es TME DAILY NEWS ~ | SIX PRISONERS ESCAPE | FROM VANCOUVER JAIL ‘Hastings Townsite Under Fear of from Men Who THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. lea ss Violence df dail. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates Escape ’ von on application. 4 | Vancouver, oc 1 se tlers dn Hastings townsite and SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Dai.y, 50¢ On ae ae aaa eh gman ao = re a = ivieinity are greatly alarmed over Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly Ei sai tae le Volsdeaiie bite in advance. jthe fac at s sone lthe chain gang of the Hastings} eT ltownsite gaol, who suceeeded in making their escape yesterday Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C, Telephone 98. about 56:30 in the afternoon, have BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES not been recaptured yet New Yor«—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City Owing . the , oad : a ~ men can a we identined even hs SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. their regulation suits alone, the LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar jresidents of the townsite are in Square. fear of the security of their Supscrisers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of homes, They believe that an at non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. tempt will be made by those who mr laa have escaped to change theit Se ; a : mt . és |prison clothes for mufti and ter a ae Puesday, Dec, 3, 1912 jrorize the neighborhood by de DAILY EDITION : , P oe manding food under pain of vio lence | Teacher—What can vou says . . . . | of the Medes and Persians? torl otes ] S Young America—I never kep track of those minor eng jteams Harper's Weekly but now they have been turned down by an almost 2-to-1 vote he would spend that money. | ” | a NEWTON WANTS AN EXPERT. Mayor out comes Newton this time | | | co. | Of the making of curious ship} shooting of a suggestio at " . eae uggestion : PUBLIC MEETING | SARAH BERNHARDT which is in perfec accore i or ‘ ead : : 4 INCE RUPERT, B.C. | = ten j Bowes of materials, delicacy and|O™. Y0Ur Way fo Sunday s¢ hool, | r Railway Started ed to Clean Up Rob-| trish Railway Men Threaten to jhoroygchness of design. and/*!#ernon. What do you expect Se a bers, Who Have Been at Strike and English Workers | strange incidental circumstances, |'© earn today? Alex. @. Mancon, B. A. Work for Years. Sympathize. la model which at present adorns| 4!€ernon—Well, I expect to W. &. Williams, 8. A., L. L. B. | sar > ate of > pie 3 ” etieaiiek mon Spdbde of the! ' if table in the office of British ae ante date of the picnic for WILLIAMS & MANSON Saskatoon, Dec. 2. eo e London, Dee. 2.—A_ general! Columbia's Attorney General © 5 2 . a ; " ~ arristers, Solicitors, Etc. biggest roundups of criminals | railroad i the | Hon. yt Bowser. Gould. bees . ; on don , ever undertaken in the west ever, be hard to outelass g : at nited Kingdom is likely to oecur ° . , Heigereon Biock Prince Rupert, B. Cc. going on at the present time in It is a steamer model and true [ t W 0 id C td | Sutherland, near here, by the very Wovee : in every detail of ine and equip- eS er . avi 0,, as ee om C. P. R. authorities. Ireland is the seat of the UB-| ment, The maker was the Jap- | ALFRED CARSS, Cc. ¥. BENNETT, B.A. For the last five years whole-|rest, the men claiming that the|anese Takahashi, executed at the of British Colambia of B.C., Ontario, Sao- and Manitoba Bars. katehe sale robberies of merchandise | railroads have not lived up to|Kamloops jail in early August for patehewen and A have been taking place from/the settlement made through the!the shooting of a compatriot | CARSS & BENNETT Canadian Pacific cars. During |conciliation board last August,|/named Omori, the sequel of a | BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, ETc. the whole of last year the com-j|by which they agreed to keep the |/bunkhouse jangle chiefly pro- | Gino Albert Bing. Geese Avenee. yvany had special detective D. H.)| peace , ‘ee years “e . ‘akahe : i : ———_— ated of a York Ans eta’ aah pe - + three " ars. duced by drink. lakahashi was] Pirst Ave. McBride St. Box 865 | I Job, Inglish employees have nojan ex-sailor, and as soon as he | P.O, BOX 22 PRINCE RUPERT ul TRUNK PACIF \c 5.5. PRINCE RUPERT (ert leaves for Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle FRIDAYS, 9 A.M. “PRINCE JOHN” Granby Bay, For Port Simpson, Stewart, Naa 1 ith ane 18th For Masset and Naden Harbor, 12 p. For Skidegate, Aliford Bay and other Qy n Cha Nov, 10th, @4th, Dee. at G. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER ee No. 2 leaves Prince Rupert 10 4 m. W 1 Grand Trunk Railway cenin (The Double Track one Nine month excursion rates in effect f ' with the excursions and fast trains of | Gra Agency for all Atlantic Steamehip Lines. Fo: atl informatio: appl A. EB. MOMABTER, denora wry te Ae B.C, COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE surety || PRINCE RUPERT Ny SPEED a SERVICE A N N E xX FAMOUS PRINCESS LINE U CANADIAN PACIFIC rt LA S. 8. PRINCESS MAY Southbound Sat, Dec. 7th, 8 p.m. S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE Southbound— Sunday, Dec. 8th, 8 p.m. 4. @. M'NAB, Genera! Agent Owned a | | | lis made }fast by Grand Trunk P I the American a Excellently fu steam heat rl modern conveniences, being abs p lutely first-class every respect The appointments a coast safe and Route rtable, Best comfe using the Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day The Great Northern Ry. Offers | the choice routes G. A. Sweet. Manager through a well settled country 3 DAILY TRAINS From Seattle or Vanecou and all poinfs east Rogers’ Steamship Agency PHONE 116 sr Savoy Hote d 5th PALAC! or Cor. Fraser ar RUPERT'S COMFOR ‘WON SS, COMPANY OF B.C. rrye> pROQUOIS POOL rhe reliable steamer yglish and A 6 9 Eng ar mosun Twelve Tables SECON Arrives from Vancouve! Sn x= every TUESDAY morning a di. Empress Bowling Alleys payin ses Se gmany AND POOL ROOM every WEDNESDAY at 2 ))) 4 atteys 42 TABLES p.m. ; Best Fitted and . * ‘ ‘ The “Camosun has the H. E. ROSS, Prop Grd Ave largest and most comfort SS SFA able rooms of any steamer | on this route, — COAL Rogers Steamship Agency from information obtained six! grievance, but may strike out of|wa laced > ec . g i " i 0 as placed in the condemned houses were searched on war-| sympathy. cell to await the expiation of his PHONE 25 JOHN E. DAVEY | How Wellington Coa! Best on the ae _—— crime, employed his time in Pri R B TEACHER OF SINGING Chess TW Coast | This resulted in two men being Natural Hesitation modelling two ships ne f rince Rupert Cc R & Blac . ‘ 8, one o , . . j . i po gers arrested and over $1,000 worth) “Now that your parents have|whieh he expressed a wish (o Pee ee ‘Phone 116 of goods recovered. put you through college, why are|have sent to Hon. -Mr. Bowser | It has been brought to light|you waiting before you pick outlafter his execution, with his e ® LINDSAY’ ee | (0, that the plot involves Canadian|a career?” compl . f accor a cé } ympliments. Tt was accord. HA i Pacific employees in every de-| “Why,” replied the sweet girllingly sent on August 29th last vers es ros. YNER BROS. G. T. P. T f | PRINCE RUPERT FEED ae oy qvery re ' UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMERS ransfer Agents | partment. Many more arrests! graduate, “I'm waiting to see ifipy Warden John Vicars, who in Punera) Directors j | are expected to be made within| someone won't pick me out.” jan accompanying letter says The up-to-date House Decora- nats ie indie Sein eh ol Com promptly filled Prices reasonabie, Dealers the next twenty-four hours, A} ee “~ am sending you by express tore of Prince Rupert oe ee wanes 'HAY GRAIN FEED AND number of “fences stores The Reason Why. the model of a steamer made by Si W iti roe — me eee >i He on reading wom pemenees who was executed two e ign riting.. SEEDS 2» are spotted and wi ve) a newspaper Suffragist speak-|weeks ago. I may say that it is . ‘Little’ NEW, raided today for stolen property.|er hackled by a county fair. Ha, |entirely made of scraps of paper, Paper-Hanging E. L. FISHER es ency -- ha! Even the geese are against|/with the exception of a little Our Specialties Funeral Director and Embaimer Sioch Fool Sw Weniia Sed ube obell nuts| woman suleasie, wey doer?’ a ee eae eee 2 _mmanees REASONABLE Magazines :: Periodicals :; Newspapers | Agents for the International Stock F ey Ss din 2 poeta | She ied ai : + pie 2 ' cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 356 one. ei — . ge Ba sonlennpinensly That's land rigging, and glued together|“We always deliver the goods.” OPEN DAY AND NIGHT CIGARS :: TOBACCOS FRUITS 30. 283tf because they are geese. with the prisoner's porridge. Hel@nd Street Phone 156 Green 2nd Ave. Below Kalen Island Club) yai onpens promrrLy aTrenvee © —_ — —— ——— SE : P : cece Why Did the City Editor Leave so Suddenly? —Drawn for The Dally News by “Ho? [NOW MY IDE@ Is TO LIGHT A MATCH AND SEE I= IT REALLY is A Bome! REALLY 15 A Bonn! Boss IVE GoTa AN’ SHE. WAS AFRAID TO : CORKER OF A STORY Touch iTSOI PUTIT HERE IN MY COAT - UNDER MY COAT AND A LADY FOUND A BROUGHT IT BACK To THE OFFice ! THEN \F IT IS AREAL) | BOMB-We'LL BE THE ONLY PAPER To Have Is THE STORN AND —/ TO WoRK - Now WHERE THE Dicivens 1S WE Gone? ~ }? InTE® SYND ‘ @ "418