ja November 6, 1912. edn THE DAILY NEWS \ ” roe : ; — ~~ ap = — > —= ————— a ” ee Te ome cetwry emer rents ee ee a yp LEASE NOTICE LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. | ques ——— siastinaiisiialitain u *~""Trews or... |) BAYLEY IS READY TO MEET r ae C s a Land Dre ores of OeSt, Skeena Land _ aad i ties ITEMS OF. ses al i - tt t Michael MeFadden, of Poke not Nange IV | i rake notice 'ecupation farmer, im]. eto at William J. Mogridge,| i } chet island Pnisstion to lease the Me , appl ! ipation broker, in- | pp oes otatoes ends 0 Wr cribed lands the following ¢ pission to purchase | owing ns yt planted on the ; me ae | : | Oe eres Ae > game clk fe ood about two miles mineneing at &@ post anted on the! ex 3 cars H hiand ' rd hand, foreshore I T A of | n Porcher island, inj foreshore, about 2 miles distant in s| OWner Brush, of the Giants, is wo cars from ut Hack, inence 60 chaine saat, | Horiiwesierly direction ” From” Kumeoton | ai ie ously i at New, SECOND BATTLE BETWEEN PAR ASSURED—JOE IS ON Way w 2 cars Ashcroft the & south, to an inlet, no rf you fee uth of a sman fo’! to be serious t I face 1) Ce the shore line to] AY. thence east 30 chains, thence north | Yurk HOME IN GOOD SHAPE—HYLAND SAYS WE WLL ~— We h hat you | mae Mermencement, containing 980) jn ott nore, ther hains more or | CLAIM TITLE IF REFUSED RETURN BOUT The Apple is the Best ve Drees OF wint jess, the purpose for hich “ _ ence southerly follow — e pres more OF lwee eis to quarry lime eae Eceeien to point of commence rhe Vancouver “A i ten PI . are looking for | » lease ’ contain 10 acres more or less . iCOUVE o, Se se . . ‘ . | ime, WICHAEL MePADDEN Ses ies WILLIA M J. MOGRIDGE club may taur the Gls Guess Calgary, Nov i_.Joe Bayley. Before the bout Bayley's man the Price is Right | | Price is Right | atec ctobe . y49 ’ Ty . = «9 1048 Pum on ae” ast 1vig weet wens champion lightweight of Canada| agar approached one of my inti neil | | ox ; is sept. 14 : . ' ight fo . me ; pup | - left last night for his home in mate friends and asked ¢hat the and rict—District Of CO8St,) Skeena Land District District of Coast Sa | hit i j : Victoria, Joe, wh very popu. Vv } axeets + range V , o , aitiii Jecntlenhel 14s aa . "18 . , t t . f : ne | nt we Vs o Sania ramet ane i¥ el ag ry around this ; felt ratiees ictorian be given another mateh f / YNC ‘HH BR S aw pert pation broker, he fol. Vancouver, B. C., veer vat mi kee 7 tere Isore after his match on Monday|if 1 should win, [T agreed to tha |t———_————@ 70 Bemermererncomes prince , bermission to lease the fo tenda apply . a | bookkeeper,| wandepepe ay w apply bed "ends chase the totlew ne Gtheriban nae oe ‘ae with Dick Hyland, as stories were} and now that the bout was a draw ming descr: a post planted @bout! Commencing ata oe ce f the cif ! mime! ‘ itherly direction from foreshore in a ma "7 yooh a freorme si i ; i nying _ . y a we was /T want @ chance to get that title four distant WY once east 80 chains, thence} miiie north of nee ee about one-half . SIGs, MNGNaGer Olt eriousiy hurt and the hos s hains, thenee west 80 CHAINS WO) thence north 4 rT — ; a et “eo Pune team im the inter- tal j ! f { My money is up and TI ve suid 80 CneN et north 80 chains to} chains, thence ae a : pita goe has a tew surtace! Bayley. a reasonable leng shore [Ne mmencement, containing 640 Suerte Ton aie me _ Thains, | thence plational Baseball League, has eased Met MEAs all He took Bayley a reasonable eng of point Septaiente ‘esterts ' following the gied to succeed Johuny Kling ra time to agree to the match He . veres FORGE RB. NADEN ment, containing 240 acres more or les * lots of punishment during the |,, I , paniel Lyons, Agent, RICHARD J "ORANT less.) as | tof the Boston Braves can name the terms and cond uU a 17, S a eptember 19th, 1012 William J. Mogridge Aeont. | setae ne —lItions with clean breaks of pt, 28 Dated October 7th, 1912 | - . ‘ : Pub, Oct. 99, 1012 | Uniess President Horace Fogel straight rules; they are the same = ae == =e jof the Philadelphia Nationals sus- to me. If he don't agree [ will THE GUARANTEE OF THE FIRM 18 BEHIND CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT, =| Skeens Land Districk—Disirict of Coast) tains the charges whieh he made claim the title by forfeit and meet IT—THE GUARANTEE OF THE FIRM oral Claims, situate . i . - all comers. f it will make , | ning. Division of Casslar of an wee em, Veroon F. G. Gamble,| °°!" National League umpires - : : ad ae ee WHICH ALWAYS KEEPS ITS WORD iocated: Near Granby,! intends to epply” for “permission 't x fe Will be banished from baseball position any stronger I am ready] § We offer to everyone the opportunity to fivision and adjoining an y patine J J 8sio Oo pur io mee . ner of tha =e > | “ . . Granby Consolidated wy BY described lands | newt the winne f the Bar. i purchase the watch which will best suit snd Power COMpany,!s W. corner of L. 4410, tees at, hel) Lhere is no possibility of the rieau-Sealer bout at Edmonton their requirements. There is an honesty Gebins, thenee we » Bence north. 46 before y club that will offéPr ¢ y the workmanship and materials used in i, James J. Lee, Free , est 20 = chains thence); Dominion football final being efore any ub tha vill offer a the construction of the BIRKS watch move- 52078B, intend, sixty | S0UtM 40 chains, thence east 20 chains tol , purse. The only condition I ask|@ ments which guarantees their durability wreot, to apply to the — of commencement, containing 80) ''4@lisierred lo inlerprovine ial | 7 ba as well as their accuracy as timekeepers. i a Certifncate of im-|* wn VEnRON . +. erouuds this season. The MeGill |is that the purse have a winner's Write for our Illustrated catalogue purpose of obtaining +b ts JAMBLE and loser’s end Mr. Condon was | which gives a minute description of these above claims Dated Sex’ bth, 1012 les, Absent.) anid Varsity students always , ’ watches, and. from which you may select notice that action, Pub. Sept. 14.” or forward to that as the big | telling around town before he 4% satisfactorily as though you stood must be commenced . “ : 1¢ DIG : ioe Waktorts ; fore our counters in the city. sue of such Certificate of |feature of the season. left for Vietoria that he thought { . y of duly, A. BD, 1049,]SKeua Land District—pDistrict of Coast, | . | Joe had won and that he wasn't H Bi & S [ ‘ . pated ¢ =“ S aoe , Range V ‘ afrs ? 1” mate » m t By H ik Ve} | on w ce Bote that 1, Napoleon Roy, of Wi ng in the Toronto News, nn aid or another | at Let enry Ur Ss ons, 1 1 e : , ailace, idaho, occupation mill man, ip . ; , ' lim cover My money and then we pub. Aug. t* ivi? tend to apply for permission to purehase| a6 Querrie says professional Il talk t : JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS . the following described lands jhockey will meet a sudden death wi la susiness — on neens 8 post planted about i he Queen City unie the T | will meet Bayley any place Gee, 6, Trevey, Bemnee Deceter ATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. ule south from the mouth of the Shames| !! Jueen City ess the To- ; ee Mineral Claims, situate ares and about helf a mile south from) piijtos and Pecumsehs sign faster he likes. Will meet him in his VANCOUVER P BC. south bank of the Skeena River, thence jhome’ town for that matter, but » the Skeend Mining Divisiog Of CASS8I8r) south 80 chains, ther 5 nie. ai ose 0 the it. Where located; Near Granby in thence north 80. chains, inenes ween 80 aO8. et, We Lee if we meet in Vietoria IT want 1 livision and adjoining the} chains tw post of commencement contain-| ##Ye been dickering | : jranby Consolidated Min-| ing 64) acres more or less . | something to say about the ref- Power Company, Lim NAPOLEON ROY mn . : . cON RO sal ‘ eree. Tommy Burns would suit — . Dated August 26th, 1912 (lapton Orient have obtained a that I, James J. Lee, Free Pub. Sept. 28, 1912 me fine.” Hyland is taking it ste No. 62978B, intend, ° fine back in Evans, whom they OH the date hereof, to apply ae ' 7 esis me jeasy this week, but on Monday es rder for @ Certificate of | Skeena Laud District—District o coast,| "°° UPed From bexeter City venus 1} i! star kk gore ihe purpose of obtain Range V oo St. Motes lad 6nd eereed jhe will start work again and will nS 6 ae tion, | pp, paKe Botice that 1, Hubert O. Crew, Of) si jeje) Recreatior jlook for bouts with the winners d lake tice On,/ Prince Rupert, B, C., occupatio P | sorOm © Pe PCatiOn : sear $5, must be commenced be- | int a a Dooly ter be soon ‘o bare| a of the Barrieau-Sealer bout at I i sch Certificate of im chess the vane ee lands: . oe it rotteuteden |} Edmonton and the Kossick-Kil- ; " omamencing @ OSt planted two en ‘ as 5 otle ‘ s . th day of July, +. D. 1912.) one-naif miles east from the mouth of} chit t the A [Bane seanion at Beskatoon And Get All the News JAMES J. LEE. the Quinamaas River, thence east g0)?''6"' 18 Hot su bad as the Ar- | by His Agent, F. J, Coleman. | chains, thence north 80 chains, thence] senal’s of two seasons ago, when | ———— —— : SS =— = = — Pub, Aug. 12, 1912 west 50 chains, thenee south 80 chains to| , ‘ . . —_—_—_—_— | point of commencement, containing 640/ ‘He latter clubs first victory was i acres, more or less | delayvec ‘ CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEM s. HUBERT 0. CREW delayed until the ninth tmateh Dated August 17th, 1912 After that the Gunners played = — Notice—Rupert Mineral Claim, situate) Pup seve 14 ps8; IN THE | eo | u ibe Skeeud Mining Division of Cassiar : ; Well enough to finish in the top se : Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley Dein Where located: Near Greuby,| ss oustrict-—-bistrict or coast,| Milf of the table. FIGHTING DICK HYLAND FARM FARM a i i nin i ) Skee an stric istrict o x | eo Di be property f the Granby Consolidated Range V ? | _——— -— —— ne Bulkley Valley Fort G rge strict Woug, Smelling and Power Company, Take Notice that I, Ethel M. Thompson, Limp ted f Prince Rupert, B. C occupation Christy Mathewson is noted for }imateh, but came back like a man —IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— Take notice that 1, F. J. Coloman, Free) stenographer, intend w apply for permis-| hot crabbing at the umpires. But} and was the aggressor through- Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on Miver's Certificate No. 62977B, intend, the | | sion to purchase following described) ‘ s from the date Rarect, to apply | jands after the tina gain mn thehbout the whole affair He gave | easy terms. We Mining Recorder for @ Certificate Commencin: j . t impr t : ; x ® at a post planted four and) world's series Matty was cor- ne ote to k about ¢ } of Improvements, for the purpose of ob me-balf miles east from the mouth of| Hyland ! th ibou and L aaags Crown Grant of the above clalth.| ine Quinamaas River, thence north 80|stantly talking to Silk O'Laughlin|jhad a lot more of the battle than £ nk Abd take notice that action, hains, thence east 80 chains, thence ; ; ‘ mi wder Section 85, must be commenced) .ouin ‘so chains, thence west 80 chains to) @/0Ul him missing many strikes |ihe was credited with He i ’ we ihe sue of such Certificate of Im , i point of commencement, containing 640) because he was so short he could ' ous for another match and nasty point of | commences ANxioN nother on PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 VANCOUVER, B.C. Deed this 30th day of ge. & B, sass ETHEL M. THOMPSON not see ‘ Big Chief Meyers leparts very confident that he i, . Hubert U. Crew, Agent - ‘ sat *t Pu Aug #2, 1042 Dated August 17th, 1019 ean defeat Hyland at clean) lo =e $$$ —__—____— — on ~~~ Pub. Sept. 14 When Fred Snodgrass reached] preaks his « the general a 7 - CRTFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. his home town the band didn’t] opinion around the eity nnn wweeVwdwveeRReeererpprerawucwue!s Sotie—Ka Mineral Claim, situate in| Skeena Land District——District of Coast,| play Hail he Cheese In- Fighting Diek Hyland is hot on a & om Nuug Division of Cassiar Dis Kange V fY a few bars from] th rd Raviey and ve " i. Where located Near Granby, in . nnainaes Vee Vn Sow ware owe ¢ ee . ’ ; wa 4 i Take notice that |, Henry Smith, of) 28 * & wining division and adjoining Prince Rupert, B. C., occapation tail Mendelssohn's Here Comes hel terday posted with a Calgary 1 We propert [ the Granby Consolidated smelting and Power Company, roader, intend to apply for permission to) ; purchase the following described iwnds Commencing 41 4 post planted about 7 — ateh tv vive that |, Sam MeCague, admin . d ma ; = { We estate of James McCague, | °D4!ns south from Sere’ See — Frank Chanee says he has s: Che decis was a draw and ] s CerUficate No, 52079B, intend, graph office, ane yeing on ne 80 sic im the date hereof, to apply| Of th Sneene River, a. nce south 80) much money he doesn’t know} [m not making a kick,” said Hy-/|§ C » . chains, thence east 80 mains, thence portl H & Kecorder for a Certificate of | ©O#'hs ” : . , a it Why sat anit ical. ewspaper $100 to bind another laprovemeuts, for the purpose of obtain- | chains, thence west 80 chains to what do with and bul every newspapel t M4 Crowa Urant of the above claim f commencement, containing 640 acres) ),,, 1 lacrosse team? he ringside on Monday, and |f e e Mid further take notice that action,| “ore or less ie Aaa a: P ver ” ce am it 5 wader Section 85, must be commenced be HENKY SMITH -~——- there were staff men from Cal- t = issue f such Certificate of Im- popes page ee | Ihev are falling fo the six] gary. Edmonton, Lethbridge, Re- | a] ‘us S0th day of July, A. D. 1042 day bievele = stull in loronte.| gina and Winnipeg, gave me the C 7 ly His adt't 5 7. Skeena Land Otees prowtes of Coast.) Even the nightly spurts look realledge on Bayley and practically C . . h 7] . ¥ . j song, 10 anes to the easy marks all of them said that 1 should |f EXT time you step into the corner store, a i Take notice that I, Mike Vidak, of | , had tt toctaliin ii . re) a P ? Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation restaurant eave BGG LHe CCClIe ; k ] k d Of ll h ] WATER man, intend to apply for permission to It’s a poor Da plaver that if ta e a oo aroun e a t e artic es ri NOTICE. purchase the following described lands : the | —— ————— t = ‘ Commencing at a post planted about 2) ca his J000 © bettlel ith ie ‘ h h l h | # a License to Take and Use Water. [iis south from Graveyard Point tele-| a ania Lu on the she ves, OW many were on your 5 / Notice is hereby given that The British graph office and being on the south side} Wiliter league waa Fackers’ © Assoelationof | 'Van-| Sr vthe skeena River, ‘thence ‘south "80 | SOME REAL VERSE. : shopping list five years agoP Make it ten 5) Will apply for @ license to] chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north | industrial purposes on the land Dated August 24th, 1912 heavyweight Breakfast Food” column in the ie use one hundrec "s inches) 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to pos veryone envies a champion, vissasmitenetsiaile . ra aa * ; wentnohem Tae , the of ccmasement, ween O40. acres | prt there are very few a 7.8 ae | ce years, and you will find that most of the : lake and wilt eee a Par 0 more or less | : ; "i sh einen George EF. Phair, who runs the fe . J ms B 1 for canning, 4d MIKE VIDAK | be aoe : wi . Wap pla | things you buy to-day—and could not do : . the {own of Port Essington Pub, Sept, 28, 1012 pwith le resen . a ru lay of onmane. fois The : p bitte holder of the ring Chicago Examiner, usually hits |j@ without—were not even made then. Puration will be fled im the oMce of the| Skeena Land District--District of Coast, we 4 a] Oietious be filed with ‘the said “> | Bat N na Mitninent aad Spee 075 in. pe vinous O89 “9 . Weer Recorden yp te et we the sal Take notice that Mrs. L. C. Putnam, of fat Nelsot ‘ orgast ¢ g topics. He's never better |[@ i i @ Wane wer OF with the Comptrotier | 5; ‘paul, Minnesota, occupation married Packey Moiariendé ali meh is eee boy on iG You men and women who buy them almost immediately after they ‘a : ee purehas thet i wing ‘e bed lands: | ( ! i gvyinnasium recently than when he breaks into verse. c things, let this sink in. You are are perfected. BRITISH COLU sag: | Durehase the follo des ands cago 8 as a i 7 ealls “The | tam MSOCIATION LUMEEA PACEERS Commencing at & post planted about 80! backey and Ad. had quite a little |‘ t thi which -he call rhe '@ better men and women because of 2 . chains west from the southwest corie | sore : » ' riche =) My . *. Le - os es M. M. English, Agent. surveyed T. L. 30045 on the bank Of chat about pugilism, but Bat and Weicher = advertising. You eat more whole- J. J. Hill says this “high living c ae : - River, thence south 80 chains.) — 7 os oes wane 80 chains, thence north 80] Packeyv remained like icebergs lo- ila iat ‘ial nae sn. eneeiat Phey ic some food. You wear better clothes. costs more. True for J. J. but WATER LICENSE. chains more or less to bank of Skeena) a ene other e e ee D) ® e > &. , . . River, thence in an easterly direction lous | ward each other threw the game! s Your home is better furnished. You it is a _ far, page, = of river 80 chains more © e >} . se License to Take and Use Water. peat of commencement, containing 640 - - - Phe peevish rooter holers, iL have cleaner and more sanitary cost ance, GO you wan , go bac brie, lt ES eee See S “un L. C. PUTNAM And one conjectures from the |@ houses. You read better books and to buying jam out of a pail, oatmeal Nees. t pert, will i q 5 . 4s J a 3 é ° * : mttt Wo lake and use ton (40) teehee OF George R. Pumnam, Agent ale same | 2 magazines. You seek more health- on of a barrel, raisins out of sticky tows iy ' a) unnamed ereek which Dated Augus sth, ‘hat he has lost 82. c 6 ang AU easterly direction through Lot Pub. Sept. 17, 1012 0 age Pha a fuPamusements. we or tea exposed in an open Wf said, Goose Bay near south | chest ald | The water . 2 . | » » . = Rook (4 point about $00 feet trom | Sweens Land a of Se) And we cute Tittle stanza on | iy Your whole standard of living has be Used for domestic pur Sate . 1, Mike Vukstich, af rhe Cubs": 7. : aa ae ud described as Granby Bay| ppt ake ,oeun fe oS Festa | of Valuable Property if > wrayer and ne qo ™ am, are SO suet you ; . ‘ ly for perméssion to ‘ } Vv e these better y of led on the ground caaaes ne following described lands The lofty shrine where they for- (e ° men. Wor me ps POE fare Sayer FARO 1a 4 ae aes ‘ tpe purommencibg at & post planted about 70 Situated in the Sate choad {a things are telling you that you will ied in the offiee o ne | southerly direction ier stood i ; Prince Rupert from Graveyard Point telegraph, office and | f Is shattered and prone and|@ be more comfortable, happier and Would you forego the new style be ed with ne salc » £0 de of the Skeena een or 8 . : ‘ ae With the Comptroiier | Belg On the | sont os chains, thence west | Own 0 U forgotten, f healthier if you use these higher razor? ght Parliament Buildings, “h ance AC , thence . | . Maines, | go ones, = © eee OF ceekamens,| Under and by virtue of the powers of} For when they were geod they | e grade goods. Ped. Oct 9) 10,2: & T SAWLE Containing 640 acres more oF less ecu. |e eeneeee a ols be eee ae were awfully good, ac) Isn’t a Tungsten worth a thousand 21, 1049 VUKS ( | Mortgage, ie e sduce } i : es . Dated August 24th, MOie ' | time of sale, there will be offered But when they were bad they} al It is advertising that makes it candles? LAND pun H Pub, Sept, 28, 1012 FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION were rotten, a possible for you to buy “the best” ’ MCHASE NOTICES by the Sheriff of the County of Vancouver . . all : is ) 8 0 n ) ee ow en these a Skeena Land District—District of Coat.) 4; the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon Phe cial sidemnal it al el right at your corner store. It is ‘ Would you n be joying Pm Lend District—pisssten ae eee Range V on Thursday ve special eiderdown zr ' al advertising that encourages the if enterprising manufacturers had y vo OS ee » Roy, of Prince | Wallace’s is 82.00% less today t| ; > : , multe mation tat 1 Horace oy: of Prince| 28TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1012 » | g sigh Ay hy ee @ inventor to make new comforts and not told you about them in their time poe’ that I, 4 , pr’, ‘ hay 1 chase | ¢ «© Sheriff's office, in the Court House} Will be & C88 LOMOPPS } eae .s . Meter, Huber, BL re ge end 10 apply for pertnissicn to purchase) at the clu of Vanecuver, B. C., she fol 1961-262 new utilities and enables you to buy advertisements? Wirehase : 1 '0 apply for rmission to ume eres one es post planted about 2] lowing property, namely “ tine i Wiig deseribed lands; | neh eeeaiece ; fs Oss Teaveyard Point \ll and singular that certain parcel ot Was * 4 bos « | 5 4 ® ‘v ‘ y i rn ses 8 » , ie ae ry r P Petes oe 5 telegreeph office and about 1% Penge oe ‘ a nee - ot 8 ee tetsib tie | Choicest liquors and eigars ’ : b ; b h eens Aga elegrapn » af south of Skwena Kiver, a0 i being 0 of Q . Meng yi eo4® On the south side or ahs > 2 wate beak of a oe ves ye 4b > e Province of British Columbia, and) Savoy | a Isn t life righter ecause we ave new mente oy south 40 chains — ‘nce south 80 chains, thence|u particularly deseribed a3 Luss seven ; : on Maing 4) ‘ ‘ins, thence no ‘A purchase, thence ruth ‘ ’ : ; : and elghteet 18 in Block , d h h d d f | P " 4 ‘ chains - aoe Of eee ~ queene, in “ Oneal ‘of ee oo swankt ; x 26 . Town of Queen Charlotte, Artistic Job Printing at the (2)| an lg er stan ar S Oo iving less ‘tain ; aed rlwnee eas s to pe of eo = nlatahed . lan de : \ ‘ ’ . “ e sald provine d = ; ALBLAT Lopas Dated August @4th, 1018 Nbered 8 i * the sald PROVING. QO) quences eee» | (0) Let us thank advertising for it. **. Iie Pub, Sept, 28, 1012 eres : P dors Are informed That There is | (2 (i ite —| The Vendor eum ulaing cite Bald FORESHORE LEASE, : eerich OF Coast Propert uitable for te | ie . i ‘ ie one Liquor Act, 1910 POR erTy cc urpeees. Sheena Land District—District of Goast. [f) Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through amy geod « price Hiupery, Mat I, "hommes Hoy, or| ' particulars and conditions of | , Take notion that O. R. ¥. Sawle, ot | ia tising agency or the Secretary of the Canadian Press Association, ; ue on pros I Prince upert, intend Oo & r se . T . . : ‘ base th ui permission to} sale, apply to f the foreshore commencing at the “north: | { Lumsden Building, Toronto. nquiry involoes no obligation om your part— ycittitiencing NOW deseribed lands | (section 41,) McLellan, Savage & White ast-corner post of Lot 766, Goose Bay, e) Jo write if interested. Wii MM Of the Sy PO! Planted on the snd TUnHIDE ih & SouthWesterly direction | ral] , liver MOU theas: of tat Miver and about} Notice ia fereby given that on the first Solicitors for the Mortgages ‘bout 50 chains to the southwest corner | [L W chain! ih xs '®, mouth of Shames|day of December next application will be | 400 BANK OF OTTAWA oa. post of said lot, being all the foreshore in| FR tan 40 thence » ri BO nnenee, west | made to the Superinienc ent of Prov in ial VANCOUVER, 8B. ©. trons of “renby bay Fownsive, as regis (ca Wainin es t . © chains, thence| Police for renewal of the hotel license & erec u ‘rince uper egistry OMece ) nMtt 40 acres mors or eutncement,| sell liquor by retell in the hotel known WILLIAMS & uaneen under plan 1007 e Dateg aioe as the Big Canyon Hotel, situate at bit Barristers an G. B, T. SAWLE, Applic ] Pup geal 26un ‘eee A. Roy selas, in the Province of British Columbia PRINCE RUPERT, 8. 0. Dated October 15th, Lp. Aeptoene TANIA Fal Ae Say “Ol 26, toy? Dated this 10th day of October, 1012 258-968 Pub, Oct, 21, 1042. )) FON) fe) FeO) | ON PRD FeO Fh) Fe) | Fee) (cd) eo) (ee) W. PATERSON, Applicant