ae » TUE DAILY NEWS Thursday, p — : = ees = = aoe BATTLING NELSON MAY ( P - = ‘GRIFFITH Selecting the Xmas Kodak MEET JOE BAYLEY SOON IN TAYERS ARE ” ° GOOD IN FARC ED awe it “The News” Classified Ads . E-COMEDY at the REXALL STRO. ° Terrible Dahe May Come to) “Bachelor's Ho romp! Coast and Fight neymoon" 4 Our stock is complet: — |! _ 9 Laughable Pi, w —_ “oO e e 0 Bayley. y Well from th littl Brow) e yley Presented to the more = expensive ~~ n= ee Kodaks. Let us assist r Victoria, B. C., Dee, 4 Bat iat o you in selecting the _THER on a a ling Nelson, former lightweight va Xmas kodak. ae ae PO “eee Cnee” Gene champion of the world, is ax are . : : . farce ¢ os hex jous to spend the winter on the Cc. H. ORME . Pacific coast, In a letter to a} Bach The Pioneer Drogetet-Two Stores It » canemmananii enema 82 -PHONES-—200 - friend in Vietoria, Nelson de-led by the «, Peerless Studio | For Rent clares that if he can arrangela; ine w, ~ me matches in the Pacifi last niat He 1s Northwest he will leave the east]. ." ' 1 AN i s ; a Apply P. 0, Box| and spend the winter in this Bach Special St sa . . ent—_3 . s all part of the country an a f urnishe use ee \ WV Guara ms. Apply at Ales at k, T? a At In his match with Leach Cposs f ‘ . . T il t G d , 281-292) the “Battles showed that he isthe t, } Sterling ™ Silver i 01 e 00 $ EMPIRE GATHS FOR pant. Furnished house, eight 1 oms| the same old rugged boxer that]),. with Dath. Rent reasonabie Bainter } " f : npto he For an easy and « tal have drop Sloan. Phone 387 o77-tf| he was when champtor here is ; in at o pire hird AV The | . - ont . “ . a ind wh We are now showing a fine range of Sterling Silver a. 7 ie x 2 n I- | MeINTYRE HALL to lease for dances, ete | no denying that Nelson has gone egg Toilet Sets for the holiday trade These goods are the fin stall i and the reneral 4 are forms. Gtap & Gon block 78 2ostt} back since he met Joe Cans alt kind : ; such as appea particular people ‘ . , “ ; ds : est procurable An early choice gives you a large stock t 20 Centrally Located FOR RENT—Modern five n se with Goldfield, but he is able to take), lowed \ choose from Opposite Majestic Theatre Seeuibeee ae a oS po jmost of the promising light Ft . KEEFE & DORREL 286-288 . I weights now and make them fee en R. W. CAMERON Poser Bi meh wow and at them Toi, Bote, e . omen pee —_ , increasing { should never have tried _ ] unfolds OMaial Weted tnapocter GTP. | |FURNISHED ROOMS & CABINS Wanted If Nelson wants to come out |{™elts =|Furnished rooms and beds to rent $1.50] on the coaat said a wel owrT s hache | ioe deme tor ae eae $2.00 for dou Mtsniainictinthileren ered n ' ' ‘ i Kl playe ao bie bie bed. Complete with bath and hot . lover of the game yesterday he a water YOUNG man with references desires work an find plent antawlat tei celle anne v in office Box 924, Prince Rupert ‘ 1 fine ylenty of material ere ‘es Furnished Cabins at $4 a saa 261-986 ; ida dvs’ tote Maebaethta % M as i APPLY 208 NINTH AVENUE " : ‘ usta dh é y I oe MR. R. SNELGROVI the coast who would on the secomplished roar Battle hustling for months t A ! For Sale The Great Sherlock Holmes, in ~ ‘ ~s | = ata tee there are made he : | POWER BOAT FOR SALE i Shiehathete tenerubie’ , . _ 7 { , 2 Y i , a dekaleer pint a o ot oung@sters “ oul } A well equipped power bo Spoke-| FOR SALE—Two Canadian Home Invest ” 4~ " ' . as . pnake a good match for hin M : ' , shute 46 fee jon ! t nehes vont ¢ contracts, si ronths old r rmouse miant . nerva aga TONIGHT AT 8.30 SHARP - . THIRD WEEK OF | sate ae feet tank. "18 feet 6, tenes | meat tn. coptrarta, it months ol. Ad Personally, f would like tofMinerva agai es | Prisco Standard engine, pilot nose con see Nelson tangle up with Joe : | trol Cheap. Apply James Adams, Fort) yworne p ai on - ; ' | Essington, or Rupert Marine fron works, M anes plane, 9 gs ~The FEAR THAT COLONIES Bayley the Canadiar light sia ae Prince Rupert. 77-28% pert esatr weight. who has come to the i} i eoul des ee front rapidly of late. Either he PANAMA STUDIO ; WILL WEAKEN DEFENCE or “Fighting” Dick Hyland would In the Great Laughing Farce Comedy | i | 613 3rd Ave. | Los nd aantrs ‘ , e “ H 9 ; Above Burns Meat Store | t and Fou — make a match that wo j b Cc e Oo Ss oneymoon Christmas is Coming. London Papers Point Out That worth going miles to see, Man- | Have your father’s, mother’s or children’s dot and Nelson would make a , ; ie a eenita' photographs enlarged and fnished POUND—THE FRENCH WAY CLEANERS, Colonial Navy Will Not A Laugh a Minute! Prepare to Smile of. ete (aay tebees Street. Vanesaver, 4. ¢ good ecard, It is probable that a a TEES VM an. ANE ae | Make Early Sittings for All Distant Express paid one way on $5.00 orders, Increase Navy. Ritchie will be so busy -with — SS =— Countries. both ways om $10.00 orders aa ——- } t f i} for price list, 258-t theatrical engagements or we " POPULAR PRICES—25c., 38¢. & 50c. ————————____ tilted, “Sines: Uei-ine Wilkgheaes ce cate car tte Gun cn Reserved Seats at Orme’s Third Ave. Drug Store. Telephone 200. ~~ 3 aan Telegraph, in an editorial deal- ; of o y but Neilso ° | JAPANESE AND CHINESE Miscellaneous 4} : : ‘ think f bexi ; n | FANCY GOODS ing with the suggestion to reduce| would like to get a trial at the |for Christmas and New Year's Presents the ship building for the British; "ew ¢ hampion i : —— = een —— — — — — Prices Are Reasonable £50.00 REWARD—Will the party who|navy in proportion to the aid to —_——_—_—— | Come In and See Us borrowed a diamond ring to wear to the/, iven by th tor ; n toward show last week please return. You will} Biven D © GOMMDIONS toware FOUR M ARI Kwong Sun Chong & Co. get fifty dollars reward and ho ques-| jh» upbuilding of the Empire's } 99 Grd Ave. tions asked 284-28¢ : fleet saves that such a nactior Notice is hereby given that it is my in-j| rysh, = extremely wopular : = F. W e HART tmiion to issue at the expiration of thirty A ; , of ! . cuse, N.Y., 8. P. Meadows, of In Te . ana feats” a dav« after the first publication hereof aj @mongest fis legion of Trends i) diang is: and Milton H. Davis, 7th St. and 3rd Ave. To make ro for ul duplicate of the Certificate of Title to thelihix province { pol ‘ large stock of ext sea. abovemeationed lands in the name of Ella i of Philadeiphia defendants in - Lozo which Certificate of Tithe was issued Se the so-called dynamite conspit son's goods we are offer- on application dated the 4th August, 1912, — , . | r ee P , . and is numbered 621 A. OBITUARY. acy trial in progress here | ing: aid Registry OMce, Prince Rupert, B. ¢ ' Ne —_— ee ——y— | November 9th, 1012. ional ft h M All four men are officials o1 276-41 WILLIAM E. BURRITT, esterday afternoon, With Ma-ltorpmer officials of the Interna- Whe Gente from THe District Registrar sonic rites, the remains of the - wit : oe i " tional Association of Bridge and per ro | late H. N, Raymond were laid in} gipyetupal iene Workaba peck en i " |IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ATLIN,Jtheir last resting place in Fair-|. ee m i , fro . Up per ro holden at PRINCE RUPERT, BETWEEN ; a , 1 of evidence was the reason as- MARTHA CARROLL, Plainuf, and Ep.|‘'@W ‘emetery le Funeral look) signed by Miller for his motion WARD JAMIESON, Defendant place from E. L. Fisher's under. Judge Anderson overruled mo SEE OUR HIGH GRADE Take notice that on the 30th day of|/taking parlors, the Rev. W. 1 . disch 1éfendants ns to ischarge defendants, BURLAPS November, A. D. 1912, a plaint was filed Collison officiating The fellow and summons issued herein by the under ' Paul Morrin and John H. Barry, “ae NOTICE would be so dishonorable and s ‘ . ° uo ; ; ’ rer ’ ‘Red Chair Sign-844 3rd Ave. fraught with dang that the!) Gonspiracy Investigation Frees i . English people would condemn Four of the Accused | We buy furniture, stoves, cast-|In the Matter of the Companies |jhmselves as traitors in the eves Officials. off clothing, ete 4ct and in the Matter of Sloan|of the rest of the Empir GRATTON & BROCHU & Company, Limited. ; uous D AL 8 UWENG SO SEPTStION OF lease, - tock of Furnitu j Box 335 TAKE NOTICE that an application will Goes South. meetin of the executive board Crockery, ete., has been removed to the two stores at the | Send Card or Phone 294 |be made to the Registrar of Joint Stock : ; oe ' ! . : 5 } " uppanies after the expiration of one { L. Cullin, who for he las of the Internationa Association corner 7th St. and Sth Awe. ii a a .|month from the date of the first publica-};..., , s has been connected | tion of this notice for leave to change the| ' P oa a ONNeeleadlaft Bridge and Structura [ror ;name of the above company from “Sloan|with the Provincial government| Workers. H.. ¢ Hockit was re e ° e e TH TT “ : s ; B Reductions In Prices SMI & MALLE pany, Limit a a ae road work at Stewart passed] moved as Secretarv.Treasuret ig THIRD AVE. Dated the ist day of November, A. D.Jihpoueh ithe city vesterday enitg, tions he was ap- 1912 which pos ~ Guar -eblies atock t6:being offered at ne eee eee ee WLLIAMS & MANSON, route to Vietoria, He left for thel pointed after the McNamara eet Metal Wor south on the steamer Venture val TH PRI i confessions it Los Ar es HALF E MARKET cE Office: 3rd Ave. Workshop Solicitors for Sloan & Company, Limited, Mr. Cullin holds the position of = : v in order to reduce our stock as much as possible before Phone 174 and Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts 7) 26 Sixth Street, Prince Rupert, B. C. ig ' ; | News of Hockm's remove! was © sergeant-at-arims in the Provin ‘ sien mad , toe moving to our permanent location next to the Bank of Neil z ul ; : suppressed until today > : " cial Assmbly and always spend Acting on the motion of Pro- Montreal. IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION | the winter in Victoria Charlie secutor Charles W Miller. Un. A splendid assortment of goods suitable for Christmas FOR THE ISSUE OF A DUPLICATE), |, } ' . CERTIFICATE OF TITLE FOR LOT 8,|CUllin, who has spent a number|ited States Judge Anderson today gifts at the reduced prices. “ag "¢ > n th iorth, t : : BLOCK 3, TOWN OF SEALY MAP/Of seasons in the north, having |Wischarged William K. Benson of vee been in Atlin during the first gold] petpoit: John Carroll. of Svra- ‘ a a : : signed in which said plaint the plainum|ing brother Masons of the de : Tex-ta Dor-na double dy- lelaims as against you the specific per of St, Louis; Micha@l J Cun- ed, soft burlap, per yd.,20e | formance of @ certain agreement of sale; '‘ eased acted as pall bearers: © mane, of Philadelphia; ae F , —— ' entered into between yourself and the/V. Bennett, J. Christiansen, M. J : ° * ™- “-} Pennell, James E. Ray and Ed. al ¢ Colonial fill }plaintif! on the Sth day of September Imperial and -— A. D. 1909, whereby you sold to the plain:| McLeod, M. M. Stephens, H. Me-| ward smythe. of Springfield, Il d. dyed, vard....30c uff Lot 5, Block 30, Section 6, City Of] Cartney ;¢ ‘Don: a , , oo ee coe | Prince Rupert, according to a map or plan artney and N, MeDonald W. J. MeCain and W. B. Brown, of the said city fied in the Land Registry f Kansa City Clarence k o t sas ; 7 aif » “e " | OMee at Prince Rupert and numbered $23 Reg ¢ The A.W.Edge Co. | The plaintt® asks the Court to order a - letered at the Inn Dowd, Rochester, N.Y., Clarence conveyance of the lot aforementioned to The following are amongst Bible Class 2.30 p.m. REV. W.H. MeLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor mum number o ftons that would be accepted to obtain a rate of 85 to Vaneouver was placed at 15 THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIYTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE | Services every Sunday at 11 llons his has been removed a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday } Sehool at 2.30 p.m. land lots of a ton ean now be REV. C. R. SING, B.D. Pastor } ship ped at tariff rates Portland 5 ais ow | aa THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL i ‘anal Miner, Granville Court If n doul what | f —— Sunday services at if ' OuDL” wha o give your i ends for Christmas ; am, 3 ands p.m. sun ‘ May Be Public Printer of U. 8. day » Soe. 1:30 p m allow us ) suggest a pair of shoes or ippers We have + Ne Wee night services Mor ; day, Wednesday rhure the most seleet and highest grade stock of footwear in The Hamilton (Ont tierald is re a a TUTTE the city j Commanding Officers responsible for the guess that CASH PRIZES Sesie « M. Lyneh, president of thel8 J inte roational Typographical Un A Coupon with Every One Dollar Purchase. jion, is im line for the appoint ment of publie printer In the ‘Advertise i ? ™ Renworth & Jefferson = f).)"“iniiisil. a The Daily News| ee Gent to Peston sl sind Wl thronanla BEA Hane | Want Ad Misses Mitehs the tw laugt Rex Sne as Anthe ( y detective ps was a screa i pearance was 8 burst of applause Richard Fa f r 8 and Claude Bre the wy parts were equa W Kept the i laughter doe the Roy Hagur needed in the This tot is a st the style and actress and ad the least ar who from t the stage A mee x ees WwW be | m f the W 7.30 tonigh rt Z All railway FOR SALE Lot 23, Block 20, S¢« $1,800.00 Equity + Lots 26 and 27, Block $500.00 % cash a ’ 4. DOUGLAS 339 Third Ave (Opposite 7.0.) Boi 006 4 ave ES George Leek 618 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert One Double Corner 7th AVENUE SECTION SIX $2000 cash and the balance over © ’ years at 6 per cent Brokers and Financial Agent* herself or to grant a véSting order vesting Behm .Minneapolis and Freder- 2nd Avenue |the said lot in herself. the arrivals registered at the G.liok Mooney Dal th | And further take notice that unless T P. Inn John J B j j a wooney, UlUutR | within eight days after the first publica-|** * . : rie ae Exceptions were noted in each Th B ? ' tion hereof ineiusive of the day of such] McKay, Vancouver; J. W. Meln- . = — publication you return to the Kegtstrar of , case. e es i this Court at Prince Rupert ; dispute aoae tosh, Wilfrid V. Doughty, G. N rr. e dated and signed by yourself or your so Sutton, ViVetoria: D. C A Gre NT licitor in answer to the plaintiff's claim, : pad 7 va. mo Procurable Absolutel ure | - Church Services - the plaintiff! may proceed in this action} Ves, Masset; J. O. W. Brinn and Ginimum Clouse Removes. a and judgment may be given against you wife, Mr oe * See . ee i ie waar aikeamen 286-291 ne, 1 rs, sonner, Seattle; A ; , ae ade _i| FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WILLIAMS & MANSON W. Carter, Thos Forbes, Skide- On representation being made ee —_——___ Services every Sunday in the Solicitors for Defendant ate: ’ Stoner. Victoris i the traffie managers of the a aan” fears Suadaw in Se ro EDWARD JAMIRGON wate; A. I toner, Victoria o the trafie manage | Sunday Scheele 200 am. ete oe Grand Trunk Pacific Steamship } e » & ENDERS. arry ©. Evans i or . : . || REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., Pastor . , - a Pe recry ot ns tuner, '8iCo, and the Union Steamship Co, | ot " Tenders will be received by the under ; eave orders at Hay- of B. C. by the Miner, a conces- 5000 WATCHES signed up to Dee, 10th for the erection of | ner’s, 277tf > ts ! ’ THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH a two-room school house on Block 28,| sion has been made to local mine ° &C m any §000 GRAMOPHONES MCINTYRE HALL, 38D AVE., NEAR brH BT. Sec. 7 Plans and specifications may be| wahapiee Siena Sele ee be of alk arrison 0 D Services every Sunday at 11 oer he eepee of G. L. Proctor on and Find it through a Daily News trp 5000 AUTO wanPS £2 8S ae Yeates ; — ow . tinet advantage in shipping small \- School 2.80 p. m. 28s W. D. VANCE, Secretary ant Ad lot aes Heretofor the mini-|Seeead Ave. Prince Rupert ots Oo ore, ‘re » - For Sale EEE 0 acres of Crown ere 7 on Lakelse road $1,600 $400 acres on Skeena ve Apply to G R. Naden Co., Lid. fod Avenue