rHER DAILY NEWS Fi ra | MUSICAL CLASS Gay Test AT THE REXALL STORES " Continued from Page ! tie Class on Return THIS WEEK = Siieessie, Grey, De Vornst,| Mre. Mellend, whe o Fulton, | Ra Ole h popular fa Rexall “93” Hair Tonic---The Guaranteed Kind ee oa oe oases pee C. H. ORME The PIONEER DRUGGIST fff "ers “8 Bern Ne ssful P Phones 82 and 200 I» Eari D ¥. G. Ga 7 = < W ! ! Kissick, G. W. 1 D. B. 2 \ } 4. FE. MePl Ss. I Q 8 | | BRYANT COMPANY, LTD. Jo 20° 0 2 7 L. Cripps ' N eats ¢ ie the ei ? \lexa ; tt vas * Ba Wha j “ I 1 Successor to cd Heathcote, K w. &. Foe at ee g 4 Ada Carss, A \ he roductis x Sloan & Company, Limited $i) 00) 225 es ees : 5 MeNigt S Walla I eee ee } “The Store of Better Things ’’ ae midnight and the mi unde. fied < ~ : —- sf < . ” Ft i i : \ = } N a , ’ : Wa 4 | v, _ — — — ‘Univereity Plans PRIZE LIST Mrs. Molland ‘Contempiates Op- tyre Hall ening Musical and Drama- 4 Children at Catholic Mall Run of Thomas H : 4 Races and Play Games a ie ; ie, a . 2s ‘ High Scores at Empress Boys $—{s ck! phe 1 ‘ , MeN J F. 8 Sy i i « G = = ’ os The Best 4 es a cease, em a . Sho« : a R hie: 2 ads 2.779 1 . 4 kha Procurable. Absoluiely pure ee Se eae aaeeee ont Oe 2, Mary As ccord up to << Klondike rush—L. As . & —~ i ao Whe , ' Kel_| 4 Ackerberg 87 ‘ 168 ; Thousands of readefs are missing our offer to send aes « our large y; F. MeKinnor rand total e349 29 ? q range of patterns of OUR FAMOUS SUITS or OVERCOATS Sack race—1, D. Stork: 2, I ee anne iB TO MEASURE (Carriage and Duty Paid) at $8.60 (valued by our | powling Always Musical. 4 customers at $20). Together with patterns we will also send a tape Horse 1ce—} Mazz Toe measure, fashion plate, and f nstr ns how to measure yourself, | Gayalijer Musician (to his | wh AL LFREE ; aidanoan bie k of testimonials and u Referees were R. McD sid. ¥ sses him he dark the will be convinced that no other firm in the world can approach us for Rift . poy j on : j f the tay value. Soney returned if you are not satisfie we my da a I £ Addrcss for Patte : ee ae) S oenEnEEEEEEEEEEEEREI GURZON BROS., Clougher Syndicate, St. Peter's Church, Seal wee T Sind 4 Metedh a Be (Dept. uw |, 449 Spadina fvenue, TORONTO, ONTARIO. = | '°!'"* * Sunday! want Ad Piease mention this Advertisement ’ . ; ” a , \ i Just to remind you that Christmas will will soon be here with all the difficulties : of trying to find just the right thing for father, brother, husband or sweetheart. Let us make this all easy for you this year. We have everything new, everything use- ful in men’s wearing apparel aud fancy articles. Here are a few of the many sug- t gestions :- NECKWEAR DRESSING GOWNS HOSIERY SMOKING JACKETS HANDKERCHIEFS | SUIT CASES SUSPENDERS HAND BAGS : MUFFLERS COLOR BOXES SWEATER VESTS SHIRT BAGS ) |MARTIN O’REILLY’ 2 Es ee _— ee “The News’ Classified Ads. ==(Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertio ~THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES" HERE— In the Letter Box Public Nuisance ience in Dark Kitche Early Morning che the Was K ened although ‘ Picking himself up he tified the proprietor standing guard with an empty rev he kitchen d t the stable arrived After Making i earch of the premises ex t vha ee electric lights n the ere turned off and the man proceeded with the ation Opening the door he the electric buttor the light, his other ha which was hanging near he was again “knocked | ne in contact with a wet towel i head rhe mysterious iwas thing more or le in electric shock obtains jmost unexpected manne! |With Death of Another Causes Authorities Worry Denver Colo., Nov i5 the death of John L. Gowyer, an English capitalist at Colorado Springs last night, the mystery surrounding the supposed pol- ming of several persons at the Mary Murphy mine, near Buena Vista, two weeks ago, has deep ened Five deaths already hav eccurred among persons who ats it the boarding house, Octobe ist (ne me | (Lo ies genera lanage f the mine, declared that the nvestigation made bp ! ph cians f the food eal it the boarding house dis sed no trace of ptomaine pOl-| | RESIDENT SHOCKING CASE OF A MIDNIGHT BURGLARY Hotel Clerk Has Terrible Exper- ° ‘ly gues MYSTERY DEEPENS Supposed Poisoning Case nin strate kitche young deme reached to turn nad com by, and on the burglar ss thar adoim i Person, to With KR RENT—-OMice, Second Ave., next door t Re gers’ Steamshi ‘D OMce Apply at Rogers’ Ticket OM 2480 MUNTYRE HALL Ww lease for dances, etx Terms. Gray & Son. Black 78 2080f KLONDYKE HOTEL for rent On Fultot and Taylor Sts Bull Om mt emer eh WANTED—A Jay must be good k 1 wages paid Apply t M H. j Heskamy Phone 45¢ 2601 Lost and Found FUUND The FRENCH WAY LEANERS i 7 Robson 8t., Vancouver, B. <¢ Ex press paid ne way on §5.00 rders both ways mo $1 rders Write b 25etr Cleveland, ‘03 Return to G. AR Sawle For Sale Resets ett ee we ee ere, usta ite om ee eee rere, George Leek 618 3rd Ave Pr Soeeooooeeg FOR SALE HW. DOUGLAS 339 Third Ave (Opposite P.O.) Bo: 506 One Double a salad Corner LOST—Gold enamel whist pin, marked! T.| | 7th AVENUE SECTION SIX iFPOR SALE Piano, in good condition Ap tee, | $2000 cash and the bala years att ply Kiondyke Hotel 262tf | FOR SALI A small hall safe with inner Sa | H . & ( fireproof foor document and cash mue arrison ompany lrawers Apply t Continental Trust Secorid Ave esscr =| Brokers and Financial Agents | . MORRIS piano, in good condition, cheap,| Second Ave. Prince Rupert Address box ¢ News Prince Ru pert 254tr i “ PANAMA STUDIO NOTICE. G13 3rd Ave Above I us I th Ma f the Compa s ! Christmas is Coming nd he N s | Have your fatt 4 : ti fa 4 photographs ‘ : shed & f pa I i j TAKE NOTICE that an application wit] M#ke Early Sittings for ’ made t t Registrar of Joint Stock mpa 4 the expiration f ne | month from the dat f the first publica-} rw tice f eave t hange the Cut This Out arth f e above mpany from Sioan POCO OLOEEEEIENIIIM a 5 Limited i Bryar 1 $ 4 ' i > . ated ist day f November, A. D./| This Coupon 1S Good WLLIANS & MANSON, s t for Sloan & Company, Limited fi 0) D llar 22 Sixth Street, Prince Rupert, B. ¢ or ne 0 i t ' i by the Sheriff of the County of Vancouver at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon on Thursday at the Sheriffs oMce, in the Court House in the City of Vancouver, B. C., the fol lowing property, bamely tract of land and premises situate, lying teen 17 and eighteen 18), in Block twenty-six (26), Town of Queen Charlotte according to 4 registered map or plan de posited in the Land Kegistry Office atl, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT PIONEER LAUNDRY Ltd. = iccess Pioneer stan ay 4 First Class Plant rh ~~ ghly Experienced and Competent Superintend- ence Prompt Service HYGIENE QUALITY — FINISH Solicit Your Patronage Wagons Ca and Delive Anywhere in City Write - — or Phone 118 Mortgage Sale of Valuable Property Situated in the Town of Queen Charlotte Under and by virtue of the powers of sslie contained in @ certain Indenture of Mortgage, which will be produced 4t the time of sale, there will be offered FOR SALE GY PUBLIC AUCTION 28TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1012 All and singular that certain parcel or und being in the town of Queen Charlotte n the Province of British Columbia, and nore particularly described as Lots seven eee lle Ph The Peerless Studio Rooms 19-21-22, Alder Block Cor. Srd Ave. and 6th & eoenenec ete a“ Gasoline Engin For Sale Mg neuonery ene “1m ve —~ wi se at a tow Address box | ‘ Rupert, B | F : | SMITH & MALLETT | THIRD AVE 1! Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting®™ Sheet Metal Work Office: Srd Ave. Wort bay | Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet t | —THE Westholme Lumber (1. —LIMITED Lumber and Mouldings All Kinds of Building Soppls one 186 Firet Avenue Phone For Sale rince Rupert, in the said province and sumbered 034 a Lerge, erty pending on the Gale | Property Sultabie for Hotel Purposes. w further particulars and conditions of sale, apply to MocLelian, Savage & White | Solicitors for the Mortgages 400 BANK OF OTTAWA &GL0G VANCOUVER, B. ©. WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers and Solicitors PRINCE RUPERT, B. © (268-268) The Vendors Are tateomes That There ie) i i.t> ' C R. Naden Co., Lid ZQnd Avenue