THE DATLY NEWS ng a . ee ee r ae ' e — - nee ei : Wis 5.5. PRINCE RUPERT certs THE DAILY NEws rhis tw NEWSY sade ls —— ss aa RUNK leaves for V ouve : : en eaves ee Victoria BALL is at nalish ' FRIDAYS, 9 A. M. ‘ THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA 7?” Gn SAesaricdn golfer's time i —!|thunder storms, and that meat Published Daily and Weekly by Sable: who made de mos’ money of alllesems to spoll more quickly at THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. in tone euch times. A Freneh scientist bala 6a m Wakene: mA 4 oa of the Pasteur Institute has dis- ican alarm Newsy Lalor leovered the cause of these i TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—®50 cents per inch. Contract rates se i : nit ;| Who hol’ de beew han’ in de bees 6:01 a. m \ shows bath an : “PRINCE sonn” , on application. a glass of iced water jackpot? changes The result of his ex- tess on Gin teal te, i | 6:05 ¢ ein Newsy Lalon periments prove that electrical) “ee , y Bay, sth cnn Rene itaon ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Daity, 5Oe | ae tren attires nc agente |M ho play lacrosse in de Eas’, in| fields have no effect either upon | For Masset and Naden Harbor, 19 p. m., Nov. am per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All| * tian of light flannels | de Wea’? milk or upon meat, but that in For Skidegate, Aliford pay en Posen, Charlotte Isla He pea wee ee yea; Werely, CY pee gem, ei a a py ar -oes he #°'l and play de hockey some too, I[consequence of the lowering of , » Dec. 8th, 22nd ‘ dat ? ore | guess? atmospheric tension that follows be T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER service { HEAD OFFICE ting lof cee of: ;| Am’ stick all de proceed away a thunder storm, there is an No. @ leaves Prince Rupert 10 4. m. Wednesday a sisting of a large glass of let . ‘ ‘ < | hees ves’? emanation of gases from the soil Grand Trunk Railway Syst . ‘ i, dwt i em ! Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. water, blueberry ta pO , Newsy Lalon that stimulate the decomposition (The Double Track Route) ‘ dish of eggs and ba =a jof organic substances and the Nine month excursion rates in effect. Choice of routes t . BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES pudding and Chicag He |W hs otek alts enatrn: ‘li del growth of putrefactive microbes with the excursions and fast trains of the Grand Trunk - } New York —National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City | '"'"? finish the meal w . ees eague? He suggests that this may ex- Agency for all Atlantic Gteamehip Lines. Fo: ail information apply to glass of iced water ' ' A. E. MOMABTER, Jeneral Agent, cen Newsy La plain the sudden change for the} entre Street SeaTTLE—Puget Sound News Co. 648 &- a Ciiaa wnare : * . ' Sa cha ce A hol’ out for sala h, solworse in extensive wounds that , LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar suit of sti whte ‘ and] asia often coours With @ low batom “te engages iis caddie | a eer ; ter, and the re 1 increase in | a UBSCR: ill atly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 incase of = 6:50) n Herins a iteh Newsy 1 Coes, “Saw tee ae “ . ee oe, poy St pew Who break all de | \ beforelepidemic diseases under — the || BC. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. for $5,000 ' ‘wl } ia eendittene = ~ —== == || ” t 7 st e “one o 9:30 a. m Wins 85,000 and and An > ed fi ' 1 ' : * ae — - —_~—- — pam ad sign four, five vthe i ! —: eee a. ge eT - ae pays his caddie for ft h inal 57 i | PRINCE RUPERT INN 7 DAILY EDITION aeigga: Wednesday, Dec. 4, 1912.|Minutes. By finishing within], , de same das : THE WEATHER. || FAMOUS SAFETY nd ma all de manager hair aninatiiooens | : === => —S—S—SS———_—=—_—=— = two hours he saved a few cents tate ata ¢ : : | if PRINCESS CANADIAN SPEED aa 8:45 an Has a Turkish bath ; rhe weather report at 0 0 clot a LA and a glass of iced water. Changes Newsy La this morning read Barometer | LINE Lk SERVICE | of chter s f nels 30.237; maximum temperature, | AN } ae - ee i 7 ! Who get the mos’ crack de] i3: minimum temperature, 37 e e e e ¥:e0 G, M008 10 AIS One" head by far? Seine , 49 inet S. 8. PRINCESS MAY orl otes Ippings 2g Pipes haart enaepnlle aia Newsy La eer Southbound Sat., Dec. 7th, 8 p.m. || 4 est for golfers, so we take up the} , , - —_—_—_——————_ thread of bie day's work wher hel And spend tree ul week in| Subscribe for the Daily News. S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE | ee a he bed, by gar? ) |] Southbound—Sunday, Dec. 8th,8 p.m. || ied 06 enent & returns to the ( ub house | Newav Lalon | 4. @. WNAB, Genera! Agent | Grené Trenk Pacific Rai y the ADVISES BOARD ment of the North. wae rah t iow ted 4h . Who lie on de grass t make de} | the American and Raves oan = : duly constituted board in | Water and changes to a fieht) stall | ial le A eal tte oe _ n plan, . atigremguabinagge | charge, it is now an almost) SU" And p oe all de Gifford like can-| iriaes beak ae = We have received a letter? eestatnt he ane 3:48 p — Plavs another | : pe - — a | » electric light, and all ainty that the proposed fa non ball? modern conveniences, being abso round and again saves a few] x lutely first-class in every respect from a gentleman who sug- fair next autumn will be gone iSacre! de bes’ man in de wor | —_—-- — i ta. | a gests that the City Council ap-| ahead with in a manner which|Ce™ts on his caddie's fee Dy the | da’s all | Prince R 1.0 OF | i time principle } | upert e, . . The appointments and service will bring credit to the districts Newsy Lalon are equal to any hot th y hotel on the point a board to investigate all ‘ae i tt 1° outside properties placed on| "epresented. ie sg arto vg "heen = ‘ Harris Turner. | No. 63 coast. RK) ' +, . hiooe oo and a glass of iced ate! | | i the market in Prince Rupert Fhose in charg ae have a change into a lighter suit enables Scottish L Standi | Meets in the Helgerson Block | with & View to prdtecting the great deal of work before them/pjjm to take iced tea on the iat s eague nding. |Is made comfortable, safe and Pp uesda : » the fair can be ‘cessfully f P.W. L. D. Goals..Pta. | Every TF y Evening ifast by using the Best Route citizens from the wildcatter ere the fair oe successful | anda, fresh, eool and comfort- | Glass w Rangers 14 10 2 2 34 19 22/ All members of the order in the’ ; Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. and his illegitimate proposi- | aceomplished The country is |able. E ak oe 8 fe city are requested to visit tions. Me instances properties| sueh a large one and the means) | 9:09 P, mStar op tie Wel) angiees Te EMO the lode. The Great Northern Ry. which have been placed on the] of transportation so meagre appbey a a a © io reese ; ; oa. 3 A. H. ALLISON, N. G. | market in British Columbia] {hat it would be a matter of tenth, hole and finishes in 2) Pimics 145 3 6 92—16 16 W. G. BARRIE, See. (Offers the choice of routes|i G, A. Sweet, Manager ‘ e bee false] ware. jhours and 17 minutes Returns | Airdriconians 1S 5 & S&S 19—90 15 , a ‘ : : : ° | ‘ that hav en falsely repre gieak diGleulty to cover the ; baits fevers 14 BB EA TB Gif wiebsuitinmcssinsidinasdabditbenabiiihiasiinetasaniiteenasiian through a well settled country.| dented to the buying public and é ! it to club heuse greatly depressed; Motherwell if 3 2 7 18 19 13 argues that a civic board of in-| €tound in as few months time./his caddie exultant | Hamition is 8 7 3 17-88 43| SONS OF NORWAY 3 DAILY TRAINS , spectors, who would approve Realizing this, those who have] 7:25 p. m A large glass of h marnock : i 4 7 5 10—22 13/ pgoots every Thursday at 7 p. m.,|From Seattle Veeonver + nie : cee ate s follower b qa | Third anar i 3 7 & 17—18 11; ° ’ . ’ ” 0 oes po . 0 ° 0 a of every outside proposition | been fathering the scheme have |' . wom ‘ ee Ee "| Partick Thistle 14 4 8 2 17—25 10)/at 349 3rd Ave. All Norwegians | ¢, } before it would be allowed sale wisely determined to start now | shower bath me GOR: by Si veewe tee lk iieaad! ee ee would be a great protection to and have everything in readi- | ‘me Dene GS he lgntens poe. Inbserthe # } ly New — - - — ’ : the legitimate realty broker in ness for the opening. or i _ ware ” as : ee a Rogers Steamship V0 0 e the city. ae Vert GATOS et ne a of coates, he '*Valhalla’”’ of S.H. & E.F. A o rounding Prince Rupert have | : yo , tee, a , = os | (ScanDINANIAN SoctETY) | gency Gus. Fens 4 6th noice W 10 bubusiastinalle endoteed hi COO —THE - 2 -sgian ee PREPARING FOR oposition ahd now that the;Water; Popcorn neatly arranged Mocte ovasy But ond Ge eee 9 — RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMFORT que Pau. ram, Cericultural and mineral sore [o%_ wafers, some mssterious| Wegthohme Lamber Co.|_"" | agricultural and mineral soci-| | The forming of an agricul- ety has been formed the con. |Meat anown. O65) peereay LIMITED ca iche ne run an ore iced = - j i tural society last night is an centrated efforts of. those in-| lew! gu and oe Mem gg ll care oe a = ro leaker ee! STUART & STEWART UNION $5. COMPANY OF B.C. Ltd TI [E TRO UOls oa a : ; ood yr erestec canno 1elp yu end | ss) 0 e city and in the develop- In success. | Scottish League Notes. : 909 2nd Avenue Phone 280 The reliable steame am =— . ae we ° ' Lumber and M Auditors for the Olity of Prince Rupert Phe reliable steame: POOL te it tlle necar ‘ hee rr I i t ck ; * PRINCE RUPERT, &.C. és ” English and American Billiards race +g Ce - and He ts for All Kinds of Building Supplies iercientsieahemaviuiapejannsiiiiencoes ( a Twelve Tables SBOOND AVE several weeks, Glasgow Hangers | mosun |have now pulled out a lead of two = Mes. &. —> 7 hee ce - |points over the former by their 7 + beriegg lwin over Clyde. Celtic were de- First Avenue Phone 186 WILLIAMS & MANSON Arrives from Vancouve! a | , ‘af ein ARDWARE OMPANY IMITED feated by the odd goal in three —______ | «=: Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. every TUESDAY morning B lin Alle on their own ground by Mother- Box 285 i a Oe ess OW g ys EATERS OAL OIL AMPS well, whilst Hearts lost to the * | Hetgersen Block Prince Rupert, B. C and sails or ancouver AND POOL ROOM AMMERS Sweepers | Airdrieonians by one goal to lave Lester W David Co ltd ae aes every WEDNESDAY at 2 |) « avers 42 TABLES Queen's Park for once in the ways P ” P p.m Best Fitted ~ ¥ mS onmsaaadines : -m, the Coss ALFRED CARSS, Cc. V. BENN - Ol had smiles of Dame Fortune A. ore ave of British Columbia of B.C., Ontario, Sax- The “Camosun” has the|}} * & 8006. Pree. jupon them and they surprised and Manitobe Bars. katchewan and A\- ™ ’ . | Third Lanark alt home and reg- berte Bare. largest and most comfort- inh: Gn aebeed ‘etele of CARSS & BENNETT ere 1¢ cone ( BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, ETc. able rooms of any steamer|- the season, and after their plucky Office— Albert Block, Second Avenue. ; on this route. | fights recently against the} ‘Rangers and Celtic no one will|First Ave. and McBride St. Box 865 — - C O A L TER A ee ae ” oT | grud re them their success. The omen P.O. BOX 2 PRINCE RUPER’ | . : PHONE 25 Rogers Steamship Agency 3 lremaining games played last Sat- the New Wellington Coal. Best 1: + | urday resulted according to ex- JOHN E. DAVEY Ph 116 or e ail News. pectations and thus need no com-| : TEACHER OF SINGING one — | : ree Ruepeet, ec. +. * * Qe | ee Phone 116 Rogers é Black | Irent. ' al LINDSA CARTAGE and —IN THE— Silversides Bros. ne aes G. T. ob aaa ce PRINCE RUPERT FLT FEED ia Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley Th nition ti eens, Funeral Directors nile e ia be FARM || Bulkley Valley _ Fort George District "Sessa BOs mame OFFICE. Bs Nachester, Conte St.” hone AND —IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— . é HAY, GRAIN FEED AN LANDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on ign Writing.. SEEDS ne Paper-Hangi Little's NEWS aper- ging E. L. FISHER . s Agency NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited ~~ oor veeemanons maAsOnAbEn Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspaperr Agenis foi the ‘utermational Stock Food PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 VANCOUVER, B.C. |“We always deliver the goods.” ss “Open Dat AND wont. ¢ B cIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS “ ; 2nd Street Phone 156 Green 2nd Ave. Below Kalen Island Club! war, onpers rromrrLy ATTeNve? Scoop Now Wears the Very Latest Style —Drawn for The Dally News by “Ho? T ——— : —— Nour NUMBER- COME RAGHT INT STRIPES 15 AND THE NAME MY DRESSIN’ ROOM Yoo STYUSH OF YOUR PRISON, IL NEED Youse! FoR ME ' PLease ! ‘ , : \ { J a ' ae ©) Wi2 - (NTL SME ——-