THE DAILY NEWS Saturda a — a nn, THE Daity News GUNMEN TODIE INTHE CHAIR NEWS NOTES OF | | GSA SS. PRINCE RUPERT v= THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA | G Vs pet GRAND rr PUBLISHING CO. LTD” PR DURING WEEK OF JANUARY 6TH TH ] BARBRA 8%e8 for Vancouver, Victoria ERR THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. \C d Seattl AA) JX) an attle sie! ) j Rrandon bank clearings for FRIDAYS, 9 A. M. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—60 cents per inch. Contract rates | MEN CONVICTED OF MURDER OF ROSENTHAL TO PAY THE | mi ye ape trite cutis cam on application. ‘ PENALTY EARLY IN THE MONTH OF JANUARY — the week were $911,088, agan a th - Onn MEN LAUGH AND JOKE 1$860,905 for the «ame week dast por Port, Glmapeen, Creahy Ghy, Bowers, Nese, 11 « SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Daity, 60c —-. jyear, an increase of 9 per cent For Masset and Naden Harbor, 12 p.m. Nov ae: Ve for io r efty|> ee. —_— Por Skidegate, Aliford Bay and other Queen Charon. , per month, or $5.00 per year, inadvance. WereKLy, $2.00 per year. All New York Nov 20 I y Gutaies Heth Cetnar enaniieaiees ie dali r e e Bag 3 2" se on Char Nhe Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per ) ar; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly Louis’ Rosenbure Harry Har algary. i a Innipes el | vn in advance. rowitz, alias “Gyp the Blood, John Anderson, a well Wl ments for the past ten months @. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER SERVICE Whites Lewis and Dago resident of Stewart, where he has lexceed $2,067,000 No, @ leaves Prince Rupert 10 a m Wee fay 4 HEAD OFFICE ee le ; ee © @mnloe of the P ‘ Frank” Girofici, convicted of the|b ’ : th ' mploy of ” ! ; . Grand Trunk Railway System Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. murder of Gambler Rosenthal,;Vimetal government for the ta Building permits ine de ston (The Double Track Route) " = amore me j}were sentenced to electrocution two years as foreman of th ‘7 Tapartment bloek, to cost 835,000 Nine month excursion rates In effect. Cholee or + BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES in Sine Sham ee ison some timeysWork under Superintendet a coment with the excursions and fast trains of the Grana New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City [during the week bee ne Jan jlingham, has been on a . | In Saskatoon plans are out for Agency for all Atlantic Steamehip Lines. For at! infermatior SeaTTLe— Puget Sound News Co 6th. Justice Goff nouneed| Calgary, where he has WOla £200,000 convent sehool, bn A. &. MOMASTER, Sener A¢ a 2 : 2 _e , l their doom in the state sup epe | brothers Mr. Anders has hadland econerete fireproof a. a {a ay ENGLAND ~The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar) our la most pleasant trip east and] eommodate three hundred p a Square. | | . jsays that the weather down o1 cniiaeanilie | bait: i j ; $ j | Forme Police Lieutenant ¢ | i Supscrisers will greatly oblige by promptiy calling up Phone 98 in case of | t ! the pr . : ee ; a 4 . prairie Was fine a ra I Vancouve site fo ie | ee non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. |F. Becker, convicted for first de elied: bees. de hahdres es inl pp aoa ot io ae Si ae B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE || « ad ie a nawing (nel ! ind rovine is iversity \ e a ee —— = hoe oe me = eh oak ./an automobile in that district) g{92 900,000 has been se¢ ed i |}gated the slaving of Roeentha here there . ' apeck of | RINCE RUPER 3 DAILY EDITION we gee Saturday, Nov. 30, 1912.) aiso under sentence of death vows oe oe © Ween ss RAMUS — SAFETY | INN " |’ he ‘ snow. He will return to Stewart A large militia dr ha s to ne — - ——— | The four gun men were taken Ty | next Tuesday on the Camos be erected for the exclusive use RIN( SPEED ito the court room in the prison . , ¢ feeiaaie ’ ' x Pi ESS PACIFIC am | van by Sheriff Harburger, ae- Miss Clifton Returns. LINE alah eaded SERVICE } ee by a ee n guards Miss Agnes Cliftot daughter rhe British Columbia 1} ANNEX : e e ° ° EEOR Gepuly wore @ long Over+ias Me, aad Mrs. F..N. Clifton, thel Raitway orders a hundred street | rl No es an ] S coat and held his hands on 4 re-|441) Ynown pioneer citizen, pro-lears for New Year's délive S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE | b jvolver in each pocket. The same prietor of Clifton’s Bakery, a1 wt Southbound—Sat., Nov. 30th, 8 p.m. |}precautions were taken, as ne rived from Winnipeg yesterday | Prince Rupert's leading hotel— -" | murderers wore led through the! on the Princess Beatric Miss | Savoy. 4. @. M/NAB, General Agent | Owned and operated by the A LIBEL ON THIS should publish articles of that|¢orridors of the criminal courts! Cjitton, who resided here last| jg Grand Trunk Pacific Railwa cITY nature, without verifying | building to Justice Goff's court) i nimer with her father. is a vers ee eae : - | the American and Eu ales ; them by facts. room, The gunmen grinned atlonarming and popular young] Excellently wit A. C, Laut, in the Saturday The saeiciiiie ele, ee the determination of the sherif]jjq, and her manv friends are] ‘ | steam heat, elect ght, and Evening Post, in an article in- Pte aaa senty uavdtbien dina and his men to prevent a demon-|aaiicghted to know that «he has! rip modern conveniences, being abs Saas aia. gwd: o they not of so serious a nature eas ee eee are returned to Prince Rupert t | REY Gevt-clace in every resper 3 capo . OO } one 1lowever, Was unnecessary, as no ieee Hatta | The or . 3 . ; to this city Thousands of main permanently | N e apy . ca Canada Last?” goes to parti- move of this sort was attempt : Lod | oa . 4 aad -ople in all parts of Canada —_——_——__————- u rt @, LULU, } are equal to a ' y eo wee @ Nines oan ‘the United States i ed. In Regina the contract has bee Prince R pe § , " coast Be impression of Prince Rupert, watching Prince Rupert with al When the gun men were rang-|jet for a new telephone exchange, | No. 63 1 and at the same _ time ne pan io. ‘taking . thle Stina tie ed before the bar they were sur- three storeve and basement. to! ests a the Molecrcen Block ls made comfortable, safe and! E the credit of the southern rail h ail temehaiia ; ,p| rounded by deputies. Lewis was] ¢,,c; 875,000. | fast by using the Best Route way terminus, Vancouver subieatiaa . . ae aicitiel. aaa the first to be sentenced. He peer Pt Bet oe bey ge — . Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day ’ ° 5 such a slander cé ‘ ie a }All members of the order in the { According to the article, gazed up at the serious face of A N R . » greatest | athe villian iii H Prince Rupert's fate is sealed. De : Sate os Go he arent Justice Goff. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS: ity are requested to visit eat 0 ern y. | ' All the trade from the North.| ‘"4UTY to Prince Rupert. 1 Death Penalty Moved fas | the lodge. 4 ern country will go south to cs fhe impression that the G. tn tha Eheance of Districi At. } A. 2 tee Offers the choice of routes G. A. Sweet Manager be shipped from Vancouver, r.P. will desert Pr vee Rupert jtorney Whitman, the assistant Lester W David C0 itd | ’ my SOS. through a well settled country.| for that will be the ultimate in favor of Vancouver is an/|district attorney moved that the . " OU ies : ie D ILY TRAINS ; terminus of the G.T.P. absurdity, and did the author|death penalty be imposed At. SONS OF NORWAY = ; Particular mention is made} of the article stay for a few|'Tney Wahle, for the defence, | Meets every Thursday at 7 p. m,,| "Pom Seattle or Vancouver to| ; of the rain at Prince» Rupert, days here, and see the great read ten objections, mostiv tech- lat 319 3rd Ave. All Norwegians Chicago and all points east | : and this, it is asserted, will be mn i uw : oat nical, but these were quickly lare welcome : ° ac > . or veing done Dy le Prall- erruled and sentence pronoun- - ’ . | : a great menace to the export ; : Ce overruled a | : ie trade of the west passing bi Pee : 2 an ced ae rr . ail Rogers Steamship ; ‘thee in i 0 s great yards and dock. ees. nies eee irst Ave. and McBride St. Ox 865 | ' through this port. The climat Dhl ahe ‘s0é' tie wtaiantic des Th ntencing ver, ; ach on “Valhalla” of S.H. & E.F. Agency ; is so damp that the contents ieak wil nstruction which|"" 2" removed separately PHON (SCANDINANIAN SOCIETY Cor. Fraser and bth Choice Wines and Cigart oc inder construc or teh : MNA A a . * cars 2 ¢ * spoil- P » court roo and rushed PHONE 116 of th — war ae Sums apod is costing in the neighborhood a — or oot ree E 25 Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at + RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMPORT ed. Consequently the ship- ¢ $2.000:000 ' weed ; to the Toombs. There each was ———= | p.m. in the hall at 319 8rd Ave : of $2, is . she ol 0 as ‘ | . O19 ¢ . eee eee Se y have libelled im GTP ad mandouffed to deputies and: rush Prince Rupert, B.C. : through Vancouver. th res iia. ah k ; re a ed to the Grand Central railroad = — : e city. ad she kept awe After reading the article station An entire coach was re- | _ sruarrastewanr — UNION 5.5. COMPANY OF 8.0., Ltd 2 ‘Is eene™, as ee ‘ek ha Zs Pn and sought actual atatistics ona pond Sada euaah aie Sil id B Accountants THE IR OQ! UIs eg ene ae dee she would have found that inside the car and on the plat- versl es ros. [S80 Gad Avenve Pnene aoe The reliable steamer POOL ; while during a shower it may | Auditors for the City of Prince Rupert pert stayed in Vaneouver, in- little ; ; The up-to-date House Decora-| PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. English and American Billiards emotion on the rip, laughing rain a heavier here, 6“ ”? vested there and spent her there are far more bright days]: : tors of Prince Rupert ——____—__—— : Twelve Tables — time reading the real estate thats'in Valteeave?. She would and joking with each other thro- : es ‘ é é ‘oe 0 . ne . e,? | Alex. M. Man \< er ye = BO OP. have found that behind Prince = ee a nifi was the sign Writing.. ee We. witteme, B.A, 4%. L. B. seer portunity o deprecatme Rupert are more abundant re- ee = = ‘rive P anc } SS vee el +. pana eee Sere pone mn only one of the murderers to Paper-Hanging WILLIAMS & MANSON Arrive from Vancouver | = SS ments and tone of the article : : thank Attorney Wahle for his Barristers, Solicitors, Etc every TUESDAY morning | . in Canada. She would have | : . Empr | ier ee uae hee discovered that ‘the rs oy the efforts in their behalf, He shook Our Speciaities Box 285 | ess Bowling Alleys ’ ; : ; from the real estate pamphlets form, The prisoners showed no : | and sails for Vancouver| . 7 | by the southern tity which aieleeliatien EER Renoth ” te carte Wahle’s hand as he was led “Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, B. C. AND POOL ROOM fears the growth of Prince Ru- the wealth f fish oe , from the court room. The final| “We always deliver the goods.” | every WEDNESDAY at 2 //) 4 a.cevs 12 TABLES > wee sheries ° . ; 9 mest Lasesions @ E pert - : eres 7 appeal, Wahle said .would be fil. | 2nd Street Phone 156 Green p.m Best Fitted one M A { ’ timber in the hinterland ef the -m. the ‘ ed within a week ALFRED CARSS, Cc. V. BENNETT, B.A. | ‘ . are Ave. , It is a shame that a paper Metropolis of the Novth were | of British Colimbia of B.C., Ontario, Sas- | The “Camosun has the HM. E. ROSS, Prop. J as widely read and well known greater than behind any one and Manitoba Bare. katehewan and A'- SISA . a . : Fashion in Colors. G largest and most comfort- as the Saturday Evening Post city she could name. i aie eorgetown CARSS & BENNETT | is to be great demand s | able rooms of any steamer —_——— BARRISTERS, Notaries, Erc. ; — aaa and winter for rather e | Office Albert Block, Second Avenue. i on this route, . 1 ee sombre shades of browns, greens Sawmill Co Ltd. oiinaaeiaibaiaiiiatiimassiticeas Bas cae | t and reds. Among the lighter . C O A L i ; shades in vogue the favorites will L 1m one vee eee Rogers Steamship Agency | | be lovely chestnut browns and um OHN E. DAVEY the | i‘ L Best on Apples Apples’ Potatoes Potatoes ber ce Now Wallington Coal. Be a a: vty | | soft silver greys. a TEACHER OF SINGING Phone 116 a Ce sf . Two cars from | 3 cars Highland Miss D. Curwen, of Liverpool, Mouldings PUPIL OF WM. FOKON, ESQ, A.R.A.M., LON. ENG oa Phone 116 Roger Wenat 2 cars Ashcroft created a new world’s record for CARTAGE eal chee LINDSAY'S “Stonace Coast | | | Wehave what you 300 yards at Seacombe Baths on The Apple is the Best are looking for : Wednesday. She swam the large tah. : course in 4 minutes 25 2-5 see. at ao a 4 UNDERTAKERS EMB. G. T. P. Transfer Agents PRINCE RUPERT FEED u the Price is Right | Price is Right onds, an improvement of 5 4-5 lumber a specialty. Delivery a