2 THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. : ee BRITAIN WILL NOT INTERFERE TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DatLy, 0c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WREREKLY, $2.00 per year. All Contract rates Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly) cpeech at the Lord Mayor's in-| Position to rob the vietors of the | in advance. ° augoral banquet of Saturday ee _they had acquired. | HEAD OFFICE Hight the Premior, Mr. Asquith, inland,” he said. “has no di rect interest in the exact for Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. inade several significant stale-| whieh the politieal and ter ments in regard to the Balkan whe : ‘ torial redistributions may uke BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES question and British interference | pia spécial relations ¢ th in the troubles of the Near Fast. | ypjwope : = New YorkK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 Bast 23rd St., New York City He said: cehis - ae taka, ae th ! e ce ane listorical with if SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. “Upon one thing I believe the) oene of the conflict wer h : ners on 0 ope will], LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar general opinion of Europe Will) thet they cannot xpected | Square. be unanimous, that is that the/ejgim a voiee when the time victors should not be robbed of comes for the pet . ‘ ttle Supscrisers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of | (he fruits which have cost them cent." I non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. so dearly.” : y. Ira a a af ned from sini sr—smeneeecnnteennenssitetiniplenenerenromnimernernenp nemostepeen He referred to the unsuccessful sells Asquith , efforts. made by..the powers of indieating the po ha ! DAILY EDITION. ee. Monpay, Nov. 11 Europe to prevent the conflict}emerge for solul re the eT ee. 4 Saaaeet oe ess hand. ——— A SINISTE | ie jteemed paper to the following ORGANIZATION | Certainly the advent of Robe | a : ers to the spending depart- statement: Phe Edmonton Capital is not | ea : partment seems to suggest} In the number of October 26 enamored of the arrangement ext: athe thing the ughott | , 0 | . seilin ie tte i. id ie by which Hon. Robert Rogers | Gents’ enl teat boil j of the “Strike Bulletin” we find ‘FOR FIGHTING at a, ¢é p 3 ( =| we becomes minister of public | ticians in both parti et ew" misstatement entitled “Coloniz- | ans ‘ arties see | a om me : ’ é ore - the Borden cabinet. | fairly well agreed « that the |e The gentlemen wd the a ; new arrangement will result |S"?! 7 pn openeogge oe ‘al ae Sulgarian Peasants Trained in With ‘Bob’ Rogers dominat- in the adoption of the same | SCs Toetam ad ~~ poms, ot Art of War—Determined ing the great spending depart-| system of spoilation as ew oe and Happy People Used ment in the Dominion and his| been the disgrace of Manitoba. vou. ware Bat cOdmened to Hardships man Friday in the person of Canada is after too serisitive | ae rage : the Son a da sabe ; ’ , pr ‘ « J , J bi }of the G . PS railway and are 4 W. J. Roche holding the de- | and too sound-at heart to be ‘ ‘. ithe naw’ tabos enia Writing in the London Daily partment of interior for him| successfully debauched for)” we = ” ¥ Mirror Charles Woods, a noted - ine ’ by proxy, the guiding genius of more than a short time,—Vie-\" | That our colonization work |JOUrmalist, tells of the characte! that sinister organization toria Times. fo j ; of the Turks and their foes, the jis exclusively such, and we sell veel aes —— - hemmucacerecmens = — = | farms only to bona fide settlers, Bulgat ans of the latter he il tle callie wie will start immediately to} #75: 7 leclear and cultivate same Now, As far as Bulgaria is eon- ge lit is very probable that some of|cerned, the men, for the most } these people during the winter part types of a healthy peasant Ayes Apples) |Petates Potaies | 3 cars Highland Two cars from oom 2 cars Ashcroft Wenatchee ; We have what you | | The Apple is the Best | are looking for the Price is Right | | 1~~~~~+ LYNCH BROS. .~~~~~+4 + “FROM HOME TO HOME." HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. 1142 Pender Street West - - Phone 8500. > Vancouver, B.C. § + Find It Through a News Want Ad. WEY Yoo — COME OuT |=, OF THAT 4 MINUTE. — X WOULD CONVERSE! ————_—__—— London, Nov, 10.—In a stirring » THE DAILY NEWS BETWEEN TURKEY AND BALKANS |. UMBER PREMIER ASQUITH MAKES A_ SIGNIFICANT STATEMENT IN REGARD TO BRITISH POLICY IN EASTBALKANS EN- TITLED TO FRUITS OF VICTORY. and nowhere was there any dis there is no work on will look fer outside of them may construction, when the farm work, work bus, } time and some on railroad being generally recognized as most desirahle laborers, they icertainly will not dream for a moment to work for a cent less than any other laborer in this country and certainly not for an idiotic wage of 50 cents a day as suggested by the gentlemen of the strike committee. 3. We most heartily agree with the ‘statement that “the workers will own the earth,’ but it will be workers who till hard and know how to keep and enjoy the result of their work, and cer- tainly not people whose -ideal work at any price, A. M. ASANCHEYEYV, LTD Colonization. seems to be to avoid any kind of} race, are as hardy as their Tur- kish ranks have been so trained as to in the of enemies. For years all perfect themselves art war. The men, who march well, of- fen singing as they are gu, wheerful under the most adverse conditions. After the hardships of manoeuvres, which in Bul- garia are really earried out un- der war conditions, the men show no signs of fatigue, and ambulances are hardly ever re- quired. During a final assault drums beat, and the men cheer in a manner which would be a good example for any European army. Music, and dancing are jthings in the Bulgarian The cadets at the officers’ lege taught dancing, which greal army eol are Lester W. David Co, Ltd | iret Ave, and McBride St. Box 865 PHONE 25 Prince Rupert, B.C. Red Chair Sign-844 3rd Ave. We buy furniture, stoves, cast ff clothing, ete GRATTON & BROCHU Box 335 Send Card or Phone 294 STUART & STEWART Acoountants 308 2nd Avenue } Auditors for the Clty of Prince Rupert | PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Alex. M. Maneon, B. A. WwW. E. Williams, 8. A, Lb. L. BL) WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Heigerson Block Prince Rupert, B. C. Cc. V. BENNETT, B.A. of B.C,, Ontarie, Sas- katehewan and Al-| berta ALFRED CARSS, of British Columbia and Manitoba Bars. CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, Notaries, ETc Office— Albert Block, Second Avenue P.O. BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL. OF WM. FOXON, BSQ., A.R.A.M., LON, ENG UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMERS Funeral Directors Srd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embaimer CHARGES REASONABLE 2nd St., cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 356 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the Jodge. A. H., ALLISON, N. G. W. G. BARRIE, Sec. SONS OF NORWAY at 319 3rd Ave. are welcome. ‘Valhalla’ of S.H. & E.F. ‘ (SCANDINANIAN SOCIETY) Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. consist of native sandal shoes and putties or bandages of thick white serge. As far as the necessities of life All Norwegians | Monday, November 44 PLY S. ae im $8 Na \C PRINCE RUPERT (Twn leaves for Vancouver, Victori and Seattle oe FRIDAYS, 9 A. M. “PRINCE JOHN” For Port Simpson, Granby Bay, Stewart, Naas, 11 a m. Now a: ith and 18th for Masset and Naden Harbor, 12 p. m., Nov. &th, evnd pe For Skidegate, Aliford Bay and other Queen Charlotte tsiang Nov, 10th, 24th, Dee. &th, gona @. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER seRvice 2 leaves Prince Rupert 10 a. m. We No dnesday and Sa Grand Trunk Railway System (The Double Track Route) Nine month excurston rates In effect with the excursions and fast trains of Choice the Agency for ali Atlantic Steamehip Lines. Fo: ai! information apply to A. E. MOMABTER, Seneral Agent of routes t Trunk Grand Ratiwa Centre t en e B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE PRINCE RUPERT INN AND ANNEX tm CANADIAN PRINCESS 1a 8 RAILWAY S. S. Princess Beatrice SOUTHBOUND Saturday, Nov. 16,8 p.m. 4. @. M'NAB, General Agent Owned and operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway or are equal to any hotel on the coast. Is made comfortable, safe and} fast by using the Best Route Rates: $1 to $3.50 ow Pq The Great Northern Ry. \Offers the choice of routes Ithrough a | } | } } Prince Rupert Lodge, LO.OF. “ ("halohsin” Meets every Thursday at 7 p. m.,| Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening the American and Europear plar Excellently furnished steam heat, electric light, and a modern conveniences, being abso lutely first-class in every respect with The appointments and service G. A. Sweet, Manager. well settled country. 3 DAILY TRAINS Seattle | Vancouver |-—_—— From ol Chicago and al! points east | Roger’ Steamio SaVOY Hotel PHONE Cor. Fraser and 6th Cho | RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMFORT e Wines and Cigars 116 THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American billiards Twelve Tables AVE UNION S.5. COMPANY OF 8.6., ld The new steel Passenger Steamers SECONI — AND— “Ca ” mosun Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver —— — Empress Bowling Ales { AND POOL ROOM as follows: \)) @ atteve 412 TABLES H - Best Fitted and Most Luxurious on | “‘Chelohsin” - Wednesdays at 10 p.m. a | a H. E. ROSS, Prop. Srd Ave) “ Camosun " . Saturdays at 10 p.m. _eemneill and Monday morning, respectively None safer on the coast than these two fine passenger steamers COAL Best on the Rogers & Black J. H. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116 CARTAGE and LINDSAY STORAGE G. T. P. Transfer Agents PRINCE RUPERT FEED C0. Ree ml they practice together as part of|are concerned, the conseript re- Dealers in : Orders promp reasonable. Vadso Inquiry their military instruction, Squads|quires but little better rations | opyiop—s ry he ae Raeee AND Vancouver, Nov. 9%—Captain|of young men arereven obliged to|than the Turk. About 44. per : : HAY, GRAIN FEED Eddie, examiner of masters and/sing as they mareh about the|day is the caleulated cost of|-——-——— ee mates, held a preliminary hear-|barracks square. feeding a Bulgarian soldier. - > SEEDS ing as to the circumstances sur- The Bulgarian army is well|Whilst in peace the men are Little’s NEWS Agency rounding the stranding of thejclothed and equipped. The men|provided with a sort of soup, ock Food Boscowitz stgamer Vadso, which|wear a rough service dress, with| stew, bread, beans and tea, in agazi Agents fo ional St , 88, stew, ad, beans ¢ a, «ies ‘ r the Internationa went ashore” at Baynes Soundja brownish colored overcoat, on|war they would probably receive = nee 22 Deets t Heqepemes two weeks ago, and has sinee\active service. The foot and leg|/rations composed of fat bacon|CIGARS :: TOBACCOS FRUITS been floated. The substance of gear for the most part would and biscuits. 2nd Ave. Below Kalen Island Club) ya, onpers PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0 ee MAY BE He’s DEAO - BEEN RUN OVER. BY His Own caR! Don’t be so Paiviindienles. Scoop Witte OO FOR. | VVOODROW TED, OR Bitviam? —Drawn for The Dally News by “Hop” (PUT ME Down FoR’ THE CANDIDATE. THAT CaN CUSS THE See r HARDEST -t > \ai@-imrh SXMD ie