~ ae a DAILY NEWS ‘SON HARDWARE TOOLS for carpenters, black- smiths and machinists. SEE OUR WINDOW RIFLES four young and old Phone 101 338 2nd Ave COMPANY, Ltd. PRINCESS ENAMELWARE the best made. our window. LANTERNS and LAMPS See and darted in the hotel entrance and the fact that he thought enough = — = of his window thirty feet above ground to get it, J. Alvey been standing across the street. headgear to go out of a had not Patrolman W. Policeman Scents Burglar. Alvey did not see the hat fall. He did look up in time to see the form of a earth the Jump from the second storey of a building in order to catch his man midway between and the second storey of hotel. That a man would hat before it struck the ground did not happen to strike the of- ficer’s line of thought. He thought of burglars and immedi- ately started in pursuit. Upon landing on recovering his the ground hat, Kelly Leave it to Cyclone into j}him to guard the front door while} went around in the back. | the back door Alvey encountered | landlord. | he | the Lester W. David Co, Ltd. LUMBER Davidson's hand and told} _ | P.O. BOX & JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING | PUPTL OF WM. FOZON, ESQ. A.R.A.M., LON., ENG Ai} The landlord be-| PRINCE RUPER! Lumber Se First Ave. and McBride St. Prince Rupert, B.C. to Fight Box 865 PHONE 25 funeral Directors Srd Ave. near 6th St. HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ann EMBALMERS Funeral Director and Embaimer CHARGES 2nd &t., cor. 2nd Ave. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT His Weight in Bull Dogs . Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery Phone No. 86 made at short notice. Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: REASONABLE Phone 356 EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Cor. Gth St. and 2nd Ave. —Drawn _— . SuSE en a THE DAI y NEws | HANGING IS NOT ALWAYS THE | : THE DaiLy NEw We core st ub 5.5. PRINCE THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN oe otek COLUMBIA Bh Oe een an asain . Published Daily and Weekly by : SUCCESS IT IS MEANT TO BE a i best at leaves for Vancouver, Victor a BL LL | THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | . while tt ating’s goo PACIFIC and Seattle - a ) . searching FRIDAYS, 9 A.M BSL wr hed the] TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—S cents per inch. «Contract rates MANY MEN HAVE ESCAPED DEATH ON GALLOWS BY DESIGN eee eae wn inte. ben be ‘ rr That 4 a < . S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE SIex = I 2 govern! nt tha orl otes S Resuscita ft ging is/|* ess ws ‘ nae bb Seouthbound—Sat., Nov. 30th, 8 p.m. : mean In 1805 a =< i haps $ sia - Washing Herald uF et keeper nat Smith was hanged/story at sus 4 @. MNAB, General Agent wwees ’ n : ‘ > » ‘ ‘ Grand Ir EDIFYING tiated with he assurance |“! Tsbur ' mobenied ilentbaana under} 2 ae the Amer f prac a? : t ie »¢ alter he had D sus inat = , The tirade against the cler- ms ne y I : ap t a quarter fa ; 4 he | whos and« tt fa . —_— a - elle 7 ’ . : far erit ny : r ater er ‘ av steam heat ay of the city : izing ceotek ' a : ot eg was taken dowr jand revived. | wt had . be unged e ars him and those who sig ti ae = One % itis DD ily hanged] vived wh : « diss This rip — ee ot ¢ r th 4 at : a> 4 > a lage Se + ihe and a half dollars a i in Londor $760, was take WAS HOR Bll, Bowe re fel-] “ Mr. Patt Ma ew za Surgeons’ Ha ana zed “ aie @ g E A S T The apy = ; a e “ ; 1 A I ; Mondat ane fe again and was wh av s teri ase eque b lifying le §=proy , , , : " rans é ‘ . rentis s be the 1 R 1.0 OF coast ; jers of Prince Rupe zt hat 1 engineers _—s , : thts: : i ™ = . Prince upert Lodge, . . h Nuf . . hanged Ja ar lia author f his ren@wed existe ‘ nal . ae oo oe ml mie 8 2 wh : ; f teamtes * ' No. 63 Is made nfortable, safe and a suse they didi® : A Ss where|I his filial charact« le re : aw Y CaaS 6 not deem themselves expert/#*" ‘PC's wae ade his|peatedly applied f i finally Meets in the Helgerson Block wot Or Cees Ce Dom hem Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day : dpit ar ; re red and emanded franc assist SUTTON” gh in that branch of en-/ "unpre *. site tie daa ce - ere ees Every Tuesday Evening N R At the * sar eting Ald.| , ring. If men Glib ete core 4 ¢ : i &B lunter's grea Ase sabtteeds Gf ee erdie te te eat em y. Clayton was making a —s ng their daily bread as ‘ > ; ati os , city are requested to visit ate fight f the terests of} profession hesitate t give an And afte Fauntle : ~ Newga the Indee Offers the choice f routes G. A. Sweet Ma: or he - the sewer by- j the «ystem what banker and forger was exe- tl sa nal executed a 4 H. ALLISON, N. G through a well settled countr ww. 5 . » time he argued i on + : rcuted 1824. there was a wide-| secor ! f . fresh of wa i ; hink council wh: G. BARRIE, See for the calling im of an expert.) yoo feay for the average | *P'*2¢ Tumor that he has escaped | f f rhe experin f resus- . 3 DAILY TRAINS but was talked down, and His lita death by the insertion in his at was ot again at.|~ ou 7 ratepaver to criticize? It cer- Seatt neouver Worship informed the Coun- tatals sa fine business pro-|'»reat of a silver tube which pre- npted SONS OF NORWAY From “a Vancou ceil that he “didn’t care a but-| position, and is on a par with Meets every Thursday at 7 p. m,,/Chieago and all points eas ton” whether or not the bylaw the business methods employ- at 319 3rd Ave. All Norwegians 9 - passed, and hinted that there! 24 throughout the year PEG KELLY JUMPS FROM SECOND Aaa Rogers Steamship VOY 0 e would be gratitude in its ; t * spp enenccetnndll enenneeeeany ; * successful outcome from the : A ene Y ieee RT STOREY WINDOW T0 RESCUE HAT Se ON on 2 a Rigen Because he, to use a vulgar | PA . i | Scanomaman Society — * RUPERT'S PALACE \F COMFORT term is t “the eandy kid Did you ever think of it?j s Meets every 2nd end éth Tuesday at § > ee — Sao _ upose exery Business 25/2 POLICEMAN THINKS HE SEES & THIEF AND CAPTURED MAN ee ee ee ee epee’ Oe Sere ANNE Bel Sane SS, se Seles tntorent 1S WHO TOOK HIGH DIVE TO RESCUE HIS NEW HAT =_ CARTAGE and : coe and apparentiy from spite ihe upbpuliding o e town ane FROM DESTRUCTION STORAGE } ) Q would nog call in an expert forwarding all public enter- STUART & STEWART THE 1ROQL i give his advice on the advisa- prises as the newspaper man.} Beattie. Now. 26 Peg” Kelly | disappeared hs stairway: te Accountents G. T. P. Transfer Agents POOL bility of adopting the systen a works a railr —. vs Swe O Gt oS Little $ NEWS Agency = ae Are you satisfied that a mil- lame string-halted kind of S\off. Kelly reached for jug-| ment, Davids sai dafterward, WILLIAMS & MANSON . ’ a a « ae caer “ : = ig taper) him a eeeels ed it a minute and missed it, | S0U"ded as . someone had struck Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers Empress Bowling Alleys ed safely on ie word of one 1 don DOOM ngs enoug -lK lly was chagrir y head first. elly wears a wooden 7 el : grined. He was in Box 285 . : — TT man? That one man is not so} If the tewn does boom and the| segnd Ghesy windew, bul. the ie. Davidson was startled to | petgerson Stock Prince Rupert, wc. CIGARS =: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS ‘ a POOL ROOS sure that ” oule not el- rices o ste a ane ? ’ . see the ePrson Oo aDpeare ” us “ ™ w oy : “ pr a of real-estate nage loss of his hat made distance and|**® ‘he person who appeared as 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Island Club at ME one Bes : “ome the advice 4 criticism! 4 eo s “ic o “OUR » ¢ ‘O above re.| a , ’ a ; we H er ie Kem 7 A : i. ep 2 FO | cravity matters of second con_|*hreugh the air from above re¢ ALFRED CARSS, Cv. smomTT,pa| Bed Sate : . osne of an expert e is the man result of his labor, he sideration, He went out of the|SU¥™e his norma! position of head| ot fhtnich Gotten hag ote Ay Ul 4. &. OBS, Prop wn eg a ee pate =e Sgt ~ -~ He is like window after the hai above heels and walk calmly off,| «74 Manitobe Bars. katchewan and A - — SFA sion, ho nue nore shou e poo oy > pic res . ; } Militias. azure ans te an ed ee eae Kelly's misfortune would not] Presses Davidson Into Service. | CARSS & BENNETT Georgetown you whe are paying for it in- without the necessary quarter have made the incident a matter i BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc. sist that the expenditure of} to gain admission Morton! ..¢ public rec ¢@ regards { Patrolman Alvey rushed &CTOSS | Omee— Albert Block, Second Avenue. ° ie. g-adiahint entree “mane Meet tae be the natess oflthe street, pressed a revolver| ——..| Sawmill Co. Ltd. e COAL | |New Wellington Coal. Coast Phone 116 Best on the Rogers & Black PRINCE RUPERT FEED Ct. EE Dealers HAY, GRAIN FEED AND SEEDS Agents for the Internationa! Stock Food T0 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDE ———S—i for The Dally News by “Hop” — AS YOUR MANAGER — \ CY CLONE ~ E COMMAND ‘YOU YO STAY THERE. AND FIGHT THAT Dog - I'LL HURRY Poor CNCLONE— ITS) Yoo BAab- ILL SEE THAT THE PAPER. GIVES HIM A Nice FUNERAL | © 419 oT. SHAD T SPOse HE) WILL WANT OF THE DOU To RUN WITH THE STORY |