THE DAILY NEWS Puesday, Deve ee z THE CHRONICLES OF THE CITY op “The News” Classified Ads. PRINCE RUPERT IN THE YEAR 19] Selecting the Kmas Kodak is a very simple matter at the REXALL STRO. > Our stock is complete A oe Ce ' ‘Il } from the little Brown) CHAPTER XXIV. to the more expensive ==(ne Cent For Fa rtion== Being an Account of the Stealing of the Fawn of the w Kodaks. Let us assist : ‘1d Doe you in selecting the THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— i Now it came to pass that in{the seripe 5 the reign of Samuel Martineaul wild dox : 5 i= Newton, the seribe, that a mighty 6 And The Pioneer Druggist Two Stores - * hunter came from afar, yea even|had taken Alig 82—-PHONES~-200 LAND PURC HASE NOTIC ES. M N from Port Edward, and coming/ance of the fay ~ Sppes nn - = | For Rent ayor ewton before the prince of the rulers,|for it looked , Skeena Land Disses District of ¢ oast,| Wants Expert even Seville Martineau. the}iathed and ange V. ac . ¢ i , ‘Ts, eril ts . Take notice that |, Albert Lopes, Of) 4 good furnished house for rent. H. 6 cribe, and all the ruler hum-jverily, ite rip a Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation Pros-| Heigerson, Lid 283-285 bled himeelf, saying tawny side pector, intend to apply for permission to (Contiaued from from Page 1.) purchase the following described lands: POR RENT—Furnished house keeping! sethiialiniihaianiiiniepiiale Hail, All ye rulers and|Washing board Ss \ | Commencing at a post planted about = 00! oc bird AV ’ riseae wy . ‘ \ S ° |} chains south of Graveyard Po int lelegrape phan ere Oe, 981-299 rhe question of an expert is|princes, I bring ye a gift, yea Vi And the ce and being on the south side 0 4 ‘ . as f . 1¢e » fi ofi upon the faw ; ’ mas S | skeena River, thence south 40 Ch&iNs,/roOR RENT—Furnished house, eight rooms| 4 delicate one with several of the}as an untamed deer, the fawn of | UI , , : thence east 40 chains, thence north 40 ; je. Bainter & fathers. it we no won-.|a wild doe, that you and yvur[did say IP hing Xmas kodak. e C. H. ORME sata 2p — ee _— with bath. Rent reasonable city and was chains, thence west 40 chains to post of > 7T- ’ ; , ” momencement, containing 160 acres more) Sloan. Phone 387 #7 der that Alderman Clayton|children may make sport with it}! @ shame 4 Our Christmas stock is now complete We have just or less. ALBERT LOPAS | Me tres } to beans for HO. SS clutched the arms of his chairjand look upon what you may hot den ki finished opening a large shipment of imported goods direct Dated August 24th, 1918 Soa. and gazed in open mouthed won-|get in the wilderness by reason 18 And hea | from Japan, including: i Pub. Sept. 96, 1018. . he if your poor aim.” say so and % der at the speaker. Even the im-|¢ I i i Fancy Japanese Vases Fancy Cups and Saucers ne “ge Meee, o ae Wanted perturbable Montgomery gasped 3 And the heart of Seville|S¢!ves and a! Take notice that I, Thomas A. Roy, of at the suggestion, while City En-|Martineau Newton, the seribe,;!OM Of the a ee eer ee re porter, inteed” neal for porminsten to} gineer Mason grew red in the|was glad and all the rulers of /PiChures Ag Watches and Jewelry of All Kinds purehase the following described lands: | YOUNG man with references desires work’, tt cute te a iq [All the people « . 4 Commencing at & post planted on the, in office. Box 924, Prince Rupert { Face ae peopie mace merry an he : " i A visit to our store will help you in the selection of south bank of the Skeena River and about) 281-286 i The Mayor repeated his ques-|blessed the mighty hunter who|*"4™e . P . ’ am } \ ost that cz 2 miles southeast of the mouth of Shames| 2 ' : 10 And your Christmas gifts. Our prices are the lowes lat can River, thence south 80 chains, thence west tion and went on to explain tolhad brought from afar, yea even 7s 3 a’ ‘ ! | " be secured. fast 80 chains to Dont of commescemens | For Sale the astounded aldermen, who]from Port Edward, the fawn of [UU® Man wh if f containing 640 acres mote of thought that they had during thelthe wild doe self Yea iy less. | “s 1 MUSSALLEM & co Dated t som, 1913. eal ling week heard nough And he elotl ated Augus | precedin ee eard eno ll aati aitaiae baal j » | Pub. Sept. 28, 1012. | ‘ And great discussion dover of dari i IFOR SALE—Two Canadian Home Invest-| about experts to satisfy them for]in the inner court of the ps e a a 423 Fifth Ave. Phone Black 228 | Skeena Land District—District of Coast,) ment Co. contracts, sia months old. Ad-| years, that the general opinion : i to the field , | Range IV. dress R. H. W., News OMice 284-286 ' over the fawn of the wild doe i * A Take notice that William J. Mogridge, was that the bylaw was defeated And after a time the fawn of the e _ E f Vancouver, B. C., occupation broker, in-| MORRIS piano, in good condition, cbeap.}) nice of the lack of expert ad . ' . did ae tends to apply for permission to purchase| Address box 60, News, Prince Ru-|' (Cale GF the la I “| wild doe was given in charge of —_— = = |the following described lands: pert. 964tf |vice on the matter before it was doe and did | Commencing at @ post planted on the : one of the rulers of the people hil foreshore, about 2 miles distant in a| put to a vole It would clearly Bullock, surnamed Webster, and Po |northwesterly direction from Kumeolon | rts whether or not the ’ 7 ys "”) And tt j Inlet, and about 500 feet south of a small ascertaim wearers “ “lthey did abjure him to take good . bay, thence east 30 chains, thence port oters wefe ustified in turning . eeping and . y WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE § 2s: iocoosyczy|] Most and Found yee down tleare of it os } less to foreshore, thence southerly follow- the bylaw down He thought " , uM t tne tla I _ - ———_——— ———— ing the eee to point of I that Mr. Bogue, the G. T. P. ex 5 And Bulloek surnamed] curnamed Webs | ment, a 0 acres more or less. . » _ io tip . - . : ’ = shater o — . ESDAY, DEC. 2 d & 3rd WILLIAM J. MOGRIDGE. | rot ND—THE FRENCH WAY CLEANERS, pert, could be secured for the Webster, did converse with the] eeedingty wrot} n Dated October 8th, 1912 1007 Robson Street, Vancouver, B. C. other rulers of the veople and la tsa Sen ichtcidietetmamiinie | Pub. Oct. 29, 1042. Express paid one way on $5.00 orders,) work and that it would be a use- , pore ‘ the people, « . Ml | both ways on $10.00 orders xa ful measure in that it would hel they did bearken unto him, say-| neay New! ! 0% . ° “ms e the oule eip . GRIFFITH STOCK COMPANY jo ‘= “ieee « m/s" oP nfo e Mat wl ne! ewer lal et 7. ou e ne council en ith. , “ss | .Take notice that I, Henry Smith, of| wanted to deal with the sewer] !! the fawn of the wild doe, and) wild doe was f Present the Powerful Comedy Drama in 4 Acts — | Pimce Report, 8. C. ror petmusnon 1 Miscellaneous qasntio’. we will enclose it on four sides|ye, and hay was ¢ 66 99 econ sang ae pee es ee aeean' Te} Alderman Bullock-Webster was|™“ = wire, even wire netting, that) know ye. Yea eve chains distant and in @ southerly direction|A meeting of railway employees will be/the first to recover and said that}® 4) see and wonder at thelate, know y \ | from Graveyard Point telegraph oMce and; held in the dining room of the Windsor fawn of the wild doe, not. know \ }beimg on the south side of the Skeena! Hotel at 7:30 on Thursday evening. all] in view of the fact that the pres- e; a ee ———— | River, thence South 80 chains, thence west) railway employees invited 284-285) ent council had but a short time 6 And it Was done, even as| were ordered f |} 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence . . | < elaa AR PRICES _25c. -35c. & me se }east 80 chains to post of commencement,/ $50.00 REWARD—Will the party wholin office it would be better to] they had ordered Posts one foot! know ve ! has “9 | containing 640 acres more or less. borrowed a diamond ring to wear to the MIKE VUKSTICH. | show last week please return’ You wili|leave the matter over for the of-] in thickness on the four sides] loosened Pf Reserved Seats at Orme’s Third Ave. Drug Store. Telephone 200. Dated August 24th, 1912. } get fifty dollars reward and no ques-| fice holders of next vear to deaj|/ and ten feet in height were set/the enclos Next Wednesday and Thursday, the great laughing comedy PUD. Set BG, 1998. —— asked 394-508 wit... He had advocated the cali.| Up and wire netting, even as had} wont to be “A BACHELOR’S HONEYMOON” Skeena Land —a of Coast, | TENDERS. ing in of an expert before, when been said, was placed on the four | 21 And Take notice that Richard J. Grant, of | it would have been a different|sides of the fleld which was a/city watch Vancouver, B. C., occupation bookkeeper, Tenders will be received by the under | i intends to apply for permission to pur- to Dee. 10th for the erection of} Matter, but as this had not been}|#reat one of some twenty feet} gently f — — : chase the following described lands: two-ro« s Oo ouse oO lock ‘ 20 | » Commencing at @ post planted on the | 5. “' 2 ae owes pm - Sa onag a dene and the voters had so de.|each way | take n the fa ay 4 umeolon alet, | sr. , om -— of G. L. Proctor on and|cisively defeated the bylaw, he 7 And the rulers of the} from the fir thence north 40 chains, thence east 60) 84 W. D. VANCE. Secretary.| did not see the advisability of it.| people, even Seville Martineau) "0! chains, thence south 60 chains, thence} ~* : “ Alde ‘ ois N i | west to foreshore, thence following the = Alderman Douglas supported] Newton, the seribe, and all the} foreshore westerly to point of commence- Alde a 4 oO “ bate sav. rrinces i ke gg al BB yg NOTICE. Alderman Bullock-Webster, ay prin with him did mak Cut This Out - 1 CHARD I Geant : ing that it would be a useless ex-| merry and did rejoice in that they} i‘. : liam J. Mogridge Agen ee : | Dated October 7th, 1912. : : _. | pense. had imprisoned the’ fawn of the Pub. Oct. 29. 1912. In a ipeag 2 ho ree af Alderman Clayton, no doubt] wild doe, and they did go with all This Coupon Is Good Skeena Land District —District of Coast, “sap in “- . meg OF Shean) tii bewildered, asked what would| the people and did gaze upon the i. lompany, L ; Range ; WRPSny, Lanse be the Mayor's attitude if a favor-| fawn of the wild doe and did say for (One Dollar Take notice that I, Mike Vidak, Of) take NOTICE that an application will Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation restaurant be made to the Registrar of Joint Stock able report were made by an en-|unto themselves We are in- In Part Pa man, intend to apply for permission | Companies after the expiration of one | gineer. deer : . F vil . purchase the following described lands: | nonin from the date of the frst publics. leed mighty men, yea verily, we Cabinet Phot Commencing 4! & post planted about 2/ i145 of this notice for leave to change the Mayor Newton replied that he|@re tulers of the people ' wg Sms ciel Se ‘cnn “sue tbe thane company ro, "Ble | oui then dra 1 . cee Oo u side ~ ” “ " .-| wou nm rg m t yul ° ~ r t . ! . . St "the Shedns River, thence soem 86 | Mg A Limited,” to “Bryant Com rule nen draw from a publi And nightly in the nner Photo Calenda chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north Heted the $68 aay of November, A. D. meeting an expression of opin-|court of the palace they did speak | chains, salons wee chains to post 1912 ion as to whether they wished|of the fawn of the wild doe, and The Peerless Studio more or less. as wen WLLIAMS & MANSON, the whole scheme to be laid by|angry discussion arose, yea even Rooms 19-21-22, Alder Block ’ - . Dated August 24th, 1912. Solicitors for Sloan & Company, Limited,| the city or have the trunk lines|Seville Martineau Newton, the! Cor. Srd Ave. and 6th St. Pub. Sept. 28, 1912. 226 Sixth Street, Prince Rupert, B.C.) Haid out of the general fund and| scribe, and all the rulers dic $ i wax $ POCCCCOO DOOD OOO OL OOOO OOOOOOTOON Skeena Land District—District of Coast, the laterals laid on the local im- fwroth in their speeches i Range V al : va Take notice that I, Alexander Noble, of FOR SALE provement plan. 9 And it came to pass that Port Essington, B. C., occupation cannery- With Mayor : 4 sigh Newton] they builded a house for the fawn! man, intend to apply for permission to . : wae purchase the following described lands:|+0t 23, Block 20, Section 3, Second Ave.) promised to bring the question|of the wild doe to live in that it Procurable. — ee Commencing at @ t d at the $1,800.00. Equity and G. T. P. terms. : ; conteett ean aa ae ye Lots’ 26 and 27, Block 15, Section 8,|up al a later date, at which event] might become even as a tame ~ ES» 20 chains, thence west 20 chains more or $500.00. %& cash and terms. the aldermen will be better ablelanimal! F OUR PRICES INCLUDE ALL CHARGES, BOTH DUTY AND POSTAGE. less to Lot 1746, thence south 20 chains 4. BOUSLAS t t than th | a more or less to t ach, thence fotiow- o receive 1 jan they were last oO vO s ‘ : gue gar cua. wary TT. IVE ry * rv 9 oe ing the shore to point of c > ent, 339 Third Ave (Opposite P.O.) Box 606 aight 10 Now Bullock, urnamed si i 900 jataining 40 amved Here or lees, en - = . = = en. Webster, did arise in the inner} An A 0 a = . _, TRANSFORMATIONS naaze Pu Dated October 16th, 1912. Up-to-Date. court of the palace and did say t P ‘ Ma iar a0 © rub. Nov. 14th, 1912—Jan. 6, 1913 to~ in the Business. “We will build a drinking vessel rang H : te cumferenc ’res T » t . . ‘ . > f head olyneeded | skeena Land District—District of Coast, Fresh Fourist - —— Motoring from town, Mr. Drol- for the fawn of the wild doe” Range V. district——What a backwoods! I'll| by entered a tiny cottage on the Take notice that I, Sam Ennyu, of but Douglas, the keeper of the! Kayex British Columbia cormmauen lum-|bet you a dollar, my man, that|roadside and politely asked for ; . a, : money bags, did arise in his place Geo Leek berman, intend to apply for permission to *s s 2 » ar ‘ee > ‘ . 4 . » ‘ oe 7 purchase the following described lands: | *°" can't tell me whether Andrew/the favor of a bucket of wate and did ery with a loud voice rge Commencing @t @ post planted at the| Jackson is dead or not. for his engine « es > ; . against the buildin f a drink- »rince Rupert eer Wits td an ae ‘te beak of Native—-Maybe I can't, but hed On the table in the little par- inn vessel for eg Pa of the oe or ae soe Seaman Te Gee ‘nee cok ae bet you a hundred [ can name | lor lay a pencilled sketch, and the wild doe saying: “Would ye A chains to the boundary of Lot 182 afore-|more three hundred and over| motorist looked at it with keen . ; ; 9" . STYLISH said, thence south alovg the said boundary |) ..);,, the e the} ce Waste money in foolishness? TO JPET }15 chains to point of commencement,)?@tlers I ellie o Me nglinterest “4 hihi tl ONLY $5.00 containing 23 acres more eae. oe leagues than you can, and let it Why, that’s quite good!” he vr Be } . gomery, le Ou Entire As Dated October 10th, 1912 ’ go at that. remarked patronizingly. giant amongst the rulers, did ne Teaporenction f Pub. Nov. 11th, 1912—Jan. 6, 1913 ; “Yes, sir,” replied the ola} "'** and did command al! to $9.50 or S13 ; 8 ~ , > . . . dinilie al TWIST OF PURE LONG HAIR (as sketch) to complete Skeena Land Cee petres of Coast Flattering. woman, “I'm glad to hear you listen while he cried: ‘It is a oO laa Take notice that William J, Mogridge,| A military gentleman, who|say so. My son drew it the other] =!” ' keep the fawn of the wild) 1 RGiden delivered Sani pam bows, 3 ooo ie A erimission eo could swear better than he could} day.” doe in captivity, yea verily it is orne Orders detiver: r . on packed lease rinkec ** Gend tor LATEST CATALOGUE Ne 1310: the. following described” lands i - play golf, was flattered one day ‘Well i eertainiy showel”™ we d. omnine 3 on : ad > s re . > > UGHER SYNDICATE, Entire Transformation 99.69 $13.00, foreshore in ‘\umesten tnint. ‘on Lot No.jt0 find quite a crowd of well|/promise,”’ remarked the motor- 12. And there arose in the| E NUE 419 Spadina Ave., TORONTO. ‘Toupet only, $2.25 or $3 60. 187, thence east 20 chains, thence south/ dressed strangers following him|ist. “The little fellow should be| DC? Court of the palace a great) 7t A l , c > nee west 20 chains more or ; 7 » » ; AAgreee al 84, FOXBERRY ROAD less to river bank, thence northerly fol- | around, encouraged. 1 should like to babbling of tongues, but the | . ' Manager:ss MibamaeeA SS: Y, LOwoon.S.t ENGLAND. ane eutith, “eaten ok point} “I hope,” he said gallantly,/have a talk with him.” rulers of the people, even Beville| SECTION SIX more or less. ‘that I play well enough to re- “I'm sorry, sir,” chimed in the Martineau Newton, the seribe, . a a A D WILLIAM J. MOGRIDGE. ward y " » see : ? ».,and all the rulers of the people} » over tel ated November 15, 1942. ard you, eottager, “but he ain't here; he’s $2000 cash and the balance © Pub, Nov. 25, 1912——Jan. 20, 1913, “Oh, it isn’t that, major,” re-}up in Lunnon.” Gid not. hearken jo (8: volse of; years at 6 per cent Skeena Land District—District of Coast,|plied one; “we came out to “Oh, he is? What's he Montgomery and let the fawn 7 < > iat's he doing r id f line 5000 WATCHES Take notice that Reuben W. Rogers, of | /isten, up there?” the wild doe free. Prince Rupert, B. C., oceccupation transfer & “He's Z ; . 13. Now it came to pass ia 5000 GRAMOP ONES man, intends “wo apply for poled lends: Subseribe for the Daily News. yy al Seen ahas a mighty ruler in the country ‘Samuel Harrison & Company purciiase the following deserjbed trator for ten years. Answers. 5000 AUTO-HARPS northeast corner ot tor dist Rang “. - - “a yea even the King’s a did! Brokers and Financia! Agent* | Coast District, near Lakelse Lake, thence *lcome from afar; from the East.} | Sesend Ave. Prince Rupert north 40 chains thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to place of commencement. KR. W. ROGERS. Dated Nov. ist, 10912. Pub. Nov. 18, 1912-—-Jan. 13, 109143. ward, over beyond the moun-} tains. And he brought with him his daughter, a comely maidea 14 And when the mighty | Fo » Sale ruler, yea even the King’s uncle, or did come from afar all the rulers ee of the city did make glad with Seville Martineau Newton, the | scribe; all except Montgomery, | Christmas Slippers We have the largest and best assorted stock of slip. LAND LEASE NOTICES. Skeena Land District--District of Coast, Range IV Take notice that Henry D. Foote, of 40 acres of Crowh BFA Porcher Island, B. C., occupation farmer, pers in the city, and invite you to eall and look our lines the giant, who laughed to scorn on Lakelse road $1,600 intends to apply for permission to lease i - the following describes lend over No trouble to show goods the feasting in honor of the Commencing &t & post planted on the y ‘ince ¢ : sly | , east shore of Bonilla Island and about day might eras and his comely : » $400 mule disient im @D easterly direction from daughter, saying “Yea verily, |8 acres on Skeena ive Don't Forget the Cash Prize Coupon with Every One Dollar Purchase. Renworth & Jefferson Smith Block 3rd Ave. & Bth St. ihe Inghest poirt on the island, thence wost 50 chains more or less to the west shore line of the isiand, thence in 6 northerly direction following the shore lime to the north end of the island, thence in @ southerly direction following th shore line to point of commencement and |}comtaining 640 acres, more or less Locate November «th. 1912 N D. FOOTE, Locator | Michael Me ePadden, Agent Dated November id4th, 19: Pub. Nov, 18, 1912-—Jan ia, 1012. lam as good as he’; and no man answered him nay, beeause of - reason of his mighty strength and his known power of tongue Apply to wagsing. d. 15 And the prince and the ¢ R. Naden Co., Lt princess and all the people went with Seville Martineau Newton, | 8nd Avenue