_ | ==) THE DAILY NEWS @3: a. | A. a” Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ee ——-- - _ - -_— a PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1912, : PRICE FIVE CENTS TD.PATTULLO MAKES IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT INDICATIONS POINT TO FACT THAT THERE WILL BE NO EUROPEAN WAR OVER SERVIA GFFRAGETTES DISTURB LLOYD REASONS BYLAW SHOULD BE VOTED SCOTSMEN HAVE EXCELLENT ta AGAINST BY RATEPAYERS TODAY __TIMEATST. ANDREW'S BALL DISTURBANCES CONTINUE IN THE OLD COUNTRY—SUFFAG- McINTYRE HALL DECORATED TO SUIT OCCASION PROVES ETTES WITH FIRE CRACKERS THOUGHT TO HAVE 1. The scheme has not been will undoubtedly be business sec sum of money without first know MOST ATTRACTIVE — SCOTCH DANCES AND REELS tions, is the height of folly. jing our ground thoroughly. BOMB AND WAS ARRESTED cuperviced by Gn expert. ee 2. No arrangement has been 6. it will be _ impossible to| 12. Because the law will not cnet ae page my smoied oomiou ae tar CO eee eo) Conaiier, ROYALS DEFEAT CRESCENTS made with the Grand Trunk Pa- raise the money in the financial! allow material change in the by- eat ta tik ities Hel) ar ies sinty ce io aah ne sg nt was caused here jolfte or the Government for fore | werte. ron Ww passes, ane eubecquent evening to celebrate the néntvel sent and beatin ‘sau when what was Basketball Leaders Win Another shore rights for the outlet. 7. Ht will prevent immediate | consideration shows an entirely |°\"" of their patron siant. Theltill “the wee’ sma’ ‘todes wail ye sti Game Last Night 3. It has been argued that only relief being given to congested new project to be desirable, the r want aaa - a . — ght to De an interna a portion of the scheme will be sections which require sewers vote will now be a farce. oor was in excellent condition, }the twal. ded Tor bloye Geo- begun next year. If say only with as little delay as possible. 13. The vote now is a farce, 2"! the music by Gray's orches-| The President, Mr. M. J. Me- d in the hands of = pos ing ‘ the aud $200,000 is raised next year and 8. Because a scheme can be anyway because the scheme can- tra most inspiring Phe_hall was|Neil, and the management com- Oe eee ee _ | [ie Hovals agar proved \lC= | ia is then found impossible to evolved at much less cost to meet not be financed and not five per prettily decorated wih lags Gadi aitan ate (0 Pe ee g in the hall in whieh the oe us im te ar ri" | paige any .more .money only a/|the requiremtnts for the next cent. of the ratepayers know) *!eatiers, the St Andrew's|upon the great success of the a . oe te cee oe |small section will have sewerage few years which the city will be whether the scheme is the best |""'**: ee ee eee vue ed out, however, to;ren cup om .. Ceres “| and that at the expense of all the| able to finance. one or not. poe HHUOD > SepRmORDS The following is a partial list firecrackers =e Lee — mee ‘| pest of the city. 9. Because the by-law has 14. Because the method of | The programme Conpigind GSpot Cones Sta. > De mea ‘ he meeting the suff is _ Sonctusion ‘tm ba’ “8s! 4 No provision is made in the| been rushed to a vote without the taxation has never been consid- 'W°"!yY-four dances, six of which ). C. Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. J. H, nn ne ree I pyetaw for sewerage in Section people having proper opportun- ered, that is whether it might 0 oe re purely See. 3B ven, Sener ee Mre. Andrew he taxi eab in which| Royals have | st a matel |Seven, which is quite thickly po- ity to satisfy themselves as to be better for the city at large to ee tty sight to see the lads and| Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. farmich- the Chamero a ~e . pulated, nor in a portion of Sec- | the merits of the scheme. pay for trunk lines only and the//@sses Pirouetting through (he ael, Me. and Mes. Little, Mrs. W. eo made a pound on spture the troph - ~|tion One, nor the whole of Sec-| 10. Because we have no guar-|property benefitted to pay for Pa 6 @ Goi Saeueaaall “oe og a ib and no injury was] year i ‘ p Was as | ur » Sluart, in a pietures-| Varmichael, Miss Moore, Miss we The militants have ca ws. Royals——Ramsa capi "sve ane ek iatiie a sum in yer Same ey aan 6 tee the whole scheme ‘!''" Highined seerume, ted el ae a re Mise Soda. ible further ar Brooks, MeGreg “idle 200) depmanent sewers in Sections 5 (eer’s figures. /has been ill considered and han-|#rand march with Miss Walker) berg, Miss Homquist, Miss Rich- bie, by des Smith, Cres . H. Mob and 6, allowing for a depth of 11. Because it is not the part died in a most unbusinesstike|** ® Partner. Mr. T. MeMeekin, ardson, His Worship Mayor New a box a | . a5 4 r a) he ae co six feet when these sections of prudence to spend so large a way from start to finish. oss ee Beg gmtremet pea eotunata’ Tae Pe oh = - em & glJarvis Me Os efatigable ooking af-| Ho rz, Mr. Me on, Mr. M, te half Garton played for ¢ * ter the comfort of the guests, in| J. MeNeil, Mr. Rogers, Mr .Me- eam pla f Carss . which he was ably assisted by|/Lennan, Mr. Kelly, Mr. W. G, , Met one. ot the li a a Mr. M. M. Cooper. Dennis, Mr. Russell, Mr. Me- Opera House tonigh Harry ©. Evans, piano tune The musie for the Scottish) Meekin, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Jardine show ote ever saw.]in town, Leave orders at <4 dances was furnished by Piper|and Mr. D. B. Taylor. re “ATTITUDE ON IMPORTANT SUBJECTS yo WINDY DICK M‘BRIDE IS NEW NAMEFOR OUR SIR RICHARD PREMIER GETS CALLED A STRONG WIND FROM THE WEST WINSTON CHURCHILL SAYS NO DANGER OF EUROPEAN TROUBLE. n a Letter to the Public Mr. Pattullo Candidate for the Mayoralty Announces His Stand---Will Work for Common Good--- Supports the Workingman | BY THE OTTAWA JOURNALS — DOINGS IN CANA- ol he ; DOINGS AT OTTAWA Po the Publi without capital and capital can-|know that this is a matter up o DIAN CAPITAL NOW. a om ign Since | announced a short time build the city without labor, which, if at all, the electors with ictdialiadndeinipabiats Winston Chureh First Important Bills to be Brought in ago that I would accept elidel ind both look t he Chief Magis-| have to decide by a cast of their | Ottawa. Nov. 29 Sir hic hardjtion. This was not surprising, | f the Admiralty, speaking |, This Session heinm tue the afte at Savor vi.the trate, as far as in his province | ballots McBride's latest naval outbreak] since the government had nothing i et given in his hor Ottawa, Nov. 29 In the House Cite at Pete Rabe the les, for os and nego © \ long drawn campaign is |at Ottawa has been compared by|to say and wanted nothing to do it there was no ques 1! Commons yesterday a bill to} ’ ’ —s \ prerequisite of suecessful ad-| irksome, and later on pu! he} friendly journals to a strong|}with it. But the opposition made amend the companies act was|year 1913 any rumors have/ministration is Fy Rte Of!meetings will be held at whieb| wind from the West rhe simile}ample amends for the neglect of Austria and Se introduced by Sharpe, the mem-|come to me of very us | ground common to @@-ordinaiton | we can all consult looking to urlis correct, Wind it was, and|the government. Now it is an- eee bet for Lisgar It provides that | statements being made o myfand collaboration of apparently) mutual welfare, but let me say!strong as wind. With character-| nounced by government organs ' Vilization, said Mr incorporated companies hold an jattitude on certain Geach oe interests. °To attain)that | should be pleased at any | istic self-complacency, the Brit-|that Mr. Borden's naval propo- ks across the. tat iual meetings present annua | hen I accepted the offer of|this end all good eitizens should| time between now and election!jsh Columbia Premier not merely | sition his “emergency” idea, nacy to the sove statements to the share holders | nomination [did so upon ao ul -[lend their voice and aid |day to receive a visit from any|demanded that Canada should|not any permanent poliey—will hose august empires,/and further present general | derstanding that [ should not) Now T know that what IT have/elector or body of electors who} have an army and navy second to|be brought down, with the prob- whether kingship | statements to the Dominion gov- | bind myself by pledge ! promise, | here said will be distorted and | Choose to see me to discuss prob- none in the world, but under- ability of an appeal to the Couns these latter den lernment, as provincial companies |save only to the welfare of the taken to mean something that it lems which we shall be called) took to criticize Sir Wilfrid} try before any permanent policy win for herself new} must do at the present time city, and while T will not pledge dite nol mean. tees eee jupon to face during the coming|Laurier for not announcing his|is adopted. tt is also stated that ind proclaim to the mu I r. Barnard, Victoria, B. ¢ myself to any especial measure ' . : ‘| vear. {position with regard to the yet|Mr. Borden's position will be in es | cece, enpiag eas wn 9 Nerhnciellitde ecenA, tia, ear wn sc Ge ae Meantime, it will be well not}unborn Borden naval poley. Per-|aeeordance with the policy he vh hands power was being| dress, saying that in no part of} thoroughly sound, still the elee-lthe question of whether you be-|{to give serious heed to that hoary haps the B. €. knight is becom has adopted on numerous ocea- £ imposed the fact that'l the Dominion was prosperity |tors will, [am sure, desire an ex | lieve in my integrity of purpose | old Ananias called “Rumor,” who | jing impatient at his own leader's sions, It ean searcely help be- hy was the bulwark of greater than in British Columbia. | pression of opinion from ine ne jand courage and determination |is always extremely active around|delay and feels that Sir Wilfrid ing that, sinee Mr, Borden has Europe peace, rhe shipping to its coast Was In- jto my general attitude apon pub-'io see that justice is done to all,jeleetion time, jought to continue to guide Can-|iwisted through more compli- Declaration of a universal war|ecreasing so rapidly that thejlic questions during the coming| This I know, that with an ad-| I beg to remain, ada’s policy. cated convolutions on this ques- ! pe would plunge the cot docking accommodations were/year. Hence I will briefly outline) ministration uext year such as | Faithfully yOUrS, However, Sir Wilfrid has very tion than can be easily followed. to the desolation of the} seriously ovesataxed rhe ap-jone or two matters which may be| we had during the past year there | r. D. PATTULLO, clearly defined his policy His|}The only way in whieh he ean lle ages proaching completion of the | of interest will be very little city work go-| —— anne naval propositions were placed|dodge all his previous positions the epitaph that history would) Panama Canal was already di I believe that the city's finances/ing on. Possibly a favored few] At the Churches before the House and accepted/is by doing nothing—whieh has mit nh such a catastrophe reeting attention to-> the coast | need a very close scrutiny and/|might continue to hold a com-} —— until the Nationalists gained con- been his programme for over a Would that whole generations | province loverhauling to ascertain exactiy|fortable job through the re- Rev. Warren H. MeLeod’s sub- trol of the Borden government.| year. ; id, and tore themselves Scarecely a week went by that] where we are drifting We willlsources of current revenue, but] jeet tomerrow evening will be If Mr. Borden has anything bet- W piec a representative of some greal}pequire to complete grading in{that would furnish very little|“Jaek the Ripper.” Every man/jter to propose it will meet with INTERESTING DEBATE a shipping firm was not th the fleld|}Seetion One, Provisiou will have}food and few clothes for the hun-| should hear Mr. MeLeod's mes- Sir Wilfrid’s support. 7 ws al. ‘Irietly fresh eggs, 65 cents a/ spying oul ihe land for future|lto be made for necessary sewer-!dreds of workingmen whom we sage tomorrow evening at 7:30, ternative is as - ag Hmm - AT THE HIGH SCHOOL Stalker and Wells, phones | business The debate was CON-|age. Further street grading willldesire to see here, nor would it}Morning worship at it. Bible will ~ waeee ~ ~ ow ST and 430 280tf | tinued by Messrs McNutt Of}have to be provided for where|build our public improvements|sehool at 2:30 p, m Strangers of 4 . oe " oer Pupils Display Marked Talent— Saltcoats Armstrong of North plank roadways are fast becom-Jor add to the prosperity of theland visitors always weleome.|That should be sufficiently clear E ee ae vy " } , elo “| ‘ The water Ss spel ~via > . .o|for even Sir Riehard MeBride. xcellent Entertainment Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.| York, MeKenzie of Gape Breton |ing demoralized, The water sy merehants. All services held in Melntyre : , : Yesterday Mhone 4 and Bell of South Grey jtem will have to be completed, Now it has been intimated also!fall, Third avenue near Sixth For the first time in Canada’s eteestian }and in fact many other matters,|/that [ intend to give away the] street. history a Dismissed Govern- Ka ine iad srreee, which need not be here enum-|franchises of the city Fortu- etic ment Employees’ Aid Association : The second meeting of the Pode incidental to the comfort|nately, this power does not rest At the Empress theatre to-|has been formed at Montreal, Prince Rupert High Gehool Lit- E HEA TRE land well-being of our city and)with any one man, and while! morrow night Rey Kerr willjand already no less than sixty) ®Pa@ry Society took place yester- MPRESS ~ T; citizens require attention }nothing could be further from my | preach on Can a Man be al{victims of the Borden guillotine a aeeee 7 er py wires An atltempl is being made to intention, still it is gratifying to|Ghristian and a Social Sinner?’ have been found employment, In eae ; or —_— a e h make it appear that [am opposed] —__ aie Nd Bey al ; his Halifax platform Mr Borden a alning couple of hours was Wednesday and Thursday Nig ts to the interests of the working), Anglican Churech-—Being the demanded the reform of the]St : a man. I believe that the best way {st Sunday in Advent, Holy Com -| Senate sand the placing of the Opening with a charming tit. DECEMBER 4th and 5th to show kindly feeling toward outside civil service under the'tle play for girls entitled “The Important Announcement Wo take great pleasur ig to our patrons that we have coneluded arranges vith Mr. Ettinger, who is in this city in the interest> orld famous pholoplay produc liots of Cat Mine. Sarah Bernhardt in the tithe role, and supported itire company and “Madam Sans Gene in whieh wa ‘i Hejane appears as Madam Sans Gene _—— agreement with Mr, Ettinger both dramas will ly - each night, Wednesday and Thursday next W h to eall particular attention to the impeartant tar hese photoplas productions the original dra ’ kiven practically complete Prices—Reserved Seats 500; General Admission 35 cents. Children (not reserved) 260. PRINCE RUPERT THEATRE COMPANY, LTD. 0 :ccccens on the workingman ts not to try t eate in him hard feelings, hatred and prejudice, but to try mprove his condition se that he will be more happy and more prosperous One way to do this provide plenty of work at yages My attitude on the f wages to be paid is simply h | will favor the paying of he highest possible wage con vib securing the money rnee public) improvements rl sation should not be ' j 1 point where it will be) to finance eCivie un rannot build this eity Xmas Stock — fiw iis al isan Sistas seo at 2.30 and Evensong at 7.30 Complete i Key Sing will make an im- portant announcement of his re lation to the pastorate of the Bronze and Brass Giocds Prinee Rupert Methodist church came yesterday, You cat at the evening service not afford to Hiss sees aT ee this splendid tine We are CARD OF THANKS demonstrating value this year as never before On behalf of my tamily and ’ myself - take this mean> WARK’S thanking those who in any way showed their sympathy to us in 3rd Ave. Jewellers Box 76 our sad bereavement at the grea PHONE 122 loss of father and husband MRS, A. THOMAS In his Ottawa practice he is trying to reform the Senate by filling it with “diseredited politicians” and to reform the civil service by dis- missing as Liberal em ployees as can be wot rid of with. civil service Commission hhialy out disorganizing the Perhaps when he gets the with his own service, eiwil jserviee packed friends he will Halifax platform In the time the Tery love of patronage is still working overtime When the first Borden partia. ment opened there was nol a word in the from the remember the Hieanh. speech rhrone rewarding the navy ques- Gossips, in which the following young ladies took part most sue. cessfully, Misses Carss, azletl, Geneieve Maedonald, Phyllis Me-~ Croskie, Edith Sing and Alma Christiansen, there followed the piece de resistance of the after. noon, a debate, resolued “That the civilized man is happier than the barbarian,” Very clever indeed were the sargument brought forth on eith ev side, Por the afliemative, Miss Alma Christiansen and William Rowell put up a strong case, nevertheless Miss Georgia Dill (Continued on Page 4.) eB