Fd a) J : at THE DAILY NEWS eo EES Fridays \ nde ede ” +a Range V. This notice was posted on the ground Take notice that 1, Horace Roy, of Prince| on the 15th day o October, 1912. The Rupert, C., occupation tieman, in- epplleation will filed in the office of the - 2 16 apply’ for Water Kecorder at Prince i tie tohowtee Objections may be filed Le ‘the said Water hRecorder or with >. ee’ of Water meets. Parliament Victoria, B. 6G. KR. T. SAWLE, Oct, 21, 1912. Notice is Skeena Land Digertoe—pintetet of Coast, Take e. that ee Pake, of Tetnse cele to purchase . RAKE. Oe. “Bepu ta: tote: Pub. . rs 80 chains, commmence- ment, containing 640 ocres more or loss, HORACE hoy. Dated August 24th, 1912. Pub. Sept, 28, 1912. ' TRY A NEWS WANT AD WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE Fi RIDAY AND SATURDAY AND SAT. MATINEE = = HELLO BILL! BY THE ENTIRE GRIFFITH STOCK COMPANY The Screaming Farce Comedy ——_— ——— — POPULAR PRICES 25c., 35c , and 50c. Matinee Prices-Children 15¢., Adults 25c. Curtain rises evenings at 8.30, Matinee at 2.45 eoee jreally permanent one. If this cily was going to reach the im-| portance it was predicted a far larger and more comprehensive sewerage system would eae ally Lave to be installed, He om-| phatically asked the electors lo] vote down the bylaw. Alderman along the same Clayton followed | lines as last even-| ing, wanting light on the subject, and the Council! for handling such an important} matter in such an unbusinesslike way. The days of sectional strife ee .egard the different areas of the} city were over. Everyone should| consider the best city as a whole. | T. D. Pattullo opposed the pas- sage of the bylaw strenu- ously on the grounds that utterly impossible to carry it out as regards the financial end It was absurd to say only a part of the money would have to be raised at a time to be spent in some particular part of the town. site. He pointed out the fact, which City Engineer Mason concurred in, that neither the G. T. P. nor the provincial government had sanctioned the passag e of the sewers over thei? property or approved of the outlets. hore scored interests of the most it was LOCAL JOT TINGS of Bainter & Sloan, real estate and insurance brok- jers, left on the Prinee Rupert (this morning on a short business trip to Vaneouver. J. J. Sloan, Harry C. Evans, piano tuner, is in town, Leave orders at Hay- ner’s. c 277tf Indian Agent ©. ©, | Metlakatla, was a visitor J city yesterday, of the Perry, to W. J. Hobin, manager of the {Continental Trust Company, {went south this morning. and Mrs. M. Bo Cohen left on a Prince Rupert this morn- iting for several weeks’ visit to lower coast cities. Chief’s Daughter Died. Laura EK. M. Neasgiticks, the daughter of Chief Mark McKay Neasgiticks, died at Newtown, Kitselas, on the 24th inst. of tuberculosis at the age of 5 years, afier an illness of two months The Hat of the Moment. Velvet is the most popular of fabries at present for headgear, and while being exceedingly be- coming it commends itself to all home milliners, for it is so easy to buy—or even to make—a pretty espatra shape and cover it neatly with black or some pretty shade of velvet. An important point with velvet millinery is to see that the pile of the velvet turns from the front of the hat to the back and that each piece has the pile running the same way. When covering a shape with this material do not allow too much turning, and begin stitching the edges together at the back. If the edge should be inclined to present a frilled ap. pearance it is @ sign that the vel. vet ig not drawn tight enough from the head to the brim. Cloth That Has Become Stretched If a dress skirt or pair of trousers get siretched at the knees or other parts, take equal parts of warm water ated spirit; this, and lay it wrong side of the material that is stretched. Now press not iron-—and the cloth will be come completely restored and methyl wring out a towel ip on the part~ed | pital here, | loved WOLGAST LOSES BELT “The News” Classified Ads. '.... BY FOULING RITCHIE Beaten Wolgast Repeated- ly Fouled—Was Gadly EX-CHAMPION THE out the = fight. He all but had ee defeated when the fouls Rivers Defeats Mandot Los Angeles, Nov 28 Rivers defeated Mandot in one of Joe FULL TEXT OF THE SPEECH FROM THRONE Continued from Page 1. are convineed that My advisers it is ihe duty of Canada at this juncture to afford reasonable and necessary aid for that pur pose A bill wilt be introduced | h coatre A contract for the construction fof the Hudson Bay railway from iLe Pas to Port Nelson has been jawarded and the work is being Worsted Daly City Arena California Nov. 28—Wobbling around with jleaden legs, his eves glazed and body reeling, Ad Wolgast fouled Ritchie twiee in the = sixteenth wound. With a wave of the hand Referee Griffin disqualified Wo! jgast, and Ritehie became the! lightweight champion of the world, Ritchie was superior through pushed forward with all possible speed, Good Roads Aid. It is abundantly evident that lthe highways of Canada consti ; ing tute important part of an eflicient scheme of transportation, Phe necessity for improving our exist facilities in this regard manifest and a bill will be intro. j}duced for the purpose of enabling the Dominion to co-operate with the provinces in the Accomplish ment of this most desirable pur pose Aid to Agriculture. It is satisfactory to know that | the proposal of my government to co-operate with the govern. ments of the various provinces in promoting the agricultural in dustry has met with hearty ap proval The appropriations which were made last*session in connection therewith have proved to be of marked benefit to the country. After a careful study | the fiercest twenty-round bouts ever staged here for a decision The Mexican forced the fightine most of the time and never was in danger at an time “Bat” Again Suffers Defeat New York, Nov 28—Leach Cross gave Battling Nelson a} severe drubbing in a four-roune! fight here this afternoon. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Was Generali Favorite. Little Sadie Small, the bright little maid whore succumbed last Wednesday in the general hos- for appendicitis, greatly and respected the vil- of Metlakatla. From the time of her first illness Miss Davis, the principal of the schoo! of'which the child was one of the most promising pupils, devoted herself to the task of nursing her little chae@e back to health. ever, the child becoming rapidly, Dr. Eggert, who called in attendance, removal the hospital The young girl's early has cast a gloom over her village. was bs lagers worse ordered her to here. Stopping at the Inn. The following registered terday at the G. T. P. Inn: A. Parks, Denver, Colo.; Harris, John Albi, Vanegon, Terrace; J. E. Hood, Spokane; R. EK, Johnston, E. M. Sandilands, Queen Charlotte Islands; R. R. Ridley, Vancouver; F> GC. Greene, Seattle; M. M, White, Seattle; A. Cameron and wife, Bay; ©, C. Perry, Metlakatla. yes- Shoe Tips Saturday is the last day of the great fall sale at Seott, Froud & Co.'s. Everything greatly re. duced, 281 Majestic Gold Prize Ticket No, 389 held by Gilbert Jestic theatre last evening. Strictly fresh eggs, dozen, Stalker 187 and 430, i Ww. L. | Skeena; H, i. | George Little and wife, | following an operation | How- | was of the whole question my advisers are convinced that co-operation with the provinces on well de fined terms and conditions will achieve the best results along the lines of-agricultural instructions Any such policy to be effective must be continuous According- ly, a bill will be introduced by which a substantial amount of money will be set apart from the consolidated revenue fund = for the purpose of assisting the proy inces for a term of years in the highly important national swork Reducing Cable Rates. My government has succeeded in securing certain reductions in cable rates and will continue its efforts to obtain still further re duetions, Under existing legislation (th charters of the banks will expire onthe first day of July next \ bill revising and extending these charters will be submitted for and More Western Senators. Several other bills will be mitted, including pro- viding for increased representa. tion of the provinces of Alberta, your consideration approval sub. measures Saskatchewan and Manitoba in the Senate. Ample Revenue. Gentlemen of the House of Commons, the accounts for the last fiseal year will be laid before jyou. It will be satisfactory to ; you to learn that the decease | native George | revenue has been ample to cover both ordi- nary and capital expenditure. The estimates for the next fiscal year will be submitted at an early date. They have been prepared with due regard on the one hand for economy and on the other hand for necessary develop ments of the resources of the Dominion. Honorable gentlemen of the Senate, gentlemen of the House of Commons, I invite your earn- est consideration of the subjects T.| to whieh I have alluded and I in- Aliford | voke the blessings of divine Providence upon your delibera- | tions. The Suffragettes London, Nov. 29—~ Militant Meeker, son of Mr. Meeker, con- tractor, was the winner in the! : ‘ | Gold Prize Drawing at the Ma-'! 65 cents a and Wells, phones | morrow 280tf | wiving a farce comedy brand new suffragettes are again on — the war path. Their latest act is to pour acid into the letter boxes thereby destroying a large num- ber of letters. Helio, Bib" The evenings of today and to. the Griffith players are to Prinee Rupert, named “Hello Chief Justice Gordon Hunter,! Bill,” who returned from a trip to! -_—--—— Hazelton yesterday, left for the! Robbed! Not Much south on the Prince Rupert this}; Did they get you at Seott, morning, Froud & Co.'s shoe sale or did you buy 85 shoes for 81.90, Sale Christmas Trips. ends Saturday, 281 If you are contemplating a trip | _—— east, or to the Old Country, we; F. C. Greene, and M. M, White would be pleased to quote you jof Seattle, who are heavily in rates by the GREAT NORTHERN | terested in Graham Island eoal RY. Through trains to Chie ago | propositions, arrived from the without change. We are agents | islands yesterday and left this for all the best ATLANTIC |morning for the south on the OCEAN LINES Reservations | Prinee Rupert made without extra cost, No} - trouble to give att information Christian Science. Tickets good by any boat from Mhrisian Scientists in the eity Prince Rupert The Rogers|please write P. O box 399 or Steamship Agency 276tf |phone No. 427 2R0.4 seen | ¥ Best room in town at the Savoy.|' Subseribe for the Daily News Christmas Presents Something new in Arts and Craft Brass & Copper Ware C. H. ORME The PIONEER DRUGGIST Phones 82 and 200 | i, HIGH GRADE XMAS GIFTS| The time for Xmas Shopping is drawing i} pared to @ater to your wants with the f high-class JEWELRY and NOVELTIES tha ~ a shown. Your inspection is cordially invited \ ; Open Evenings Until 10 p.m \ Oftietet Watch Inspector G. T. P. eerste ‘Apples Apples _ Potatoes Potatoes 3 cars Highland Two cars from 2 cars Ashcroft Wenatchee We have what you The Apple is the Best are looking for the Price is Right Price is Right i~~~~~» LYNCH BROS. .-.-__! .. FOR SALE ' Gave a Feast. Mrs. Rudland, rewarded as iidest inhabitant of the Indian mm a 2 illage of Metlakatila, gave a ge Lots 26 and 97, B eral feast to the entire village $500.00 % cash @ H. DOUGLAS population a few days ago, in ac 339 Third Ave (Opposite P.O.) Bor 606 cordance with the native obser ance of their custom of honor ing their departed relatives and One Double Cor ner friends EMPIRE BATHS For an easy and comfortable shave drop in at the Empire Baths on Third Ave The most up-to-date furnishings have been in Stalled and the general surroundings are such 48 appeal to particular people | ro.” \ an Centrally Located t oA J (opposite Majestic Theatre KEEFE & DORREL “— , ory Proprietors SECTION SIX FURNISHED ROOMS & CABINS *%0 cash and the balan a. ¢@ ner Purnished rooms and beds to rent $1.50 = . per week for single beds, $9.00 for dou ble bed. Complete with bath hot | water Furnished Cabins at $4 a month APPLY 208 NINTH AVENUE and Samuel Harrison & Company Brokers and Financia! Agents POWER BOAT FOR SALE | 2¢cond Ave. Prince Rupert A well equipped power boat, shute’’ 46 feet long, 10 feet 6 inches beam, 4 feet 6 inches draught, 20 hp Frisco Standard engine, pilot house con trol, Cheap. Apply James Adams, Port! Essington, or Rupert Marine Iron Works, | Prince Rupert 277-282 | ‘Spoke H] Church Services- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services every Sunday he Chureh Hall at 11 am. and aS ee | PANAMA STUDIO 613 3rd Ave. Empress Theatre at (Above Burns Meat Store) Sunday School at Christmas ts Coming. REV. F. W. KERR, M.A Pastom Have your fammee’s,, meters or paren’s ft ee a a _ THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Make Early me fer All Distant MCINTYRE HALL, 38RD AVE., NEAR OTH 87 Coun Services every Sunday * —— a.m. and 7.30 p.m Sunday eae i School 290 p.m. Baraca Bible Class 2.30 p.m SMITH & MALLETT REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pasto® THIRD AVE. THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSORAVE PLACE Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and ee eee ost Sheet Metal Work am. and 7.90 p.m. Sunday Office: 3rd Ave. Workshop Schoo! at 2.30 p.m i Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts REV. C. R. SING, B.D Pas THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Granville Court ; Chair Sign 844 Sunday services at ft! Red 3rd Ave am, Bands p.m oun - day ‘School, 1:30 p.m hf Ve . eek night services We buy furniture, stoves, cast- po Blees services off clothing, ete. Gar end Saturday. al @ TON & BROCHU ~~ Commanding OMcers Box 335 Send Card or Phone 294 FORESHORE LEASE Skeena Land District—District of Coselar Take notice that G. KR. T. awl ie Prince Rupert, intends to 4p) sortl of the foreshore commencing 4! Ba east corner post of Lot : and running in & southwest: about 50 chains to the south post of said lot, being all th , xis front of Granby Bay Towhs'te mee tered in Prince Rupert Kee under plan 1007 G. A. T. SAWLE, Applicé Dated October 15th, 1012 ‘ Pub, Oct, 21, 1012 618 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert F R t Cut This Out. $ . . $ 6*roomed house, acr my This Coupon is Good §) crock .... $2 00 for One Dollar 2 roomed cabin, close $10 In Part Payment of 1 Dozen Office on Second. Ave $25.00 Cabinet Photographs aud, in Addition, a Beautiful Photo Calendar ~ te et Apply to The Peerless Studio ROOMS 10-21-22, Alder Block G R Nad C t : Gor, Ord Ave. and @th 6, le ° en 0., $ § fQnd Avenue