) ol Lat ges VIMOULATION NO. f na oo, NO, 268 =| THE DAILY N Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist PRINCE “RUPERt, BC., Tuvrspay, Novemnee 14, 1912, NEXT MAILS For South Prince Rupert Friday, 9 a.m. From South iIncess Beatrice Friday, noon Price Five Cen EX-ALD. PATTULLO HAS ACCEPTED N OMINATION ——SS — —— gic PUBLIC MEETING IN WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT: PROMINENT SPEAKERS RALPH SMITH AND DUNCAN ROSS WILL SPEAK TONIGHT puBLIC MEETING TONIGHT INSTEAD OF TOMORROW, AS AD- VERTISED —MR,. SMITH IS ONE OF CANADA'S BEST SPEAKERS AND DEBATERS. public eeting i yu at } bede i se wil i ; ; ' : ; f na is ab that M ; 9 x i dent of the} '® ” Pre i of Van 1) . ~ 5 M - hn irgest fina ne r the | F f the Termina » : Nana hye ' ben 6 , j ! i \ eave on the . j dicates that . N i toss and Mr.! England accer : he platfor Mr. D an it he theatre will be thie Us ct ested ladies a th eh ' the ire anxious to : ’ iit questions ells ne . Pee, ssed - , , ~ th has been a yg in Canadian Lhe ee K pens at ist fifleen years) sha Ladies ars dially | dnd of the Beat! vited 1 present to hear speakers est f the da vhich epresented Na | ' he is j House for| sterne sex, discusses nomination iswer, SORM DELAYED °°... Sos INCE RUPERT <2 = 2 = N ty th { snide é Mrs. A. E. Chard, H big Boat Eight Hours Late on Wii lia Reilly, Mrs. F. Evans Account of Storm—Brought md s Miss Marshall, M. Olson, Big Passenger List. ’ Bingha Frank tarkshare Mrs. M. P. MeCOaffery, Mrs. M lghes ‘ tik W Melvo A, Harveys McLea Ralph s&s h Du need DY any toss, Mra. J. Mille J. M. Wi crew if tlhe * aflirmative known as a nan It is be elected the equest M Pattu 13, 1912 ipert before the petition by J ither citizens reques ‘ ‘ several hun os ept nomination f he off DD. Pattullojof mayor of the eit se. his Willing. | Rupert for the yea ivi mination as | In view of what seems ming muni-|at mperative des po the While Mr. Pat-|part of the ‘citizens generall been mentioned|and in view of the fact that the as a possible mdition of municipal affairs » office of mayor, | undoubtedly aeute, | fee if last night thatiduts ieept mor ition as which, in| quested large and repre-| You are good enough to eou asking him to/your request with exaction could | ledge promise upon my part jt appreciate this denotement the citizens|your confidence ind = TI shall ight and re-|spare no effort t eel your ex which was! pectations writing. With the wish that the an excellent|1913 may be fruitf f good, eg to remain, dear sir, faith- yours T. D. PATTULLO rhe petition presented to Mi vattullo was as f ows: Prince Rupert, Oet, 8, 1912 r. D. Pattulle, Esq., Prince Rupert, B.C Dear Sir We, the undersign ed eleetors of the City of Prince Rupert having in view the neces- itw of a progressive economical T. D. PATTULLO ACCEPTS NOMINATION FOR OFFICE OF MAYOR OF THE CITY Committee Waits upon Mr Pattul Pattullo With Petition Bearing Several Hundred Names and he Accepts the Nomination as Mayor and able city eouneii to meet ne eeds of the municipalit ind believing that this can best be se ired by your assista therefore respectfully sclicil mination at the proper time for the office of mayor of this city for the vear 19143 rusting that you will co-op erate with us to this extent in tne duties of good citizenship, we are rs respectfully: J Dennis Allen ‘ H. Handesyde, Jr I). C. MeRae John MeRae J. J. Sloan. Victor J. Tompkins, KE. O. Rietchel | Rn. W. Cameron kr. A. Mann W. J. MeCutecheon L. A. Barbeau. H. O. Riehter. E. Rosang. J. R. Morgan. H. F. MeRae. David H. Hays 4. T. Parkin. Announcement Prince Rupert’s lead- establishments. ,| business on allow your name to be placed] of Sloan & Company, jant Company, . Who has been president and company under the new name, establishment rhis reputation comes as the re- sult of a policy to handle nothing *, goods which PROMINENT BUSINESS FIRM CHANGES NAME OF CONCERN ONE OF PRINCE RUPERT'S LEADING BUSINESS HOUSES WILL HEREAFTER BE KNOWN UNDER ANOTHER NAME, BUT WILL STILL BE A STORE OF QUALITY. goods, Christie's hats, Lowndes’ Iwentieth Century clothing, ete. Purchasers of such well known goods have the satisfaction of knowing that they are getting full value for their money and run no risk of getting inferior goods of doubtful quality. In every department of their busi. ness, right down to the most trifling articles of men’s wear, Bryant & Company, Limited, are discriminating buyers. By ecarry- ing out such a policy the name pf “Bryant & Company, Ltd.,” be- comes synonomous with “The Store of Better Things” as far as clothing and gents’ furnish. ings are concerned, nea Beginning November 415th, our drivers will not leave sacks with coal, and we request our cus- tomers to provide place to receive their coal as all coal sacks must be emptied and returned. 264-270 ROGERS & BLACK, LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Continued on Page 4. r Sey eral weeks Social in St. Refreshments president © Club of the as chairman before Majo! t Hhomas Forisght Ir Kupert @°- | v6. McNeill, Miss Rose Tetrolle, , : + pncengg end i : Be . : \, B, Stevenson, M A. 3. @ » x hh her hayvine a 3. 8. Cas ( Prichard hat lene a Wa iil ll storm the JY) Hunter, J. Storey, Mr. T. Rérv M eee P Miss Rorvik, J. McB pe erie. J isa M. Kas ( Kasky a M1 Mr. and Mrs, A ") Ma Mr. Williams, James|P an mann, ey, Mr. and Mrs. J. W "a a ieee |ter, K. Hatfield, Mr. Keisting, ; : = h M ind Mrs, Gross j hands full, but) cmp, John B. Doig, Mrs, Frank] 1s Beard Preis?! sinert, Mrs. C. Kemp, G or Cae. Ohi? ton, L. E. LaBelle, H he handled the . : fergus Cn ela Hh \ dst = Challender 5S OF SOUSA: mS Blanchard M ad olieers and : during the — Bhest | of the trip the} a ee . esembled many Helgerson-Moore. nacted while | \ Bango! Maine pape \tlant Women | ceived he city bears the 5 livsterics, ehil In hat mong ewards rushing | marriag: enses taken out : down, with thefihat place was one fot the tamping and | riage if Henrys Helgerson i old. timer of} Princes Rupert and Miss Margaret stinile to bim- Agnes Moore of that city Stl aeee t carried al ‘ passengers; ° 64! Assembly Friday Night. Se wal)