a | oe THE D DA ILY N EWs “ sno BUSINESS LOT ON M’BRIDE ST. SELLS FOR $75,000 STORM DOES NOT TOUCH SHELTERED WATERS OF HARBOR, BUT BREAKS SEVERAL WINDOWS NO 0 DAMAGE ON HARBOR BY THE BIG GALE LAST NIGHT — 4iGH WIND SMASHES FEW WINDOWS BUT DOES NO pam- ||” “| AGE TO SHIPPING IN SHELTERED WATERS OF HAR- leamer NEW PLACER STRIKE IS MADE NEAR ATLININTERDICTED MAN CANNOT lL. Madigan, who arrived in this morning on the Spokane direct from + | strike on O'Donnel! Rive about |! thirty miles from Discovery, be jyo nd Spruce Creek producer. ithe drifting Several men wil Ispend the | on bedrock winter at new diggings Things will GO NEAR A BAR SAYS ACT JOHN BELL SENTENCED To FIFTEEN DAYS — POLICE WILL ENFORCE NEW ACT REGARDING INTERDICTED BOR, WHERE BOATS ARE ANCHORED. Atlin, where he has been engaged The pay found was very good,|be generally pretty quiet in the MEN AND WILL PUNISH OFFENDERS. ng all the past- summe ; ted tl ; [northern eemp unti] the returmf § .. °° ' > 4 | ote vind = storm mele mad been struck by a att 1 big hydraulic company, |*%@ ' 1 @xpeeted that the new jof spring, for wihch the outlook] John H. Bell, who appeared in] Magistrate MecMullin remark. city last eee s the - i sen pring vord of a recent placer | find will develop into a rea hers very bright. the police court yesterday before |ed that except under the = in- Jack ndsa i ‘ tables | nee . . i good deal of pet al ale d , " |Magistrate MeMullin to answer| fluence of aa the Scola were upside d ind piled u i was apparently es minds of some i ieceaats to a charge of being drunk and aiian fle had inane siven daub is to whether | Uy ervic e th des disorderly, he being at the same opportunity to return to his | : going to blow) inhabita ha ul we time an interdicted man, and was|ranch at Lakelse, but had not or merely turn|tleman 1 irked that he did not remanded until this morning to|taken advantage of it, and under lid not result in} th the stor is bad as 4 : | sober up, was today sentenced to|the circumstances he thought it ble damage be- | the e three . ” which Considerable anxiety was ex- he harbor. Ne ad had been | buildings on the rock has been | fifteen days’ imprisonment. the wisest course W Onder Man x of a number] among the isies.| perienced last ight through the! received this mo ng as to howlof a somewhat arduous nature An endeavor by the court to|to be kept in charge of the au- windows ne TY the tl I Be aging storm as to the safety of|they had come hrough thelowing to the variableness of the| find out where he obtained his|thorities, until he was thorough. \ f the waterfront} neau’s historic restaura KDOWD) the men engaged upon the work the wireless being oul of|fall weather and the difficulty of|!iduer, resulted only in the elue-|ly recovered from the effects of e snug and tight}as the Cal Centre! of building the lighthouse upoa|order. The wor f construct-|getting material and supplies on|idation of the faet that it was|his recent dissipation. of any accidents | street Holland Rock, at the entrance of|ing this lighthouse and the other|to the ground. given by an unknown friend on Chief Vickers announced that - Amongst the plate glass win- the street between the Knox Ho-| yesterday he had taken steps to : ible instances of|dows b vy the e of the|~ ; " 1 tel and the Windsor inform all the license holders being whisked dst i ast evening were BUY MORE scows Upon the accused being asked| regarding the aet. Interdiets wren ilmost unaccount h he post lice, the E. I — as to whether he was aware that| being found on saloon premises ind a few fish boxes | confe store, H. 8S. Wal | Local Company Secure Two More |it was a contravention of the Act} would be punished in future to vn away was all| lac ich, falling inward, also Scows to Handle Trade Be- for an interdiet to enter a bar-|the utmost letter of the law. eport. Park ave-|smashed a handsor dinner set; tween Rupert and jroom, he admitted that he was hed slightly, the dis-|the I ss barber shop, as well Ocean Falis | |thoroughly posted in the new Choicest liquors and cigars— xv somewhat as if it|as several vacant buildings as Sa — | Aot. Savoy. it Is Believed That a Clue Has Phe Lester W. David Go., Ltd,, | 4pplication Being Made for Rail- " Been Found as to Who Took we tin’ penuieaes obiialonh | 4 } h nany big real ‘ vest he a hat lihey may apprehend the culpr Ocean Falls and Prince Rupert,| proyinee of Quebee to Winnipeg, | Two basket ball matches in the The games were all well con- hat have bee i thie has given | lission to Che detective department, when | Whit h, with the two previously jv ith branch lines from (4) the} league series were played off tested and witnessed by a fairiy : : h , as the wners se the space un- interviewed on the subject re whed by the company, how give |( tv of Quebee in a northerly di- Sean veninie. &t'-tho Keaieean large crowd of spectators, con- we i ve i eladiae ae 5 a ail fused to divulge any information| them splendid facilities for mak- lrection to a point on the pro- ' ; sidering the inclement weather. Dy Sue wou Sacwn! * ' : ' is to the truth of the assertion,|ing their deliveries in this terri-| posed main lines; (2) from the|'esulting in wins for the Royals Schaeffer of the Brotherhoot s son & Go, will be} provided was excavated, and but it is believed that they have | tory. iCity of Montreal in a northerly j and the Callies. The teams and had the misfortune to suffer 3 he front rank his} a retau ge Wa b t adding ta “clue” all right rhe tue Belle has been engaged| direction to a point on the pro-| scores were as fololws: Callies severe injury to his nose. of the valuable] #reat the value of the prop ——_—_—_——_— aon for a few trips and will arrive} posed main line; (3) from the | vs, Men's Own, 18-2. Callies— On Friday the two matches to on First avenue | °™ is does also the amount of De miss the pleasant even-/in a couple of days with a heavy|City of Ottawa in a northerly di- |W iNisereft (eaptain), Watt, Cur- be brought off will be Tigers vs Mel ; ' a xeava zw . dor by its for- g oO Thursday at the box so-|tow for thé dry dock construe- | rection to a point on the pro-|rie, MeLean, Brown; Men's Own Rovals and Callies vs. Brother- i ; eel, the propert me owners It is the intention ial give by the Baptist ladies, | tion This will be followed by {posed main line; (5) from Fort} Berry captain Shrubsall, G. hood, when an exciting time is . W. Smith and a syndicats {MM Du Be s to eventually |a; , if Third Ave. and 7th)/two more large seows which will} William to Port Arthur to con-| Weston, M. Corkill, Kubn. | jooked forward to. ss men to Mr. A.| erect a substantial building upon |g; 266-267 shortly arrive in tow of the tug{nect with the ap ae. Feepeees mal main line. | Brotherhood vs. Royals, 6-10. The standing of the teams at He i Freneh ecapitalist,| the property rhe site is con . Chieftain fi wal orders which | Brotherhood — Carss captain present is as follows: 4 i il in the city Th sidered one of the most valuable Ny the company is furnishing | Ive s, Mobley, Schaeffer, Jarvis Played. Won. Lost. boo was the sum of] in the city ae may be sa re MANA oe Royals- gg cap- nepeis SA ; 2 “ 1-000 the new owner ts] at no very distant date to double lain Schmidt, Sidle, MeGregor, | Callies “4 2 : . | " 4 2 1 i -500 * congratulated upon his | in value B N A RETIRES — LOCAL NEWS ITEMS IS CHANCING, Brooks. Men's -Owa ; . o> ae ee e . “a very long while | LOCA L JOTTING er oe CANADIAN BOY ge oa “in ‘ ; : : z | . a : : =" COMMANDER OF “ the steamer Prince upert, Cap- tas Bri $11,000 Gen. Mgr. Stikeman Resigns from! ‘iain “Warney” Jobnson, failed to| Masset Inlet Needs To Be Resur- tisk on didtaanen | Toronto Corner Brings : Service as Result of Iliness— | .,....\,. schedule this morn- veyed as Storms Cause re : WI Per Front Foot—Vancouver H. MacKenzie Appointed. ing owing to the severity of the Shifting of Bottom Owing to the many suggestions FLEET BRITON ling, owing to s ‘ Lot Sells at $6,000 Per Foot. —— aes She is expected at 5:30 —VJohn Struck that an attempt be made to prop- | lors oO e ank o s aflernoo orl P ze 5 A. wot oniy in the West are realty The director f the Banh flthis afternoon secuihe Vide 69am aie erly organize a city band, \ Temple, the Canadian Boy Exe) values running up into the} British North America announce | = lee Taaitee ot (es eine Prescott, violinist at the West-/|1,_ Case of Trouble in North East pelled for Not Swearing Al- thousands per front foot, but the/the retirement of Mr, H Stike- Box social, cor, Third Ave. and : ; oath holme Opera House’ wishes it British Admiral Will be in legiance to American | Hast also realizes the value Of}man as general manager and the 1 ot,” Thuregns Se 8]time for the Bovernment to Fe-lannounced that a meeting of all Command of Interna- ‘' o'eloe Given Jadies of Bap-|survey the waters of Masset In- se sreste » , ‘ Fiag Upheld Jgood business property, a 18/45 nointment of Mr. H. B, Mac-|°Sl0ek Gy ms Ne eb ae ee fasset In-/those interested will be held at tional Forces levidenced in the sale recently at Kenzie as his successor the | t's! Church. dies provide boX/jet from the outer entrance as|the Westholme Opera House on Newa NJ, Nov. 42-—. B.| Toronto of an eighty-four foot change to také place on Decem.| With luncheon for two, Gentle- far as the location of the pro-|the afternoon of Sunday next, London, Nov. 7—The fleet Betis, assistant state. commis | corrier on Yonge and King streets]),. 4.4 Mr. Stikeman, who is|™¢" purchase boxes by auction, posed new wharf at Masset, in| November {8th. Steps will belwhich the European nations are ! i | held tl the busiest corner in Canada retiring on account of ill health, | Prizes for two prettiest boxes. the opinion of navigators. Ow- taken to immediately form alassembling in Turkish waters ede? or : »| \ e ge 0 BCC 0 . ’ . . Aa lars + ’ ‘ f a . . tusa | a a lwhich brought the price per front}na. peen engaged for forty-three No bid above five dollars will beling to the immense body of wa-|band, there being all kinds of|will comprise 414 battleships, 22 = eofrio Te eve aS Mos . . Ce a oo " 246.96 ’ " . s ie erly rio Teempies Sor foot of $11,000 years in the banking business, | 2°cePted. 266-268 ter flowing from the inlet and/|talent in the city if only properly|eruisers, 15 destroyers and 6 va at Cedar Grove! pne record price for Western] gighteen of which were spent as . a the stormy nature of Heeate | organized, auxiliaries. lo swear alleg-| Canada has just been paid by the) oo nepal manager of the Bank of Beginning November 45th, our) sipaits there is a eontinual 3 Sir Edward Archibald Berke- - American flag and| Dominion Bank at Vaneouver | p.iiish North America. During | drive rs will not leave sacks Will }ohange in the depth of water for Last evening at Cole’s Cigar ley Milne, commander of the Med “red that young Temple be} when 86,000 per front foot Waslinat time the bank has made re-{coal, and we request our CUS-|}the distance referred to, This|Store A, Prescott, of the West-|iterranean squadron, will be the ro | 1 the school from| given for the corner of Duns-|narkable progress, and Mr,| tomers to prov ide place to receive] forms a dangerous menace to} holme orchestra, threw the re-| senior officer of this interna- Mich he wa sreeently expelled.| muir and Granville streets Stikefhan retires from the gen-| their coal as all coal sacks must) navigation. markably high throw of thirty~ tional fleet, and is expected to eral managership with the con- be emptied and returned : This body of water was sur- nine with five dice, in the “26 take command should concert: 4 sciousness that the bank is in aj 264-270 ROGERS & BLACK.| veyed about six years ago and|#ame, thereby receiving $3 worth| operation’ become necessary, VICTO most satisfactory condition, pte 99 the chart then made showed|°f cigars for the expenditure of Mr. H. B. MacKenzie, who suc-| Artistic Job Printing at the/apout three fathoms at Low|two-bits. Subscribe for the Dally News. loeeds him as general manager,| Daily News ofMice, Water Springs. RMANY s one of the best known of the == Recently the G,.T.P, steamer younger group of bankers He Prince John, which draws only was born in the yera of confed. |} ’ 10 feel, touched bottom, Ow eratio al Ingersoll, Ontarto, | -W A R K muitigtante NERS OF VESSELS PROHIBITED FROM SEALING UNDER: ation arr a eee ae my a BRITISH FLAG THREATEN TO FLY GERMAN COLORS— =i {He Bank of Commerce a LEADING JEWELERS Oe ee ge oO 7 ‘ee ‘ars e « . ‘oncert wi * given in the WOULD LEAD TO INTE NATIONAL DISPUTE. be np ae meek tit wlan Mie GIR PN Blan stom tones al @ cm | iter transferred to ank ¢ and Solid Gold Jewelry , vee . ’ ; ; ; : Viet i sh =North America, with Sterling Silver flat ware, hollow under the auspices of the Ladies’ | A Public Meeting to Be Addressed by t\ \ 12.The owners| The signatures of the trea + Heniatinds ameieaeiae aie ware and toilet azieies. a Wicd dee Maia mis a teoa hs 2 ¢-—he owners) THe sinatra Os haw been ont Sf Ned ane man ; - | Ralph Smith, Ex-M.P. & Duncan R ‘ Wink schooners arelwere — thos f Russia : He has had a wide and card cases, umbrellas, ments will be served 266.267 | a Pp mit , X-Ni.E. uncan oss pul their vessels} Britain and the United Stal Brass woods of every description. he ¢ t) iil lh ut th : . ivried experience in all phases Hand peated ane move) Crowe wn ee Will Be Held at the in ae an us] y pulling we ocai seat rerby ching and every other line Mido {| ing, rising from the low ; Won Gold Prize. pene eek : on Ae ‘ of f i ! suitable for Xmas gifts NOVEMBER Was! : ‘ on owner os h there is a th ; on in a braneh bank to WE DO ALL KINDS OF WATCH Mrs. BR Dudoward was the WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE, FRIDAY EVENING, 15th k prohibiting pel-junder the German Mas age Mr. Ma REPAIRING AND JEWELRY WORK winter of the $25 gold prize at} ” the North Pacifle| claimed they could operat ; aaa a ae ty a Optical Work Is Receiving Our the Empress Theatre atl All Liberals of Prince Rupert and surrounding dis- 1 iy j nas i a ee ‘ Sne. ‘ s | : rh i ateen Years, jthis Port. Tt is considered ; d under his management wa ey ™ last night, |) trict are expected to be present and the general public is Palen, eged for the}that sueh a situation would & f the bank will be Nations) Chap Registers cordially invited, Ralph Smith, one of the ablest speakers 1 aotio ‘ , mal que ’ . ; . j Bove nH '® that thejrise to an international q ind conservatively | Dayton Computing Scales ©, Harrison, of the Lakelse in the Province, will deal with issues of importance to ! 'y apparently omit. | whieh might lead to eomp | ‘ceeded as v er rey hatchery, who hs been in the} \ 1 ibn mpensati ntti = if Hie is — “ fail Orders Carefully Pilled i : y, r as a every citizen of this district. vie) compensatio ons le of branches by} sity vv the last few days, re- 1s expected would be| ' Of ae W. WARK & SON cay See eae: rors LADIES ARE ESPECIALLY INVITED. Daid - : \N Anderson, another |} p, @, sox 1@ ie Prince Rupert turned to his home on this morn ‘ ss of their in. | Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, © experienced banker } | ine’s train. | Phone 4, a ‘ } ‘