==:| THE DAILY NEWS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist —————— : SS 5 i, 7 ee oi. I, NO 81 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1942. PRICE FIVE CENTS ——_—_—___—— ———_———— ee ~—_-—_—— SERVIA TAKES DURAZZO AND EUROPE FEARS WAR § oCAL MAN’S CLAIM IS SUBJECT OF A TEST CASE BEFORE THE PRIVY COUNCIL WECITY HAS NO GUARANTEE = "vrm corm ‘PRICE RUPERT WOK wer" rv" SAWLE'S APPLICATION TO BE i Little Boy Burned When Dawson LARGE NUMBER SOUTH Heavy Loss of Life and Property | OF OUTLET FOR THE SEWERAGE °°" cajtin warneydononon Yoon stanton MADE TEST CASE BY COUNTRY Special to Daily News Large List With Him | Daws N 9—The fo Special to Daily News. * ee COMPLETENESS OF SCHEME SHOWN IN FACT NEITHER via oii con of Peter Mabial This Morning eis Nov. 28—Many |ivex| DOMINION AND PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENTS TO MAKE TEST a GOVERNMENT NOR RAILWAY HAVE GIVEN PERMISSION mid was burned > death here 7 ’ F , : CASE AS TO WHO OWNS THE WATERFRONT — r FOR OUTLETS OF SEWERAGE SYSTEM esterday ih a fix wht ddd The following left for the|"@ve been lest during a severe LOCAL MAN'S APPLICATION TO BE TEST a troved ( « P} ‘ elothis south on the Prinee Rupert this typhoon whieh swept over here feed ' iy ne | : portant questions ys Alderman Dybhavi deploredletore Rescnd “ven rhe | morning J Edwards Mrs, | The property damage is estinmvat- According to information re-|in most of the northern har- meeting held|the fact that such a nporta oss was heavy as the stock was|Marv Olsen. Mr. Olsen. KF. Les. /¢4 &t millions of pesos Ihe lceived by Mr. G. R. 'T. Sawle, of} bors will have to be re-applied * ina “Dae, eet vemos! G8 the passa op f exceptional size cher, W Rutherford i RB. par.|2umber of persons killed by fal-| this city, the application for fore| for, and eonsiderable litigation ? the sewer by =| this Dvlaw sh ad be the The structure, which vas alkinson. 4 ritus Geo \. Parks,| [ine houses, flying debris and! shore rights at Granby Bay is to} will result, oled upon =| subject id a a wooden one, burned rapidly ard/L. Dunean, John Albi, J New. (drowning is unknown, but it is be made the subjeet of a test) Mp, Sawle’s application, which section of the conn ) Nel gave the MeDia dad fa Nhe Ib vy, K.° Warrigan, J. W lail- jhdmitted to ‘be very great case between the Dominion and) to make sure of his ground, he ial important Ww asl was firmly of the opinior hat ljived above the shop ttle me |ford, W. B. Gamfield, J. E. Hood,| iasensntnngpesetiepciietemepattiesieepemane Provincial governments. |made to both governments, was : he waterfront and | lay! the foundat sofa | Cape B. Ingoldsby, J. L Martin R E.| Basket Ball. Both governments claim the! chosen as the test case by Al- rf m in regard o| mane nt sewerage system Was ~ » Johnston. Chief Justice Hunter Royals vs. Crescents at Audi-|Jjurisdiction over the waterfront| torney-General Bowser of Brit- 3 the sewers it jthe best and cheapest ¢ rse it Admission Free M. B. Gohen. Mrs. M. B. Cohen,|torium, Nov. 29th. Game ealled|and shore line in the recently de-|ish Columbia and Minister of : hat no guarantee |the long run for the zens lO) = Ewervhody is invited to Seott.|G. A. Griffiths, Mr. Greene, Mrs | at 8 o'clock sharp. Skating after| veloped harbors of this coast. Marine and Fisheries Hazen, at P ther the gov jundertake Froud & Go.’s great shoe sale.|Heale. M. M. White, J. Martir ithe game. Admission 25c, 280-4 According to the Provincial! their recent conference at Otta- & Grand Trunk Pa-| Ex-Alderman W. Lyneh ‘}You won't be held up, no matter|dale, 6. H. Thurbury, Mr. Sloan, | —$——$$________—__ Government its jurisdiction over| Wa. : vould allow. the/very lucid and graphic speec h what vou buy. Sale ends Satur—|M. J. Hogan. L. @. Lackraft, Mrs Elite Dancing Academy lands extends to and covers all —— triacetate 4 5 arried across theit | pemnrea nes his vddress day 284 |Colbourne, Mr Colbourne, Gus | Dancing lessons in Melntyre|that land left bare at low tide, NOTICE , |“ ednesday evening at the Er vs Rennie, Mrs. F. G. Heale, F. G.|Hall every Monday and Thurs-| While the Federal authorities ——_—— i Mason replied in an cpeees Pheatre, showed the fa | Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners Heale, 1} r Harlor Godfrey | day evening from 8.30 to 14.30,/claim that under the Britishigq gpe Assigned Estate of W. M estion that the/'scles © aq weaknesses f the en 4 Warne! | Mr M. M. Gooper, instructor, 281] North America Aet of 1867, and Ward c y ; 7 ss ins Seven, Bight |Scheme as embodied he sew its ratification when this prov- t + ot been. consid. |erage bylaw to be voted on t ince entered the federation, they To be sold by public auction ' . asent someme. 0 | morrow have complete control of al! oii Saturdar nent Nov. 30th, at st e of the incorpo! Phe idea of attempting to bor-| waterfront ja the Rertore of ‘the 2.30 p.m., in the Empress Hotel : d be assessed jrow #1,400,000 he arkets « | coast. » ' a r ews as to the wis |mmere y & pe sa sewerage sys AGAINST BY RATEPAYER T MORR W cities, such ‘as Vancouver and uhibetin okies tables ots: ; ens of Prince Ru-|tem wou d only be provoking the] Victoria come under the mean- tie highest bidded, Frank A. El. favorably on. the|Pidicule of the outside public ing of the British North Amer- lis, Auationae? -Dhaus.k4 aaa segeilenete There were the two quest «| ica Act, the province claims that aa : be considered Is the sys 1. The scheme has not been)will undoubtedly be business sec sum of money without first know | harbors such as Prince Rupert f 3 wan ‘kine © lworth the cost; and in we die) superivsed by an expert. tions, is the height of folly. ing our ground thoroughly. harbors such as Prinee Rupert 2 Pi 2 ie . natier and was|¥P the money? | 2-0 arrangement has been © It will be® impossible tc 42 Because the law wilt not) {0% VBers opened oni a locks” have “Tnatalled’ thele "San? aan bas to the In answering (he first le Hac) ae vieh the Grand Trunk Pa- raise the money in the financial aliow material change in the by- re iaias nied a anata ap-jeleetric light plant. Finding it ns eved whether the|*" ” h , : : cific or the Government for fore world. law if passed, and if subsequent plications and plans for im- | ueecibte to obtain a service } we i} : i : i : . es shore rights for the outlet. 7. It will prevent immediate consideration shows an entirely provement of the foreshore, | fron the city, owing to diflieul- ae fae OF cating dually Aftec son the! 3. It has been argued that on-|"elief being given to congested New project to be desirable, the) yi.) under the Protection of|ties arisng as to the carryng of + Re Te dolias : peyme / sewer| ty @ portion of the scheme will be sections which require sewers vote will now be a farce. Navigation Act must receive the} wire: across the railroad track : ‘should sink alj/bends, high vitho 1 doubt} begun next year. If say only with as little delay as possible. 13. The vote now is a farce|sanction of the Federal author-| ea eg _ — ee — pers gs in the matter|*an anywhere elss lie North | $200,000 is raised next year and 8. Because a scheme can be anyway because the scheme can-/'lies Nitist be accompanied with aa is eager - — a an unbiased! American continent |it is then found impossible to evolved at much less cost to meet not be financed and not five per|® DVominion foreshore lease,|@ eae @ Ba , ae ‘ t a fas is hich would be the The absurdity f the seeond|paise any more money only a the requirements for the next cent. of the ratepayers know while it is reported that the Pro- a Aen é basa ve a Rises be followed li;question he asked them to cor | small section will have sewerage few years which the city will be whether the scheme is the best vincial land regisiry oftice will - oe - bon specia : mas and he hoped sider; the possibility of obtain-| and that at the expense of all the /able to finance. one or not. sae Seen Dominion foreshore] ©8gine Demg required, a ealize the im-|ing the money he had fully show rest of the city. 9. Because the by-law has 144 Gecause the method of o the Reminton. vase ia suse Strictly fresh eggs, 65 cents a I he subject upo me conciuded | ishing |) @ Woe provision is made in the been rushed to a vote without the taxation has never been consid- tained by the government the|dozen. Stalker and Wells, phones " called to pass|—— | by-law for sewerage in Section people having proper opportun- ered, that is whether it might not major portions of the waterfront] and 430. 280uf judg Continued on Page 4. Seven, which is quite thickly po- ity to satisfy themselves as tO be better for the city at large to pulated, nor in a portion of Sec- the merits of the scheme. pay for trunk lines only and the TAR CLOUD IS HOVERING OVER * SSeS ce tena: ietotee “FULL TEXT OF ADDRESS FROM EUROPE BECAUSE OF SERVIA sszisar "Sie "noon ncuteendeensnme) THRONE AT OPENING OF HOUSE - LENGTHY ADDRESS GIVEN THIS YEAR BY GOVERNOR-GEN- SERVIA IN DIFIANCE TO AUSTRIA AND ALBANIA OCCUPIES |: ; me ERAL IN OUTLINING THE WORK OF THE SESSION ; { 4 ADRIATIC PORT -- DIPLOMATIC CIRCLES AFRAIO— MENS QWN CLUB HAVE |): "0"... M0n"'" 22. G00D EXHIBITIONS OF aa one EFFORT TO ESTABLISH ARBITRATION P.. and the Rev. Charles R me ee ee ee i vs q sons by Me. tio.) THE MANLY ART GIVEN) - NICE OPENING NIGHT | Ltt wee @ " : rhe speech from the Throne is;gration during the present year an, < a | ion Nov »o Germany Jr. and a recitation by Mr. Bain, 7 ; : : pecial to Daily News. sone 2 - as follows: is greater than during any corre- Duraz >» aaialle Russia and France have accept er. c ; ar i ; ; ace Noy zt) Seryvial : th Britiah plan for a vy. | Many aaah Attend the Of- ae Se OE Several Bouts” Brought off Last! ionorable Gentlemen of the Sen- ne period in a history ‘os e Britis vhe or a & ; . = ean . i day oceupied this f ihe ehnlhels of ficial Opening of the New Want Extension Night in Wright's Gym.— ate. Geatiomen of the House of and in larger measure than usual im. They were oltanaeiae be. tomes Be One OF Re Cap Club : i : Most Interesting ’ it has been drawn from the Brit- Hista ' usah rl \ Europe of Ambzassadors of all ; Ottawa, Nov 29-—The off- Commons: ish Islands ¢ the urks we us- ae ; reiteiaiilliaa . ' » great powers to discuss the cials of the G.T.P, stated = last E a Mian Lk steamer Fra Warm the reas ; Last evening under the most 4 ask 2 Last night several excellent I have during the past summer Agriculture. bra , : establishment of an authorita night that they would as for spent several months in visiting : : mediately the Ser- ae ane 6 deal with petty auspicious — circumstances thelanother extension of twelve|amateur boxing exhibitions were the principal cities and towns of The labors of the husbandman - , 0 t , — = o ' 7 : r “ rine B f ; a ol he tom. jie questions which may arise to} Men's Own Club celebrated the} months in whieh to complete the} given in Billy Wright's gymmas-|c@anada from coast to coast, and have been blessed with on ample Hhoard previously a large num ; rege , eo alee f the transconti- - . return, and, although in some ius cause friction between the grealjeyent of opening of their gym-| prairie section o i ium in the Windsor Hotel base-|have endeavored to make myself]... oe ‘s of Europe. Austria and hieh ad the Meth |nental. The extension of twelve on ; , ith districts the weather has been Duray the port whiok powers © rey tod nasium, Which adjoins re Me . : aa ead ment. The boys, while showing | as far as possible acquainted wit unpropitious for the harvest, it é : ; ave not as yet responded] aig ; a atter of|months grantec as year ex- : a , Mstria has forbidden Servia 40 Italy hay . 2 ‘ | odist Chureh a t ie toes ain’ Minne Gn ee remarkable cleverness and agil-|the conditions prevailing, It has is expected that the total value eey. Gorvia dastnnak kas oii to the invitation much congratulation oO now tf . agp ¥ {ty, with one or two exceptions, been a source of the deepest sat- of our field crops will be greater ret ee that such a fine and well equip-]is yet some work to be comple- ; 7 isfaction to me to see the almost 5 ‘ a ind thus have a coast Lif } here tt tl {f the|ted were a littl amateurish, but}'*** " ' than in any previous year. id Austria is as determin. Attempt on Gzar's Life [ped Ras, net Be a nevertheless give promise of de- Universal prosperity whieh reigns) 1), esas pansement, Ml that he nterests aalt Sin 700 London, Nov. 26—A de spateh |city can go in for every kine i waeieain os initia veloping some very good talent, throughout the Dominion, and bo Panere Wil be told baa eel Make if s, \ is allowed on the|}lo a news agency from St Peters-|indoor athletics, especially dur- ctor (Gee Trainer Ullmann. who has|Witness the energy and enterprise ; Bp tk a Miriati aid consequently is de burg says that an unsuccessfulling the long winter evenings, has Vietloria, Nov 29 Phe loeal charge of the gym and classes which are shown in developing which embody trade srrange- ‘ , . le last Monday to|been established in our midst, rugby football club defeated the : ee : i the rich resourees of the land. ments that have been econsum.- a Will relinquish it, jattempt was made last: is a very clean cut lad with the mated between the Dominion and er i hich Emperot Last evening a secial evening| Australian touring team = =yes- ; ie Mee : sT e F wreck the train on whi : ee science and finish of a clever Canada’s Trade. sertain of His Majesty's posses Lond ; ; he mbers of the} was spent, when fi iends were in-|terday by a seore of 13 points toy” E : : ‘ ( ; J ’ p J , Novy 20Ignoring the|Nieholas and the me heal whni tas ring expert. Last night he gave It is most gratifying to observe} gions in the West Indies. It is “a . i} ere e “4 o » present, é ‘db see ‘ ” ’ ' r mation of Albanian indep-| Russian Imperial family were! vane ‘ . = ’ prepare ‘the jan excellent exhibition of bag)that the trade of the Dominion is|hoped that these arrangements ' j ie koe. i ’ done “ ‘pe , , . . ss ‘ : a vesterday oceu- |turning from Spala to Tsarkoe had a) ca a = |punching, which was much ap-|inereasing rapidly and steadily, | wij) prove of great advantage not aT 2 o eT iis f mu ie tal e @ ‘ile ~ oa , : nw \driatie port of Duraz-|Selo by tearing up th ™ “7 Duite «4 whieh it hed been Se preciated After he has devel-ijhe aggregate trade for the lastlonty to those possessions, but to . e . sleepers near Colsowa Kut le | poses To ‘ ' , ‘lasses 8 , . ~ ae . » larees 7 ; . hh . a ae one 2 ee a a , as lo | L Fisher, the president of raat 2 z ~ ae we o 190 mains ~ sarin , ee Canada as welll, A bill will be . © Balkan state the ;corre ape ent a ' = th he guild, presided There were \ mas toc ion to put on a good strong eard)pecord, During the present year | introduced for the purpose of ; i general war injmisinformdtich ae to Whe: saantaiives. frou) tae mae “\ the same steady increase has been carrying this agreement into ef- ssuming @ low-|imperial train was due the wih) Brotherhood present, and al. | | Rogers Denies Charges noted, and it is anticipated that loos ga : ‘ ‘ ha eckers was cl ibe ad cee . A . | | +s . ‘ ‘ . , our - » » + ar, tee ane Giplomations? the “aye vy lik ee maseed from the ‘Tiger Basket Ball ( omplete | Ottawa, Nov, 20—The debate |the total volume of our trade for Naval Conference. itching the aetion{ dene after the train hac | shar nebiobin beaten’ , lon the address was continued|the present fiseal year will greatly During the past summer four Mustria | sked out for its diteh-| Club d other ath = ‘ . : ' rt Dp ereat alarm the spot pieked ou a vesterday by the Hon. Robert |SuUrpass that of any previous! members of my government con- 3 ‘ days gave rise]ing \ careful inspeetion was made | Bronze and Brass Goods Rogers, who took occasion to |/Year i our history ferred in London with His Majes- on that the dan ————-———-—- equipment of the new ey. |— Came yesterday, You ean deny that illegal methods were| The revenues of the Dominion liy’s government on the question Se : eral conflagration Hello, Bill! Meet tne : ; ' the hosts of the even. | not afford to miss seeing used during the Maedonald elec jcontinue to expand, and in every|of naval defence, Important bmi, | the aetion of fWestholme Opera House tonikh ec many econgratula.{§ this splendid tine, We are 3jtion. Amongst the other speak jbranch of business and industry |diseussions took place and condi- isan to antiei-|FPunniest show you” eve their enterprise and demonstrating value this ers Was Carwell. M.-P... for Carle.) there is a remarkable activily|ijions have been disclosed which ire results Popular price, 25e, 35 2 ” putting in suehoa year as never before jtom, N.B. Et was the liviiest si which gives assurance of CON-lin the opinion of my advisers sure will he 4 up-to-date ap.| ting of the session so far | tinued Progress and prosperity, render it imperative that the ef- rt ; | | | » ») Austria to in . M. Sandilands, gold con WARK’ S —_ —_—— | immigration. fective naval forees of the Empire ‘ve the question|sioner for the Queen ¢ a he evening refrésh Mrs. G, BR. T. Sawle jeft this! A copious and welcome stream should be strengthened without h . the close of|islands, is a visitor hy the « ved by the Ladies 3rd Ave. Jewellers Box 76 }morning on the Prinee Rupert tolof immigration has poured into delay. ve it can bela guest at the G, 7 nn ; h. Speeches were PHONE 122 spend the winter in Welland,Jour eountry during the past . vithout the re a W. H. MeLeod. Ontario jsummer, The volume of immi-. (Continued on Page 4.) bed Subscribe for the Daily News |