ll et ‘i ni age —— ire. Sa os bd aca pr 8 ig, ‘cat though he more Snodgrass, New York Nationals, ant in a breach-of-promise suit, the filing of which became pub- lie is the plaintiff, and she asks the January than a year THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING on application. —5O0 cents per inch. Contract rates SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Datry, 0c per month, or $5.00 per year, inadvance. WerexKLy, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries — in advance. Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St, SEATTLE— Puget Sound News Co. New York City LONDON, ENGLAND —The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. Supscriners will greatly oblige by promptly calling ap Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. DAIL Y EDITION 1912 Nov. Friday, 20 Editorial Notes and Clippings THE SEWER BY-LAW Ald, that the by-law is no laughing matter. In that he is right, but the methods adopt- ed by the present city counell in bringing it before the peo- ple have been such that it might easily be regarded the light of a joke. This will be dispelled, however, in the event of their assenting to the scheme. Engineer Mason again told, at the meeting last night, of his efforts to have the council bring in an engineer to check up his work, and their refusal to do He further stated, when questioned, that neither the Provincial Government or the Grand Trunk Pacific had given an guarantee that they would allow the city to carry the numerous outlets across their property and discharge into the Mayor Newton also explained that the city had no outlet at Cow Bay for the main. Another sewerage injustice Dybhavn said last night sewerage i} so. sea. point against the as proposed was the sections to seven, only muskege to cul through will be paying for deepening of Section 1 sewer, and as yet it is too soon to say wha oe of the city will ultimately be the business portions. Every city has two or three business centres, and Prince Rupert will also in time, have other business districts as well as Sec. 1. This will necessitate the relaying and deepening of the sewerage in a few years. system but years until larger and more be a cheaper Give for the the place defined, let it system. It is absolute folly to put in the expensive system planned at this stage of the game. Ald. ten minutes of his speech last night strate the city sewerage, next few is Dybhavyn devoted some in attempting to demon- to his audience that the “News” had eredited him with assertions which he had not made, referring particularly to his admission § that all his knowledge concerning sewers had been gleaned from the city engineer. In concluding his re- eight and nine, which are not, marks on this subjeet Ald. Dyb included in the present havn said, “if the News would scheme, but which are taxed study the plans for the sewer to pay for the work. scheme as carefully as I have In Section 1 the pipes will done, it would be as much an be laid at a depth of some 42 expert as I am.” The father or 14 feet. According to En- of the sewer by-law in this gineer Mason about 80 % of very statement again admits the cost of the work is in ex- that the source of all his know cavating. This means that ledge is the city engineer, who those sections which will have prepared those plans. E__ ye enn el Costly Mistake by Gendepens,. Angeles, Nov. —Al- has. been married for Fred of the defend- Los 27 than three years, centre fielder by is yesterday. Nellie K. Frakes 15, 1908, and that more later, white she be- lieved herself to be his flancee he married Josephine Vickers. Snodgrass spending the win- ter in Southern California. is The salmon pack of the Kil-}14 donan cannery on the Alberni Canal this year was 36,500 cases, This is the largest pack this year for any single B. C. cannery. people that contractors 2,500 cords of wood Yukon River, whieh he delivered $112,500 for the rate of 89 a cord. EE War Reduces Labor Supply. Toronto, Nov. 27.—So great has been the drain of labor caused the of the Balkan scene of the .war exodus to the the railway companies and are experiencing serious difficulty in securing men. Large numbers are being brought court to award her $75,000. The|i® under contract from New plaintif! alleges that Snodgrass| York, Boston, Cleveland and}, won her consent to marriage on|Buflalo, but the situation in the United States is almost as bad as the Dominion. The manager of an employment company states that contractors are complaining of the inability to secure laborers. This year Frank Neil brought down the Klondike City. the tot, He received which is at SE Sas rub DALLY NEWS = -_ ee eS : | I herrit a dave age, Te had] liived fiftes tears in the Nieola ih im, (nia ’ An eff «heing made in Port Robt. Lowery, in Greenwood Ledge Albe o hawe th tor i at ¢ 7 p im xcept on ate days Rabbits are plentiful around) An automobile was driven into] isin Corbin, ithe Peace River = district this) Was a “Vendetta to Blame? Fir wood is #6 a cord in Port) sarmmer as far as Lesser Slave Nelaon, Nov. 27 Sugwestions George. | Lake. that an Italian vendetta was at Pitisburg is the name of a new) This year 110 earloads of [ru ) the bottom of breaking open and townsite at the coast ;were shipped from Penticton »bbing of a mail bok at the cor There h bee! ghing in} @#ainst eight earloads for ner of Silica and Falls streets - reel siel ilies ie Pte year. iwere made yesterday after infor- Phoenix for over a month ie , wa E 6 70 cents a dozen in The new flouring mil! at Medi-| mation charging 6-year-ol il- N ey ae ; se ; jeine Hat will have a wareh Willie Fernie with having some as” . or peng that will hold 400,000 barrels of} of the mail was withdrawn before oe Vamewaver te use OF COCRIne flour | Police Magistrate Irvine, it hav- is rapidly increasing “a . i a ave shild’s » rapeen, The Scimitar at Kettle Falls,| ing been proven by the chile Rock Creek had the best crops Wash. has Ceased publica p fresogy that he was re se os . s yet , s of ¢ imina in its history this year and the plant has be ved tol year f age, which the crim There are no saw mills 'N) Spokane, code declares must be reached operation on Kootenay Lake | WOW. Jackaon of Northport before a person can be considered ) . Jdackso i i | ao a e Dr. Wruich has started a drug/ wash. has killed in his time 45 3] competent to be a r ; an zs ance as af { as to store in New Hazelton bears He expects to make the fence It wa aid that it wa A d t tal store has been} ' hi 500 }secure a letter addressed to a *par » t store as een ' op f i ak Dick f Se a ae a WW jtown in Italy that the box was opened in Port Alberni O. E. Destfiond and Ca: . ; ae liam are furnishing the Kaslo broken by one of those concerne . ‘een pters ams are iis “ i ; About twenty pre-empters will) lta ss . a ,.jin a feud. Examination of the , yg “aleats ‘ree “> * ice eek, wi i WW winter at Celeste Creek people ’ ‘ ~ 7 | dames to the bak, Wilich Was Ih Many Scotch fishermen are sig a yo ; ci eo to ato} court, indicated that the door coming to Skidegate next year GUE sO8 10F ! : |had been wrenehed open from . ia cord in Dawson. Six years ago The saw mill at Enderby has above, probably by some person 17,000 cords of wood were bul ned| bi a steel nn . . . * seas considers t rr at e closed down for the ason im thal city every winter, and in| t erably iller ra The Omineca Herald has moved from Old to New Hazelton. Enderby wants a large lockup, ei i to the local paper . ©. Abbott has opened a real ‘eal office in Mission City Jack MecLaughian has opened a “het gallery in Oroville Palmer has sold his rane a + Stump Lake for $1 45,- 000, The Bluebell! mine on Kootenay Lake was first located in 1865. At the Blue Bell Mine = on Kootenay Lake a ‘hundred men are working. Tobacco was grown on the Nor- ris ranch, near Oroville, this summer. Already a snow plow is being used to clean streets in Rossland Next spring 60,000 fruit tre will planted at Okanaga Falls. F,. Ames has been elected men- ager of the hockey team in Boss- land. From now until spring but ore mail a week will arrive at Barker- ville. Cougars playing with the mountain Lardo district. Within the city limits of Mer- ritt two hundred tons were grown this year. be havoc the are goats in of potatoes Dunean Ross has put up a eup for hockey competition around Hazelton Birnie Bros. have sold their brick plant and clay pits at Medi- cine Hat for $150,000. At Fernie a Chinaman was re- cently put in jail for having opium in his possession. The Dead Medicine mine at Evans, Wash., is shipping ore to the Trail smelter. The Colonist will put up a modern newspaper office on View street in Vietoria. Lignite coal from the state of Washington is being sold in Van- couver at $8.50 a ton. At Oroville this week Schwabland selling all household goods by -auction. Recently in one night at Ross- land a weasel! killed fourteen chickens in one hen house. The brass band at Kelowna has been revived, N. Barnholdt hav- ing been engaged as bandmaster. All the wheat grown in the prairie provinces = should be turned into flour not far from home, The first church at Penticton, built by Tom Ellis, was opened twenty years ago this month, Several Greeks from Oroville, Carmi, Greenwood. and other points have gone fight the Turks. Dr. his is 1 7i,oe0] mining company at sent up for trial by court in Barkerville, blowing up the ditches of the Lowhel hydraulic mine at Light ning Creek with dynamite Bon ner is out on a bail of $3,000 Last vear the Yukon Gold Co near Dawson, used 35,000 cords) of wood, principally spruce Phe average cost, laid down at the} boilers on the creeks, was 813 a cord. It costs this company $500,000 a year for fuel. It ey dently takes money to run a gold thawing plant in the Klondike Near Chilliwack a young gir recentiv shot a bear dead The bear was stealing apples from her father’s orchard A. D. Broomfield has sold his hotel at Westbridge and will move to Princeton, where he owns an interest in a livery stable. Suitable meals can now be se- eured at all the rv tween Quesnel Thanks the Herald. Recently day, with a single Shaveneau skidded logs that sealed over 23,000,000 barrels of apples were United States. The fifteen years ago was 67,000,000 barrels. MeGillwray died ad houses be- Fort men Creorge the and to say near Rossland in one team, Jack ninety 30,000 feet, seven This year raised in the preduction Angus near Lester W David ta, Lt LUMBER First Ave. and McBride St. Box 865 PHONE 25 Prince Rupert, B.C. Silversides Bros. Sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Speolaities “We always dollver the goods.” 2nd Street Phone 156 Green the | charged wi th} youthful prisoner earlier days it consumed ra " . ecient ml Best room in town at Savoy. being burned in Yukon’s fan ous] city. | . a L. E. Bonner, manager of a Stanley, has} “Prince Rupert Lodge, LO.OF. } No. 63 | Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit | the lodge. i A. If. ALLISON, N. G. W. G. BARRIE, Sec. atiianatcapistedidaiitiaatdiiditilbitiiaasasaigns SONS OF NORWAY Meets every Thursday at 7 p. m. at 319 3rd Ave. are welcome. All Norwegians “Valhalla” of S.H. & E. F.| (SCan DIN ANIAN Socenty Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at & p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. STUART & STEWART Accountants 308 2nd Avenue Auditors for the Olty of Prince Rupert | PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Alex. M. Maneaon, B. A. W. E. Williams, B. A, L. L. B. WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Box 285 Prince Rupert, 8B. C CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, ETc. Office— A ibert Block, Second Avenue. P.O. BOX @ PRINCE RUPER! JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOKON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., LON., ENG HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embaimer CHARGES REASONABLE 2nd &t., cor, 2nd Ave. Phone 366 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Scoop Thought a Steam Roller Had Hit Him SCOOP -NOU GO OUT To THE FoorBaLy Game TODAY AND WHEN You SEE A PLAYER COMING WITH THE Bar. —You Fume out OF THE GRAND STAND AND Tacwis < = 7 Hun! “THEN COME Back AND A STORY ABOUT A FORMER.’ cj STAR BEING SIE ZED BY THE f \RRESISTABLE rade cal YO GET BACK IN THE Gane!) OF | Prone 280 A LY at bb PACIF \C For Port Simpson, Por Masset and Naden Harbor, Nov No Nine month exeurston rates in effect 5.5. PRINCE RUPERT very leaves for Vancouver, Vici.,;, and Seattle FRIDAYS, 9 A.M “PRINCE JOHN” Granby Bay, Stewart 4th and 18th 12 p.m. N For Skidegate, Aliford Bay and other Queen Cha; 10th, 24th, @. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER SERVice @ leaves Prince Rupert 10 4 m Wee Grand Trunk Railway System (The Double Track Route) with the excursions and fast trains of the Grand Agency for all Atlantic Steamship Lines. A. E. MOMASTER, ). ATO Naa Dee. 8th, 9 hotce For all infeeme a apply to B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE 7 RINC mT IEY P BSS aa ri 2h SERVICE S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE Southbound—Sat., Nov. 30th, 8 p.m. 4. @, M'NAB, General Agent safe and Route. Is fast by using the The Great Northern Ry. choice of settled comfortable, Best made | Offers the through a 3 DAILY TRAINS From Seattle |Chieago and all points east well or Vancouver anere Steamship Agenc PHONE 116 LINDSAY VSTORAGE | G. T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled OFFICE —H. B. Rochester. Centre st. Prices reasonatle jo Little’s NEWS Agency Magazines :: Periodicals :; Newspapers CIGARS TOBACCOS FRUITS 2nd Ave. Below Kalen Island Ciub Georgetown Sawmill Co. Lid. Lumber Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short votice. Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE; EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Cor. Gth St. and 2nd Ave. i ileal eountry. | | ; Phose & | Twelve Tables BCOND AV PRINCE RUPERT (i A ANNEX Owned a ale y the Grand Tr I I Way on the America p an Excellently with stearn heat a al modern co & abac lutely first ‘ The appoint ervice are equal t t ‘ coast Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day, G. A. Sweet, Manager Savoy Hote Cor |RUPERT’S PALACE seu COMFORT Fraser and 5th or THE IROQUOIS POOL English and Am: Empress Bowling Alleys AND POOL ROOM 4 ALLEYS 12 TABLES Best Fitted and » xurious uf the a Sra Ave. { ) = — =A COAL Best on the New Wellington Coa. Coast Phone 116 Rogers & Blac PRINCE RUPERT FEED C0. EE Dealers HAY, GRAIN FEED AND SEEDS Agents for the Internationa! Stock Food : 0 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T