16, 19142, nbetr na THE DAILY NEWS ATHLETICS SPOL WOMER'S FIGURCS A Declaration of Artists Who Have Excited Hot Discussion in England The deterioration in the beauty of woman's Sgure, consequent upon ihe present crare for athletics, is excel ing @ hot controversy in England, while medical men are condemning in strong terms the modern girls over indulgence in hockey The discursion has arisen out of th declaration of Louis Poiter, the well known American sculptor, that the changes in the female form have been 80 great that woman does not now in any wey resemble the Greek typ: Consequently English artists sre find ing it more and more difficuit to find sultable models. “The new figure,” saye &@ Well-KnOWD Gs8oclate of the Royal Academy, “‘s full of knotty bunches of muscles instead of soft fleshy curves, and though this mus cular development is beautiful in ma = wD prRCHASE NOTICE LAND LEASE NOTICES te us Laying the i pistriet of Coast, —— i v. ae nat C La i Ben Ot Sarin We flatter] | Take. notice tet Sichoet Meradden, orner-Stone ¥ nileman, voreher si ( j tlor . , al a ‘0 pur tends to copty 't ry Saat farmer, in The firs . “ a 2 ay) jeucribed lands following described lands lease the 1¢ first deposit, with which : ; x ieee hort west ena ft ; i post planted on thi you begin a Savings Account, : : hoe . ao urd fand, about two wiles : an 2 eee weet ee, | . i n Porcher Island. in iS 48 important an event as t , . tis catlah In thence au ¢ b east lawi containing nin ty} thenc ‘ 40 chains _"s of ee oat! the lay ing of the corner-stone famed, thence along the shore .. . ! ‘ a HY Sle, Agent ; point of comme neemne mt, ¢ euing seo! of a fine building. You are exandet oble, / ; acres more or less, the spose , ; ay 5 jthe lease is required is. to quarry fase laying the corner-stone of | foes your position i ition in « c | MICHAEL McPADDEN your} n the world, of District Coney Dated Sept. rd, 1019 your circle of business nee range V | Pub, Sept. 14 j 1. Henry Burbank, of acquainta 2 ual Tah pation lumberman,| Skeena Land District—Disirict of tx st I nce, of event | permisston to pure} Range V a success ee mf) A scribe : a6 cans Take notice that George KR. Naden, of « n i alilec 0 ¢ sal i Prince Rupert pa nh broke ’ ” . quill ‘ ner of LOt 1728,! to apply for permission t ane he tel Can you afford to postpone ® i, thence e@st 40/ lowing described |i i - ‘ . . of nauk ” ‘ chains, threwce Cotimencing “t z ; -s Planted about that first deposit? ba north 40 chains W/ four distant in a south ; t a trom veo ‘containing 160) Moore's Cove, inence vast $0 chains, tents THE BANK OF ' south #80 chains, the e west che s to ; HENRY BURBANK. | shore line, thence north &0 chaine to B = irew Kennedy, Agedl.| point of commencement ntaining 640 r Ss 0 ca iviz acres more r ies ~ ep. 14 | GEORGE R. NADEN 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS , Per Daniel Lyons, Agent aict—-District of Coast,| Dated September ioth i9ts” 8" Capital and Reserve Over $7,500,000 speeua LO ~ henge V | Pub, Sept. 28, 1912 . iti, J. A. Pake, of be tn. | | a jpation biacksmith, in | Prince Ru B hu . l sion Ww purchase | ranch, Av ved lands LAND PURCHASE NOTICES 4 post planted at the) ICES, F. S. LONG, Manager. Let 1706 thence south portuwee jess to bank of Zimogo | go chains Ui long th bank of river|Skeena Land District—District of Coast,| lirection 30 chains Hange V ious bak 10 post ore or iess,|,,,.1ake motice that I, Mike Vidak, of | HE WARNING COUGH rs 4 g 4 orth west corner | Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation restaurant] Mark K. ra . J. HK. PAL | man, intend to apply for permission to} . uli tia. THE WEARING ILLNESS noied Aug. 31 seer | Commencing at @ post planted about 2} sia jmiles south from Graveyard Point tel ‘ | se office and being on the south side District o Coast,| 0 tne Skeena Hiver, thence soutt 8U q i ems Land District |chains, thence east $0 ‘chains, thence non| COlds often herald their coming . st Allan Sim, of Prince 8 chains, thence west 80 chains to post} with a warning cough. . ridgeman, tutends wi of commencement, ) 640 acres : : : uy ~ ree purenese the fol-imore or ess, eC Bere) «6 This warning demands instant ering ee planted at tne | Dated August 24U ou ViDAs attention. The health is in ' t a * planter t ec igust 3 i, i . a “of Lot 1706, and marked Pub. Sept. 98, 10142 danger, the body is attacked, the leg Ger, tence Gorm & | risk is terrible. , 20 chains more of . ails Z i. é is River, thence | Skeena Land ty = ” pepgecaai of Coast, | Act on the first symptoms. ess )} @ southerly direc-} ange | N 's Sy \e d vai oe s rup of Tar an ooo 4 ! r jess to the north Take notice that |, Albert Lopas, of} « fathieu Syruy : i - ence east 20 chailis) Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation pros-| Cod Liver Oil arrests the colc ie post sor ipumncamtain pector, intend to apply for permission to} at once oo. i more oF less purchase the following described lands : : . ; . _ we ALLAN SIM as uMencing at. 4 post planted about 30} Tar and Cod Liver Oil are the 5 ‘ i viz chains south of Graveyard Point telegraph 7 a 5 5 1912 ollice and being on the south side of the| great twin agents for cold cures, pkecns iver, thence 1th 40 chains,| the Tar healing the inflamed parts District of Coast,| Mience east 40 chains, thence north 40] . i ildi rite chains, thence west 40 chains to post of| 2ad the Cod Liver Oil building up 14 Ann Keuts, of] ‘encement, containing 160 acres more| the whole body. pation spiuster,| OF 15s . ; ; j ° r permission % put ALBERT LOPas. | They are combined in Mathieu's . ribed lands Dated August 24th, 1912 | Syrup to produce marvellous , “4 Pul Sept. 26, . | C . i fs diet hemes *.1 , eT | results. Large bottle 35 cents. r ke ’ } | gazetted Kath-|Skeena Land District—District of Coast,/ At all dealers. Re AS ippiicaion t purchase Range V | When headache and fever are present witl ws g 4 chains west of Take potice that I, Thomas A. Roy, of a cold take Mathieu's Nervine Powders tc f Unis tot thence j » reduce the fever and allay the pain. J. I ee , Prince Rupert, B. ¢ occupation pros : » west to ¢@st Dank) pecior, intend to apply for permission to Mathieu Co., Props., Sherbrooke, Que. (B ace ® got a purchase the following described Jands DISTRIBUTORS FOR WESTERN CANADA on te ii ail Kiver Oo tne mmencing 4t @ post planted on the Lot 9194, thence fol i bank of the skeena iver and about’ Foley Bres., Larson & Company, Inc. i tats dol to pull) 2 miles southeast of the mouth of Shames taining 40 acres); thence south 80 chains, thence west Winnipeg, Edmonton, Vancouver, Saskatoon rt Bt hains, thence north 80 chains, thence; HA ANN KKUTZ east 80 chains to post of commencement, ivie containing 640 acres more or less | i THOMAS A. ROY | Dated August 26th, 1912 ! ange V | j ab € at i, Peter Stacey, Of) Skeena Land District—District o1 Coast,| . j spaliol we gee ib Kange V s mid W abi cra Sam Take notice that I, Hubert 0. Crew, of T ie wing. a bed — on pour} Prince Rupert, B. ¢ occupation broker, e ” al » So 2 era i *, - ~.|'itend to apply for permission to pur-| ' vieine on the sour side| ©2885 the following described lands | -_— rpg es Fh BB hn Commencing @t @ post planted two and} eS rome ney in #o| One-half miles east from the mouth of um r/ 7 nae, er “: _ “A | ee inameas Kiver, thence east 80/ - ~ Taas een corel oe thence north 80 chains, thence end mameaceds Saag oor Ge & West 50 chains, thenee south 80 chains to/ ° point of commencement, containing 640) PRIEK TACKY acres, more or less | M Idi uied Aug ai HUBERT 0. CREW. | ouldings vr Dated August 17th, 1012 Pub. Sept. 14. ama land i rict District of ° ‘Coen Merritt, or Prince] Skeena Land District—District of Coast, A large stock of dry finish- palion constabie, imtends | Range V | ing lumber on hand. Boat purchase the fol Take Notice that 1, Ethel M. Thompson, | lumber a specialty. Delivery suds Prince Kuper, B. C,, occupation) made at short notice. * post planted u the) stenographer, intend w apply for permis-| Juilbaibas Miver, aboul| sion to purchase the following described ‘ ndian shack, tuence! jands Our prices are as low as any. Wwence @ast 4 chaiis,| Commencing at a post planted four and) Cs : ‘0 chaims, thence west 40) one-half miles east from the mouth of} Call on us before ordering. nubencement, coulil-| the Quinamaas HKiver, thence porth 80! more or less bains, thence east 80 chains, thence) HN MEAMITT, Locator south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to A. U. Pallowleid, Agent point of commencement, containing 640 vod, iviz } acres, more or less, z OFFICE: i912 ETHEL M. THOMPSON. - Hubert 0, Crew, Agent.| l t—District of Coast,| Dated August 17th, 1912 | at Toomas Partngea, off | EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. i 10mas on, Of} H clerk, intends to} District of Coast, | Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. » purchase we fol | Séeone Land — 7 ri o 4 , o | a that William J. MOgridge, | qgemesmm — te eee eee bee uv 3. ., occupation broker, in Uuinemes Miver, thence » apply for rmission to purchase | river bank thence west| he following described lands nai o wing river Dank, thence Commencing at @ post planted on e | Ch * iheace v s wil foreshore, about 2 miles distant in @ o eR a ie tentang sae northwesterly direction from Kumeolon} = urch Services : jinet, and about 500 feet south of @ small) a, ap aM PAKTINGTON, Locator | bay, thence east 30 chains, thence north ——— a , ; Faliowneid Agent | 40 chains, thence west 30 chains more or FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ale eplem und, 1912 ’ jess to foreshore, thence southerly follow Services every Sunday in the Pub. Sept. 27, 19149." ing the foreshore to point of commence Chureh Hall at 11 a.m, and ment, containing 90 acres more or less. Empress Theatre at 7.30 p.m. Rem Land District—Districs of . WILLIAM J | cen Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. ‘ Distric ict of Coast, Dated October 8th, 191 > ange V Pub. Oct. 29, 1012 REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., PasToR “se bat Mrs. L. C. Putnam, of 4, occupation married) . ‘ t—District of Coast, . " apply for permission wo} Skeena Land Disinict— oe ‘ THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH liowing described lands fake notice that Richard J. Grant, of McINTYRE HALL, 38RD AVR., NEAR 6TH ST. 6 a! @ post planted about 80) vo ncuver, B. | ccupation bookkeeper, Services every Sunday at 11 : 4 the southwest corfer Of) tongs tw apply for permission to pur-| a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday ees ~ $0045 Of the Dank Of] nase the following described lands School 2.30 p. m. oe th, ence south 80 chains Commencing at @ post planted on the Bible Class 2.30 p.m. ; hains, thence north 80 eshore in @ small bay about one-half REV. W. H. McLBOD B.A B.D. Pastor *s tw bank of Skeena mile north of entrance to kumeolon Inlet, / 40 easterly direction along henee north 40 chains, thence east 60 : chains more or less tO]. thence south 60 chains, thence THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Or lene eet = Contaiming 640) V051 to foreshore, thence following the SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE . foreshore westerly to point of commence Services every Sunday at 1) MKS. L. C. PUTNAM containing 240 acres more or less am. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday means, s School at 2.30 p.m. Pulmam, Agent. RICHARD J. GRANT, a pom. iViy, William J. Mogridge Agent REV. C. R. SING, B.D. Pastor 8 Dated October 7th, 1912. cero uipesiaae deta lieatananeiil Sheer Pub, Vet, 29, 1012 THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL ua Land District ‘District of Coast, i as we "1 Tak aa Ts na Land District——District of Goast, Sune arvic Prince an ‘ee tat 1, Mike Vukstich, of Ghee Range V a m.,2 ang ' oP o- SM, iniend wo a ae ea ree| ‘Take notice that 1, Napoleon Roy, of ol. night oumites ane « folowing deseribed lands: | Wallace, Idaho, occupation mill man. ie day, Wednesday, Thurs- Comune Lc | . od tanes: tend to apply for permission to purchase ” and Saturds: t 8 4t &@ post planted about 70) 42 » app day and Saturday. Me distant and the following described lands CAPT. AND MRS TUTTE troy Graveyard in @ southerly direction Commencing at & post planted about 1 Commanding OmMcers Being on he Point telegraph office and mile south from the mouth of the Shames y WEP, thence « — side Of the SkeeDa) Fiver and about helf a mile south from © Chains — 50 chains, thence west the south bank of the Skeena River, thence M8 60 cha mice “DOrth 50 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, hlaining ‘ oe of commencement, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 - — — eikE VoLeT chains to post of commencement, contein- Mat S4eh ie UASTICH, ing 640 acres more or less, ‘ 28, 1048 , NAPOLEON ROY F Sale ; ? Dated August 26th, 1912 unch or District Pub, Sept. 28, 1012. boli District of Coast, 5 Kange V, misteias of Const Full eabin launch, 32x8 ft., tt oe J vistrict—Disirict ¢ al ce % 2 oe deury fm, of Skeens Lend ONeane y bie, | Wel! equipped for cruising or » O0Cdp 0 a ‘ _ y, 0 ( Gamble . i { ADpIY’ [oF permission Lo of He ee ee eer eoecupation broket | towing, 10 h, p. Palmer engine, re Yona nds: | intends to apply’ for permission to pur) speed 8 miles with dinghy; $700 tr oe eC 0 tUl oe * scribed lands ‘rom Graveyard Point tele-| SMase the folowing amirimianied at wel 254-4 B. Frere, Ocean Falls Cha, Heal Qh the south side}, “Wo corner of L. 4419, thence north 40 Seen ee thence south 80 chains, thence west 20 chains, thence | lehee we chains, thence worth! south 40 chains, thence east 20 chains to m - ewent, cox 2) Chains (© POS) Hoint of commencement, containing 80 rk Maining 640 M6res) pores more or less | VERNON PF. G. GAMBLE e e Pata August gan WENAY SMITH P. M, Mille’, Aseat | Pub, Sept. 98, isign’ Dated Sew’ Sth, 1042 versi es 0S Pub, Sept, 14 “heey Land p , Dissrtet ‘pisiriet of Coast) Skeena Land District—District of (' the up-to-date House Decora- iange th fange V Nupert, yy ® “Wat 1, Horace Roy, of Prince|.. Take notice that Beryl! 1, Gamble, of tors of Prince Rupert nd i ' “bation gentleman in| Vancouver, Bb, ¢ occupation spinster, ih wine a Permission to purchase tends to apply for permission to purchase o oud en eM cribed lands |} the following deseribed lands: , Si n Wri voc & POSt Dilanted about @ Commencing at @ post planted at tie oe g eo eraenh on ‘rom Graveyard. Point|N. EB. corner of L, 4409, thence south 4 . wid about 4 miles| Chains, thence east 20 chains more ' P H ‘ bunk Of Skeeng iver and less to W. bdy of Timber Limit No. 64 aper- anging i once MCeY'S application to| thence north 40 chains, thence west * bi ith 80 chains. thence! Chains more or leess to point of com Our Specialities ist & ‘henee north 80° chains,| Mencement, containing 80 acres More or thing ¢', © Rost of commence. | !ess MBLE oe ~ . oRte Boe | BERYL 1 GAMBLE Ne aiways deliver the goods, P VRACE HUY PrP. M. Miller, Agen Pu vath ) ™ Sept 18t , vane Dated Sept. Sth, 1012 2nd Street Phone 166 Green . Pub. Sept ‘ it ls not so in woman. To the artist the over-developed woman is apn atrocity in the aesthetic sense.” The result !s that artists and seulp tors now have to rely more on her creative abili'y ian ever before. As Frank Brangsyu points out, it te ett!) poreible to wet models who are per fectly develcped, but the supply is |running shor A far more serious objection to the |growing at) e\icism of woman come }from physici:as and women pre.i |dentse of gir s colleges “Hockey is neither healthy no | graceful,” ' the head of a gra |Lon¢éon gir hool. “A growing gir who plays | fame for an hour, fu jor five day: a eek, is almost bourd |} fo show cur .ture of the spime aft. |@ year or : | One of t edical exper.s als | declares that e tend ney at hockey is to put 1 on the muscles ta ought uct i trained in young gris and women t such games as cric ket, lacroe: ond nois are favore by most a t hen played in moderation The oute: n Fugland is not against physical « u@ for women, but against the 4 indulgence in i. Keen ober of prerentday tend encies in « ' woman's too hearty | indulgen *nnish sports as tend jing to p> e a sexless girl, flat |} footed, and »ngraceful. This, say the | critics, is « © the craving of “the }gentier ex r eomplete equality |} with men, ! accounts for the grow- ing indiffe ce to household duites | noticeable certain sections of modern Er hwomen SCALER BEATS BARRIEAU |Vancouver Boy Enters Ring in | Weak State from Mak- ing the Required Weight Edmonton, Alta., Nov. 12— Weakened by trouble in making |the weight, Ernie Barrieau went i\down to defeat in the sixth jround of his bout with Kid Sea- jler at the Thistle Rink last night jbefore a crowd of fifteen hun- | dred people. Barrieau looked |drawn when he entered the ring [out for the first three rounds he outboxed Scaler and seored many |points with clever left jabs and joccasional right upper cuts. | He showed his first weakness jin the fourth round, when Sca- ler rushed him to the ropes with lright and lefts to the head and lbod. With five seconds to go in ithe fifth round, Sealer put Bar- iriea to his kmees with a right lswing to the head. The bell | saved Ernie, who went to his leorner groggy. He was weak in ithe sixth, and Sealer at once istarted to hammer him with lrights and lefts and with Bar- lrieu reeling about the ring Chet McIntyre ehueked in the towel. Clayton Adams referred. HAZELTON WILL HAVE BIG WINTER CARNIVAL | | Plans Being Made for the Hold- ing of a Gigantic Carnival | of Sports | Hazelton, B.C., Nov, 14—A project is on foot for the hold- ing of a carnival of winter sports in Hazelton soon after New Years, Ut is proposed to have a distance race for dog teams, in emulation of the fam. ous Alaskan Derby, as well as races at shorter distances, snow ‘hoe races, Ski jumping, hockey mateh and other features of in- terest. The big races for dog teams will naturally attract the most attention, as there are in Hazelton quite a number of men who take pride in the speed and endurance of their toboggan lteams. Among those who are ex- pected to enter teams are W. J. Lyneh, W. W. Weathall, Bill Sweeney and Harris Brothers. The promoters of the carnival will have their preliminary plans arranged in the course of a week r'so and expect to make the event a big drawing eard. Prince Rupert's leading hotel— Bavoy. TEMS OF NEWS — FROM HAZELTON Mrs. A. © Mr. and Aldous are at present sojourning in Venice California, Twelve head of fine 3-year.| old steers have been brought in| from the Sealey ranch = for the! local market, | Mark and Pat Carr came in} from the Carr ranch on Wed-| nesday. The former is on his way to the east for a visil Ed. MeBeth, the freighting contractor, who was in town yes terday, reports business good on the Bulkley Valley road J. 8S. Kennedy, of Telkwa, re- turned on Wednesday from a it to Spokane and the coast cil-| and took Thursday's stage | his home town | Vi-] es, for J. M. MacCormick, manager of | the big Hazelton of fh Cunningham & Son, Ltd., return- ed on Wednesday's train from a} buying trip to Vancouver stores R. L. Gale, the Telkwa real | estate man, has negotiated the! transfer of many parcels Bulkley Valley land, says there is a growing demand for agricul- tural land along the G.T.P. Rev, John Field has returned] from Vancouver, where he was | in conference with representa- tives of the Chureh Missionary Society. The popular clergyman says he enjoyed his visit to the coast. RK. E. Loring, Indian agent for this district, has returned from a six week’s vacation trip to the cities of the coast and to Alaska. Mr. Loring is much improved in health as a result of a visit to the ; TT HN LMT Wee | | ii) ; : AD The ‘Patricia’? Bow Price $1.00 \ The “Princess Pat” Bow has met with great favor in the feminine world this season. It is made of rich black velvet, and has mount- ings of the finest quality gold plate complete with brooch attachment at the back. | This mounting is detachable, and a bow of ribbon or a piece of lace can be inserted at any time. Order by the number—73 COO u RYRIE BROS LIimiTEeD | |134-6-8 YONGE ST. TORONTO HAAN | ITT rT HT | i] | HH Hi } LU LULL Lu ull BY MAKING EARLY USE OF OUR NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE : ::::: We have already mailed Catalogues throughout the Province of British Yukon, but if your name is not Vise us, and one will be sent to our customers Columbia and the our mailing list ad- to you by return mail. This Catalogue is big book of Christmas gift suggestions. It illustrates describes our stock of Diamonds, Jew- ellery, Watches, Clocks, Cut Leather goods and Novelties. and makes buying convenient as though the purchaser visited our store personally, Goods will be sent prepaid aceording to catalogue conditions and money will be refunded where goods are not entirely sat- isfactory. Write for this Catalogue without delay and do your Christmas shopping early. Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director Hastings and Granville Streets on one and Silverware Glass, as Vancouver, B.C. hot springs. Speaking of an al- leged interview attributed to him which was published in an ir- responsible Vancouver paper and reprinted in a loeal sheet, Mr. Loring expressed great in- dignation. The sentiments ex- pressed, he says, were not his, nor did he, from the time he left Hazelton until his return, give an interview with a newspaper- man. Bayley’s Conditions Victoria, Nov. 14—‘‘l am ling to post two thousand do!- lars immediately to clinch the bout between Hyland and Bay- iey, but before settling matiers { would like to hear what the Calgary promoters can offer in the matter of a purse or guar- antee,” said Morris Condon when shown a telegram from Calgary to the effect that Hyland had wil- posted $2,000 with the News- Telegram, to bind a match, Con- don stated that he would re- quire three round-trip tickets to Calgary and return, and a two thousand dollar guarantee, or conditions similar to the last bout which Tommy Burns staged between the pair. VANCOUVER BEATS VICTORIA In the First Game for the Mc- McKechine Cup In a hard game strictly for forwards the Vancouver cham- pions beat Victoria fifteen by a score of 6-5. The score just about indicates the margin of Vancouver's superioroty. Ultimatum that Bachelors Must Marry or Move From Mun- icipal Premises Obeyed by Only Ten Dublin, Nov. 15-——There somewhat of a hullaballoo in the village of Dunshaughlin, County Meath, because only ten of the 69 bachelors have married as they were warned three months ago either to wed or move out of eot- tages owned by the rural coun- ceil. Of the ten, five had been apparently woman haters before the order was The cottages occupied by the bachelors are owned by the rural is issued, council, the members of which wish not only to increase the population of the town, but to increase its prosperity, and they reasoned that if the bachelors would marry they would become more thrifty, work more larly and be of greater general service to the community and its reg. social and edueational institu. tions. In justice to many of these obstinate bachelors, it must admitted that they are a trifle old to eateh the faney of the av- erage lassie in County Meath, where the lassies are noted for their grace and beauty. KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 Tinware HARDWARE = ws. MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes “* Stay Satisfactory Range.”’ “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. 1142 Pender Street West - Phone 8500, > Vancouver, B.C. Thomas A. Edison announces his New Cylinder Phonograph Record e Blue Amberol The Blue Amberol is a musical and mechanical triumph, Its volume is greater, and its tone is decidedly finer than any other phonograph record you can buy. And it is practically unbreak- able and unwearing. Careless handling will not injure it, and no amount of playing will cause it to reproduce less perfectly than when new. Ask your Edison dealer to play a Blue Amberol Record for you on an Edison Phonograph today, or write us for particulars. Thomas A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J.. U.S. A. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at HAYNER BROS., - - 3rd Ave. and 6th St. soe en ge Sea Rp > sperma