| oe ee Z THE DAILY NEWS a Baek ca at “THE DAILY News THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA : Published Daily and Weekly by | ONLY CONSERVATIVES TO GET POWDER AT WHOLESALE PRICE WOLGAST AND RITCHIE MEET ON NOVEMBER 25 Aly ats 5.5. PRINCE RUPERT leaves for Vancouver, Vic: x is 4 Wolga FIC and Seattle THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. s ete ee escaenc oe that cits se FRIDAYS, 9 A. M . _ FARMER MUST SE MEMBER OF THE TORY MACHINE BEFORE ‘ ; . “PRINCE JOMN TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—S) cents per inch Contract rates OR GAN CET COVERMMENY GATE ON PORIDER 20- ‘ rt ror Port someon, Grasy Bey, Sewers. % RTS RMER NCOUVER SUN : : : : th and . se es = va F a a the p For Masset and NaGen Harber, (2? 5 SUBSCRIPTION RATES—Te Canada, United States and Mexico—Daity, Sic . i For Skidegste, Aliford Bay and other Que » ‘? : : at : “ ae Nev. 10th, 24th. De . per month. or $5.0) per year. in advance. Weeetr. $20) per year All Because : t Other Countries— Daily, $2.0) per year; Weekly, $25) per year, strictly ernment did h was « : i . notin @. 7. P. RAMLWAY PASSENGER cee, 2 e¢vance cones puwd . , zna ° ' - 7 a Tt Pt No. ? leaves Prince Rupert {0 4 5 ee seem aan " ! F. 1. Wilson, A Grand Trunk Railway Syster HEAD OFFICE water n a ‘ bh : b : W ; Ww Uoper. Va . (The Deuble Tract Route) - spa h ‘mat ; ; me month ercuret ' fe: Daily News Bailding. Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. : is alle ha 4 < ! " Me Bo : oe = aby A aioe pbe supplied fr , . : \ ; Agency for off Atlantic Steamebip Lines Fo en nr, . BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES ’ © for ia s r ea a& € mcomasrer, ’ . it s Mr. } al ‘ ta re ‘ew Youx —Natjonal Newspaper Baress, 219 East Zird St. New York City |. : . an . Fort » , Pp Mi aanmelll : “a —— , oven § Pe ; s venue week. ’ ta é * ¢ es & fe f ’ : alties s. F Editorial Notes and S fie sae 7 ae Seuivans Senter nor amb em | L oaes “ : 5 seless as a ="- “We always deliver the goods.” Grand Tran! peare 2% : : way and althous = @nd Street Phone 156 Green a at e< -- . * had xcellenu PRINCE RUPERT'S - + ed, D as (Be : Stilts z Rea f Wor : 2 steam heat PROUD RECORD 2 ee ae = sts : : thing more ( -oorniphan a ru nto (6 : are . he Prov 4 butely firs ! Ma Ne s : > = = “1 t is & good : .- ee & te " i vis . 4 The apm : : ; : ne staw Be o snes tt Iw Ag . wd Va = — are equa is = say b maving the ans : i. coast : {| proposed work ca ‘- ” Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. coors = =: “| ASBESTOS ROOFING WILL [ester W. avid Co.. Lid oe a a aad maa Gad ; work. Now is the e : fast b ising the Best Route ‘ ner d i handle Who pas.| Bave that 4 a. - STAND A TERRIBLE HEAT Meets in the Helgerson Block | ‘st bs Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day : SESE NSE ae ran soe LUMBER «22222 22° = The Great Norther Ry. Cites es . —e oe we | Ge wes All members of the order in the : =f es ays! a See ed yl : _ “it requested to visit Fire Chief Proved Successful— — = — fT th : ns p : ——e " ees ae 2,000 Degrees of Heat. the lodge. Offers the G. A. Sweet, Manager S M New May- sailed prepared first x oes A H. ALLISON, N. G through a we settled country : : : ; : Pirst Ave. and McBride St x 3 W. G. BARRIE. Sec. « a his ; . 6. > io seern te epmse tied the MG y ete re We aC. B. 8 & Co's — 3 DAILY TRAINS 7 a Oat ‘ ' hecked p before ives af . nein - oe os : aa a pe the vote is take the ques. | f th x PHONE 25 SONS OF NORWAY From Seattle or Ver rt - y oo — : a r a — - Chicago and ints east t ye ab e- it is ig a” respe®-lesastse and nier- : Meets every Thursday at 7 p. m., b ‘ hat : Dy : Prince Rupert, B.C. at 319 3rd Ave. All Norwegians 1 pt a reeor 14 . ¥ place « Be shoul- | ested zens. M | W. izza R Steam ert achieve the | jers : ne 1a atier | «ales anage Br as are welcome ogers’ Pp nj | fa ae . ened how gum he ay be * $¥%-i Brand a« stos re z Hr eh Agenc ' . ing : — -| om ma - ma - . 7 ié 1. 2a a «tra 7 Red Chair Sign Sen 844 3rd Ave ‘Valhalla’ of S.H. & EF. ee 1 ih Pineindind 6 - ne ear | on ee : ’ a ch . e (te ’ — , — (Scanpexanian Soceetr race RUPERT'S PALACE MPORT sca 4 - a £2 ’ T ing, etc sl tant , 5 im on Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at § ""| ¢sperts catied atte | ines GRATTON & BROCHU p.m. in the kall at 319 3rd Ave. 5 - wa sepbaeel alt thé.. plans wis leins of antes 02 ' carson ies : LINDSA CARTAGE and Is . “< —- a > é < 2 & Bend or Phone 23 J ‘ “ ; ' STORAGE OOUOIS odd = “it th — sh ae i teatinn STUART & STEWART : THE IR < he sam gth + y = asf - #r G. T. P. Transfer Agents a’ in A had been giver the | fa was “ b I I EF Se Aesoustente i POOL POKE” - gs 1 liseus ’ ‘ ‘ or 308 2na Avenve Phone 280 Orders proang Uy filled = Prices remsonabee. ’ rt lepayers of Prit f th l Audhere fer the Giy of Ovines Gupet! oogice—e B Seckeee.Cuuem. Phen G English.anc A: ee ee : on vy sa $ Full eabin launch, 32:8 ft PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Twelve Tables ot ; Th. ae ne . é } er th fing fe well equipped for cruising or cuiehanel _ — by-law next week ae ale- 4 f * a6 Wasi: ‘ ° | & > was aA : ng 0 ; « . ine, —— payers as a whole k we hb. give ; the discus ‘ : Sin 5 » oe . ™ - . : = a Palm “s ean Alex. @. Baneon, B. A. 5 ats ; : b be speed miles, with dinghy; $70 W. E Williams, BALL LB 3 2 me of the proposed by-law os z of teleph girls ering. when approached with the | 254_4 B. Frere, Ocean Falls arene = which they are going portant : Gea inieates “thes edi 0 pea WILLIAMS & MANSON ‘ i Alle “ _ 4 = cleare the a- lb immed itself but gnite the Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspaper: | | a Bow me le he t ' mial as rity of the citizens | woodwork behind Sox 255 > whe POO OU te tie ue of he syste Voting on. this by-law A The Brooks people want per- Laying the Heigerson Bioca Prince Rupert, Bc CIGARS =: TOBACCOS FRUITS | ‘2 TABLES “ : sta before it has been thoroughiy|.,,:c« a se the : ' Be a . ae | and Ave. Below Kaien isiand oe! ‘ : : > ; é M rhauled ie exactly like | Prince Rupert. The only ma-) COPMGP-Slome | uw. cv.seans| a : we the buying a pig in a poke” —yor rials allowed now on business| es ’ of British Cofimixa of B.C. Ontartn, See | Hs 1 wh d dent know whai you have bh aha rn gare —. siti The first deposit, with which and Manitote Bare katchewan od at) ——— . etal rooting | youbegineSevings Account, CARSS & BENNETT UNION $.5. COMPANY OF 6.6., ld is as important an event as Bakristers, Notaries, Etc. i asses ~~? ~—+—o~ “T SASKATOON WILL HAVE | the laying of thecorner-stone Ofiee— Albert Block. Second Avenue. Ths eiedic shinee Cancer mine ing Yor = COAL sa WORLD'S RGEST Rin of a fine building You ar a im oot nieaieaiis = "i 5 : laying the corner-stone of “ 99 ‘Potatoes Potatoes c Saskatoon, Sask. Nov. 19. your position in the world, of JOHN E. DAVEY ! Weil Cea Best on the The contracts have been let for} : . . TEA lan New Wellington 3 the new rink f th Saskat : | your circle of business CHER oF SINGING ~_— ‘ cars Highland . een : e Two cars from 2 cars Ashcroft Curling Olub. whieh, taking int)| ®qUaintamce, of eventual | ruru oF wm roxom, ma. .nam. 10n. me aia’ feos Vatnenun | Phone 116 ogers & Blac Wenatchee cousideration the amount of ' success. ¢ _ a We have what you _ “om pier can take mene Can you afford to postpone every TUESDAY mneren «| : The Apple is the Best are looking for * rs Sey oe ce x .e - that first deposit ? aud sails’ for Vancouves | PRINCE RUPERT FEED (0. ” 7 ao leas eleven | j “ea the Price is Right ; Price is Right sheets of ice will be provided fo : THE BANK OF ; every WEDNESDAY at 2 Sener ee ee aD : a eee and the building will cover ar p.m. Dealers provides even more ice shine the | ,~~_.. LYNCH BROS. »_-_-- new Granite curling rink in belowt bipes, which is in process construélion at ihe present ey but which is only 150 feet wide. The biggest curling rink in Re. gina. has only nine sheets of ice. the Moosejaw rink ten, bul Sas- Read The Daily News katoon’s will eclipse them all. 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS | Capital and Reserve Over $7,500,000 | Petnee Rupert Branch, F. S. LONG, Manager. HAY, GRAIN FEED AND SEEDS largest and most comfort- able rooms of any steamer on this route. E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embsimer =e . Agents for the lnternationa’ Sock food Rogers Steamship Agency . \ t 0 Phone 116 MAIL ORDERS PROM A ENDED 7 CHARGES REASONABLE 2nd St, cor. 2nd Ave, Phone 366 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT The Captain Was Still a Live One THEN IF HE SHOULD PASS 1M HIS CHECKS WRVE GoT € Goop PicTURE ON TAP-TO RUN WITH THE NoTice OF ris DeaTH — ONLY CAPTAIN~=E want TO GET 4 LATE PHOTO OF You For PAPER —THE HAVE OF You was PICTURE we WHEN 4 News by “Hop” —Drawn for The Dally THEN WHEN De —WeLL YMIS Goop Picrure ON YHE FRONT Pace WHERE Youl. Be PROUD Yo SEE IT! xzM™ Jisr as YOUNG 4S Tt YoosTER Be- BYC ¢