| ———— - EE eee g 35555552555 sssessess=s=0 Pattullo i 8 omination AT THE REXALL STORES | ontinued fro Page 1 THIS WEEK H. Ward 4 W. Edge Vv. & G. Gar Rexall “93” Hair Tonic--The Guaranteed Kind Ges amue!l Harris C. H. ORME The PIONEER DRUGGIST aa ©. ton wre Leek j oret rer Pb 82 and 200 Loren McLa jas. McNu gn a A. Swans ’ 'y Fy ee H. B. Roches 2 2 HSS FS SSS SSS FS SSSSE — mn Alfred ( #< ty aw Cc. v. B Ss = r i p { i A. H. Silvers uy W. H. Kirk A ' - Ki Sr h / ’ y ‘ Tl. Heward | The Mack Realty & Insurance Company | % \%... i Second Avenue and Fifth Street Phone 150 . > on a : “MoM . W. H. Sh 1 ; B. W. Fr j ad Mek ; BR. « Me‘ gr ; Ja « Ja ' Lia Jat r : ie St x : } F Mf * ' i Dp ; eet ' F. Broch ; ' W. Grattor “Her’’ Christmas Gift WAH John Currie does not nec essarily call for alarge |/})\)) | w. J. Gr expenditure. The Swallow and i } W. P. Ga Crescent Brooch, illustrated, is one | Alfred Gend of those articles of Jewelry which : Ge j = Clair is always in perfectly good taste i Charles Phillips ij ij for any occasion. Frank Ma 4 i The Pearls are the finest Oriental | i Fred Belang | | quality,andare mounted in a heavy : C. Hanna 14k gold setting R. O. Swans HH Hilt The price is only $5.00 complete incase | i ‘ - a : a HHI i Order by the number—32. Hitt i 7 ey ee oe i Rupert Marine Iron Works Co i | David Th mpsor RVR BROS Loom i} A. Ackerberg | [134-6-8 YONGE ST. SOROUTOTG | 2. Scat i} sila tiasedaiaiea T. C. Cartwright PHT i i) it ; : j J. E. Hickey. ; dill i : , ud} Joseph Green. ‘ 4. Couture E. G. Moore G. B. White. J. A. Lindsay H. &. Wallace Alex. Manson D. A. MeKifinon., Hi. F. Fraser W. H. Mellior P. J. Ryan ¢. A. Vaughan G. A. Bryant L. C. Maecklen J. J. Chisholm. H. V. Seott C. G, Thorne. J. Haslett. DON’T PAY RENT |G. Rh Naden Geo. L. Clayton High Rates of Interest W. P. Lynch. J. A. Smith WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY V. Basso Bert 7 a & J . TO BUY OR BUILD HOUSES A. Fraser. TO PAY OFF MORTGAGES J. M. Dobbing TO IMPROVE REAL ESTATE D. 8. Morsison. J. A. Munro. J. E. Jack. AT 5 PER CENT. R. A, Matheson. WE GUARANTEE | J. F. Matheson. Fd. H. Port. Jas. A. Morrison. paid off, the time John Dillman. when your indebtedoess will be Ollice open evenings Write, phone or call. Thos. H. Watts. INTERNATIONAL HOME |} 32°" i a) Kennedy. PURCHASING CONTRACT CO., LTD. C. B, Black. | (ieo. A. Klower. Offices: Suite 11-12, Smith Biock.. Phone 465. | Ghas. Freeman. Mm. E. Ritchey, Supt. » W. J. Thomas. W. J. Corley. re F. G. Dawson. | ee od J. A. Kirkpatrick. P. W. Anderson. a Fred Stork. Ravens vs. Pelicans. Hub House League. Walter B. Harper. The Havens won three straight| Jas, H. Thompson. games at the Empress bowling n the Hub House League Joe Prince Rupert Building & In- aileys last night in the house! seotis Leopards suffered their | Vestment Co, Lid, F. C, Gibbons, league watch against the Peli gh secretary. cans H. Fraser of the Havens ret defeat of the season last Geo Tite. had high score, while Dr. Evans night by HW. Levenhagen’s Wolves, W. F. Sheehan. had high average fhe scores . foes had high seore, 244, W. G. Barrie were se. Bigpess acore’ rolled ins Jas, Russell. Mavens ist and sea TH) ease gaine H. Levenhagen J. D. Scott. H, Prase os $86) $a6e> san} 2% Bigeb average, 167. The) J, Ww. Scott . witsnaman 4 ; ct. hr a6 rt mages a inet on ai Fred Garton. Dr. Evan 150 149 130 447). Watson 121 413 $0 903 T. Nelson Dunn. . ' , , Y. Bleek 150 145 120 415 J. Chas. Halsey. Grand ia : ; a ti) foghen 145 150 105 400 ; ‘ Pelicans iia sea are rei Humid 141 197) — 140—~ 417 Gi. W. Kerr, W. Sherman i2 ‘a. (ot ‘ , oor WEP STDe O79 Gi. Frizzell, A. Wild... 126 i (Fes *4) Grand total 649 «6605 = 682 2086 | F, 8. Clements. Py. KH, Harr i127 12 12 ; B, Self it TL 128 7 ers 1s end = Sd ru.| HH, C, Black, Gravd total 4a 608 63 a7) "vanee 198 oe $14 tit Oy. W. Peek. be ili ailiaciciial . Lalnnat 106 100 = 108 sis] ©, H. Nelson Mrs Frank vane ind siti A De ain 138 3 saa 600 | Alex. Mchae wife of Frank &. Evar of the! gus sated San eas ©. Bhan been Jas. Meltae Prince Rupert Fish and Cold . . J. L, Mitehell Storage (4 Lid arrived on the | fhe members of the Griffith F, H, Mobley, Prince Kupert last evening | k Gompeny ertived in the A. J. Mallett. | an extensive visil to the east Prince Rupert Planing Mills, ecinding her home eity Nett ity yesterday on the Prince Ku- A Knight, Manager ronto [pert aud will be able to have a K. J. Smith rest after their somewhat stren- A. G. Forster Cowichan Kges, Fresh Butter,juous trip before” opening their Fred EF. Hunt Huntley & Palmer's HBiscuits.jengagement at the Westholme ©. C, Purdy Bialker & Wells Phones 187} Opera House on Monday evening W. 8. Fisher and 430, vos lineat, PF. button, POC bee. TE DAILY NEWS —— — —— : Turner — —~— -_ Pre Mortis » 5 ae {/ 4 EK. Parker 6“ } ee e News” Classi s, | Fred. W. Weeet PF. Kaufma ; W’. E. Williscrof tf be = ord For rtion= | Rn. Lew i W. A. Pettigres ~THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— it Lorenz ty ~. we P. Steph a. Maine For Rent hs - re ersa terk ES, . e . = Walla A08 ’ ar 1034 aw” Ma V ideck ‘ 245-274 a ) - \\ 2 RENT Mice, Second Ave., Gert door a. 2 \ ira Rogers’ Steamehip Me Apply st AJ F.C.7 - gers’ Ticket Office geet & &; N . MCINTYRE HALL to lease for gances, etc el v & Wm. Sullivan rental Terms. Grey & Son. Bleck 78 poet j « Seg i NDYKE HOTEL for rent On PFultot . and Taylor Sts b din 5257. Large Louis Pi and store @ wastairs "ii r eons George Leek I en Meth i wupeteirs May be had . Fred Ritet ~ aS ae “— 618 Srd Ave Pr ert EH. M Pater« >. @. Gee Wanted A. W. Agnes FOR SALE ireaves WANTE : var 4 M v ’ : . J. Ba 4 | Hi W. H. Ms 4 H. L. Midfortt W. Blane Ww. f ‘ Meha a 4 MeNw E. D. Johne Herb §. W jas. B. F. M P. J. Palme ; Pilist DD an Meoss F. T. Lucas Cyril H. Orme W. Barratt Cia S. &. Comer MISS JESSIE MILLE! Wm. Watson. ; s wh . M. Davies Daniel W. M ase s leading woman ™ Grif (; « Couture itt st a ¢ pa } x L. W. Patmore he Westh oF 4 Phe as Dunr Monday, N is 1 rep D. R. O'Neil f high-grade plays. beg Z G. G. Moody with The I nand the M Douglas Sutherland omen sennisattagptiiealbaie Alex. Finnie Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners &. E. Parker. Phone 4. j G. Stewart | = ' _— —___————— Kk Harrup Ben Vother NOTICE. M. P. McCaffery in the Matter of the Companies David Strissi | Act and in the Matter of Sica Wm. Angle. & Company, Limited Eugene Rony. TAKE NOTICE that an application will J. W. Potter ibe made & Registrar of Joimt Stock . mpanies the expiration f one f A. Eggert imonth from fate of the first publica ‘ a. Th _ ion of this notice for leave to change the . 2OmMas ame of the above company from “Sloan W. H. Wark | & apany, Limited,” 1 Bryant Com > pany, Limited H. O. Crew. Dated the ist day of November, A. D Wm. M. Brown | 1942 f “7 C. Weeeer WLLIAMS & MANSON, i. — | Solicitors for Sloan & Company, Limited Thos. Trotier. 226 Sixth Street, Prince Rupert, B. C Fred Watson. Frank Kelly J. MeInnis Launch For Sale 8. J. Evans Full cabin launch, 32x8 ft., 8. P. MeMord i well equipped for cruising or} F. W. Hart ltowing, 10 h. p. Palmer engine, | Th. Collart |speed 8 miles, with dinghy; $700) j Solomon Mussallem 254-4 B. Frere, Ocean Falls. “*The Store of Better Things ”’ Men's conducted The Clothing and Furnishings House on Sixth &St recently under the name of Sloan & Company, Limited will in future be known as BRYANT COMPANY, LTD. Our Policy Remains the Same To do every reasonable thing that will make every cus- tomer a “Booster”’ for this Store—That will ever be our guiding aim and ambition. Whether it is in selling a suit or the handling of a complaint or you will find that we do one earnest endeavor a collar button-——in exchanging a garment, with the other same pleasure and to please as the that pay We realize things, your satisfaction depends on to the little many and we as much attention things as the big ones In buying our goods-——in them——in you to appropriate you pricing and pleasing satisfactory service from everything you in painstaking!y iDle these things, and purpose is to satisfactory place for trade that Once You Try Us You Will Aways Stick By Us BRYANT COMPANY, LTD. Successor to Sloan & Company, Ltd. assisting make guaranteeing buy here way make selections in serving you In every poss in all this our sole aim such a you to - k Ff wit re pee + ' be war r . ‘ ‘1 ww m7 7 ‘> Th FRENCH WAY CLEANERS )07 Robson St, Vancouver, B. < Ex paid ome way m $5.00 rders ways sm 1 ‘ rders Write t price at ase LOST—Gold enamel whist pis, marked Cleveland, ‘03 Return tw G. KR. T Sawie 4a For Sale LAN TY heouset } furnitere if ee at : Apply box 1%, News office FOR SALE Piano, in good condition Ap ply Kiondyke Hotel 26290! FOR SALE A small hall safe with inner freproot joor, document and cash drawers Appiy to Continental Trust ‘ Second Ave as6cr MORRIS piano, in good condition, cheap Address box 60, News Prince Ru pert 2saur Prince Rupert Hydro-Electric Company, Limited Tenders for Excavation and Stumping under « 10 acres may be seem at the ew & McBrid W. ©. DURANT, Gen. Supt UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT PIONEER LAUNDRY Ltd. Successe ra Pioneer Steam Laundry A First Class Plant Phor oughly Experienced and Competent Superintend- ence Prompt Service HYGIENE QUALITY FINISH Solicit Your Patronage Wagons Call and Deliver Anywhere in Write = - City “op Phone 118 Third Ave., Near McBride Mortgage Sale of Valuable Property Situated in the Town of Queen Charlotte Under and by virtue of the wers of sale contained in 4@ pera Indenture of Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered FOR GALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION by the Sheriff of the County of Vancouver}. al the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon on Thursday 28TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1012 at the in the City of Vancouver, B. C., lowing property, namely; All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the town of Queen Charlotte, in the Province of British Columbia, and more particularly described as Lots seven teen (17) and eighteen (18), in Block twenty-six (26), Town of Queen Charlotte, aceording to 4 registered map or plan de posited in the Land Hegisiry OmMce at Prince Rupert, in the said province and numbered 034. The Vendors Are informed That There is a Large, erty" ron he on ay Gaid Property Sultable for Purposes. For further particulars and conditions of sale, apply to MoLelian, Savage & White Solicitors for the Mortgagee WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers and Bollcitore , se Sheriff's oMfce, in the Court House the fol 4 DOUGLAS 338 Third Ave (Opposite PO Box oe One Double Cor ner 7th AVENUE SECTION SIX $2000 cash and the balances r te years at’ Samuel Harrison & Company Brokers and Financia! Agents Second Ave. Prince Rupert ' | PANAMA STUDIO | ers are | Ave Above Bur sw ' Christmas i c ming | Have your father’s ers bild photographs « ' sued Make Early Sitting: A . i | | - Cut This Ovt SOOROCOTEEES Hf This Coupon is (od for One Dollar The Peerless Studio Rooms 19-21-22, Aicer Block Cor. Srd Ave. and en 8 POCO CEE | magneto Address Rupert, B. ¢ SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE Plumbing, Heating, Steam*tting ® Sheet Metab \ Office: 3rd A Phone 174 we Worksbop . | ath Ste " gnd Ave. bet. 7th gpd Sh © —LIMITED Lumber and Mouldings All Kinds of Building Supplies Firet Avenue Phone 166 For Sale Lots Block = 'O7-58 i 13 8 6 f it.1 ‘ 14.15 ' rerms ant th ne al il GR. Naden Co., Lid 2nd Avenue RUPERT, (268-268)