ve LAND PUI November 14, 1012. nday —= = CHASE NOTICE } LAND LEASE NOTH KS trict-—Distriet of Coast, Seena Land District —pistry pand Drs Rr | Of Coest apeena fhange © ange V that |, Charles H, Ziegler, Take notice that Micha M ake notion thd, occupation wentieman,| Porcher Isiand, vecupation taqntee™ oF London, | permission to pur-| tends to apply Tor permission eh in und Py described lands following described lands.” lease the usd 1 & post planted at the Commencir t , c f jot 20, thence north west end ' at & post planted on the eas an west 90 chains, thence! © OF Gurd Island, about two 8 ‘ 1 east of Lot 1793 mile 4 yence east 30 chains to the Kitkatlat th on Porcher island, in aencement, COMMMAE HINCLY) thence 4 chains sce’, 80, Chains east, oa r less . a uth, tO an inlet, not ; ‘1m HENAY ZIBGLER be pg ne the shore jine to ‘ j o encement ' \iexander Noble, Agent Jacres more or les _ " a! mtatning 320 ; aug. 19th, i912 | the lease is required is to Guan which pared on 3 1019 rock 1 y lime strict-—Distriet of Coust, MICHAEL M apeona Land navge V | Dated Sept. 3rd, 1919 vADDEN that Henry Burbank, of| Pub. Sept. 14 rake ! cupation jumberman, | prince Nut I Trermission wo pul pee Land District—District of Coast iol wing deseribed lands take Range V S eng at & post planted 40 enains | p,m Ruper:, oat George KR. Naden, of mt ist corner of Lo 28,/ i per cupation broker, intends ut pistrict, thence east 40 ) Apply for permission to lease’ the fol ; 40 «chains, thence) ‘OWNS described land 7 CotTnimenc ing t . e north 40 chains to ay & post planted about — ment, containing 160] a See m8 soutin direction from K . e ; ove, thence east 80 chains, thence res, HENRY BURBANK, | S0Uth 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to sodrew Kennedy, Agent point os ane north 80 chains to a ) of commencement, « i Se} i4 wf j acres more or less “uy Ole pub. Sep ' ; GEORGE RR. NADEN . "er Daniel Lyor —_" i tact the noetnl f Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation broker | on ence east 20 chains intends to apply for permission to pur-| ne st Of samminencemenn. |" hase the following described lands:— - po é Commencing 4 a post planted at the | 4 more or less 3s. W piainine ALLAN SIM corner of L. 4419, thence north 40 : — L. ‘ |; chains, thence west 20 chains, thence ated Aus 19 ; South 40 chains, thence east 20 chains wo| p. Sept. 1 v ; Point of commencement, containing 80 jseres more or less | Sheena La ¥ —— of Coast, | VEKNON F. G. GAMBLE Hhange | P. M 4 - Martha Ann kruts, of Dated Ses" Sth, 19012 7 ~— ‘ Was gion, occupation spinster, | Pub. Sept. 14 aps r permission to pur-| | ; « described lands 4 1 post planted on the| Skeema Land Disirict—District of Cosst,| f Lot 6161, Range Range V. . re thea) |. Take notice that I, Napoleon Roy, of| wr é \ ; ’ chains ane of Wallace, idaho, occupation mili man, ip-| a “ = , on i oars tend | wo apply for permission to purchase! oe ie = Baggs penk the following described lands wt soon Apna Polos i ommencing 4@t & post planted about 1) r 4 mee “Saver a A+ | file south from the mouth of the Shames m east bank « + Biba thence fot. | wre! aud about helf a mile south from » Lo o aan’ tk " b. . i the south bank of the Skeena River, thence! ming ary S os y? ) m = south § chains, thence east 80 chains, * itaining r j; ‘hence north 80 chains, thence west 80 ; j post of commencement, contain- | i \ATHA ANN KAUTZ | arres more or less * be 19i2 NAPOLEON ROY Pub 21, | Dated August 26th, 1912 Pub, Sept, 28, 1012 | Sem Land District—Disirict of Coast, Range V Skeet I iD fake notice that 1, Peter Stacey, of “4 an —— ee of Coast, Prince Rupert ccupsiion carpenter, ip-) nee for permission to purchase) Take notice that I, Albert Lopas, of scribed lands | Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation pros st 4 post planted about) pector, intend to apply for permission to m Graveyard Poimt tele purchase the following described lands snd being on the south side Commencing at @ post planted about 30 cha Hiver, thence south 80 Chains,) chains south of Graveyard Point telegraph 50 chaims, thence borth 80) office and being on the south side of the east 80 chains to post Of) skeema Hiver, thence south 40 ¢ ‘ . niaining 640 @cres More) thence east 40 chains, thence north 40 hains, thence west 40 chains to post of a PETER STACEY |} teunneement, containing 160 eeres more We August 24th, 1912 wv tess re Sey 5, 1088 i ALBERT LOPAS | Dated August 24th, 1912 im land District-—Distirict of Coast,) rub. Sept. 28, 1012. - Hange V | Tat Boiice - — sere, 6 Tene skeena Land District—District of Coast, ri. 4 is “, blends 0 " ion to purehase the fol | nenge V jands j Take potice that I, Thomas A. Roy, of 4 post planted on the| Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation pros Quinamas River, about) pector, intend to apply for permission to indian shack, thence| purchase the following described lands thence east 40 chains,! Commencing at & post planted op the t hains, thence west 40/ 50Uth bank of the Skeena River and about i Ww post of commencement, contain-| 2 Miles southeast of the mouth of Shames| @ i) acres more or less | River, thence south 80 chains, thence west JUHN MERRITT, Locator 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence A. GU. Fallowfield, Agent | east 80 chains w post of commencement, fied September 2nd, 191412 ontaining 640 acres more or leas Pub. Sept. 27, 1042 | THOMAS A. ROY Dated August 26th, 1912 Seu Land District—District of Coast, Pub. Sept. 28, 1912 | ange V bat Thomas Partington, Of) skeena Land District——District o: Coast, : ipation clerk, intends to} Kange VY. ee ae ee el gene Botice thet 1, Hubert 0. Crew, of - i rrinee upert, vccupation roker, a A - intend to apply for permission to pur- f Quinamas River, thence| chase the following described lands Wh 40 chains w river Dank thence west| ,.~“mmencing at & post planted two and # chain liowing river bank. thence| 2° half miles east from the mouth of Mrth 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to] 20, CUimamaas River, thence east 80 i post of commencewpent, containing sant hains, thence north 80 chains, thence re more or less ’ west 80 chains, thenee south 80 chains to THOMAS PAKTINGTON, Locator point = ey mea conteining 640 t > an . acres, More or less tua epunbsr bea nie et HUBERT 0. CREW Pub. Sept. 97, 1949. Dated August 17th, 1912 Pub. Sept. 14. Meeua land Dis . . } Hanes we Strict Of COSst,| skeena Land District—District of Coast, Tike votuce that Mrs a Range V a Minnesota, occupation married} , T&k¢ Notice that 1, Ethel M. Thompson, _ apply for permission to| Prince Rupert, b Gy . occupation wing described lands stenographer, intend to appiy far permis nme 0g at a post planted about 80| #02 purchase the following described Ms West from | a . lands Meyed 7. | 1008 an ke = ¢ Commencing at a post planted four and Mens Hiver, thence south 80 chains,|2B¢-ball miles east from the mou of = West 40 chains, thence north 0|@@, QUinamaas Hiver, thence north 80 he More or less to bank of Skeena| 22D. thence cast 80 chains, thence mer, thence in an easterly direction alo south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to _ or fiver 80 chains more Or leas ty | bolmt of commencement, containing 640 ‘ lame nic » : acres, more or 1655. kes mencement, containing 640 ETHEL M. THOMPSON MRS. L. C. PUT Hubert O. Crew, Agent Georme Be” et aM. Dated August 17th, 1912 Deed August itth, ise Meee Pub, Sept. 14. Ub. Sept. 17, 104 ; ' > is Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Ske Hange MS Land District District of Coast, Take notice that William J, Mogridge Tike not Kange V, of Vancouver, B. C., occupation broker, in Price hupert that 1, Mike Wukstich, of|tends to apply for permission to purchase intend & coupation restaurant| the following described lands Witebase the |.) APb'y fOr permission tw] Commencing at @ post planted on the Commencing l’*'N® deseribed lands: |foreshore, about 2 miles distant in a SINS distant gy o POS* Dlanted about 70/northwesterly direction from Kumeolon row Graveya and ‘0 @ southerly direction] iniet, and about 500 feet south of a small e fA Ss ‘nt telegraph office and| bay, thence east 30 chains, thence north WP, thence «uh Side Of the Skeena|30 chains, thence west 30 chains more or H chains the 2 50 chains, thence west] less to foreshore, thence southerly follow 80 chains ¢, DOP 80 chains, thence} ing the foreshore to point of commence Mlacuing 640 ) post of commenéement,| ment, containing 90 acres more or less acres more or less, WILLIAM J. MOGRIDGE Dated August oth ake VUKSTICH. Dated October 8th, 1912 PUb. Sept. 28, 1919 12 Pub, Oct, 20, 19012 “hens Lang p Skeena Land District—District of Coast, istrict-—-Distriet of Coast,|* : Range IV K . ’ : Take noticy —' fake notice that Richard J. Grant, of Hyper, p * “Y4t 1, Horace Roy, of Prince| Vancouver, B. C., occupation bookkeepel Wad | apply ipation gentioman, in intends to ap,'y for permission to pur ie following 4 bermission to purchase chase the following described lands me atten C4 “scribed lands Commencing at & post planted S if Wes south, ‘| 4 post planted about g| foreshore in a small bay about one hal’) ele @raep y Off from Graveyard Point|M@ile north of entrance to kumeolon Inlet, | Muth of « 7 ‘od about 1% wiles thence north 40 chains, thence east 60 - & Pern tk Of Skeena River, and| Chains, thence south 60 chains, thence then, Scey's application to] West to foreshore, thence following tht there? chains, ¢) 80 chains, thence| foreshore westerly to point of comimenm nee east xy op Mee Borth 80 ¢Chains,| Ment, containing 240 acres more or jess We, MLainir NG\NS tO post of commence: RICHARD J. GRANT “S640 40res more or less William J. Mogridge Agent puta Aususi HORACE ROY Dated October Tih, 1912 Mb. Sept Fith, 10429 Pub, Get, 20, 1012 ’ vig n em Lang 1 . Skeena Land District—-District of Coast Rana Pistrics of Coast, Range V ike 9 . fake notice that Beryl! 1, Gamble, of ac Supert, , ’ Menry Smith, of] Vancouver, B. C., occupation spinster, ia bu - Hlend 1 ‘ oCCdpation rail-| & nds to apply for permission to purchas MSe the ¢ Pd for peraission io| the following described lands na Mencing 4: 88 Seseribed inds Commencing at & post planted at ih fray, b fron, PO**t Diwnted abous 70) N. B, corner of L. 4400, thence south 40 tt Mice ' ; ‘raveyard Point tele-| Chains, thence east 20 chains more oF hay’ Kena piv et® OB the south side} 18s to W. bdy of Timber Limit No. 54 io ane hence oy eae, thence south #80| thence north 40 chains, thence west * e Ms, thencs / chains, thence nort)| Chains more or leess to point of com hor NED en, os ' 80 chains to post) Mencement containing 80 acres more oF ' OMlaining 640 acres | less Deea | BERYL 1, GAMBLE Pup AUBUSI 240n TY janes SMITH Pr. M. Miller, Agent pt 19 Peted Sept. bth, 1012 Pub, Sept. 14 THE DAIL’ Suwa * cs ———— me a — SS = SSeS ————— Preference BOO wrens oi nately | Has ar ne noticed that the, jecause of a of at Cellit gon har me other of the! Park associat foothb alll | Queen Park have seored more|a@rounds, Belfast, the Irish Poot i | league clubs? Uf the ama-/| ball Association has notified | leurs had taken 50 per cent, of elubs that in future flags and] he goodsa goal chances mis | emblems must be gorously ex sed, you would) want a ready|cluded from the Nids her to tot them up. cnnietihiiiie The Amateur Athletic Union Tha t footballer changes his | Will celebrate its th annivers ; lary as Aa wovernine rod of am ince along with his jer vwy] sail : j atour athletics the United ‘ un Being certain '} States at its annua eeting, to hows that the footballer is a| be held in New Y« Novem p i the time Davie Ham |ber 18th, ton was a gleeful lad when he | — cored for Dundee against his Grand Rapids alu and fol . 1 tear the Celtic and Chal | lower s of Michigar eraits oked a picture of content j football team plar harter a . Vhen he smashed the ball special train in orde see the n gh Glyde goal for Morton jannual game betwee | We | verine eleven and the I ersits \rthur Bridgett might be for-|of Pennsyivania « N ber 9 er tt Roker Park, bul Sun-] —_—_—- lerland don't seem able to re Ar English amate rT eae ce him jteam that contemplated a trip to ” | Australia asked of the Australian I he the suing Manches-j authorivies First class pas er City back, should get amongst sages to and from Australia for he hi s this seasor barring | fiftes n players and ‘ mage iwcidents jall travelling and hotel ¢ _- | while the team is in At Vhough John Kling has an.{and an allowanee of thr ced that he has quit the} lings per day per man fro the | warine s said at least three| day the team leaves Kkingland wut Na i| League managers, Me-|{ til their return They are f Giraw Dooin and Clarke have | likely to make the trip the iade him offers for next year proposed plan | Royal Vietoria yachtsmet ae r. J. Riehards, vice captain of been invited to take part in the ; the \ustralian rugby team now regatta which is be a part of; playing against College and club the Panama-Pacitic Internation-|teams in San Franciseo and vi- al Exposition. ;crmitys says regarding rugby ensnaanes union football in his eountry Because of the failure of the rhe season opens May and Australian committee to guar-/closes in September f each year antee all expenses, Cal Ewing/and 2,325 sehool boys take part has abandoned his baseball tour/|in the various grades of compe- if the Antipodes tition——one grade of boys having Coomaninten their weight limited to 98 pounds Joe Bayley, personally, feels|There are also 1,540 men play- that he can beat Dick Hyland|ing in competition, other than when they again clash He isischool sides, The winners of very bitter against Tommy Burns|each grade receive at the end of cleat ia us a referee he season a permanent pennant. , ee Professional Seulling Cham- len teams comprise the first pion Ernest tarry has secured| grade section of the above play- the Sportsman cup as his prop-|ers, 3,865 in all, are under the erty by winning three contests |direet supervision of the Metre- inside f two vears The first|}politan Union of Sydney only, a Sportsman cup was won outright iy with a population of 600,000T) by Hanlan. peogie. EXPERT BAYLEY AND HYLAND WILL MEET AGAIN IN PADDED RING PRINCIPALS AGREE TO SECOND GOUT—SEATTLE FIGHTING FIGURES BAYLEY A BETTER MAN THAN ‘FRISCO VETERAN. Joe Bayley and Fighting Dick|ley is too rugged, strong and ean Hyland will meet again Phough |stand more punishment than jHyland can hand = out” is Mr. the date of the battle has not yet} , Grant's opinion of the two men. been selected, the two prinei- Bavley's punching powers, al. pals are agreeable to another jso, will wear Hyland down, match and all that emain to should the pair meet over the bring the pat ogether is for Newae wenie. Victoria. Times. thei respective man to bat sig the wecessary arl | ees A a « PEN BECOMING stage a second bout at Calgary, | but Hyland is not particular] — = we Degg a as ARISTOCRATIC ris Condon states that Bayley] will fight again within a month | and it is possible that the battle | Women Sentenced in Vancouver wil be arranged immediately | Refused Admittance in following Bayley’s fight with] Penitentiary—Not Johnny O'Leary of Seattle, at Desirable Class Prince Kupert on November 15. Ce To Meet Barrieau | New Westminster, Nov. 8— It also looks as though a bout} Discussing the refusal of the | between Ernie Barrieau, the provincial jail authorities to re- ' ancouver boxer, Joe : erack Vancouver boxer, and Joc ceive fifteen women prisoners Bayley, of Vietoria, lightweight} champion of Canada, ‘is assured | yesterday, and others on prev~ Managers Chet Melntyre and | ious oeeasions, Chief Bradshaw Morris Condon got together last | states that the reason for the re- lavening and made tentative ar-|fusal is because of lack of ac- rangements for the proposed ‘ommodation, bout, which it is proposed to pull} He and his foree strongly ob- off somewhere on the coast. ‘jected to New Westminster be- While no forfeits were posted, | coming the dumping ground of the managers agreed that in| Vancouver's underworld. He view of the strong publie de.|considers that under present mand for this mateh they would conditions the sentencing of undertake net to tie up their} these women and their subse- eharges for any bouts other than/|duent removal to this eity only those whieh they now have in|results-in their becoming an ad- hand Rarrieau is matehed to ‘dition to the local ranks of their meet Kid Sealer at Edmonton aj t ‘ : creek bridge, thence south 30 chains, lasted, and ET may also say that I will thence east 50 chains, thence north 30 recommend it as a stimulant in suitable chains, thence west 50 chains to point of vd ” . ment, containing 150 acres more cases. MICHEL KORDAS. Fred EB, Cowell, Agent. Dated October 2nd, 1012 . Pub. Nov, tith, 1912-—Jan, 6, 1913 RSET - — DISTILLERS- ALEX. FERGUSON & CO. 108 West Regent Street, Glasgow Prince Rupert Importing Co., Limited —AGENTS- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. BERR RRR BERR ON’S LIQUOR AOT, 1010. = (Section 41.) Notice is hereby given that on the first day of December next lication will be made to the Superintendent of Provincial Police for remewal of the hotel license to sell liquor by retail im the hotel known Scattig the Pedvineg of rita oli selas, t Columbia paved this foun of October, 1912. 1. W. PA SON, Applicant. | Subscribe For The Daily News * And Get All the News ' 7 ' i