THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday. 1. RUSSIA MUST WAR OR YIELD The News” Classified Ads. | HER POSITION IN MONGOLIA is o very simple matter a paper j at the REXALL STRO.S 7 Our stock is complet« ‘II from the little Brownir e a) : im . OPINION IN CHINA 18 THAT Russia must ; to the more expensiv: == == WITHDRAW FROM MONGOLIA_TER EITHER FianrT OR ; Kodaks, Let us assist MS OF THE a Hae R you in selecting the . MENT BETWEEN MONGOLIANS AND RUSSIANS Hie Xmee kodak -THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES" |HERE— eas . . . Pekin, Dee 3 The Chineseja seeret trea: ly C. H. ORME ae | es occupation of the Mongolian town] f{ ae } The Pioneer Druggist Two Stores 7 oreign office } 7 82—PHONES— 200 of Kobdo directly raises the issueling effec: | Peerless Studio For Rent DOCTOR GIVES GREAT lot ee mee 00 put ott ihe Phe Mong GIFT TO THE WORLD) Fr ee any ae tae jae ey ee Rooms 19.290 ‘ Co ’ . , 2 A good furnished house for rent u ‘ r ’ rd Ave ! Helgerson, Ltd " ; 283 gat sin is pledged to support the| received fy ~ “Special Styles at Reduce >rices | eos anne ‘Absolute Cure for Consumption) movement the Czar has no ehoter Russia | ' OR R urnished house keeping} | | All Work Gua ‘ rooms, Apply at Alder Block, Third AV Discovered by German but to yield or fight rulers £139.85¢ 1) i enue 281-292) Doctor. Following the Mongolian dee-|of Mongolia ! oF 9 EMPIRE BATHS FOR RENT—Furnished house, eight rooms laration of independence, whiehithe size of 1 iG For an easy and comfortable shave drop Shean _ eT reasonable cone ¢ Berlin, Dee. 4 Complete and] the Chinese accuse the Russians Hussia 4 ® in at the Empire Baths on Third Ave. The . | of hiring a few chieftains to issue, | golis M ; most up-to-date furnishings have been in IN » absolute cure for every vietim of 7 j nue, ;Golla’s fina " stalled and the general surroundings are| MCINTYRE HALL to lease for dances, etc golian governmeytl entered into Mong i such as appeal to particular people Terms, Gray & Son, Black 78 208f tuberculosis unless he is in the ‘St ; Russia and the so-called Mor no count Centrally Located CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS vse tt very last stages, of the “wi I the wift te Christmas ' monte aA KEEFE & DORREL plague” is the | nomi _—— sen oeid anmoueed neve 0» be | LOCAL NEWS ITEMS | LOCAL NEWS ITENS ‘ Fancy Collars and Jabots, Glove & Handkerchief Boxes cal Frederick Franz Friedman al ' 35 to $5.00 75c, $1.00, $1.50 FURNISHED ROOMS & CABINS | YOUNG man with fpterences cearen, work) young German physician who| W. H. Tobey, of the G.T.P., re-| oF. RK. I . | 0 » o 24, ce » . iW t ; ; Belts and Beltings, Ladies’ Umbrellas eee ee ol te eo: | 281-286 claims to have 1,000 cures ready i? d this morning from a visitlwife, was a ° 35c to $2.00 $1.50 to $5.00 , bed Complete with bath and hot | te ee mers ee eer to display to the scientists of the|t Vancouver and Victoria ion the Pp ri { ater. , oO Handbags, $1.25 to $7.00 Silk and Net Waists Furnished Cabins at $4 a month) For Sale world ing. Mr. Law | Silk Hose, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 APPLY 208 NINTH AVENUE| By the simple injeetion of a Duncan Ross was amongst} member e the Work Baskets Kid Gloves, $1.00 and $1.50 : eS tue , i tet serum gained from the turtle | the passengers arriving on thelof Law-But $2.00, $3.00, $4.00 Handkerchiefs All Prices i ; lFOR SALE—Two Canadian Home invest-| Dr. Friedman says, he has imme |Prince Rupert from the south resident of Va POWER BOAT FOR SALE a oS Sree Soe Ad-}diately killed every tubercle i | comecninasion ast year 1 dress 6 ew Mice 284-286 es we y REMEMBER THE CASH PRIZE COUPONS — | every subject so far treated and CG. W. Peek returned on the 7 A well equipped power boat, “Spoke-| MORRIS piano, in good condition, chea s at eve single case|P e Rupert this morn rom is aipisuniicepienipsticinibtanipenih shute’ 46 feet long, 10 feet 6 inches Address box® 60, News, Prince ne. maintains that every ng! wwe it evo super his morning fron Mrs. P. Ro beam a feet : inches draught, 20 hy pert o64tr Jin which the injection was made|a Visit to the lower coast ciltes. wits of p. A risco Standard engine, pilot fouse con-| 7. - I) Sestngten. ~_ Marine fron works, those whose vitality was so far New Fruits and new shell nuts eivats i) : ne a j . | s this Fifth St. Prince Rupert Lost and Found gone as to leave physical reco for Xmas at Stalker & Wells pert M EE es ee a : : ve s. Ha PANAMA STU | ery an impossibility Phones 187 and 430 B3ttl hay ' DI0 lhave been s; 9 613 3rd Ave. FOUND—THE FRENCH WAY CLEANERS, eorg . as mer at Ta Sea ; . vo . (Above Burns Meat Store | {1007 Robson Street, Vancouver, B. C Favorite Fiction. George E. Collins, manager of en 1, Wa j Christmas ts Coming. | Express paid one way on $5.00 orders, Oh. ¢ ge. This Is So 8ud the Gold Storage at Seal Cove} Have your father’s, mother’s or children’s ay neo t et $10.00 on, war ' oe a eT ee *lTarrived this morning on the Ru — — hotographs enlarged and fnishe woe Oe 58- on! z : i photographs enlarged an shed den pert | Paste for Applique Work, Make Early Sittings for All Distant A Few Months’ Training Will Pound some re Countriea, Miscellaneous Do Wonders with That Voice of Christmas Gift ma . take as much of ; a Gifts, en pack i ee seeaatinaaaniaeiliiameniaiiniaiateatie asaieemmeataimai “a am Yours, Miss Tibbins ga - a sixpe TONIGHT 1 ots tiene “ies Ketin ob wht Raita Moo Wes Jans ages easily mailed We have ]@ Sh x 1 AT § 8.30 SHARP - - THIRD WEEK OF JAPANESE ANG GHINESR | A meeting ot raltway emplorees wilt bel Good as He Could Be, Mrs. Jor-|qeee) Seat 00 etre. eee fordinary w nienenteantineseemaiemeittiiinemammres held in the dining room of the Windsor| W@V’0" “> © vu o rs. JOT Bros PROS ordinary wa . = FANCY GOODS Hotel at 7:30 on Thursday evening. Allidan; You Must Leave Him with ’ aste : for Christmas and New Year's Presents; allway employees invited 284-285 ee paere. Add 4 Prices Are Reasonabl . . ; Me Again Some Day Hi, | McRae, the well known] loves and , Come In and See Us ’ > a ont 5 aie Eeeeaee , we I'm Glad They Didn't Invite . ates ie Te i py {quite cold I B : ‘ orrowet ond ring to wear to the ‘ real estate man, accompanied by a? , 4 In the Great Laughing Faree Comedy Kwong Sun Chong & Co. | show last week please return. You will Me [ Wouldn't Have Gone tolyig wite returned frot i" uth pehat when | : ' 99 3rd Ave. get fifty dollars reward and no ques-|)Their Old Party Anyway 2 er eee wil t 66 A B } ] H 99 |} tions asked 284-286 LK \ N - this morning Witt not pene ' ' Cc e ’s e tad i a a now Your Name as f as Oo on ymoon TENDERS. My Own, but It Has Escaped Me ! . Mrs. Charles Embleton was Lemon Toffee A Laugh a Minute! Prepare to Smile! Red Chair Sign 844 3rd Ave. renders wilt be received by the under for the Boment smongst the neers ret We buy furniture, stoves { |! ened up to Dee. 10th for the erection of Fasy Method if Learning|" ” 0 Pesseugers .e Nothing x aie ; ] » Sloves, CaSt-}a two-room school house on Block 28,/ (,,, ing to the city on the Prinee Hu a troubles POPULAR PRICES— off clothing, etc. | Se 7 Plans and specifications may be| “eran pert th é‘ ' i ing 25c jseen at the office of G. L. Proctor on and “Practically a Good New me Ss morning ome made -» 35c. & 50c. GRATTON & BROCHU after Dee. Sth a oe See as oth. : ’ bie alesis of brown sue Reserved Seats at Orme’s Third Ave. Drug Store. Telephone 200. Box 335 “e ee ee M. M. English, the well known]>with tw } Send Card or Phone 294 _ - He Sat Still. AD, ase seer tepagen . ined-nalt ; : i mat as amongs the ‘ al ‘ . tial NOTICE. The tate Patrick Collins, Offarrivals on the Prince Rupert }boil unt i = LL — Boston, was elected president ofjfrom th th tl . - . : om e sou is morning water w SMITH & MALLETT lin the Matter of the Companies |the Land League, and visited Ire to taste THIRD AVE. Act and in the Matter of Sivan|land soon afterward Superintendent G. A. MeNich->pour into a eget Met er & Company, Limited. A barber in Dublin was shay returned this morning on thefhalf cold n Sheet Metal Work TAKE NOTICE that an application will Z ri i { Office: 8rd Av Workshop be made to the Registrar P Joint Stock ng nim . |! rince Ruper from a business and when q Phone 114 eh Aon tat: iene Gn oe Companies after the expiration of one “You're Mr. Collins, 'm think-|visit to Vancouver and Victoria month from the date of the first publica- v1 aid bar > ee tion of this notice for leave to change the|!", | Said the barber, respect-| — —— name of the above company from “Sloan : c i | < & Company, Limited,” to "Bryant Com- malty. ; | T. MeClymont, who has been pany, Limited.” I aim, assented Collins absent from the city for the last wane the 1st day of November, A. Doi through the soap ithree weeks. returned this morn- “Te £. Se ar ; ‘ es Sagat os . eae : 6 Sst ena O 4 : Owing to expiration of lease, our stock of Furniture, WALLPAPER WLLIAMS & MANSON Well, thin, declaimed the | ing on the Prince Rupert, ac. ])0ts 26 and s7 Block 15, Section ® Crockery, etc., has been removed to the two stores at the Pe ee ee barber, flourishing his razor: [}companied by Mrs, MeClymont res we onee ene oe corner 7th St. and 5th Awe Solicitors for Sloan & Company, Limited, 7 2 #. DovaLAs Ve. pany. ant to tell d 226 Sixth Street, Prince Rupert, B. c.| W@Mt to tell ye that we've twinty| 338 Third Ave (Opposite P.O.) Box G06 2 ys z . To mete Foo! an eee alll thousand brave sons of old Ire-| Wilfrid V. Doughty, of the B.J— i . | land ready to rise at ¢ oment's|C. Fisheries Co., Skideg ‘ Big Reductions in Prices =} "=: «0 =o flg agin grog tgtnggmgy eal i ihrow ot tae rursea| ve ot the Poince Rupert (i FOR THE ISSUE OF A DUPLICATE ce ane row 0 le cursed|fived on ie rince upert this son's goods we are offer- CERTIFICATE OF TITLE FOR LOT 8 ce Snel ! . : Our entire stock is being offered at ing BLOCK 3, TOWN OF SEALY (MAP _ = England i i cae from a sbort visit to L 956.) JOllins preserved a discreet si- ictoria HALF THE M PR Notice is he in ordee to reduce our 6 — vr White backs from 7!2c¢ up umion to issue ai the expiration of tary [lence until he was shaved. As| ve 7 I “p o reduce our stock as much as possible before cca . =. after te Bret publication nereot 8 he was putting on his collar, he Dr. W B Clayton accom / movin “ mane al i % . e fi cate oO ne Certificate of Title to the | bs “ ronal our permanent location next to the Bank of Pp abovementioned lands in the name of Ella| 28ked: panied by his assistnat Mr. Lee ) re Lozo which Certificate of Tithe was issued UW . : . Te le A splendid assortment of i i Gilts, from 100. up per roll on application dated the 4th August, 1912, . hy Gomt you Fine? | penterann,” ert om ints Meme / i remit of goods suita ile for Christmas : and is numbered 621 R. “Oh,” replied the barber th’}ines train for a professional gifts at the reduced prices. “se — oes Prince Rupert, B. C..}eursed constabulary won't let| Visit up the line, extend 4 SEE OUR HI ovember 9th, 1912 — ‘ ' ' oF , - Caeneweee 6° , : U GH GRADE 276-41 WILLIAM E BURRITT, Jus!—Saturday Evening Post, |far as Aldermere. ‘They expect | er r | " F. W. HART i BURLAPS VIERA = ie a a —— - to be away for about ten days George | eek Tex-ta Dor-na double dy- ; Find it through a Daily News) mo eee 7th St. and 3rd Ave. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ATLIN OW t Ad.’ { d. 80 ‘lap. pe holden at PRINCE RUPERT, BETWEEN ant Ad. } Subseribe for » De le -rince Rupert ed, ft burlap, per yd.,20e MARTHA CARROLL, Plaintiit, and ED ibseribe for the Daily News 618 Srd Ave. Prince Rupe Imperial and Colonial fill- WARD JAMIESON, Defendant. = } s > ss aia 30c Take notice that om the 30th day of SS nee = ————— — od, dyed, POF YaRs. - .: November, A. D, 1912, @ plaint was filed 7 a a - = — and summons issued herein by the under The A W Ed C signed in whieh said plaint the plainufl laims as against you the specific per- e e e ge 0. formance of a certain agreement a ne enterer into between yourself and t 2nd Avenue plaintiff on the &th day of September A. D. 1909, whereby you seld to the plain tiff Lot 5, Block 30, Section 6, City of Prince Rupert, accoruing to 4 map or plan a of the said eity fled in the Land Registry orner Office at Prince Rupert and numbered 923 The pares —_ Court to order a . conveyance of the lot aforementioned t ny -Church Services - = herself or tO grant a vesting order vesting ‘Tr yi : he said tot in herself, 7th A V I: \ — ' = — And further take notice that unless —— : FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Within eight days after the first publica CR 1 V/ Servi tion hereof inclusive of the day of such . SIX Chureh Hall’ pte in the publication you return to the Registrar of SEC TIO: 7a 4 Emprese estes ; Pe and this Court at Prince Kupert @ dispute note Sunday Sehvol Sees a ae lated and signed by yourself or your so E A at 2.30 p.m, licitor in answer to the plaintiff's claim $2000 cash and the ba ‘ “e REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., Pastor the plaintiff! may proceed in this action ; t wid eoeenees may be given against you years at © pe! im your absence 285-200 THE FIRST BAPTIS! CHURCH WILLIAMS & MANSON : MCINTYRE HALL, 88D AVE. NSAR OTH ST Solicitors for Defendant ’ : Services every Sunday at 1) —_—_eoro; ene \ | & ( The Best School £80 p.m, Warnes LAND PURCI samue! Warns02 ome i choo Pp. m. Barac IRC 4 TICE } Bible Class 2.30 oa — 1ASE NOTICES. B-okers an | Financial Ag ‘nte i ‘ REV. W. H. McLEOD &.A B.D. Pastom ™ Rupert skee ; . rince Kup Procurable Absolutel wer ¢ ——- + — keena Land oie : @ notice that I, Thomas A, Roy, of 8 acres on Sxeene Sid. Sykus, Manager on paper, b Ss Pecupasion Phos ( : ave nnd to apply for Permission to The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vaneouver . a acing oh ae Sooormes tends; j te = | . - & post janted | Excellent Cafe, Moderate Prices, Advertise in ooo ys Ty iu iver ad apout : | a p noes nae Of the mouth of 8 * Apply to : | Ouln 8@ chains PI 1142 Pender Street West - ~- Vancouver, B.C. ° #0 chains, thence north #0 chains, ‘thence i e ehains to post . ’