranteed has been fortheoming. ay \hich = twe vears| long tables, which were decorat: ' | Sole Agents For i i ee ) little shael ldelightfully and lighted with a 1 disorderly, and @ Mam, National Gash Remisters e shack L i z 1 Chadwick and @n Intel Dayton Computing Seales \ bie diseount on ladies’ rain lifteen voung|piee, soft light thrown fron i ‘ | Heiutzman Pianos S . a 264.262 th t inumber of beautiful shaded Brown, came jinder | Mail Orders Garefully Filled coats at Wallace's 261.262 ‘ er or mu. | iber o rer i] shaded + ; } classifieatith off —_—— yement, phys |trie parlor lamps whilk . , . ae Ww. WARK & SON Freah flower at Wark's to d morally rh | ving the usue@ Wwe) P. 0. Box 76