oe : 4 - THE DAILY NEWS Something new in Arts and Craft Brass & Copper Ware Ee a ss Christmas Presents BE FIRST CRIMINAL CASE GEFORE THE COURT ' hk t we r ~~ —THERE ARE NO com ve SS “The News” Classified Ads, nt ona (ne Cent A Word For Each Insertion “DEAD ONES” HERE— aed ae een Claxton pt « e my a you : ' ~ for C. H. ORME The PIONEER DRUGGIST HB anc oiie un. ‘ + member of the firm| ~~~ 5 —— and 200 lar ner ~4 , + . s “ ‘Ww ~ 7 . " ' . a Phones 82 ri 4 ; : x he - img for this notice at The Daily News ; Ina _—-. The New utice e710f © ae if = 4 } ha 4 hear le at dea about Prince Rup 7th AVE NI IE .. eee had ea that the cits For Sale pe ¢ | t OMPANY §) =" vevetoved to sneh ae exter <0 Ss aan said thet he was simply pe- SECTION SIX ; az > “ - ; al st the spler it 4. | POR SALE—A small ball safe with inner , 7 _ pind a — . . , fireproof door, document and cash ss a dis ap. The . Presenting the Screa g Farce nes th wzhout the « People drawers apply to Contisental Trust N AY er at the « ‘ Comed h ' aid hive oe 268tf =| $2000 cash and the balance r te ent app é e the An an spirit of progres.| MORRIS plano, im good condition, cheap pears at © per wr High Rates of Interest specimens of “The Man from })-» +»: ee The ns ennlipin ae WE WILL, LOAN NEY section a1 ow ” | ‘Samuel Har & ( a E OAN YOU MO 3 Kokomo | ISAK’S TROUBLES CORPORATION OF PRINCE arrison & Company st painstaking é a< To OR BUILD HOUSES was also His Lords | a RUPERT Seen Sinancial Agents TO PAY OFF MORTGAGES : : | Surly Russian Had Money but No Second Ave. Prince Rupert - ’ Curtain Rises at 8:30 Sharp Drink—Got Drink Now but ; “ f +h Tenders for supply of Tele TO IMPROVE REAL ESTATE = Doors 7:45 ; No Money pp! The sider Open at a ph be and E£le« Ligh Poles PANAMA STUDIO heir nt a4 5 « a ; “ Le eived up t ‘ a AT PER CENT. | Isak Makenan, a burly Russian| yoga. 1 cia af eat aote tent g + gs r . | nds . ube 2m I . ‘ . ; : laborer from up the line, made| , Sameins fen : Christmas ts Com ng a . | ende te cat sa pa aim ithe common mistake yesterday | . : ‘ ; ' J ool o § : las . ; culars be bt #4 ‘ his Taphs are WE GUARANTEE — = of getting drunk whilst packing | \'« 7 i he jaround in his several pockets aj 3] : Make Early Sittings ” e e el ine«s ; f il ROOKSBAN - when your indebted "4 = The Best Yet Box & : considerable amount f money i i : are a ~ Office open even ' ty *urchas z ze wunnatite 6 _ P S . 8 $200, to-wit He finally found | | INTERNA I IONAL. HOME — ns ———— himself landed the police sta-| = cca . ~ : on. Of course he had not sea ! NOTICE. : : ' PURCHASING CONTRACT CO., LTD. = ; Beott, 3 " ent changeset | $200 intact. How could he ex-| sgn ° This Coupon is Good } " al . - ect it? As a matter of fact, the ‘ Omeces: Suite 11-12, Smith Biock.. Phone 455. ( & aoe FRIDAY & SATURDAY at ' und $87 him. He was|'" the Matter of the Companies I ; ~Olice found $87 ; e as M. E. Ritchey, Supt. — we . sar Act and in the Matter of Sican for One Dollar i . o lucky to arrive under the pro- 4 W Ag ak > ” ; ‘ & Company, Lim ted : i be las ; be e tecting arm of the law with that i In I e = . ° ama lier the ev . TAKE NOTICE that an application will : Ga & part § aig 7 \ amount. Earlier in the evening}, made to te Rantecrer af Same Steck Ca —é% 1¢ had an idea, rightly or wrong- mpanies after the expiration of one 4 - a ‘ . “ 7 ‘ month from the date of the first publics y, that he had been robbed.| tion of tis notice for leave to change the P EEE _ : = touched, rolled. he was not very] sme of the roe ta — Sioan i & Colppeny, Mamited, to ryant Com lear on the subject. Al! the au-| pany. Limited . The Peerless Studio horities could do wae to deplore |, 9}s""" "* '# 4¥ of November, A. D Rooms 19-21-22, Alder Block iors nd @th St with him the fact that he had WLLIAMS & MANSON mat $ “ eeoeere ot left the money im the ba Solicitors for Sioan & Company, Limited, i and fine him #5 and #2 costs for 226 Sixth Street, Prince Rupert. B. ¢ being drunk. Isak only smiled G li E EE LAND PURCHASE NOTICES asoiine ngine New Business F Sa | Beautifully fitted up and aj Skeena Land District—District of ast = ale pointed, a mass of shining mir- Range V Two horse 5 7 rs, with the very latest and Take notice that Reuben W. Rogers, of | DOM. >t! —— rs west xuriant tonserial chairs,| °™@ce Buper&® B. C., occupation transfer ““Agaress box E , man, intends w apply for permission +t Rupert B ogether with al! the other neces- | purchase the following Gestribed lands . 7 = Commencing 61 6 post planted at thx - sary adjuncts of the noder northeast coruer of Lot 6141 Range | barber shop, the Einpire Baths | Coast District, near Lakelse Lake, thence jnerth 4 chains thepce west 40 chains hrew open the deors to the] mence south 40 ehains, thence cast 4 SMITH & MALLETT . wine ‘ ; hains to place of cement lpublic yesterday morning er peace ne Ww ROGERS THIRD AV! ; emodelled premises of the j Dated Nov. ist, 1912 Plumbing, Heating, Steam itting | Ward restaurant Third ave- Pub. Nov. 18, 1919—Jem. 13, 1043 Sheet Meta! W ~, between Fifth and Sixthi@ —— _ ~ Office: Srd Ave. a aa streets. With a splendid loea- Sao a jtion and offering such a” bright ‘ jand attractive appearance, the UNDER NEW —" :* new fi oug o De assured of —THE new firm ought to be assured MANAGEMENT i large share of the patronage her (o lef the male portion of the citi W ” - zens of Prince Rupert. Evidences lb ——— — of such a progressive spirit per- vading the community, causing ms Successors to jthem to spare no expense in of- fering to the public a service the Lumber and Mouldings equal of any city on the coast, is very gratifying and flattering to ore ina‘te from the purest Virginia Tobacco. Buy a to-day and test their unquestionabl. je merits. Smoked All Over Great Britain Each good for $8 Cougens. 10c. per Packet. packet contains a coupon. the following presents : Nickel ‘‘Sheffield’’ pocket penknife Three-bladed stag-handled ‘‘Sheffield’’ Gent's Watch Chain. Box of three full-sized knives and forks ‘"Bheffield”’ m anu facture, Smalls ze nickel keyless watch, ies’ watch and wriset. These coupons are penknife. | the pride of the citizens of this jtising young city of the North Going to Stewart. W. J. Elmendorf, general man- ager of the Portland Cana! Mines & Tunnel Co Lid arrived yes- \serday morning on the Prince Rupert, en route to Stewart in | conneetion with the business of the company Mr. Elmendorf reports that most satisfactory progress is being made with the work on the big tunnel upon the npany's property at the jun« biot of Glacier Creek and th Bear River i expects to see levelopment f the mining it =t receive a diat : Inpel s] the Portiand Canal district as] . is th . w goes the i se sf g ' An Sueciions Job. \ sal} ' the eBee lle workmanship of Prinee Rupe t arbenws + be seen tn “the al | polished oak bar at the Centra the Prinee} Thor- and A First Class Plant oughly Experienced Superintend- Service Competent ence Prompt HYGIENE QUALITY FINISH Solicit Your Patronage Wagons and Del Auywhere in City fall All Kinds of Building Supplies Kupert Bash & Dow ba sa wonderf rhe fw kK i ship, the cutting va ah x a setting be . ‘ at : aiyie The Des ' N ; “ used om the ns ’ ba which k. severa ‘ k finish Find th gh a Da Want Ad ols B A = 57.58 tz 13 8 6 i mj} 4a-42 t ° 4 4.15 ’ ‘| Terms ca 1S lane al GR. Naden Co., Lid Zod A