CIRCULATION “ry AND NORTHERN ve Library COLUMBIA x canoes THE DAILY NEWS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ——— : : “ — — Es — — DIPLOMATS TRY TO MAKE LIGHT OF THE TROUBLE ee MAYOR NEWTON TURNS COUNCIL MEETING INTO CLAP TRAP MEETING AND ABUSED CLERGY WAYOR NEWTON RAGED AT THE _tse moamaey omens secon] @rvcamee rey POWERS TRY 10 MAKE LIGHT — CLERGY WHO CRITICIZ . less Itemized Statement Is city it would &llow the sale of Time—Expert Advice on 4 Submitted. the treasury cé@rtificates Typewriter. | ” é aiaiaas i sails | Alderman Morrissey strenu- Half an hour was spent last CoUNCIL CHAMBER LAST NIGHT IS SCENE OF DISGRACEFUL 0). oiyicoiod to acknowledging RAILWAY LOST APPEAL night by the city fathers in fierce |@RAVE SITUATION I8 MADE WORSE BY POSSIBILITY TuR- TIRADE AGAINST MINISTERS OF CITY WHO DO NOT be tadébledaces ot Gas debate as to whether or not the KEY HOLDING BACK TO WAIT ACTION OF QUAR- SUPPORT MAYOR NEWTON. HRS Cameron Bay Appeal Dismissed) i). jerk should be given extra RELLING NATIONS the government of a sum total. by Council at Ottawa— pay for overtime spent in com eae iw calling f the} had be earn h ‘ ne $124,439 oo qe a detailed Board Sustained piling the voters’ list Special to Daily News.) ed energies of the powers to ‘ ons of dol.|dea s to ais } ' act 2 of what a government co Ae ie. Waeeln: te obit |will London, Noy, 26—The extreme| maintain the supposition of ft f i} j ; ent the ore or. 7 , ’ ' . . . hem. the Couneil] ee ¢ ‘ i i ag veto ai " Medea valiaaa Yesterday word was received|called upon to explain why and anxiety of all the Buropenn | poate is taken as an evidence ed themselves t . : \ ia Bu in trying to point out to Alder-;'" the city fro mA. Carss, of the|wherefor he should receive com- oe ehatiiee “ahaa ag rey a rato; Rape al answe } an ; k . 3 é é 3 ations otne e . widiid . walls . if Cares & nne ,| pensation for his time spent . bi and pe ICS.) Webs wetted hi ps but an.| "4 Morrissey that the auditors|law firm of Cat & Bennet, wh ties hours . ms being made with a view to hos-|is the possibility that Turkey g was taken up|swered nothing Eve Alice _,| bad gone over the account and]is in Ottawa in connection with|* we tilities between Servia and Aus-/following a _ traditional policy, he frequent bursts| Montgomery was silent. He ar a asa as ane the Cameron Bay law suit, to the a pour teed ve coal “°'=|tria, is in itself regarded here to| will adopt an irreconcilable at- ; ‘ ime the clerl] as sen or sumed it was finally agreed to re- . amet ; ; anti the part of the|swered himself, “Ingratitude ‘ ally & Hh ee = a effect that the appeal, taken by heii ten sii Ike etéetions “-\be an indication of how slender/titude in negotiating peace with vhen onee wound Had 1 h who § 1 detailed statement, which was the GED, ta adernor. General : apis is the thread that holds the|the Balkan states in view of the wile i ; ; rterh i dh dels the form of many typed pages it i. Oo sovernor-Creneral Superintendent Dunean, of the peace of the world. The fever- | probable hostilities. _ | It looked as if Alderman Mor-.|in Couneil, had been dismissed.|light plant, asked for a_ type- on ae ssey was satisfied, but discover-|The appeal was against the or-|riler, and recommended = 0] Sf vu intimin that{ei#ht?” Now that same man was| 0% the name of P, George as be-|der of the railway commission, |*e¢o"d hand machine. He ex-|[§ CQNFIDENT THAT OIL | BETTER BOAT SERVICE ve ad his ng the recipient of certain sums |plained in answer ‘ € is not filled to hear|found opposing ordering the opening of the bay to a question .20b Aled to hear] found opposing him. Lot money he demanded to Neer] “at he had an experts opinion EXISTS ON GRAHAM ISLE| NEEDED ON THE COAST gy ove and ery cas sand Stick that} | j is ol es att niraised his voice rever.| Whether or not it had reference ot Ball on the value of the machine. f the morals ~ berated throughout the building Fort George and pointed out Bask | The Finance committee were | gugen, Says That Oil in Abun-|Bella Coola and Other Valuable ( “ s of the ‘ ons land could be heard in the street|*at mistakes had occurred be- Royals vs. Callies, Tigers vs.|siven power to act in the matter. dance Will Be Found on Districts Retarded for the ae the audac oe | be w, cating for preachers who fore Men's Own at Auditorium, Nov. | ‘ 7 ne Coast. Lack of Service beingprees: Kes i hil G d preach Christianity and \ communication was read|26th. Game called at 8 o’clock| Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. ita tae, sootunds | eave politics alon lic own | from the Attorney General to the sharp. Admission 25c. .. ..278'Phone 4. Maseet, Nov. 24.—Work has Lest week the Courier @udies. arose upon de-|father had been a preacher, he —— . —— ae — —— ———— |Peen suspended on the oil plant|yored to show that Bella Coola tte of the whole on|informed the Council, but later at Tiahn Point. The superin-jas a farming community was g pool bylaw, which|When Alderman Clayton told him tendent and driller have gone toj}unable to take advantage of the : ed. wae a fret and| hat the Council was “no place Vancouver to make arrangements |market offered by Prince Rupert msidered in com.|for a ster’s son” depreciated to continue the work. owing to lack of steamboat ser- lopted at one sitting.|that fact by saying that he had A. Panvini visited the westj|vice. Rullock.Webster was|too much religior ve to] NAVAL HEME AS | BRITISH SUBJE coast recently and is very opti- The present system of one y the cha him when young C] mistie over the indications there.|steamer taking farm produce al elena — Polities is a dirty game, he ex He is interested in several claims|from Bella Coola and dumping mediately Ma ined, and sters should not and is known as one of the best/it down on some wharf or other, ve vas on his feet with they! - aoe ; ’ ok SRG geemialeee Grand Old Maun of the Opposition Criticizes the Government--- mining experts in the country to lay there for a week or more,-« h At 5 i Christian 4 Mr. Panvini is confident there}until picked up by another of pepe h ha 7 All That has Been Done for the Farmer is to Risk His is oil in vast quantities along the |same company's boats is hard to aa _—— , " at Rinmindin sarily ‘ike . Olieeiien Se - . A coast and is endeavoring to in-|tolerate, and to be told that this 1 questior vefore |” , : wor , . , “ as ; om aay \ Wabats ai tice lt: uted Loyalty--- Will Discuss Navy as Canadian Should terest capitalists in the placing|is the best the steamship com- = ae . aca lene © pport thet the a of drills on the ground. pany can do with the number of oe. ee Special to Daily News Hochelaga contest by National.'what Canada owed Great Brit- rer enema Jooats available, while no doubt { Aldert D ind| Ottawa, Nov, 25—Prelininary | !sts ain as British subjects and what St. Andrew’s Ball Nery true, does not help matters - were tanet > LASEK ue ie a I Bias at , . ‘ : . nan ‘e . . he igi = ls Dybhavn { ht against the pas-| proceedings in the House. of Com Sir Wilfrid Laurier on rising | Canadians owed Canada as Can- On Friday evening the Scots-|one iota. . ae athclanmn at. tee tere caine tinh itimens uene aanbibed to tua tte eoee. ae adian subjects. men hold their grand annual hall]! Prince Rupert is destined to f the | 1 i h \ I f f bills by| from the opposition benches. He Hon. R. L. Borden, the prem-|in the MeIntyre ‘Hall. That the|be wholesale distributing point ' ‘ ses i ‘ enth duction of a couple o s by 0 » Oppositio 8. “ { } i 1 break th wn bylaws — , . . for ty-f tes cri-|#! followed Sir Wilfrid Laurier event will be one of the steller|for Northern part of the prov- pt a é ‘ | Bradbury, member for Selkirk, spoke for sixty-live minutes cri- and epoke for thirty-five mine attractions of the social season|ince, and it is absolutely essen- . el ~ iS w fa viz., pollution of streams and the | ticising the government. All that * b . _. {there is not the possibility of ajtial that all points north of : al fo ty ate , sa Raleie lean prohibiting of the use of the Bri-|the administration had done for|'** “e declared that Laurier’s| aunt for the St. Andrew's So-|Queen Charlotte Sound must be he M er r ! nee t to it.[tish flag for advertising pur-|the farmer, said he, was to apply |®"suments were the result Of|ciety have the reputation of “do-|brought into close touch, and ‘ aver is le ‘ i gh i xg o on : table 4 his anger wavy of explana the | poses Che latter bill provides|to the Interstate Commerce! party, grievances, and assured /ing things well. this ean only be accomplished ae , sa 2° . tipulat severe penalties for any indig-|Commission at Washington for|the house that during the year oa by good service of coasting wal: Oo quence wing <¢ { i Stlipulaliot vee es - 4 — P i b: th ! hat the 4 hould » nity to the flag, |preferential rates on grain ship-|!" office the pledges made had Denied the Story steamers. * ’ ‘ ti mu Pa . ba = mid it a f st owned Mike matte na pe such time as a The debate on the address|ped south, with possible damage ‘been carried out. W. A. Ferguson, a bartender The development of Northern “ ps workingman’s emb was estab.{from the throne was commenced|to their loyalty and danger of| The premier gave notice that|wnom the lad Walter Ryan says| Pritts Columbia will — the chief of polics i Dian by Bainville, the member for| annexation. jimportant government measures! upplied him with two bottles of fall to the lot of the _ Grane Verecheres, who took oceasion| Sir Wilfrid said that if the/in an act to authorize measures|, ' ; f rve whisk Trunk Pacific Railway in the rum and a bottle of rye whiskey|— : ; : . ; “Ito refer to the naval policy of | proposed trade agrement with/for increasing the effective na-|on saturday evening last, ap-|°@™* Way that the Canadian Pa- NO EXPERT OPINION IS pared to the actua boneli the government, saying that it| the West Indies was right the | va! forces of the Empire would pear before the Magistrate this cific Railway has been POOH ind assurance given the electors.) was the most important question | opposition would support it, |be introduced. He also intimated| morning. He denied having ever sible for the upbuilding of ve WANTED ON SEWERAGE \ld, Bullock - Webster Was|ever placed before the people. Referring to the naval policy,|that provision would be made|.oon the witness before, to his southern portion. The tetee is f the same opinion as Aldermat Nickel, Conservative represen-|Sir Wilfrid said that he would|for increased senatorial repre- lees " : d this} "0 far distant when the G.T.P, : | knowledge. The boy stated this] — i. if ORIOLE ge to Mayor Newton Opposes Idea of ' and advocated tha un tative for Kingston, in seconding/ wait until it had been announc-| sentation for the western prov- morning that he also purchased will, 1 ae ch order E bylaw sh d have been gone ILO) ihe peply to the speech, confinedjed before he would discuss it.|inees, and also that the Act gov- . , soa ; ; make all points tributary to xpert Advice on Sewer- ; ; : phy } two flasks of whiskey from the}), | : : , age System thorough before i we to the! nimself to the prosperity of the| When the bill was laid on the/erning the Royal Northwest other bartender working there Prince Rupert, have to maugur- ; ” Vole Dominion He referred briefly|table he would go into it on its|Mounted Police would be amend- that evening. The case was ad- ale a more complete service of eer ‘ ‘ Solicitor Peters pointed). statements made in the recent| merits, and would be guided by| ed. journed until tomorrow morning coasting steamers. Of course ‘ lillion dollars} out that it would be impossible ' ‘ providing that this need has not I he eee | to allow of this man being bro- 1 to spend on the);,, get an exp opinion before ; eiihh Sateen ten anal already fully met by some other { : ; efore 2 © Pt. 4 one-man was the| Sarcirda PLANNED TO WIPE OUT Beat Stolen BURNING OF THE LAUNCH |" Company ot” companies { Alderman Clayton ' Last evening about 14 p.m. an This is a matter which should | ANGELES : POLARIS AT OLD MASSET Advocated the Lash | ¥ in discussing the Interment of Dead. CITY OF LOS Indian complained to the Rupert ; , interest the wholesale merchants ‘ ‘iaw which will go to} , In sentencing Solomon Bright|of Prince Rupert quite as much Saturday. In thie he kven the dead were nol al- Marine Tron Works that a small en this morning to pay $150 dam ; iN b t Was backed by ¢ ‘aw ai hineseitt Ma- lowed Lo rest in peace in the £e0- | MeNamara Planned Complete De- | ;,,,.; lying on top of his gasoline Advices from Graham Island tell eneh to thea wemaeae ee = oe as » a oe 7 e uy 0 : shal lepal talkfest at the city hall last) gtruetion of City, According of Sinking of Well Known as ; Reto pee Cae sme OPeneES Se d that he would wel- | + m oe a ae on Setinnines launch attached to the wharf, Boat and binding him to observe cer-|der of things, the north depend- a riticism of a ma | nh 7 ; , atlas wee o. had been stolen, He was told to tain other conditions during his/ant on the south, be altered, and pele to judge Whethet eS eee le 7 ss ween 7 suspeded setence, Chief Justice . 2 » i M oe ompelled to bury their dead at Indianapolis, Nov, 25 The|#0 at once and inform the city) An authentic account of the P , the trade of the north be kept in i Newton was adverse to| is oe oneal anaj , 1 =O ehich: wea tnemetiilae dilly Weatii Bidalet Gh tine, Haan na ae Hunter remarked that he would/the north, where it rightfully be- Plans had been Fairview (« “4 rt . an ' complete destruction of Los patice, og “1 ; a oe Ol ' Ma ‘ . “ urge upon the government the}jongs. Prince Rupert must use em i smarden siatie Was UlSe- . 8 2 de > coa aro ‘ ‘ 3 sset, ) . . he pesiiil ened ‘wots ther a ” we ; Angeles was planned by John|'™en Constable Pat Philipson, - - § ge son.-|*** smartest ¢ »s » > ¢ . : A public meeting i i “~ it the tria 1e alleged con smartest and best equipped lit RE 2 Se SARE ea ____|be.—-Bella Coola Courier. 4 end ilies in ot. 1™ ud at Fairview because spirators this morning, MeNa- es : == |\tle gasoline launches that was ' - ig? ; eae siahmaniiiadibiaaia ; : lground had not been consecrated.) sik ak i . cee ever in these waters, was the/"0t sufficiently damaged to pre- ‘ if them, when the | This he contended was e, qs|mara, according | the wae : property of Messrs. Brownlee|¢!ude her being salved, and she |‘ St. Andrew's Ball have an opportun. ltt plot was consecrat when | said I wil burn the city of Los| aa and Nash, civil engineers and|W@8 raise@ out of the water _ Bt. Andrews Ball on’ Friday, * the matter dis Ithe interment tool . Angeles off the map and will ljand surveyors, who have been where she had sunk. and taken|November 29th, in the MeIntyre a ike 1% ie. Ban Frenenr ens mas ving oceupied with government work|tO Masset for repairs. Hall. Tickets $2.50, may be ob- ‘a. : _ beens ol att. City Hall Furnishings. ifter the big earthquake. lthis season on the Queen Char- Henry Edenshaw, of Masset, tained from members of the ~ a 0 My we ou : raw ’ y . roo ; George Tile was given tht An Eas Problem lotte Islands, was in charge of the raising.| Andrew's Society. 5 an who ould # ‘ . em . leteneemmnaiiiien a ith Ttract on the recommendat Christmas Trips. iY Mr. Nash and his survey party|The skipper of the Polaris, an on “al oO atively | | } iad o- awe = jthe Board of Works to ! I ire contemplating a trip In order to solve the ever perplex who resided on the boat, were jold time sea dog, who has been NOTICE i ia “full lthe eity eonneil ehamb« ! to the Old Country, we! ing =oproblemn., “WHAT SHALL | caught in one of the recent|following his calling on the ——a en at 0 j | ” he plar : ’ Teac, | suit ible furniture, The « be pleased to quote you Ne eae tees storms off the Island, near the|vasty deep for the last 40 years Owing to the price of leather ‘ ik af ape : : | corre » tho ic e . ‘ hon z aaa | rmount to some $700 ‘ the GREAT NORTHE RN] show you our new stock, It is mouth of the Ain River, the boat|feels eonsiderable chargin tol/having advanced twenty per ceut _ { lye | \ hrough trains to Chicago} sure’ the “best ever.” Whether being dashed about and caught|think that after all these years,|/during the last few months, we voters cast an in ) hange We are agents} you live in Prinee Rupert or out on the roeks, in eminent danger|the first time he should lose ajthe shoe’vakers of Prince Rupert f Personally he | Fraternal Order of Eagles : ; a opic|$ of town @ visit to the store or 4 ! : a a Z ; : fee) « sled . h i 1 th I ! All ! f th | i the best ATLANTIC better te. ee i meee : of going to pieces, rhe oecu-|sbip should be one of the small/fee! compelled to raise the price Loot : e embers 0 w rate | ete o us e ve if 4 : i ‘ead ym ial i 7 er ' { OCEAN — LINES Reservations | tention, Gall or write a r pants had to seramble ashore|gasoline variety The Polaris,jof all work acordingly, said rise on i ould] let 0 ARTES are ed ‘ . bat it would | Or ners ” hout extra eost No and remained all night hud-|however, has had a_ streak of|in prices to commence Decem. because the rateito attend the regular meeting | 9 ae and th I . ¥ th In ; give all information. | died up until morning when ajbad tuck ever since she came,ber tat, 277.3 Powe sy = th es se) ” oscay w" et 7 rood by any beat from| row boat was despatched to Sew-|north, as earlier in the summer . : as . es ig jsiness , ™m . z f the en . men a (an Oe Kupert rhe Rogers | Jewellers Box 76 § oii © lity to bring the assistance. |she sank, and had to be com- Find jt through « Daily News gene 276f | i s was|pletel . , ew Ri eat ee aestie mont pane tn Chemn Oh Ooune. Agency 7 | | Fortunately the Polaris was|pletely overhauled and refitted Want Ad