_ anoeet OMROULATION L AND NORTHERN eriTisH COLUMBIA EE ees x r » Librery in OfTY ,eislal THE DAILY NEW Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Bouth ednesday South Wednesday, Chelonsin' r ve ri Prince Rupe 0 pm. hyo oa 9 am, es Prince Rupert, B.C., Monpay, Novemppr 11, 1912. THIRTY KILLED IN WRECK NEAR NEW ORLEANS iS | AUSTRIAN-SERVIAN TROUBLE OVER ADRIATIC MAY LEAD ‘MANY URED yy EURO THIRTY KILLED AND FIFTY INJURED IN MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD DISASTER Terrible Scenes Serreund Collision of Freight and Excursion Trains Near New Orleans---Nine Dead Bodies Recovered ---Many oo | in Debris of the Coaches News ‘ } es ha beet eCOV ends by Specia » Daily panic stricken wornen N if Phi ' { ! ! be and en together with the j have { ' the br he ea ng of the dying and i ast tft ach n i ar was awfu kvery ef fata il vit » | is made at once recovel : ti ad Ww kj Th he ac h dies of those dead and save 1 of this ty ‘ ur} ha rr x h jured Doctors and nurses Montezia ri the e| he} hea kK he disaster here Mississippi Va vid h h t e prepared » £0 the the thu igh i ka \ parated piace Anh etnergenme wrecking hed to h ‘ i while | tra yded excurst i aches cee pean ches ind the hu elatives and Best meal in town at Savoy. NEW SERVICE Telegraphic Communication Es- tablished Between Fort George and Stuart PIERROTS PROMIS: AN EXCELLENT ENTERTAINMENT AT WESTHOLME Lake ROWING CLUB SHOW WILL BE PRODUCED THIS EVENING— | George, Nov. 9 Pelegra NEW SONGS, CLEVER DAN>°ES AND WITTY SAYINGS phi mn i relwee WILL PLEASE EVERYONE | George and Stua La h d Huds Bay | I 5 ud - \ he | Ja h tbe iblish h wre hea i i th : 1 hy \ 1s. passing i i land ‘ the viva ‘ ih liis i . ving : i j the a ? ' . ; . l sh ¢ ia x :* oo . rl e graph pa : h i il’ vho have ae ‘ bas i ' anal ' , ' ha : be I iser t Siluat Lake " = > . P t distal il = :' : , a , Phe i I Cie g sical ent , uea - } le 1 “" 1 Stua Lake s 75 cents fe i Rupe he keeping ip such aa \ | essage and nis per hi, und h . " ' is the Prince) word for additional words ge upert Rowing ¢ b . i direct shi —+t W and the stag ue J | LOCAL NEWS ITEMS nubers «* thre ehearsed thy } Basket Ball. \\ : woe ip t Poul h : s is | . “ i t als, Me ‘) Ca es Chicago Crooks Get Away with nh big audience it the Audit | av eve : Much Money After Securing Siar Suries \ bee ! Crame ¢ et : 4 ' eee , i Wevemmer 55 : Bartender to Chair. imave been troduced | . = clon shar \d sist tenet . hat W sel the audience ; ‘ " : des : ents Special to Daily News. x and dancing in ' { { > Chicago Noy if rhree ian costumes St sy f he ; | p acksmnen blew open a safe ina enough to be 8 h i ‘ : the head of the| linn, and G, T Pp. « istable Ja sa mat West Madison and Hal- \ all go together | Merritt wh vent n a due stead streets early this morning is delightfi und fas shoot wey sterday | and eseaped with 82,500 They za ing’s entertain. |! Crippen s h B fishing [lied the var tense = peer lo he heart could wish for or ds n the for ‘ s gas re hairs and gagged thei be om co f ol eneing erations e The ‘ ers of the Rowing |launch, returned to the ety his | ' ! a die "i friends will bej| morning The weathe vas glary was not discovered ub Cn ij sp thie sal after wher he twe strength, the the \ | Siley - i decorated for wise i pleasa l is were cdiscoveres © vcCasion had ieee oenananane Mr. L. BANDIT ‘SURRENDERS ppen, who has beea| as guy zhts coneoe ri es seine 7 ” h ev we ~— ae Begin e hey ' <n ; Youth Gives Self Up for Train ® latest gags ane ot te e sacks wil re A ’ ~ : ~ parivera wi ap teks S| Robbery—Says He Was One of he ° thin Sie aa we tome. Shasta Limited Robbers. t his life amongst the oe ymers to provide place to receive h ro pe Rave BOOB Tibeir coal as all coal sacks musi Special to Daily News. . oe | in costume by Mr | be emptied and returned eae aks, ae ie 11 = Panama Stu-| 4.2 ROGERS & BLACK Declaring himeelf to be one of nae nem & — the robbers who held up the x i ° Cees CURTIN: There was a clean a set at}sShasta Limited train and robbe ' nO WETS OF) lihe police hits riiie the registered mail, the getting | stores in the el > ehinhaiah uae a eentl enlargement] s 8 e, Georg aine, a youtl ° ) holds the plaee of Charles ©. Pe India igent| h lif ( ! Main 1 you it Metlakatla ed to his|walked into the polee station rome this n a M Per his morning and gave himself PSS irved n : \ w a | He wave an accurate «de ately si ition of the holdup and per from Terrace \ the hh thine ‘ | ‘ sisted that he was one of the me iltending the ' ! , re { indians charged plicated : The police, at { holding hum further inve i |jbeaver oul of sea { : that owing to ition 4 ‘ —_— \ the manage ry Stalke « \\ HEN . lilm exehange P}and satisfy you f THE WEAT : ‘e have been , i . ! veather report at o o¢ om regulat Cpeeses Today = Sane anaes alia | Lara pea i ne ’ ’ naXtinrui thepratt T sHlholites tik eal ile ; imum Semperat \ Ones art seree tabe ! O ] ta n Ss inch M NIGH tains, Dburiaps, ¢ wt anid ' i i) loovel nove eurtal i qt ' show ex rasses erin : \ ile a Vals a i VEATURE ot meses ' . i he G. 4 P. tt { ; ind a kind Sond { : play here uding bra ox n . Ma uM prartl i, s. W we t ! I \ Va a : i ervriae ‘ a jesti Th > ' \ W wv c eatre i Pantorium tones tileane M \ M | i Phone 4 | San Franciseo Street Cars Collide | and Many Are Injured, Some Seriously. | Special to Daily News Sa Franeiseo, Novy 11 lei je vere myured, tw { ther ; seriousiy, this ning the resull of a@ street ca ( FISHERS CAMP OUT IN STORM Wind Prevented Three Returning to the City Yester- day in a Smal! Boat. WAR BY Austria’s Warning to Disregarded and TO GENERAL EUROPEAN WAR PE MAY BE PLUNGED INTO BIG AUSTRIAN-SERVIAN TROUBLE Servia Not Not to Touch the Adriatic Has Been May Lead to a General European Con- flict---Germany Believed to be Behind Austria Special to Daily News. subject of the note from Austriajof her orders in regard to the Belgrade, Nov, 11.—The van-]| direct opposition to the contents|conquest of the Turkish shore guard of the Servian army, under|of the note that Servia is taking |!!Me. Gneral Yankovieh, has reached|the action she is now doing in aos eee ee the Adriatic Sea and is expected] seizing the port, and it is ex-| ry Stalker & Wells’ butter f satis “se 26: size Durazzo on Wednesday,| pelted that Austria will take ac- ee ee Te _ ss tion and plunge Europe into a es Ys ae iceording to despatches received . . here and sub > nt official an [disastrous war. | General Agent A, E, MeMaster, ere t Ss set id o "lal « = : Ty . oO . ) > . iouncements, | Germany is believed to be be-| ( the G. T. P. Ry. Co., left for , aoe t jthe South yesterday on the Prince rhe seizure of the Turkish ter-|hind Austria and will support! 7 | Albert on a short business trip, ritory on the Adriatie Sea was the|jany action she may take to ob-|xpecting to return to the city in to Servia last week and it is —. from Servia the observance | about ten days. Row boat ex€ursions on the . ; PROSPERITY CONTINUES iarh the middle of Novem rel ' not ded, with|} Financial Statement Shows In- easureable exeitement, not to crease in Revenue tion a splee of adventure and — d inconvenience: Well known Ottawa, Noy. 8.—The Domin- is is the joy of a late tete-a-tete] \o financial statement for Oe} pper over the thsome and|tober shows that the prosperily |\TWO NATIVES RELEASED ON SUSPENDED SENTENCE WHEN ad crab. there are those Canada continues. Consoli- | CONVICTED OF KILLINGBEAVER—STIKINE AND he \ probably think it wiser iled revenue for the month ag-| NORTHERN !NDIANS MAY DO SO. h ext me they contemplate| zregated $14,756,946, an inerease neces eas purehase them on this|of two millions over correspond. Before Magistrate Little at The provincial authorities are ' . sid the wate ilready boiled|/ing month last year rhe rev-|Terrace, on Saturday last, Ben|#0ing to take stringent measures ind eracked. before setting forth | enue for the vear is expected to Bennett and Phillip Roberts, the against a number of white men, h and he to endeavor to|}reach one hundred and = sixty hidten sie 5° ~welte> “tine however, who are kpowp .to. be = enarwes a a es hem ’ aliv from thel a . The public debt was |) a a . K in both illegally trapping beaver and isty deep decreased by four million dollars} on Saas 2 ; an saan aed buying the pelts. It is thought |eive “i *T o sus . > I vas the incomfortable ex.|during the month. eon 7 meee ae - pended) that at the next session of the | sentence Provincial Constable f three we known The fishery statistics for Sep-| rp : f 14a th Provincial house the new act in | é ‘Sorts o . > ing people of this city to have er show that the e¢ateh in} - ‘ rt - ~ we “4 regard to the Indians of this dis- | msession oOo anity silts t » < i th geht huddled up| British Columbia ameunted tof = : .' t ye , Vatued) jie will be amended so as to t 82? Z c ave ae con. i campfire trying to keep 8,07, and in all of Canada #1 at he ees re + make then exempt, as are their scate \ » gover . e varm last night untildhe weleom 38.057, and in all of Canada| 5, . 638 a i — rae brothers of th northern part of ne davlight and abatement of the | 31,662,572 } epee dee peep eet eeu the province. Tere , the Indians of Liard, Stikine and nd pern ee I o i re. EE , ty ' ne e ' " Tee af Peace River district, the north- | is side ’ 1 io ’ | . S apnetne: ink aaeal ter CANTON BLAZE v2mesgerien gt tte orowsnce| LOCAL NEWS ITEMS appe " la a eee mth ow hay exempt in this regard, it not woal ist ie nougn an w applying to the Skeena River In- started off in the morning with IS UNCHECKED “=: ' «. A. Turve, collector of cus- the avowed objeet of erabbing, | | Indian Agent Charles C. Perry} ‘oms at Stikine, arrived io the he occupants intending to re of Metlakatla represented the city on Saturday, going south to urn in time rtea in the after-! — ' Victoria on the Prineess May } [Indians Mr. Perry showed very . = a? Not turning up whn ex-| Canton, China, Being Burned to} : ; Mr. Turvo will be stationed at clearly that there was a good deal pected and their friends becom- Ground—Fire Started Yester- so, be said in Meebo et Mie charees the latter place for the winter, ne anxious, the brother of one day and Still Burns. While it was admitted that. the) se pert of Stikine being closed if the party set off to hunt for} ee Indians had trapped beaver, he for the season, It will be opened them, locating them on the op- Special to Daily News. | howed ‘that they acted with again for business on April fst posite shore si g the sé ‘ rhe la |. . . . . 5 oO _e ¥ sar posit h (ting by th ud Shanghai, Nov. 14.—Fire broke |judgment and discretion, only f the coming year. Sek os ; high out in Canton yesterday and is|taking the full grown beaver of e set was running seo ig . fg . ie th ‘5 ' ta - shes ; oa ibl 7 still raging practically unchecked.|the male kind,, He stated it as Mr. and Mrs. Otto Nelson left é ! as 0 ‘ possible 0 Se “leg ve » Beot nding 1 the little} Thousands of persons have been | his unqualified opinion that ab.|on Saturday evening on the > a inet pee, 4 endered homeless and the prop |solutely no injury was worked in Princess May on an _ extended aunech and the ree were per-| . =! . a . “i : si “er ate Rll _ jlerty loss is said to reach tremen. this way upon the propagation of| visit to -the South, including of it oe ae bes t ae dous figures. No loss of life is|the species in the province. The | Portland, Oregon; Spokane, fit and doa iInpromplu Camp. ’ " : vied ila 7 . il “a tam but act, bigtlly romantic ol tre repented. | Indians had been in the habit of | Washington, and California, re v1 om ie wie ah. ieee iad |killing a certain number for food| turning to Prince Rupert agam though = siienh@ly inconvenien T until, quite reeently, an act was|in the spring. heir many friends were delight- GUNMEN GUILTY : as | : Ss hall thei Mhhnen eau mad ie a } passed putting the natives of the ee oe a a eir retu sate ¢ ‘ ‘ . : : “ ” m interior of the province upon the! Artistie Job Printing at the sound this morning Left ouie” and s rades| ie Will Plead Quilty to Murder of same footing as the white man, { Deity News office. : St. Andrew's Society meeting Rosenthal When Arraigned. _ - — — - _— —— al 8 o'clock tonight>in rooms on oe 4 ¢ ~~? Avenue Second ‘PRINCE RUPERT LIBERAL ASSN. » An important meeting of the )Prince Rupert Liberal Associa- tion will be held in Mcintyre Hall f the bandits 9 Monday evening at 8 o'clock for the transaction of general business. P. W. ANDERSON, Secy. WARK’S-- LEADING JEWELERS We carry the largest and most reliable stock of Diamonds, Pear! and Solid Gold Jewelry Sterling Silver flat ware, hollow ware and tollet articles Ladies’ hand bags, club bags, eard cases, umbrellas, Brass goods of every dese ription Hand painted and Royal Crown Derby ehina and every other line suitable for Xmas gifts WE DO ALL KINDS OF WATCH REPAIRING AND JEWELRY WORK Optical Work Is Reeeiving Our special Attention and All Work Guaranteed Sole Agents For National Cash Registers Dayton Computing Scales Heintaman Planes Mail Orders Carefully Filled W. WARK & SON P.O. Box 76 Prince Rupert Special to Daily News.) New York, Nov. t4.—-Il is per-| sistentiy rumored here today that “Lefty Louie,” “Gyp— the Blood” and other gunmen = in- dicted in conneetion with the murder of Herman Rosenthal wil! is being se- which them as the jury lected to try is assured, Owing to a change of manage- ment at the film exehange in Vancouver, the Majestic Theatre have received a telegram that! through the new stafY making an} BRILLIANT COSTUMES LATEST SONGS AND DANCES error in the boal service to this | city from the South they omitted] to dispatch the regular series of} WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE lnew films whieh were to have} been shown tonight and tomer > row However, they have been on a ove r ] | assured by the film company that) 9 9 lsuch a mistake cannot be within! lthe range of possibility again} - - and that to make up for it they] SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS | jare forwarding some extra spe jcial pictures at an expense far ve a ee ee jin excess of whal they receive for them Admission $4.00, 75e, 50e, Doors Open at 8 - To Commenee at 8:30 o'Cloek } Mr. and Mra, J, 1 Gilmour of |Nadon Haghor atrived in the cits TICKETS ON SALE AT ORME’S DRUG STORE, 3AD AVE. jyesterday and are registered at lit Central Hotel { plead guilty of the crime as soon} THE EVE EVENT OF THE SEASON The Prince Rupert Rowing Club PIERROT CONCERT | ' @ @—or-@--@-0--- 9-292 o-oo o & Oo o-oo © 0-0-0 -o--o—-O--o-O-y hee ‘is i ge a penne iemesipni nen _ a