THE DAILY NEWS ——————$————————_—- — _ _ — _ — Germany Spends Much oe THE DAILY NEWS | . , TH SS. PRIN af Published Daily and Weekly by : a. as \ f THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ee eaves for Vancouver, Victoria — : Le : : Low Lede PACIF 6 and Seattle 5 i i FRIDAYS bes 4 TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—S® cents per inch. Contract rates ‘ van 4 on application Ver ‘ 1b a “PRINCE JOMN nere ect . ? “ . t Simpsor ranby Bay Stews i SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Dat_y, Se o--~omaeam one wae © & e7 i For Masset and Naeden Harb , 12 ’ Fy per month. or $5.0) per year, in advance. Weeaiy, $20) per year. All C. L. Biggs has ' “-| Was 4 na f Guely e 4) on For Skidepate, Aliford Bay and other rp Other Countries—Daily, $8.00 per year: Weekly, $250 per year, strictly ‘Surani in Ma : : : v th, 240? : im advance. —_—— S far this year «is Ki ; d G. 7. P. RAILWAY pascanean SERVicEe A quadriile pies t x 2 ves Prince Rupe HEAD OFFICE ganized in Li k : Loyal Order of Moose ” ota 4 . ore ' 4 Grand ai is Riles System . Daily News Building. Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. Phere will } 6 i I (The Double Track Rowte) Ve ea ‘ r i A # Nine month excursion retes in effect 4 \ iilicliceidis asi the @neusehemes end tsk Welne i BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES tie ge DD. Ge x = = . Agency for ef! Atlantic Steamenhip Lines Fo ay nferme one \ New Yorx—National Newspaper Bureas, 219 East Zird St.. New York City = =“ cane : f : decent kK A € Momasren, 5 ' a ' gaTTLE—Puget Sound News Co : . i . Lenpon, Excianp—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trank Building. Trafaigar ‘oon r Ash of N .s tak is pa : D. MEIKLE, S Te Square gland «ix : : as #4 ‘ c. y P a Susscarsens will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of ——— -—— e ° BL. COAST STA Sav . j non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. 5 E 4 S i Ss . Silversides Bros PR A ha« ne . era i — — SE — — — ber ° INCE RUPERT INK DaILy EDITION. Peo WEDNESDAY, ‘Nov. 2; if Turk (iene The up-to-date Mouse Decora- ae . - - 2 pe a: tors of Prince Rupert - Mex 4 ihe ane _ | Revelstok Sign Writing.. ANNEX ee nati a ‘ S. S. PRINCESS MAY e ° e . ; alt a. i re Paper-Hanging Southbound Sat., Nov. 23rd, 8 p.m eS S Ant Hans edinnls chin, Our Specialities S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE Lard ha« zt ; ab . oe Southbound—Sunday, Nov. 24, 8 p.m ite Kas At Quesn . “We always deliver the goods.” 4. G. GRAB, Gener! Agent Grand Tru CLEAN THE mR. W. MANSON 1 y it # z 2nd Street Phone 156 Green the America ‘ as k i According to the repor f fices g Reeder ha« A T © modern conve ade he a -ara f “ at Mansons speech at _ ; Wast . OD é rip lutely first-class h ate . fp i the Conservative eeting last So far th if 1 = | : The appointr 4 ate nm were pa ght he attributed to Messrs. "**" wd cunt EAS T are equa - — ip taxes —————__——— -- —- —- : t his matter. For some weeks| Ralph Smith and Duncan Ross a Prince Rupert Lodge, L.0.0-F. - pas h i rned A f a de- Ss . ement en wien the Ata ‘ ees ee . ‘ . x ; } ; fo. 63 I« 4 ‘ al safe 2 . Wako! 4 st ti-i i _—,§ “ ~@ — tham has ' : : “ea f . apitated cond has been! oe eg A ga a n Golde | ae - oo teed apg Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day a : 2 — - ' 7 sins rib sus very Tuesday Evening itowed to be in te rosdwar| dy'anvons who wav ai the Lib=| eee Say) duitter atime crser tn ube The Great Northern Ry. he { pal th -| era eeting last we that} * ie Ma he Belg city are requested to visit Path oy. ree eo Vern snapped when M ee a ee , *\] G. A. Sweet, Manager 1 eyesore le j a s , hing R « ga ’ A H. ALLISON, N. G tt at ‘ ttled ; san ecteal dane : What was «aid. and Mr. Man- ‘ 2 wa W. G. BARRIE, Sec cs ‘i son heard it as well as an Phe Was a 6 wood ; 6 aoe « o 3 DAILY TRAINS ree Oe ee ne was that the Mother |©0@! famine North Va his ware” i s r Vv few feet of the travelled por- Country had never asked fi ast week a = SONS OF NORWAY ogres , n of th adway. The side-| any help the way of 6 cash) ._. Redd Prince Rupert's leading hotel— | Meets every Thursday at 7 p. m eeeeraes walks he pr pal busi- contribution, but had nat The Adams I wer ‘ Savoy at 319 3rd Ave All Norwegians as ena:| Sima eee ae ee SS ro Rogers’ Steamship Savoy ote sed f he « age of a omg : My — ap ‘en eda . a effect a greater Imperial! good . . ® Agenc kinds of handiss ; iat ade |Doards Lester W. David Co., Ltd. ‘Valhalla” of S.H. & E.F. PHONE “Y + sic thingain The 5 cers aad chores thas ty @ oe — SCAN DIN ANIAN SOCIETY RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMPORT _ — ; ibe n ‘ ile 4 6 4 Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at * ‘ a It really ts too soon after the|"'* ar | z p.m. in the kal! at 319 3rd Ave : pon : Liberal meeting to start ascrib- oe | INDSAY CARTAGE and ee 8 ing oe se sentiments and state- eg 7 , ; a ditions of a new iasine hn She. dnatihegs ey “| Alex. Latimer, the trap, —— — STUART & STEWART STORAGE THE IROQl ONS growing city | litical capital ihe hosy at Ed First Ave. and McBride St. Box 865 Accountants G. T. P. Tramsfer Agents POOL — : es! phoid f — 308 2nd Avenue Phone 280 Orders prompts filled Prices rensonabie. cas Te —- Auditors for the City of Prince Rupert . a Gintee English a r ~o~+~+ " ; . on Sac. Rosie “i PHONE 25 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Poe ee Pe ne a ete ES SS SS sritish capitalists uf he Ga " ial : Potato += Potatoes | cia estate near M Prince Rupert, B.C. irae a aaa ‘ ~ W. E. Williams, B.A, LL. 8 Apples Apples otatoes Potatoes {6 yin. ee wim Little’s NEWS Agency = i WILLIAMS & MANSON i\Edmonton, have bough t i Two cars from Seenigy = amen le gar factory ' Verr Red | Chair Sign-844 3rd Ave. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Magazines Periocicals Newspaper: } Empress Bowing Ales Wenatchee on - SIGARS :; TOBACCOS :: PRUITS|}} _AND POOL ROOM We have what you | The black sand found in § my ‘ th ng. ete Heigerson Block Prince Rupert, 8. ©. ‘ ~ 1) 6 asters 42 TABLES The Apple is the Best ere looking for lw nok’ Cans. Wale dloiviet. te enid GRATTON & BROCHU 2nd Ave. Below Kalen Island Club Best Fitted and } o rs eS ae aor a : it ntain gold and plat Box 335 ALFRED CARSS, C. V. BENNETT, B.A.) ce ake ee at war the Price is Right Price is Right . Send Card or Phone 294 of Brttich Coltenbte Gateewen and 8 | ie ee ee © i cane Seemann _— een we Reet sled a number of tjoston capital- 7 ists are prospecting in Big Val- . CARSS 6 saeere “UNION $5. COMPANY OF B. C., Ltd lev. near Barkers th a dia- ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, ETc i + LYNCH BROS. « ‘ es Seren 8 Launch For Sale oa snctiic secon trense . eer ® mormermmermermme sy | | - , ial ce et ‘ 4 L —— Full cabin lgunch, 3238 ft../ > o sexe PRINCE RUPERT [: O A —— a Angus McPherson recently well equipped for cruising or ‘“ 99 died in the Quesnel Hospital. He towing, 10 h. p. Palmer engine, JOHN E. DAVEY ‘ B the was one of the old timers of speed 8 miles, with dinghy; $700 TEACHER OF SINGING Sun New Wellington Cos om @ THOMPSON HARDWARE COMPANY, Lid. | =" iS Par Sar la 8 a ee RR i ‘ : OF WM. FOKON, BBQ. ARAM. LON, ENG ce oitad iin Phone 116 Rogers & very TUESDAY morning — HAYNER BROS. |. ond geile. foe Vom PRIN T FEED U0. Tools PRINCESS “FROM HOME TO HOME.” UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS very WEDNESDAY at 2 PRINCE RUPER! FEES for carpenters, black- funeral Directors smiths and machinists. ENAMELWARE Srd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. %6 p.m. Dealers ' viw The CLamosunbh has the | a sea“ HOTEL ELYSIUM a i HAY, GRAW_FEED 10 largest and most comfort a ™, sid. able rooms Of any steatne SEEDS ‘our young and old = MPS The Finest, Newest and Most U LA p-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. on this route. a ES Exeeilent Cafe. Moderate Prices. ‘ E. L. FISHER ih od uneral Director and Embaimer eit doc 1142 Pender Street West - ~- Vancouver, B.C CHARGES REASONABLE ; Agents for the lnternaliooe + ee and %., cor. ang ave. Prone 986 M! Rogers Steamship Agency ‘a Phone 101 339 2nd Ave Box 101 Phone 8500. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT > Phone 116 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDE Gusee, Oysters, Raw, Raw, Raw a ——Drawn for The Dally News >Y s T —— a I eames ra ‘\ > : i DEAH OLD COLLEGE BOYS = SEE How THIS WOULD GdO- CAZLLE, DAZLLE ,31s Boom Suen) STRawBenay SHorRT CAKE ~ e TRY YouR- ° | HAVE REQUESTED ME To WRITE ICK-ETTY FAT-RICK-ETTY LEAN kick “Im, stae’ 1M BITE THE PUNK | | SLUESERRY PIE - HAND AT R i . Fe / EM @ NEW COLLEGE YELL - BOUNCE YOUR FOOT, UPON HIS BEAN _ WRITING A a > — GOOD YELL FoR THE DEAF AND s 8 4 Dume ' oy =] ASYLUM.