in of
For South
Prince Rupert Friday, 9 a.m. ;
rrinceess Beatrice Saturday, & p. m.
From South
Princess Beatrice Friday, noon s
e ary x
' Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist
—_————— SL par SS - -__—_—— - — — _omeamanees _ a
NS Qe = = : —
li le Ri
first through train from scesettacicesteythateaetittsininteaittiintiles
this city to South Hazelton
Servia Pressing on Toward the Port Over Which Austria is all wert this mornne ai ton $1 Old Country Papers Deplore Misuse of Flag for the Benefit of
.--One Third Bulgars Lost In War.---Turkey Must Pay nities ci pasconuors, ne The Manufacturers of United States and Canada
Huge Sum as Indemnity aly Go boeeert, ---Get After Borden
Foley, Weleh & Stewart,
and Chief Justice Hunter.
i oe ll te »a6-dne (7 are Ce Vinkin, Bev. 9t--Renert a London, Nov. 26—The Nation) Borden for seeking to scare the | In the Chronicle, P. J. Baker,
the best auth ed Nhe Hors at present teived this morning say that the | WH res contains a whole-hearted protest pollens eae Saasere | declares that although it is @
villinaness of the Servian army has determined to lagainst “a vigorous wpreanized If these benevolences were!),,.rid thought, there is too “a
treat with Turkey s i, Nov i It was report-|oceupy Durazzo. It was said that THE RUS RUSSIAN MINISTER endeavor to induce, incite or Sey. ee provereins much evidenee that the English
from a reasoned colonial policy,
vss Of a third of}ed today tha Bulgaria's peace} thre: Greek gunboats were st arid SAYS PACK YOUR TRUNK compel all parts of the Empire| we would regard them, says ree Canadian manufacturer,
s origina army ‘ es ca 1 the renuncia ne ff the towr prepared to op-| ar .
to arm. Nation, with unmixed favor. The|and the’ American trust king
‘ killed, wound by I key of a unoecupied}en a bombardment and aid the} ft cays the soun coe ‘ ‘ é : ;
: j | says e ye ger nations of, net result though will be to in-|have combined together in joint
an, Beperess a ” ~~ oie ae i ee a Minister to Servia a the Empire are thereby drawn | spire Germany with new suspi-| investment of money and lung
m disease Phe) Teha . . he Turk = eev , ‘ ; = Chee i” aper we” ‘ ° me into the vice of the old, and in-| cions of or eagerness to in-|power for the exploitation of the
ilry, in particular, |¢ nie pays ar ndemnits of Pantorium Pioneer eaners | run cidentally it trounces Premier | crease our naval superiority. British flag.
ictically wiped it. | 140,000,000 Phone 4,
: om Special to Daily News. — = —_——— = —
| - .
London,Nov 27 A” Belgrade
os a r “a : : , snd {are Bot interested in the athletic} ves-of the Indians. His other re-
; ‘ ! Stews ane ‘ q eo ar oO > » >» accused, ¢ . . th
a rainfall of 0.620) 7 last Thursday morning at the : we “a " . . — el side of the club may find profit-|solution will be that the civil
oan . . “ _ - _ Is se 2 5e@ > : suspehuaed, .
hour. The maximun mtioned f time of the accident to the eity|— —— ao — able pleasure with the books and|servants in B.C. are not adequat-
he leat four-years is The above mentioned rainfa Harry ©. Evans, piano tuner, is no prisoners will return to the ,
8 es 12 1 : of a quarter of an inch per 24! jn tow Leave orders at Hay-|fire hose wagon, was resumed south. sai sat provided. ely paid, ‘ .
, an hours has been adopted for the| ne; o77tf |this morning at 10,30 before | rhe opening tomorrow will be
ne ew Form Egg Shaped|""™ , : ners ett ; | = deriiainaial ; ; ee
. sewerage systems Coroner MeMullin. somewhat in the form of an en-
‘ has been adopted his ae signing oO! en ’ era : amet ea The evidence of the m »ambers FAST GASKET BALL tertainment songs and recita- WOODROW LOST TEMPER
lvert > le he|throughout that part of the LOCAL JOTTINGS a nee . , Shia . . ra
aol ibarenhic ' > leountry by such men as Sit me of the force upon the machine at | @gitieg are Defeated and Men’s ‘i725 and speeches being given AND WANTED TO FIGHT
ssiblie arat * mean . . : : y . r . se ’ > eve
tk seen j John Hawkshaw Siu Joseph | Canal Construction the time of its skidding and go- Own Go Down to Tigers dys ing the cquese Of the evening.
™ i @ minimum = tow. Cite: wnauiideamn ah busily en.) Bs over the plank roadway ,was The membership is open to ee
ithe — | Vor e are Ss » - . ——
uly a four, inch pipe ; » in ai along very similar lines, They Two fast games of basket ball }®" respectable young man in}Wilson Annoyed at Photograph-
ha fa i Cor nue I age vo | red construe . “@ ’ i a > aske
ce fall of 1 in 30 would serve Kaged = in nstructing — more) ai stated there was nothing un- were pulled off at the auditer- the city, and an undenomina-}y er Was Going to Punch
pe s at a water consump plank crossings with toboggan-)y.ual, as regards the pace they ‘ame lack eleniia the victoriaus tional spirit is eultivated,. His Head
gallons per head pet NOTICE — approaches, It would, in the) were going at at the time of the teams being the Royals and the ae a coneninentgne
ay. Shize t Pp . i ‘ee = t 0 oO “destrié a . . ’ - a
nal : nage at pt cw. \' 3 >. oo wets "8 accident. Tigers. The first match Royals LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Hamilton, Bermuda, Nov. 27—
i ch pipe should be the b .|g00d move on le part o le Thare were .2ae8 Se “ hier
es K u a for any i Ge Gesiqnas Sainte ¢ Board af Wrasie te sieaik tne of ; he > ans a6 apne ac vs. Callies, resulted in a win for fe You are no gentleman, and I
ze to be set or i Ward Oara © ” . . § side of the yrigade themselves, is eanaiin ste ‘ a
system provides for . | ean h end of the crossings 80:8] who actually saw the oceurrence the former by > Aer of 14 to%) Ww Clark Durant, superinten-|Wwill thrash you if you do it ag-
size of 18 inch by 12 ul netion |straight course could be shaped The jury broushs ia & verdict Phe Callies were without the} dent of the Prinee Rupert Hydro-|ain!
h egg shaped culvert ro be sold by publie ane serogs those: entitioial (teams Lak nae : ; , services of two of their strong- | pieetpic Co, accompanied by Mrs This was what President-elect
| culvert, " 30th, atl’ of accidental death, attaching nO} ...) players. The Tigers some ; : ; ;
rhe capacity of the system:|0n Saturday next, Nov. 90th, allay, blame whatsoever to anyone BAS DISTOrs, , oe, -| Durant, arrived this morning|Woodrow Wilson told a photo-
lering the capacity of | 2.30 p.m 1 the Empress Hotel —_—_ what put it over ie Mews OWRD | trom Vancouver and Vietoria, on|grapher here today who persist-
‘oWerage system it must be}block, Third Avenue, showcases, \ meeting of the direetors of St. Andrew's Ball —- them by a score of 30 10) ine Prince Rupert. ed in taking a snap shot after the
d that the amount of}roller top desk, candy cooking/ihe St, Andrew's Society will be] gi. Andrews Ball on Friday, Tt : e the te nn governor had refused him per-
ainfall does not flow}utensils, chairs, tables, — ete., Lo} held in the rooms tonight at 8/November 29th, in the MeIntyre ya Henares. 6 le teams IM) (Gy) Laf. Peek, of the George-|mission, Wilson's face flushed
sewers, \ certain|the highest bidder, Frank A. El-|o’elock sharp. Important busi-| pa), Tickets $2.50, may be ob- oe at the present time 18) town Lumber Co., returned this}and he elenched his fist ready to
the rain is absorbed|lis, Auctioneer. Phone 44 81) ness ltained from members of the 8t. ~ are is ; jmerning from a trip to the low- “do business” if the photograph-
tled, 80 when our sys- | Andrew's Society, 278 eae ato tee 7 ) ler coast cities, on the Prince Ru-ler snapped him again. The pho-*
leulated on a capacity Robbed! Not Much Manager W. J. MeLean, of the RE BMBOPO creuencersrres . = | pert. tographer, however, hunbbly ap,
ler of an ineh actual Did they get you at Secott,;Canada Railway News Co,, re- | Creseents AMARR A SCeh es OF . ~-- ologized and the incident was
run-off per hour this| Froud & Co.'s sho ile or did|turned this morning on the Rup- Callies 00 ORME ee Rds. eos ! 3| Shoe Tips closed,
—" ( to an actual rain-|you buy $5 shoes f £1.90. Salelert, from a month's visit to the} Men's OWN «....--++> 0 4) Saturday is the last day of the Governor Wilson and his dau-
t east half an ineh,|ends Saturday 7%) south, going as far as Portland, res l| owers lereat fall sale at Seott, Beroud|g@hters spent the afternoon bi-
aan es twice as long to eas Oregon, A week was put in in Christmas Trips. i& Co.'s, Everything greatly re- mpeting.
— ewer as it does to fall Fraternal Order of Eagles enuous work eanneeted” with TODAY If you are contemplating a trip} duced 279 —_—___—_____——
asticity in any sys All members of the Fraternal|/the company § business, the re. | == aos east, or to the Old Country, we —-—— Two Vears in Jail
ifely estimated that|Order of Eagles are equested vinder of the time being rar We handle only the best quality | would be pleased to quote you Dr Ewing one of the pioneer Ned Williams was this morn.
’ ed system will be ablelito atiend the rewular meeting 1 well earned vacation o — aan a noe, jrates by the GREAT NORTHERN residents of this district, physi. ing sentenced to two years tm-
a rainfall of one] Wednesday, Noy, 27th, Tmp MeLean, who looks as jolly and| ers. We do not, and never did, sell $)/ RY. Through trains to Chicago) clan to Foley, Welch & Stewart,|prisonment by His Honor Judge
7 ' - a s aver. save » te flowers for too much money, but . a m mac 7 ‘ine ’ » . F : . ’ > ,
hour without taxinglant business 4 : if BS ever, BAY he i we do make a fair profit. “We ' jwithout change. We are agents |‘ miractors, during the time they|}Young, for the theft of a valu-
: he caleulated capacity ae ed to return to Prinee Ru. | not, and never will, tell you flow ifor all the best ATLANTIC have been engaged on the con-jable diamond ring upon the prem
isticity of a sewer Archie MeDougal, the big a ind that everything augurs | “veun oun oveee eenan on . OCEAN LINES. Reservations struction work of the G.T.P., was|ises of the Grand View Hotel, a
' bee to quote as fol-| genial railroad eontracto: ‘ future business here, as | for flowers will be carefully filled made without extra cost No/among the arrivals on the Rupert|few days sinee, The details of the
| companied by Mrs, MeDouga his company is concerned and the prices will be right trouble to give all information, | this morning jease were published in the News
‘ge system for the}returned on the Prinee Rup: Se ’ |Tickets good by any boat from —_ le the police court report,
Ayres is caleou-|this morning from a short \ ' : Silversides, of Silver. | Ss | Prince Rupert. The Rogers Elite Dancing Academy me >
irried out on a rain-|te the lower coast citi hrothers, painters and des + 3) Steamship Agency 27é6tf Dancing lessons in .MeIntyre Kk. Boyd Young, the Port Simp-
1 ’ on ‘ ‘ “ “ J ous “ns | 7 es *
ne i , ; eturned this morning} ; Be i Hall, every Menday and Thurs-~|son and Stewart merchant, re-
ich and a half per rd Ave. Jewellers x
ough it is well known Choicest liquors and cigars he Prince Rupert from a viss| PHONE 122 ; Prince Ropert's leading hotel— ay evenings, fram 8.30 bo 11.30.;turned from @ business trip to
ne the actual rainfall Savoy. ith } ~ ood | Savoy. iMr. M. M, Cooper, instructor, it} the south this morning,
ems « et ee a