112 December 3 3 THE DAILY NEWS puesd@) —————————— r —_— Pee ‘URCHASE NOTICES LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. Servian Women. ihe | IDENT MURPHY EXPO GIFTS LAND : - "4 | There is no eountry i od | ‘cupY a fet Of COMM)! skeona Land District—Distriet of Coast,! wr il where women oceuy ; pistriet Distr ! : ‘ , “ seers Land Ditte Y | Nange V. nore dignified or honored powls The time for Xmas Shopping is drawing close. We are pre : Gedrge Kh. Naden, of Fake notice that |, Albert Lopas, of| More fervia a he finest assortment of ae that i Broker, intends| Prince Rupert, B- ¢ ocoupation pros-liinn in the home than Servit pared to cater to your wants with the ines ss . oe ak t CE chlo 0 ) ri sale . ‘ : reas as pe lease the fol-| pe tor, itend t apply for permission to ' satan , eS thal we ave a iy for bernie CONNEC Bt Pest py ands: |The Servian idea is quite me thir ce or QL high-class JEWELRY and NOVELTE cont app”? bed < lanted about COMMeCnCHe at & post planted about 90 » Turk, who . cons were nothing more o : il is cordially invited. win vancing at 8 pony Eeaee from| chains south of Graveyard eves telegraph ent from that of the 1 et Charles Wadclutcher Murphy | simolec gidelion vie Murph shown. Your inspeetion = n a sourt chains, thence} office and being on the south side of the — « women behind shu leas than reduc ings Until 10 p.m jiste » east BO chains, KEE] hi i vy lemon by Open Even 's Cove, thence east Te Corie ine to] Skeene River, thence south 40 chains, German, Wwhosel|was handed a nice juir ¢ f Heinie’s seads for the sea - Horch 80 chains, inet 80 chains to] thence east do chains, thence north 40) doors, or the German, ‘ ‘ribes when he tried!” themcement, containing ¢40) chains, thence west 40 chains to post of leal woman is a good “haus-|ithe Chicago scribes vy son's labors. R W i of commencemen, ess ent, containing 160 acres more| ideal worms | woman is t over an Andrew Carnegie And the tad from the Bronx rc in a . r less. 7" . NADEN or less frau In Servia the wo t to pu ove t é ne » G.T P. vcret oo Crone Agent, ALBERT LOPAS, | ; i \ ro day. Murphy wouldn't “ver have manhandled the Official Watch Inspector - per Dente! Sis . Dated August 24th, 1919 jthe companion of the man the other da ! would neve con ated seprember 1m, wun. Cope. 88, 1018 man is responsible for his un- pay a nickel a foot for a corner ecush again if it hadn't been for sept. 2 , . i non an He's so elose . maler of Troy. Johany “ t—District of Coast,/ Skeena Land District—pistrict of Coast,| married sisters, and throughou lot im Paradise ! _ the shoe dealer ; the Cube 5 Land District y Kange V the Balkan states*it is considered with the coin that when he gets Evers, who will manage the ibs,|¢ she ihe Merritt, of Prince Take flotice that I, Thomas A, Roy, of the Balkan ‘ite for * dollar in his mitt he » fellow who gave the! ike notice that vonstable intends to/ Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation mt rather a breach of etiquette a silver dolls I Lit \* as the Webb M ny | upatiol of » the fol vector, intend to apply for permission to ada a , , i! . : ae oof siberty|.., tin =. ebb urp | rmission 10 purchase purcbése the following described lands: |hiny to marry before his older starts the Godde lanasthetie to cas oun ae ing described lands: planted on_ the Commencing @t & post planted on the sister No Servian girl would] qaneing the Salon: If Christo land made him = she ou | ‘ nn gues amas Hiver, about} south bank of the Skeena Kiver and about head é i ean hack to] Peary (ime Mur phy sep I gnk of the indian shack, thence/ 2 miles southeast of the mouth of Shames feel she could hold up her hea pher Columbus é aun lmoney Ever . a jr "ence nl a gaa 30 ak ion, cheney orth GO chaiue tases in iety unless she could speak piteh the opening game of the} irates his handeulfls from #2 his haine, mee west 40/80 chains, thence north 80 chains, nee soc pare as ' ‘south yA Oe, comeat, contain-| east 80 chains to post of cotmane Heement,| 514) inzuages, There is hardly world’s series Murph vouldn't heart loses a couple of beat ite post oO , . containing 640 acres more or less ' i ow . _ > ‘ aire ne ie ee ‘’ mre RAITT Locator I 1A t t ae A. ROY a Servian woman who cannot ee ye ‘he i. | “ aes a he | ue , . ul a five f 0 b ‘ Agent ated August 26th, 1913 atrument m » first ba lealits when he hands o ‘ a. G. Fallowfield, Pub oe 3 ' some musical instru out the fi sa Sept. 28, 1912 , | ? wed_ september, dnd, 1018 , x teotde painting, drawing and] aneway. the story about Mut | ener Why Not Give a Watch Gent 7, Skeena Land District—pDistrict o Coast, om L ntiod e . ° : a ” oe f Coast ae Range IV sculpture are all well studied iphy that the seribes pulled off i Evers, when he took the club Nothing you could give w v4 yistrict oO oast, . ‘ Mogridge, ‘ . . » ) ne out : nee , ght | - a sgeena Land lg . if Van = ~ a solutes era. in Polities are a popular feature la peacherette, Murphy came ou put the commercial thing righ would be more appreciated t an : tice that Thomas i oe ¢ tends to apply for permission to purchase) women Servian women) with a neat typewritten missive traight up to the spendthrift.| qpod Wotch—such aathe one hows ee. Of ation clerk, Intends follo described lands sang . , pa | OOF ‘ san | ; est qual- kirk yr teehee to purehase the fol =e mmmencine et ‘ “post planted on the are very domesticated, and the! onion he dealt to the member He informed Murphy that unk above. The case is the fin t tall wpply for Derr ands . foreshore, about 2 miles distant in @ ‘ pew personal at. ihe press, stating thal he had seled off the fines he had ity gold filled and contains a y w oe at @ post planted on an orthwesterly direction from kKumeolon highest ladis | I of the p : he peeled o vel vement mn Mie easterly from Indian re niet, and about 500 feet south of a small trivial matters of ade Heinze Zimmerman a pres- sked on Heinie, Lou Riche and guaranteed 15 Jewel mo — | omouth Of Quinamas River, thence | let, 0 chains, thence north tention to made i. tacked of ; his perfectly plain and A mouth of Qu ae. est| Day, thence east 30 chains, ; — are two ; ‘teen stone stickpin,| . go to gwehenna The beauty of this " : serve at s to river bank thence w sO chains, thence west 30 chains more or) housekeeping Chet ' ent of ninete Schulte he could ge | ! 4 ; de still more attractive io coe river ban thence My reshe thence southerly follow an Pe in ; t g a couple of Trov would reliable Watch is ma back hains (OO ees east 40 ains to} 'ess he so ros t 1 int of mmence- Women doctors practicing the pick weighing lbefore the titbit of re by engraving @ m on the back. w ‘ hains B i Yr: sreshore oO po of co : an Mmonogra : ri 40 Chominencement, containing 160 ment, ¢ ntaining 90 acres more or less Belgrade, and women teachers) ) 4 wap, Also in the letter wa manage his ball team, | “The illustration is only two-thirds t pos? r les ' MOGRIDGE ove» . ‘ » . : . q Oe et OARTINGTON, Locator t Dated Uctober bie, 1818 alore, But public opinion, ON|ine information that ¢ ‘ote Now Murphy needed a man- —<— os ye tia.00 with a two years H ’ ; rid, Agen en 4 ~ agi rocke eal little : ’ . e . A. G. Fallowfield, Pub, Set. 29, 1942 ather against ; Johnhankocked a nea ded him like we ’ the whole, is ra had Johnhe ager and he neede¢ | ntee. tq September 2nd, 1012 : saad - alsin . he | ager ’ | | guara 21. “D ‘sept 27, 1042. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, men entering the labor arena check for 500 beans, a jlazes, Therefore, with ,» the | Order by the number sik : ‘ Range V ——— = rave as a donation to the Bronx wrists he had to | | na Land Distriet—District of Coast, e notice thet 1, Menry smith, of wave bracelets on his : | | sheens Range V peu Rupert B. C., occdpation tail Zeke Knew Rube. battering ram. plead guilty and kick in with the | i . « ) . ’ \ | . ‘ *t » notice that I, Napoleon Roy, k roader, intend to apply for permission to Rufe was telling Zeke about a Looked as if Murphy was Thus the #500 plus the \| | I - iano, occupation mill man, in chase the following deseribed lands tufe we 4 art.jcoin. Thu it} HT ag woly for permission to purchase * COMMENCING Ot post planted about 70 | |. .nibie scrape he'd had the night) wade for a keeper when he start- letter and the sticker came to HTT end vowing described : alenwes about 1| Chains distant and Sy Sroctica ies ufter he has crossed the) aa to hurl away coin in that : a e Murphy, the wise HHH] IH] Wilt 1 ™ YONGE ST. me ig at & pos ss| from Graveyard Point telegraph o : eTore, & ' , get | Zimmerman, : ’ Hil iii 54- min . f the Shames side of the Skeena ‘ aking , » tut—now get| a chance for l}\ WH th from the mouth o being on the south side o . t the river and was making yrodigal manner : . } gh, saw a chance for | | mile $0U ‘ ile south from : thence west (dat a 1 pi 5 | Aleck, though, il iI| i\| Mii | ; about helf a m »| Kiver, thence south 80 chains, th ‘ . ; iia stled around . . TL pT | ’ and snk of the Skeons River, = 180 chains, thence north go Gnaine, thence for his cabin about a half mile | this: The set oe ae a ee la little publicity. He thought - FAA AA Hh | wih $0 chains, then j} east 80 chains to post of commencement, { lark woods liscovered tha 1 9 KO= | f ne across ane WA TULLE h 80 chains, thence west 80 ous ng 640 acres more or less, through the dark v and disec ; leould stick that o ‘ LE yore north OC CO EACEMent, contain niaining MIKE VUKSTICH \ est as I stepped inter de | yvecks was nothing more or less neta walle y 64) acres more or less. N ROY Dated August 24th, 1912 a y¥ noise Mike i g back 500 plunks that get away ; t 26th 8. eo. a see porte Sa ee : jen paying P i wiped from, But the newspapers were oad d Augus pay . } ‘ looks up at . § sides > » * a pe 28, 1012. Skeena Land Digentes ne of Coast} shoat snortin dl ul . de | Mut phy . ry in the shape of|to the eohome, ro. wae ! lange Ne rhit uinps a e "he ss salar ese i, ; a > ‘iIippec ‘iet—District of Coast, Take notice that Richard J. Grant, of a blu light j I Zimmnice | Zimmerman and he ript sens Land ORenge v.. Vancouver B. c., occupation bookkeeper, | iin’ and shapes itself into a a fine during the season lthr ugh with the tale. It made 4 J ’ , ‘ te ‘ . at— ‘Oug notice that 1, Horace Roy, of Prince he > folowing ae [rived fonds: mt ghost about six foot tal Red Ii seems Heinie was cultivat ©. Webb look like thirty centimes ake not : Uemap, in-| chase the follo Ges ,|° ; _ ae i tance | U, © ‘ a 4 occupation gen eee cing at @ post planted on the wees a-flickerin’ out er its a an aleoholic acquaint | fans of Chi- ager ‘ for permission to purchase Comme act & a out ne-haif fire was a N ine i ‘ ote | also gave the an vonag aa described lands foreshore in & ae deamecten Inlet, : It stood still kinder, then with milkmen, and was turning/jand ¢ fy ha ha on his im- ng at @ post planted about 2/ mijie north of entran hence east 60) sé the cock|cago the merfy ha hé : Te nan st from Graveyard Point) thence north 40 chains, oir thence lifted a long, boney finger and into the feathers when - rhiness, Charles Webb sles 8 athwe and about. 1% milles/ chains, thence south 60 chains, od he Ruf Punk atutinal sym-|perial tightn ° degraeph office e ver, aid} west to foreshore, thence following t eave I want vou ule 3 was having its me : { th bank of Skeena Ri ’ f commence a , 10) Mur phy uth of a Stacey's application to} foreshore Son nen — yng oe teen | “ , hony well under way. This 5¢ y. chase, thence south 80 chains, thence ment, containing 240 8 | 80 , - m0’ chains thence north. 80 Lott Ww em Tl Medstdee Aguas I walks up to if an’ shakes my ’ : Oe ae a pommence ! 1 ’ | wn P ace east BU ie 2 a less Dated October 7th, 1912 own finger right in its face. You ent, containing 6 HORACE ROY Pub, Oct. 20, 1912 mind vere business an’ lll mind G Dated A gent, 7° Skeena Land District—District of Coast, mine I savs, an’ turns on my b. Sept ’ , ' Range V View t |} } an’ goes right on Now I i District—District of Coast, Take notice that I, Mike idag, 0 lee ‘ ef ‘ a a Range V , f| Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation yeommarent what'd vou er done, Zeke, in a ike notice that Martha asa —,s man, intend to apply or De i ged like that? ‘ Fn ee, eee ee neers! purchase the following desc case » the : iSwing described tends: "'” | Commencing at, & Dust planted eboui2|°9°0 IN" iione jest. what you _ wing describe . miles south from Grave side es he ones ees ne at & post planted on the hb oMice and being om the south side). vou durned tivin’ nige uring the barnstorming day English. lary Of Lot 5151, Range aime Skeena HKiver, thence south 80; ' During ¥ Correct 9 or High Rates of Interest. , mot yet gazetted (Kath hains, thence east 80 chains, thence north —_—— tf Martin “Farmer Burns, \ teacher at an evening school r & : : o rchase ) ,| ¢ 5, : . : Ss to post) Do It. 0 f eacher at Agnew application to purchase ) chains, thence west 80 chains res | A Good Time to , ' . le ; > o els which ‘ post being about ° chains west of ot commencement, containing 640 acres | gp aeamias csiell the famous wrestler, when he had before her a class ee WE WILL LOAN YOU mains, thence west to east bank| more or less MIKE VIDAK. : the pia this after-|was wont to stroll into a 'OWM there were many very om ; i . J nce 80 erly follow ractice ot e pr ’ as eaien : » os “T shoule aan ek ean Wivad to the} Dated a “7, **** > th his little grip, and meet all} Suppose,” she said, : TO BUY OR BUILD HOUSES ec a 0 ocs , Sep ° an l s 1 ’ ae sre comes ivi aka ul tek t : he bumped into all sorts|say: “Look out, boys; he ies TO PAY OFF MORTGAGES boundary of this lot to po’ : yistrict——District of Coas es INnK SO comers, fe sal? Would that we ‘ A *8| Skeena Land Distri : . lice I penne sage pat : batt sbinender Noble, of Well, then, Pd like to borrow] f queer sprigs i il | the oo TO IMPROVE REAL ESTATE 5 é otice tha ’ PAG . . Oo 0 ae © » Mys- r yer? MARSA, " — if rt hectngt m, B. C., occupation —-s }your lawn mower I've @ , Phere was the case of the N |? * ' wa a long silence. ber 2nd, 19 a intend to apply for permissio! 0 , rrass some time anvwa' | Hereules out in Ne- | lere as é o1, 1048 - laa the a Ny lands, |e > gra teriou ; Finally a little fellow rose and if AT PER CENT. PER YEAR Commencing at @ post p te “th | Judge braska : . ind District ke- | ad stayed long enough or e t less ‘ STACEY ntends to apply for perm beam 4 feet 6 inches draught, 20 hp.|Hercules had stay wer, single cylinder, ver- b on “ the following described on the} beam 4 feet tnches cr Gasle. Gon jhe clamped on a eroteh and Nel- tient”” aes — engine, with Wizard Dated August 24th, commencing at @ post pli . ot No,| Friseo Standard engine pile s. Fort| me i ; : ; ona! low mies. —- Ss me ih Sept. 28, 1912, foreshore in kumeolon a seni trol. Cheap Rupert ‘Marine ‘an Works,|son and rolled him over. mngeet, | 4 a Sidiy hws, Prince bus nes n e . east 20 Mains, ‘ , | Bes mm, or er . oom . 7 , ' , “*eeha Land District—District of Coast,| 187 acne “the < ll 20 chains — - gy 277-282 Then Barney O'Toole bent ovet Rupert, B. C. 4 : 40 chains, ae eee oe eee a f Take notice ont ‘Vine Vykstich, Of | jess to river ae Trechere to point} __ a r ee them, vaised one fingel and ~ ee ee are now WwW Prince Ruper 4» Occupation restaurant | jowing river bank and ‘ 60 acres . : “Tin, twinty, 5 ‘ ” ar manne apply ter pormnssion lor commencement, containing PANAMA sTUDIO started to count: I : fifty —THE eee Dg , BAS: “ es ‘Commencias ane oa Shout yo more OF Meee WILLIAM J. MOGRIDGE 613 3rd Ave. thirty, forty forty-five, ; ae e oO TMMencing at & Post planted about 7 ber 15, 1912 Above Burns Meat Store) mee ifty-two!” : ; Mins § yard Point tele Dated November 5», 20, 1913 } { fifty-one, tifty- ; le eae ‘ I sraph omee. end being sh the es “so ee ee, - eater te children’s “What in blazes are you do- it ‘i e fact is ia ¢ - {the Skeena River, thence sout 0 3 tie f Coast,| Have your father’s, mo t a Th significant jMs, (hence east 80 chains, thence north! . oon Land District—District 0 "Viniotographs eularged and fnished ing?” Burns asked hotly. LIMITED 000 men recognize that *Reac” i commen ence West 80 chains to post at Keuben W. Rogers, of Se “Countin’ the bloomin’ fakir 4 style is what they want, and that ego ( Comencement, containing 640 acres Take notice that me pecupation transfer Make Early Sittings for All Distant ous , lained ity and value are the standard. fore or less : Prince Rupert, B. thee permission to Countriea, out,” the referee explained, a ’ . o HENRY SMITH man, intends to soo” deseribed lands: | ki tenn = ~ jon’t count out in P : ego are * pated August 24th, 1942, purchase the following | Ceied at the | But you dé ith 23 in the Pub. Sept. 28, 1942, Commencing at : a oat Range 5,/ We Have Full Lines of this game. You slap me on the Tailors v i errr | 101 111645 | rict. near Lakelse Lake, thence | APANESE AND CHINESE os Metropolis), and they offer you - Coast District, Deel fee est 40 chains, | J back, : of . Supplies London tailoring at practically MQUOR ACT, 1010. ss ay 40 chains, thence east 40) FANCY GOODS “Go on, me b'y. If there's any All . alain thence 50 + . eneement, c | ; ‘ par’s Presents ’ ’ : : 4 or less Section 41.) enains 0 place of cit. W. ROGERS. | ror “christmas - “eu slappin’ on the back, it'll be me cd (Seetion 41. Prices Are Re : ace.” Neti aa Nollce is hereby given that on the frst Dated Nov. ist, 1912 ; ve Us friend Tll eneourage : 13 Come In and See hown lay Of Dece cation will be 12——Jan, 13, 19 ; bie hae an made “the Superiates at of Provineiai} Pub, Nov, 18, 19 Kwong Sun Chong & Co. | “But, he’s nailed tighter tha First Avenue Phone 186 Fellee for renewal of the hotel a = , 00 3rd Ave. la shingle,” Burns complained, “el liquor by retail in ole —_— - % , sion niimeiiiiiia us the Big amen nom situate soe LAND LEASE NOTICES. “OVE toll the knell after - - rere “4s, In the Province of British Colu . - ate 7 er Burns. Dated this 10th day of October, 1912. — own fashion, Mist rans ange UNDER NEW 4, W. PATERSON, Applicant, trict-—Distriet of Coast, ve.|.. ve ye a handicap a’ready by - — eeennemameen }Gkeens Land Daten. Foote, of ‘ wine bechoon tens up to fifty MANAGEMENT . : Henry D. Foote, | ; » ‘ame oves, cast-| jumpin’ bee , WATER LICENSE. Take a a “occupation farimer, We buy furniture, st ’ snd you're delayin’ the game. -orcher 1s , ~*nermission to lease ; ste i ; he For @ License to Take and Use Water. Porcher »ly for permissio fY clothing, ete. ‘ . u? Not T.| intends to apply for c “ ar do you eount? sawn t, (8 hereby given that G. : ¥. the following described Manes 04 m the GRATTON & BROCHU How fat c elise be a b dee ten (10) ashes of Commie oe Sallie Vsland and about | My Box 335 Burns asked, ze (of ah unnamed creek which ot ‘sent in an easterly (rand, thence | i Card or Phone 294 “Sometimes f hunner, some- flow , an enatan at ot} mule ds . » island, ; sen ‘ . , re . Sand empui into Goose Bay eeat south the hh oe pet Sa be to the 1 ™ times ten hunner——sometimes till Saeccessors to ban pties joose Bay | Ai-| wos’ 0 chains more oF tM once in le donna ‘rs quits.” verted ats “ot a i £00 “feet trom] shore line | of ie ing the shore the under feller hollers q mous «poi ws a for aomneatie pur northerly | oa of the island, taene’ TT Burns began to rough Hercules Pioneer bam ry : a on the land deseribed as Granby Bay nae ” southerly aires tee and SMITH & MALLE and Hereules responded with lownsite hd 2 int of co’ 38 y : r This Notice was posted on the ground] shore line a more or less THIRD AVE. a howl—and after he had First Glass Plant. Thor- nlle 15th day of October, 1912, The Coated November 4tb, 1019. : ing, Heating, Steamfitting and |) !"4ny sei A First ss Ve uition Will be Med in the oMee of the} Located | HENRY D, FOOTE, Locator Plumbing, He 4 cried for merey tive minutes, oughly Experienced and asa rder at Prince Rupert id Michael McFadden, — Sheet Metal Work »y called the fall the “Farm | . 3 ‘intend woe L ns jay be ee ee is Dated November 14mm, tote 1912 Office: 8rd Ave. aes Westehee ihe . Competend Superintend- ecorder or o » ’ iy and a War der or with Ne lidings, Pub. Nov, 18, 1012 |} Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet, er's, 7 - a { Service. Victoria, p, Veet Parliament Bullding fr Coast ‘Martin,” said Barney, under'| ence, Promp a, B. ¢ 4 trict 0 vas +] . : : ee na Land District—Dis sa » pules i GO. A. T. SAWLE Skeena Range 1V » mepeesen een his breath, “Oi know the rule HYGIENE QUALITY FINISH UD. Oct, 21, s049 Teke notice mas secupetlon farmers iy THe MATTER OF en DUPLICATE aright, but fer tin years I have| En Saath oe . i aie ‘ . : a “ i . , | hips sie: cages of Berens ‘ool fer permission to lease th vOR Te ae TITLE FOR LOT . been tryin’ to get even wid Her. | Scticit Your Patronage FORESHORE LEASE. re ing described lands don the! Frock 3, TOWN OF SEALY, (MAP ; : SI : Oui 8 commencing at AS oy sis my in-[Cules there, He bate me wun Wagons Call and Deliver ‘ : -" 5 « ' 2 \ i . s i . sone Land District—District of Sule want shore of Bonitle direction from the aos 5 hereby given that is, . thirty}in a barroom fight, and they ‘ Anywhere in City e —* holice that GO. A. T. Sawile, Of) mile » land, thence Weel to 19808 SS : sreot a Pap » | soon as . . oint on the island, ore ' he first publication here . »ot extra fer ve as *° Kupert, intends to apply for 4 lease) highest point » le to the west sb ve aft the Pisin the} Len spot u or more or leas erty | (a e Certifieate of Tithe to 2 o nies ‘ oat ot het bie nae o ‘Bay line at the ‘island, thence in Key the | duplicat ; = lands in the name of Ella we gits your clothes on, Beside : post of Lot 766, G tion | direction following the shore in 9 | al cpieh Certificate Of Tithe was issued » rubes never knoo the dif ° or Phone Taine “ta te een, greene | ¢ uth ond OF the Tene, ReNCe tore | | wttion dated the 4th August, 1912,/these ru Mains to the southwest ¢ #0 ae following the — sho . ato : : Said lo » foreshore in therly direction oe d con ; pered 624 A. rence All the News f San being a Se epee wl 10 point of commence a ms and a ONnee, Prince Rupert, B. ¢ " ie Third Ave., Near McBride *d in Pring Rupert” Regiatry OMee| taining 640 sere bt ate 1 Reg yuh, 10488 seats ihe - e ~ . ante er ’ Novembe ) i q “? plan 1007 Located NoveneAEL, M'FADDEN 6-41 WILLEAS BF Resistver. Best room in town at Savoy | Dated Octobar yan AW yes APlicant Dated Novemper 1400, 1049, Pub on net iSth, 1042 Pub. Nov, 18, 1012-—dan, 15, } P St, 1042 ie