THE DaILy News THE LEADING NEWSPAPER 01 NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Pubtcked Dally and Weekly by ee Se PRINCE RUPERT, BC. E DAILY SEWS .. SOHN OLIVER ATTACKS GOVERNMENT ON THE LACK OF A LAND POLICY TRANSIENT DISPLAT ADVERTISING —W conte per inch o ees SUBSCRIPTION KATES To Canadas, Unitet States ant Mezicn— Dat, Ue per month, or H.W) per pear, atvrence Weextr, 120) per peor, AN Weekly, 120) per year, strictly Other Comntrics — Dally, 0 per year = atvarce BEAD OFFICE Daily ews Baliding, Third Ave, Prince Rapert, B. C. Telephone @ BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES Sew Youn —Noational Newepaper Boreas, 719 Bast Dir St. New York City SaaTtLe Puget Sound News Co Loepos, Eaaasto—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Tronk Bolling, Trafaiger Separe f @emecarmene will grestiy oblige by promptly calling up Phone @ in case of a wr Aeiiery of inattention on Une part of the news carriers E DaILY Eprrion. a to Tuurspay, Nov. 14 i] | otes S EX-ALDERMAN PATTULLO OPTIMISTIC WILL BE CANDIDATE. SIR RICHARD. s-A a 6 T. DD. Pa ss) har McHe 4 ee > - a4 5 4 Bb , . | * i 8a @ tha M 2 4 vp & ie 2 a 4 ay at the { ‘ é ha pas ne ef te ‘ withou a Jis- No pledges nor p ar % Mr. McBride ade Mr. Pa J * accept the pa- ance f the que { the sat ‘ . th eilizetie, bu he intends t “6 Libse f th “oe h every effort ive the : ’ , a sane clea busineselinx bias ‘ ‘ govert and, with a cap ern 4 5 able board of aide jen, will do ya 4 ppos f h advance Prince Kupert) Caneite . ‘ in thie west year, which eve Ms ' cip the he t ‘ thing indicates may be se of ’ , , - ‘ ‘ ; the moet important in the his a ea tr shot ' of the city ear before in #p { their] Now * that the city mus partizar ppositi 4 ava hav ihe in bra possible! act Wa assed which is i the cou for the founda j and now he law of the iand ; the ' mi t be but Mr. B jet tied har anda} wolubly aid i i tr ie i f : ui Na ali- wh wi : ‘ afi ea the! dor wat a navy of ar mine f ! ja bye ths nf en a dollar [ tf) rages ! w. Ke uh ior fa lias 1 dared t f ee have lane piace ite pier » Kichard Mebride - city hall and it ie now time f justified h plimists ! action We must have a cour Mr. Bord brings down a de eli capable of conducting the) cently adequate naval proposa interests of the city with a| the Liberals w support view of the requirements of} inanis is for they are today and also with foresight pledged to deal with any pro- for the future metropolis, and posal Mr tjorden may make the citizens are to be congratu TT) merits Can Mr lated that ex-Alderman Pat i wden say the same of his tullo has consented to enter| following? How about hie the contest ; Nationalist colleagues in the Mr. Pattullo is a business| cabinet and the Nationalist man of the highest calibre, who | supporters in the House. He from his public record has | will have to choke them with proved himeelf to be as dill the butter fat of office spoils gent in the carrying on of a_i if the thing is to go through business of the city awe of his without a dissenting voice own interests Peterborough Examiner 4 = > { ~@-~-@-~-9— ° i ! | ‘Apples Apples Potatoes Potatoes | | Two cars from am seas Wenatchee | | We have what you The Apple is the Best are looking for the Price is Right | Price is Right | L.LYNCH BROS. | Subscribe For The Daily News Comtrest rater Former Leader of the Opposition n Tells of Lack of Land Policy of the Government---Advocates Extra Induce- ments to the Settler at . _— - . : 7 king z 4 * 2 > . a - - v > a : , 4 : at . a - Ha > « Th f °2 i 4 - a | 2 : : » rT’ . . pa ; 4 i De = - Land La : 4 + e¢ hands M ’ rae - 4 Zz r - ai # ' acies pis e if 2 er % i - Mf : aw ent z 1a t 4 +a az ta - servat af Br ad m the 7 > : f aking ~ « - B : : . “ McB I 4 4 ' z : a s b 4 Met Z : . : : - g 7 : a f ree « « : a te . rh fw ‘a “ ie I re wa« M rt r ' easly - . | Br +p h ae La ‘ 4 a at fe “~” ks ac i st a < 4 “a ear that : be f ‘ rid . f . et ‘ a - tf 4 That ja ha $20.- * d apy -iwhat M Bow s¢ ins t gt j 4 f ag a #¢ ' z 2 “| at yp : ns 4 2 Hi 4 1a k What - : itis r « #12 wealth, th 4 ae i ar ans alt the z n- he 1: tt fiat ” 2 ng de- je *nirk a » CANADA'S WHEAT IS NEEDED Lester W. David Co, id. ° TO FEED EUROPEAN NATIONS LUMBER: DOMINION OF CANADA EXPECTS TO EXPORT MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED MILLION BUSHELS OF WHEAT TO OLD WORLD THIS YEAR—BRITAIN NEEDS QUARTER OF AMOUNT. First Ave. and McBride St Box 965 PHONE 25 A anD tl aL 6 leaves for pgeue, Victoria and Seattle FRIDAYS, 9 AM “PRINCE OKW Srenty Say. Soeee ‘m ant smd Nodes Mart a5 fore Gay sud Otter ' um 34t ‘ — Sgee ‘co fo Weert Four Skiéegete. 4 bec 6 o 7. F AMWAY passensen venice > * weres Priste Bepert 1 Gcund Trash Refwer Sytem (Tee Oowble Tract Rove) Sime Meoeth eictreice retes a effect wim te « reioms snd fast treins a4 ageccy tor of en a oe Foe at wlermeticon spot, . & © MASTER. Moers te . = PRINCE RUPERT \NN aNT ANNEX S. S. Princess Beatrice SOUTHBOUND Saturday, Nov. 16,8 p.m. c - i 4. © WAS, Genera! Agest pwned and ae Grand Trunk Pacif- - the American anc Earocea: ; = ee ee Excellently furnishe ‘ . steam heat, electr z b A Iri modern conveniences te:-g 1 p lutely first-cias er The appointments anc & E are eqtal to « . coast. Is wade ¢ fortable, safe and ng the Best Route e Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day routes 1 G. A. Sweet, Manager we settled country 3 DAILY TRAINS m Seattle or Vancouver lt Chicago and all points east ‘Rogers’ Steamship Agency PHONE 116 Savoy Hote Cor. Praser and i> botce Wines and Ogart Ottawa, Nov. 13 The weeks whea ‘ 1 1a RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMPORT | f th Departs ent f 4 the f add 4 siete hai eile, is e and Trade tains | Peduirements a ts uf Prince Rupert, B.C. iiipipinivenaie Wgures which go to show the de.|00-000 bushels for the whea _ LINDSAY CARTAGE and ' nand for wheat this ear Will be pro 6 7 “ oe i PB se STORAGE THE IR OQL OIS sually heavy. Great Britain It is understood that Canada STUART & STEWART G. T. P. Transfer Agents a ” need mport 25 e d expo 104,000.00 (600,000 bushels more than she|bushels th eal the L nited | Orders promptly filled Prices reasonable. ' , | 308 2nd Avenue Phone 280 - . R v4 did jast year, the harvest being | States about 96,000,000 bush Auditors for the Clty of Prince Rupert OFFICE-H. B Rochester. Centre St. Phone @& English and American Busarcs a failure Russia. 126.000.0000 bushels: the PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Twelve Tables Spconp AVE Germanys The Netherlands. | Balkan states, 56,000,000 bushels iittala dieing a Italy, Spain and Portugal, Scan- | and Argentina Australia and | asee, @. Mancen, © . . , ———— dinavia and Switzerland, all will |Chile, 178,000,000 bushels W. © Willems, B A, LL. 8 S i oa : REMARKABLE PRANK | which ee eee Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers Bowling ‘ess | h ifloor of the room im which they Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. — were sitting and a large fir tree Sox 288 CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS AND POOL ROOM Lightning Photographs of Tree “ijacent to the window fell Wilh | tetgerson Block Prince Rupert, @. C| 2nd Ave. Below Kaien isiand Club |i * AtLevs . se on Woman's Body at a crash —— ;, Ses " Coquitiam | It was this tree which was 50) gLyRED CaRss, C. V. BENNETT, B.A. faithfully portrayed on Mrs. Me- of Britieh Coflmbia of B.C... Ontario, Sas- . and Manitote Bars. katechewan and 4'- One of the strangest incidents | Hachran’s body berta Bars. ever recorded in the history CARSS & BENNETT of a A Clever Bunch. Why do these Mexican rebels always have a battle e Sunday afternoon? Bargisters, Notakies, Ec. atural science t natura cence OfBiee— Albert Block. Second Avenue. 0k place on the mainland recently at Coquitlam According to a message Mrs. M. McKachran Gabe PRINCE RUPER? received very P.O.BOX @ received a shock from a flash of lightning Steve—-They know how scarce JOHN E. DAVEY with the effect that a tree that|"°¥* ' 08 Monday morning TEACHER OF SINGING was struck was clearly phoio- Cincinnati Enquirer, PUPIL OF WM. FOION, ESQ, ARAM, LON., ENG graphed on her body. The picture of the tree, as in; | the case when a picture is flashed | CASEY ON A STRIKE. on to @ negative is upside down. } HAYNER BROS. Mrs. McKEachran was rendered | | UNDERTAKERS ann EMBALMERS ee bases all were filled with | ‘ funeral Directors ard Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. unconscious by the shock, but re- men, the conflict was a Lie, covered very Shortly afterward, iw hen mighty Casey came to bat It appears that Mr. and Mrs. | with murder in his eye MecKachran were silting at alJust then a walking delegate 1 me-|—~ table near a window in their andered down the pike, home on Pipe Lane road when|And Casey threw his bat away HER the lights were extinguished by the union called a strike. E. L. FIS anu unusually vivid flash of fork | ve Sivecter and Embaimer lightning Immediately after-| ward a bolt passed close to Mrs. Mebachran and tore a hole ia the CHARGES REASONABLE Impossible Fiction: A western 2nd &., cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 356 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT story without a character named Shorty in it, == SCOOP MOUVE BEEN ABOUT A MONTH TAKING A PRESIDEN TIAL STRAW VOTE — ADD IT LP FOR Me AND TLL PRINT THE TOTAL WTES OF EACH Lcanpipare ! J LLPUT UP A STALL TO HIM ABOUT WORK OUT THE RESULT 0F MY STRAW CANVAS IM ALGEBRA T SORE HATE TO LET THE 805s GET Hip How T FELL DOWN MY STRAW VOTE Is A BRAND NEW SCHEME Boss - THE READER FIGURES IT OUT FOR HIMSELF (LET Xx Ba.Llor Ore Ave — H. E. ROSS, Prop. An Extra Week's Pay When your Savings Bank Account reaches a reasonable amount the interest begins to tell. COAL Best on the One workman, who had a few hundred dollars on deposit, said that the Interest seemed like receiving an extra week’s pay each year. They all had to start once. Lose no time in making your initial deposit. One Dollar starts an account in British North America Capital and Reserve Over $7,500,000 Prince Rupert Branch, New Wellington Ceal. Coast Phose 116 Rogers & Back PRINCE RUPERT FEED (0. Dealers ir HAY, GRAIN FEED AND SEEDS Agents for the International Siock feed = WILSON AND Y = AND Z= THEN Z—YW+'-2=K MULTIPLY THIS BY A . 0 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED qT F. S. LONG, Manager. —Drawn for The Dally News by “nop” Geo. THE INSANE JUG’) WELL SEND THE BUG BUS RIGHT OVER -ONE oF | OUR REPORTER? 15 SUFFERING 11S TAFT TEDDY — BOX AND 78 @ STATES AND Z WITH BEAN | 8." iT P oe a < ; i _ NO HAM 4 "Mw Ret S|) tog |!) i 0 / © i4ia- Wir ay 0. : ia ie