1, 1942. . . nem ie THE DAILY NEWS 3 ea i 2 = | BiITs Nicholson and Broce tid. FRANK MORAN CUTS vho was led as a second Stan. : » jpath collapsed, MILLER TO PIECES |'*s Keichell, planted one” of ~ Paber's jaw and he went down as istmas Neckwear SPORT CLIPPINGS —§) gn seaninns ic ov 00040) san Prana, Nin. tk-—[IF sho Tat he uh ma iwho thinks Joe MeGinnits Giuseppe Costamagna the bie And what Taber did to Grower jeapable of pitching winnis a hy whe fet her settled the Ukiah man's ehaneesa rE : lin the major league He has f de thy if. Charley Mil before the mond Al that Binks That stinetive style. Something different from I W ze the plaee ofl tr : ae : . with {fered the fron Man a posit pu aie tie thas fon has 1 fearfu punch, and what e seen elsewhere in materials, values and fv ‘plain Of the Swit. jt anadiens aga ihe Pesran Peay OF twirl Harry Foley was referee When hep saber wee tushy he Ome t oe ie { ‘ lt is expected | jnext season. met Pra Moran of Pittsburg, | Neel the second time, ' ri ! able ) take his| Louis Cyt | e sia — 1 Mille has nothing but beef He} annem poms — Pprace eam Dy the end of|man, is dying Ni] i His! Oakland, the team Harry W need and plunged all about the Do You Know? his ; death ia daily ; verton abandoned to take charge! ping ke a drunken mammoth.| You ean get working boots at | lof the Yankees, won the char vhile Morar cool and> heads | se tt, Froud & Co.'s big shoe sale Si Vl ( ‘| Oficial mai ecords pionship of the Pacific Coast} etaved iway and eut him fron 1.50 Come and see them, epe i vere orélaive nineteen na he jjey | eae, preces Ai the end of the fo 123 jit ’ h i hi knee lof those who mad hits in a| ————— rounds Miller was a ee ees ee pand n { dchild is|s ingle game las Larry WELSH REGAINS TITLE ma a Phen Fe running M. P. MeCaffers f MeCaffery lbetween ' Devise ofthe N. Giente IN GREAT GRITAIN |") form, ealled the bout al& Gibbons, returned yesterday Irish Poplin ‘ jaccomplished — t! Kd _ a OTe. Se. See eer SI , he Prince Rupert ral N ECKWEA R ia Sweeney of the B itionals London, Nov 10 Freddie | "4! , aft i? ess Visit spent in’ the . : a performed the tri: mes,| Welsh, the English lightweight Phe , which Grover Binkl we in plain colors . aa o> 5a K ! ; and Jake Dauli | yniregained his title of lightwe h t i} possesse USL Misses 1 WEAI or fancy pat- asia : ana ‘ J i | Lwies lchampion of Great Britai i ; a eae ae “ TRY A NEWS WANT AD terns at be. . twenty round fight against Ma . - tes - - irsity player to} Wells, the title holder. The figh and $1.00 Charlie Robe ' url ble the score on Met ildiwent the full distances Welsh farted pla M t championship fir winning on points "i 3 be a r ty sary Phe honors were fairly eve ih atliaedten ‘ r Pe se i ihroughout Welsh was a slight 4 gran ; “e < boxes, right to your door withoyt any | this winter, according lo report H SIUM expense or trouble whatever to you. 1| from Cornwall, One of his close If you are not entirely satisfied with your Hi friends is authority for the Sid. Sykes, Manager | purchase it can be returned at our oe statement that if Lalonde does | and your money will be immediately | | : : aes , t, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver i refunded not arrive at am satisfactory Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. Drop a postal for Catalogue “EB” | jagreement with Kennedy, or the Canadiens, with whom he has 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. if been dictating, that he will not Phone 3500, | RYRIE BROS OS LIMITED. | | Dlay at all this season, but will aa > | jremain at his home in Cornwall > * 134 6-8 YONGE ST. TORONTO] uy Find It Through a News Want Ad. OEIC BEVIS es CO rats VPP PI. GEO. D. TITE ; i | The Complete Home Furnisher For choice selections in Dining Room, Living Room and Bedroom Furnishings, our stock is now complete and we offer to the public of Prince Rupert many of the latest designs and finishes from the leading factories of Canada. OUR MOTTO: “Quality and Values for Every Dollar Spent.” Buffets, China Closets, Dining Tables, in Solid, Quarter Cut Oak, Golden, Early English or Fu med Finish: Dining Room Chairs in many designs and finishes, | No. 1 Leather Upholstered Seats. RUGS & CARPET | “rt2' 2tve tess st | (—— “ep scr og | OUR .RTMENT SQU ARES cit Se aes : y\ we offer for Chri ' d _—_ Ray oeoee Gal a our omy All & mpecse Christmas P Brass Rod, extends from 30 to 54 CURTAINS Rese + SSP Pens OER ORS and advise to ree inches; special ........ . 150 At nearly Cut-in-Two Prices ay Clal prices to one and all. special Xmas prices. } | a te . “— bi J d ee x = ~ ts Blankets, Comforts, Quilts, Sheets, | Pillows 2 at Special Prices f * GEO. D. TITE---The Quality: Home Furnisher et) Phone 20 Third Ave. SMCS EBACE ‘OCR IAS r=