A LancesT CIROULATION w orry AND NORTHERN BRITION COLUMBIA pe a Legislative Librare THE DAILY NE Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ———ee— og — — ES von, U1, NO. 284 PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©., TURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1942. ——— SS TT PRICE FIVE CENTS CHINA AND RUSSIA MAY GO TO WAR ANY HOUR | + MAYOR NEWTON WANTS EXPERT: PETERS BLAMES GOVERNMENT FOR LACK OF FRANCHISE MAYOR NEWTON WANTS EXPERT ADVICE ON THE DEAD BYLAW DELAY IN ARMISTICE WAR BETWEEN CHINA Balkans and Turkey Will Protocol Today. Special to Daily News. | Two Nations May Resort to Arms at Any Moment Is the Asser- BLACK BRUTE FIRM e Is Supposed to Have Abducted. Special to Daily News. Constantinople, Dee That} WOULD PUT CITY TO EXPENSE OF EXPERT'S ADVICE NOW | Sk escent “ Con oF yoreignere. Chicago, Dec. 2.Jack Johnson ih mning «o a irleen aay _ THAT THE BYLAW HAS GEEN DEFEATED — WOULD o 1 to Deily N declares that in spite of the ef- NOT CONSIDER iT WHEN A LIVE ISSUE. Tn re ee ne ee i a ower bes forts of the officials he will marry ‘ j im, ec. 2 ar between : yee erms will be delayed unt ‘ id ait: ie |Lucille Cameron, the white girl i ane ssia nays e @ . discussi broke the Ma New rrow is the announcement 7 z : , whom he is accused of dbducting, ft ( ‘oo . ‘a he ide here today pected at any time is the asse j as le ounes ner i ‘ ibe fore the day is over. bla { Ald , I . jtion'« if well posted eigners tl ght. and the fy klas The ubée occ wn nase ne iene tiimanen a yho was cogitetitt’ soa ated A PASSING CRAFT jday. The Chinese occupation o NEW BLOCK READY wid calm of the evening Saas h the Mongolian tow of Kobd i i re eitilllinainen nued debate on the 4 h f and asserted that Th Sniff Yacht Is Unseaworthy; ores tly ré wy s the Rey ose ion oe Parkin-Ward Co. and 8. Harrison | ie times Bach night), was blaming the Ma the Garbage Scow Is Leaking, eas Tew eet uncer the Occupy New Quarters. ght forward for rt f , mip! t. j aaah but Will Be Fixed. | Mo ngolian movement and as on. Now the board) ing of a bylaw pee : 7a rs ws tet The Parkin-W ard Electric Co., i avt : meolia t : int as choice ealing with Hayner Bros His Worship i sible \s was forecasted in The News| a rer ™ = ' Ltd., are busily engaged today in board f i ‘ , but to yield or tight , ac ! he lie sensa f the |yesterda an official report was} moving into their spacious new ght have’ been a BUllly | eye g h ce he hea rade the Couns that the} . . hi quarters in the recently com- . = het | Mw RE JA e 3 whieh prompted | of YQ tiol he i i thelgrand old vesse rown fa ind | m E. NE pleted Hyde Block ,opposite the Ma Newton to continually re-| Coune f the ‘ d sick wide, which time afte e has] post office. Oecupying, as it does i the , , _,| At the Empress Theatre Wedn ; ; : he ( neil that he was the hiring of a1 x} forcibly drawn the attention a ons Tewesen, @ ednes-~ one of the best business locations for Hayners’ sign it} sider the ate aie d sew passengers on the incoming ves y 4t hand on | at present in the city, this long f its mot complying | scheme sels the leaward of he civ , established and well known firm he bylaw at the present] — —_e —|sniff yacht has become unsea Rejat tia i ideal are to be congratulated upon se- ejane, i fl e jong er. Bul whether it was a guilty Continued on Page 4. worthy Robbed of its natura ‘on . swad th a Me : curing for their place of busi- suasio slaves e title ole ¢ strength by the prevailing high \ : ness a store so eminently suited fadame Sans-Gene with her : | vinds, the once noble craft | for the display of their large | | gina ompany to make this 7 : w but little better than a water-| . stock of electrical fittings and picture play, is the foremost com- ogged scow accessories, as well as the various BILLED FOR THURSDAY BREAKING OF BONES edienne of France Sardou, the | The Council will hold a special) guamatist. who > ne wrote | #asoline engines for which they Imeeting on Wednesday evening | fai ites) 1 thoape 1 are the agents. The other half failure, devoted ¢ lis ragice . Big Fistic Tourney in Mcintyre, L. S. Bell Asks” City to Pay Time | whi a expert’ will report shniaue. tor Mab years to whlicl?’ “te Didae were fitted up and Hall on Thursday Evening— | and Doctors for Accident the cos f repairing boa beni fy f tha jupholstered for the real estate x a ostume cConpec oO el . Good Exhibitions. | on Sixth Street. pinaster mnatiin ly tied which would |2t™ of 8. Harrison & Co., and | poleoni rerio Ww c oul | | Harry C. Evans, pia tuner, is} sh a the i. juero { Europe a vill be shortly ready for occupa- ; | t< et >» orders i ay- F : or ving peo| a Mr. L. 8. Bell w he ¢ |! wn. Leave ord — an who laughed and played : will have a p- |i pla we that he had stepy jhers 277tf as we as wal He gave eats Sidldn'& looee beard in 'the wollte | 4 a ements (oan shaiean ats fur Resse JAPANESE SEALERS GET Phe ost deta! ant Poaeey ssvoes| AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. |: ious'sciestenoe sh <> 9) ABeE SUM OF MONEY tv in Retior 0 Sixth With the sult! ITY) every res ce of the body ‘ ents have beer viej that it had ¢# away with his | TO BE FORMED IN C » secure her startling staccato —- i boxing tourney offand he sustained a bruised | | els She iopends less on im Compensation for Loss of « to be held Me.| 4nd severa bs. He had no n | Meeting Called This Evening to} *!"*' h than a ther great ac- Occupation They Receive n Thursday even-|tention of s x the i b n Consider the Advisability of = ''">> the time, and as a result $600,000. ing. 7 Tair will be one that|thought that the city might see Forming Society. she is the idea! artiste for the th triclest prin | the ir way clea 0 -lnburse motion play, Nearly $600,000 have been set iteur boxing him to the extent the wages he| There wv } ee Sarah Bernhardt in Dumas’ aside by the Japanese government t “ 1 bouts w bel had lost d i his confinement . olional masterpieee will be) to compensate the sealers of that sund bouts ve} had | luring f i a a , ‘ fore the main event of| and also th dical bills he haa |‘""* Pe 7 ait @\) resented on the photo sereen|land, who were deprived of their vhich z } ; laneurs i as a . the j8 ocloes for the purpose of lak-/ with Rejane, making up an even-| occupation by the sealing treaty eg, whi iil be ¢ ree > : | ; : q i tion between B ! ng steps toward laying the plans] ing’s entertainment of the world’s | passed at Washington, D.C. The ‘ mm ” eel rat cs 1. rT Wash ane ‘ Seolicito Peters pointed |f holding an agrici i] and|areatest artiste who ever posed| number of applications for com- Prince Rupert the it that he thought that the |»»jneral exhibition next fa Phe| Vith their companies for the ani-| pensation is 1,530, and while the 8 va was a private e put there }mated photo camera, majority of these are bona fide ! i Wo vy th tizer eee eee Oe penerane —- there are many that will be cut : events will be ex , ihe citizens } : . "eas i May Newt formed th | Bullock-Webster, who has eve Resolution of Sympathy. out. The amounts to be allotted es . ive Classes ‘ o formes e] : ! | aa hit ' d that he had ked into |‘ VIROOS SRR PCaSS: eeeren oe The Co last evening| were decided at a recent confer- ‘ = n - ’ ~ ° ve ah ; ele th s matter The public are} passed unanimously a resolution|ence of the committee of appor- ese ove at ri “ it er an ‘ i ‘ : ; : tt < 7 : \ f the walk was a private|' arnestly requested to attend the) of condolence with the bereaved|tionment, the gunners being the ey i ve said t uve I t ‘ 5 vate | tis nen tas , ; i all . the council might do some. | meeting, whieh will be open to all. family of the late Alfred Thomas, | first claimants, followed by the : rhe” ae en —— o h ; the matter as the youns who lost his life in the aceident|captains and the ruddermen, le 4 < a : wel i i : id the a> ‘ ” - "WD . r , hard mi ; a * f ¥ Was of the mos spect- A Balkan War. to the fire engine,’ The Couneil| Word of the decision of the com- r . ; weal we Swe ' - { ; ' Martinovich, wh hails} also expressed the great loss | mittee was received upon the ar- a an and sever: able characte Jose artinovic 0 i p : is } ae a Aa It will be further d i atifrom that blous quarter of} Sustained by the city in the pass- rival of the Sado Maru at Van- Live promise o wing | ‘ SCUSEES rom ee PONIIOU _ . . —_ “ ‘ le , pos f marked fistic ability.|the special meeting on Wednes- |the European continent known ing of Mr Thomas, who was an) couver. | i { j day evenin la th Near East r the Bal excellent employee of the city | It is more than likely that the ’ id 0 ‘lass Joe; ca eve - as the ‘é ast, “ ‘ al- ; Lane w x with P hve n, th ; loos peninsula, was fined $10 and and a model citizens, |payment to the sealers will be eterson, the aneveiiiinninmepneetasinnns an a, Wi re : Ra & Swede Kingston and| Heavy Fine for a Biow. costs in the police court this made at the end of = gs Va “ hook at 4135 poutids Vancouve Wash., Nov 1 morning by Magistrate MeMullin Strike Is Over. or carly me Raeeeber. Fhe ro Bhile « Sherman and Todd|Because he resented a remark|for handing a punch on the nose Pittsburg, Dec, 2. Confident | anese goversment has lost little oes , ead ; that the trainmen’s strike is|time in co.sidering the claims of P ‘ppear in the 445 yound | made about the water in Klickitat |te a compatriot of the name. of : | tlas me S by Perry Dougla ind|Emil Gril, proprietor of the B, C broken, the officials of the Car-|their sealers and are compen- ‘ rings b glas, andi iril, pro or o o : , , sr “4 Douglas over the head with|Gafe, on Eighth — street The | Besie Steel Company have re-|sating them with large sums, SERENE > iw k as « we i : ) ’ ‘ ad : ; all “ " A ‘ . Dalby, the well known pros n iron plane, Isadore Martin is/trouble arose dver a dispute sumed activities with a large which will partly, if not wholly, beets | miner { oe fined: 2.000 and costs. which willlabout money matters, and Jose force of strike breakers rhe| make up for the losses they have ine er, returnec ' a i osts i uu i . 7 Te lee ; ay : er ss r ss m Me Princess May yesterday ee approximate 81,000 Douglas is/has learned the bitter lesson so trikers are holding a conference eraeine ee “ rs 4 Visit the south and is regis. {confined to bis bed and it is e¥-joften taught that resort to vio- and a serious outbreak is feared, a . a ok sea aaa 3g “1 at the Windsor Hotel pected he will remain there fi ellence is no way to settle these British P ‘ se re 4 — a on ° ae acme time Both parties had ex-|matiers, whether one be right or ‘ m “ ~ , - R t ™ "os th k lisa t ee neve 2c 2. . s y ) - Pantorium Pione Cc) vert witnesses on hand to explain}/wrong in the premises, Geneva, et ritish t is with Keen disappoin Phone 4 este c ' protectorate over Egypt is likely|ment mixed with a little bitter their points eee ” . . : . to be announced shortly. feeling that the local sealers —,.... . ” = - Murphy Authorized Story —_— a hear of the payment to the Jap- ‘ag vi ” TT . re 2 Chicago, Dec, 2.—The Fogel Basket Ball. anese of their compensation story attacking President Lyneh Callies .vs. Creseents; Men's | money. So far the Canadian EMPRESS ° ] HEA ] RE and his umpire system reeently /Qwn ws. Rovals. At the Auditor-| government has taken no steps . appeared in the Post, Regarding ium tonight, Game called at 8.) to reimburse the Victoria sealers, it Mr, Forman says: Charles | Admission 25e 2R4 When the treaty was passed each Codela A Attraction W Musony Samaras me to tell x: _|eountry was to appoint commis. Photoplays | Fogel that Murphy had suggest- sions to consider the claims of W, ed writing the story, On this their sealers. Japan has ful- ‘se 0 roge P : : . ee ednesday - Thursday, Dec. 4-5 } "0" tee sr mF The Bhpictmag Problem {iiss ery siawae im the aro signed i e se © Murphy, jment and so has the United The Divine vho read it before I ever saw it |States, Nothing is known con- ime to me from Murphy's It is none too early to be &jcerning Russia. Canada has ind if Murphy had not ap- Planning for Christmas, and 3/done nothing and the sealers are that story il would never if vou would like te know naturally very much irritated im Her All-Star Parisian Company in e n published Phe 7 something of our large “CAMILLE”’ norally responsible for variety of giveable things Presbyterian Club M iiicle and the charges it} would ask you to make an His Honor Judge Young will me 66 M S G 7 Murphy himself and early visil to our store address the Presbyterian Club - R ‘ | ejane in me. Jans ene ’ Fogel’s own word for it We invite you to make in lon Wednesday evening, at the te it simply ‘to help Nica . ar : ‘ , . § : At f Mirth, Laughter and Exeitement by Victori , M an , a lelligent, comparisons echureh hall, Pourth avenue n ® \l ght - i ee nN we ‘ v mings ode . . e \ Napoleonie comedy Photoplay Rivalling th ! ral We Are Open Evening Modern Methods in the Treat o‘e : 0 wv als § Living Stage ae ’ ynent f Criminals, with Par ; ticular Referenee to Juvenile De Reserved Beats ov ¢ enisy hrough a Daily News linquents 4 musical pro oe Poet heee ne “a. : ' 3rd Ave. Jewellers Box 76 % cramme will also be given Ohildren Ol Heserved) fo Gen ee PHONE 122 Everybody weleome, No admis Cece ee Best room in town at the Savoy. | sion fee, 284.285 FRANCHISE CURTAILED THAT AND RUSSIA IS NEAR sohneen Says Me Will Marry Girt | GOVERNMENT MAY GET MONEY i Mr. William Manson, M. L ai l wrote to the Couneil in reference to the touring the to changing and improving the Mu- nicipal Clauses act and the con- of municipalities, Mr. Manson had tried to get the com- royal commission province with a view ditions mission to sit in Prince Rupert, but this was found to be impos- sible, he advised the Couneil to make any representations they had to the secretary by writing that they might be ineluded in the report which would be sub- mitted to the Provincial House on its opening, MISS FULTON GIVEN A DANCE BY HER FRIENDS Bachelor Friends of Miss Fulton Give Farewell Dance in Her Honor sv The the last night, Roman of given by of Miss prvor Vancouver Catholic hall was scene a very jolly danee the bachelor Fulton, a her depariure Friday friends as farewell, to for on morn- ing next. ‘About fifteen couples in the gayest of spirits went through a programme of twenty dances, not including extras, and de- manded encores to every num- ber. The music was furnished by the Westholme orchestra, which fulfy sustained its reputation of supplying dance musie of the highest order. The party was under the charpeonage of Mrs. H. Ward. Miss Fulton, who has heen a member of the hospital staff for the past two years, one of Prince Rupert's most popular and fascinating young ladies. Her departure will be regretted by a host of friends, The fol- lowing were present; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ward, Mr and Mrs. Mustard, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cambie, Mr. and Mrs. Broadhurst, Dr. and Mrs, Cade, Miss Fulton, Miss Sylvia Jemns, Miss Ivy Jenns, Miss Drummond, Miss Ellett, Miss Martin, Miss Mercer, Miss Thompson, Miss Reitchell, Miss Johnstone, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Gamble, Mr. War- ton, Mr. Crew, Mr. Taylor, Mer. McGee, Mr. Heatheate, Mr. Crip- pen, Mr, Mr. MePhaden, Mr. Jardine, Mr. Harris, Mr. Doyle and Mr. Wilson. is Cole, THE WEATHER. The weather report at 5 o'clock this morning read: Barometer, 29.258; maximum temperature, 42; minimum temperature, 37; precipitation, 1,06 inches. Christmas Trips. If you are contemplating a trip east, or to the Old Country, we would be pleased to quote you rates by the GREAT NORTHERN RY. Through trains to Chieago without change. We are agents for all the best ATLANTIC OCEAN LINES Reservations made without extra cost, No trouble to give all information. Tickets good by any boat from Prince Rupert. The Rogers | Steamship Agency. 276tf | A large assortment Crackers at Stalker |Phones 187 andi3o. Find it through a Daily Want Ad,” of Xmas Wells. Vast A News |CITY SOLICITOR PETERS SAYS TH THAT THE GOVERNMENT DO NOT ALLOW EQUITY RIGHTS BECAUSE THEY WANT MONEY FOR pammeatabe stains Fees. Afier considerable discussion it was left to the city solicitor and the Finance committee to report on Wednesday evening. Mr. Peters mentioned that one of the things they wanted a change in would be the fact that only registered property holders could vote. This he character- ized as manifestly unfair and said that, in his opinion, it was done so that the government could obtain more revenue from the registry office. Alderman Montgomery favored the recall, but this seemed to frighten His Worship and sev- eral of the aldermen. GRIFFITH PLAYERS ARE GOOD IN A HARD PLAY satility of the Griffith Company The Griffith Stock Company continue to draw full houses and the play produced last evening was on ethat had to be handled with eonsiderabie care. The char acters were well cast and one and all played their parts with great suceess., The play shows the absolute power, the master has over the slave in Russia, a power so very often greatly abused. Miss Lillian Griffith, as Coun- tess de Manleon, was very real- istic, differing absolutely from her cast in “The Little Mother,” proving her versatility as an ac- tress. Mr. Richard Frazier most cessfully essayed one of hardest roles he has yet ‘tempted in Prince Rupert, that of Ivan Korvich, the slave fav- ored by his old master ,tasting the joys of freedom, only to be iriven back to serfdom, humilia- ted in the eyes of the woman he foves by the cruel new lord and master, the Count Karakoff. , As Karakoff, Mr. Rex Snel- grove was excellent, playing the part in a manner that left noth- ing to be desired. Mr. Harry Lancaster was per- haps at his best, as the busy American artist, the true friend of Ivan, and kept the house in a happy mood, with bright and breezy acting. Miss Dorothy Mitchell in the small but dificult part of the old Princess Lodeski, showed mark- ed ability, giving a strong in- terpretation of a trying charac- ter part. The other members were all good in their various roles, Miss Zana Vaughn, making a charm- ing and piequante French maid in love with Larry, played by Mr. suc- the at- Roy Brennam. Mr. Griffith, as the old serf Khor, was as usual, excellent. —_——_—-——_—-— mY" LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Miss Hurst, stenographer in the eity clerk's office, has re- signed her position. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters and Mr. Gerald Peters have taken up their residence for a short time at the Central Hotel, Strictly fresh eggs, 65 cents a dozen. Stalker and Wells, phones 187 and 430, 280tf Mrs. Wright has returned to take up her residence in Prinee Rupert, occupying her house on First avenue, whieh during her absence was rented by City 8o- | licitor Fred Peters, “Slaves of Russia” Proves Ver-— $ + emia, ns te ee ee