4 THE DAILY NEWS Ts ALEX. FERGUSON & CO. 108 West Regent Street, Glasgow Prince Rupert Importing Co., Limited —AGENTS~— PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ——_—_— a .- ———__—— — : SSS Ss SSS STRONG CAST ~—_—| CLERICAL COST ih AT THE REXALL STORES IN STOCK CO.| OF WORK HEAVY | : THIS WEEK Griffith Company Have a Strong/ Ald. Morrissey Contends that ) Company of Clever Actors the Cost of Clerical Work Rexall “93” Hair Tonic---The Guaranteed Kind eed Retpesnse~—fave On we saoene | ’ j C. H. ORME The PIONEER DRUGGIST jj) - bye alagamae — mi Z : Ald. Morrissey calculates that Phones 82 and 200 | Handsome costuming and ade-]|a very Conservative estimate of| Be | quate staging is a feature f the the indebtedness of yey One| improvement wan to the men Griffith Stock Compat s prod aah ‘Gai til Pn i ie 860,000. | tions which w De 8 at th His contention is that had the Westholme Opera H sh ' expenditure of the 8600,000 for ly fhe company's engag that section to pay f cierica opens with “The I and and other work vy being paid Mouse. on Novemb kth idifor out of the we i evenue | will be followed by therfof the city, the st would att notable successes east be ten per cel Sam Griffith, manage f the He advanced his idea to some company, prides himesell the Flength at the meeting if the completeness of every produ couneil on Monday night and tion and the exeellence of the [thought that as th: edit of the company's wardrobe The ym-tcity had been mortgaged for the | pans carries its own scenic ar-| benefit of the sect was un- tist and the new scenery is pre-|fair to further i he other pared for every production sections pay fo he earrying DON’T PAY RENT Concerning the strength offout of the work the company, much can be said Ald Montgor eminded for it is made up of a list of the} him that the assessed value of or High Rates of Interest. beat talent yet secired by ajSection One was half the stock manager Every name onjvalue of the prope the WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY the list is ~widely known in the]city. United States and Canada, and The question w be brought TO BUY OR BUILD HOUSES it is said to be the best organi-|up again to be exa ned at fur- TO PAY OFF MORTGAGES zation ever coming this far north |ther length. TO IMPROVE REAL ESTATE in repertoire Miss Lillian Grif- cilia aeeaenrrememamecmnsnsanacnceNnaD fith, heading the company, is an Empress House League. a AT 5 PER CENT. actress of experience and ve The Doves « d the alleys markable gifts. Miss Jessie Mil-| with an undefeated sheet for the ler is one the foremost @M=-1 eames they had ved and the WE GUARANTEE jotional actresses and Richard Ostriches occu, wily posi- Frazier, s a eading man of . : leant en« the time when your indebtedness wéll be paid off. a att ~ Others in the ies a caer i. Office open evenings. Write, phone or call, Birone cast 8 R. Snelgrove, H.] vaiied during th ot iin Sh INTERNATIONAL HOME Lancaster, Dorothy Mitchell, C. | njgent When it was all over the Brennan, Joe Sin s and the ostriches won and thereby broke PURCHASING CONTRACT CO., LTD. inimitable child actress, Julia}ing Doves’ splendid percentage Offices: Suite 11-12, Smith Block.. Phone 455. scenes a i C. Embleton had high score 7 M. E. Ritchey, Supt. 1“ meee neaee AT RUNG a. average, 174 and 159 Ostriches ist 2nd ird Tu Tr Would Open Up Some of the Best | \:ineinan uae +i ee Gd od Farming Land on Graham Kaufman 12211 91 28 _ island. de Bay-Betl