i ee A a THE D Al LY NEW S et Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist AUSTRIA SEIZES SERVIAN SHIP AND WAR LIKELY UNITED STATES WAR SECRETARY DOES NOT FAVOR FREE CANAL RATES TO THE | STATES PARLKELY RSL OF SIRE Ma "ug ONTED STATES WAR SBETARY, Ratification of Agreement With | Pince Rupert ‘Aprives with Large After Five Months’ Tour of Aus-| West Indies Will Take Trade Passenger List — Heavy tralia School Boys are Silla alitciai FLOUR OF WAY TO DURAZZO IS SEIZED BY AUSTRIANS FoR from United States. Mists Encountered. Home HON. H. L. STIMSON TAKES EXCEPTION TO GRANTING PREF- USE OF cot icaiimentnene opt - WAR WILL RE- | to Sate 0 } i a om Special to Daily News ERENCE TO COASTWISE SHIPPING THROUGH PANAMA su a IN BELGRADE Special to Daily News. ap arney Johnson brought Specis ) eS 8. Lond fies. 4s Despatches|the Prince Bupeéet into port ont Vancouver, Dec 10 The CANAL—SAYS U. 8. a a ee FAIRLY. Special to Daily News VOTES FOR WOMEN | Ottawa says that it is ex _— this morning, and reps uted | in uae Sie eee ee 2 Special to Daily News. Mr. Stimson, “the United States grade, Dee. 10.—Great ex ‘pected the trade agreement with|that heavy fogs Were prevalent in!j, and New Zealand for the past} Washington, D. €., Dee. 16, had a right to appropriate to evailed her loday | premier Asquith Will Not Oppose |!!!" West Indies will be ratified | the vicinity of Seattle and Van-| five months returned this even_|!m his annual report to the Piesi.|American vessels amounts equiv- 1 rey that Austro-H Amendment of Franchise Bill. } the Parliament of Can-|couve harbors. The vessel car-|ing on the Zealandia, They were|dent, Henry-L. Stimson, seeretary}alent to the sums paid into its na ties at Fieume ha da This w secure for Canadalried a full consignment of gen. | accorded a rousing welcome onjof war, declared that the law/treasury in the form of canal a. sidadtee . Matedioch | es . ‘cite he greatest part f the tradeleal freight and 425 passengers,|the wharf. One of the lads was |granting free passage through|tolls, this broad question of ea- oii tat tla Kites . ss . a i aa hi w goes | the United! amongst whom were left behind in Australia on the!the Panama Canal to American|ational expendiency should not ,* ® ” Stat especially flour and] P. Naylor, Mr. and Mrs. Frank/sick list, but was happily out of|vessels engaged in coastwise|be determined, except upon care- gned to the Se er : I ist EM. | foodstuffs Barrett, Tom Hall, R. W. Okney,|all danger before the boat left |shipping is a false and unneces-|ful study. In an effort to obtain at Durazze ’ hat P eM Asquith » Mrs. J, R. MeKay, Bruce McKay, a sary policy. Mr. Stimson inti-|information, Professor Emery R. he » it was announced | ae mm a. aepee PERLEY LIKELY T0 GET | Mr und Mrs. 8S. B. Adams, Miss BERESFORD SEES GREAT mates that this provision was|Johnson was employed by the Aecute the flo Viola Leadbetter, Mr. and Mrs passed directly contrary to (he|War department, and as a resu-t et Ue be ,[ came to 8 deliberate de MINISTERIAL POSITION ~ Ay Blakeley, J, 8S. Reed, EF. T DANGER IN BORDEN IDEA evidence furnished Congress bt |he reported to me that the re- ave | irlow, Joe Keilwasser, Mrs. R experts on the subjeet of traffie| mission of tolls is not needed to u i nel ‘ — j i sfe and « dre f a "eCO » s ae » | i yi f ee oy eat | h 7 ? i hi | leonadien Minister of Committee | w Hus = It = , ~_ Ii n, H. W Declares Canada Should Have + pra , 7 recommends that|enable American ecneywine ves. uv bet . } vould the be ' y ry of Imperial Defence Likely it e . i ata on . “— Naval Base, Mines and Other it be revised, sels to successfully compete wita % 1 WwW be deeciared a ‘ ent easure j sUSacCK, ran Martin, to be Perley Defences for Trade Routes. “While in my opinion,” savs| foreign competitors. Lackie, Mrs. M. Bateman, Mr. and Special to Daily News |} Mrs. ¢ Teranyshi, B. B. Kelli- London, Dec. 9.—Lord Charles NEW AUSTRIAN CHIEF OF STAFF pea BEN ain aw! ih ya tte CQURT OF REVISION REFUSED Per B.A. Minister| 4. Taylor, A. Fagikner, Capt. ©.) Borden navy programme, appar- IS A SWORN ENEMY OF SERVIA ee tata | adr, er ere APPLICATIONS OF COMPANIES the Daily Express { ‘De fence Gomr tee kin, Evelyn Hurst, Mr. and Mrs. | What I recommended that the ee GRAVE CAUSE FOR ALARM IN EUROPE OVER POSSIBILITY OF |; Geo. EK. Perley is an An w tik Jackson, L. Jensen, M. M. Dominion do was to defend their} MR. MARSHALL CANNOT VOTE OW LICENSE HELD FOR a com- CLASH BETWEEN AUSTRIA AND SERVIA—MILITARY PARTY ‘ birth, having first seen|Bainey, M he Cohen, Mrs “lend of*the trade routes with PANY—MR. ANDERSON AND OTHERS CANNOT EXERCISE MAY FORCE WAR, WHICH AUSTRIA WILL WELCOME. he light of day at Lebanon ,New : cent, J a I, ae = J.) strong nayal bases, mines, tor- FRANCHISE ON GEUINSS..00uHr SITS ALL WEEK. lamps! Sepyember 12th,| "odin, ©. B. Glark, M. N. Shaw, | pedo boat destroyers and light — Special to Daily News is He vas ma d to Miss}! N. Linne E. Kissick cruisers The trade routes are The eclvie court of revision, i I if ) \ e Bowlb 1884 7) unprotected, and now our danger! ¢onsistine of the Mavor and Al- TIONALIST BOASTS MANAL BILL WILL BE ynie a lower by her death at ROOSEVELT ATTACKED is starvation, not invasion, The NA WSCUSSED TOMORROW "0.00.0 heath mies Hoang ese 0 WORE IN SENATE uct ssa! aponet ste ny hall yeces-| OF OFFERED POSITION | laurier and Graham Will Speak \\:~ wh , : r a 7 BS ane f ¢ mons at the get dreadnoughts of other nations, |4ay afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Se Says That That He Was Of: Against the Bill; Foster and |iary circles. | hese assurances |€ral election of 1905 for Argen- | Galifornia Senator Acoused Ted-| We were insulted by being told will sit each day until the close) fered Position in Cabinet Hazen for It. th in eilaw thie Sebue @ sed that | | m Octobe i910, ul dy of Protecting Trusts a dreadnought could sink threejof the week to hear complaints | by Monk. S y|the formatior of the Borde pa whole fleets The people speak |against the inclusion or omitting | St . to Bails ie a ~ 1 . : : ‘ : pn . cabinet, he was chief whip of the Special to Daily News. of nothing but dreadnought, |of names for the voters’ list and | Quebec, Dee. 10.—When reply- j ~ ; ka ntti hief_of_ataff | servative party Washington, Dee. 10—Assert-|quite forgetting that a fleet is|pass upon them City Solicitor ie ‘ t by H M shheg Ded if he Phe , —— neg that the powerful, unde. | co nposed of a variety of units,| Peters, who was present at the ing to @ question pu y on. r, day thts week me ae ee _ , See A. W. Edge Co for Wwall/ strained and corrupt eneroach-|any one of which being defective opening session yesterday, ix; Lemieux the other day, Premier ormee 87 good head ae : paper. Low priees to make room|ments of combined wealth” have|or short jeopardizes the whole.” |very strict as to the exact inter- Borden answered that he himself ¥, . ae Bre , oar £ ail — — bikes f new spring stock 285-tf) corrupted the voters’ franchise, —_—_—_—_—— pretation of the governing act. had not offered a portfolio to Ar- ‘ ev a sscpsenieteiiemanisgeninaieiieaibnaniiiitia.tammaie | Senator orks 0 i o MED CHT Mr. W. 8. Marshall, a or é . os i: a . he basket ba : _ i ae shy 0 . SEATTLE AFRAID THAT sesterday an ‘ \ an to oad ag FARCE C0 Y TONI and ‘lous ha» of she Petaes wee a ee stated Mr. Indian ade rest |ihe Callies and he, Ts : BY GRIFFITH PLAYERS ate that favored a single Rupert Importing Co., applied|Lavergne today, “but Me. Borden pascod it was ado; wor after i -f . =) , ms “ SHIPPING GOES T0 B. C. presidential term and prohibition to have his name put upon the/did not deny that Mr. Monk, who ission game by he (pipepenemne st e.e oO st. * CILY 8O S reco “nde > In answe lo a quest Pre . lo 10 ee a on 1 b Cc : f le To-Night and Tomorrow ‘8 f aie Se ——- fae a ends At cuguncatirone of the unworldly acme s- The city solicitor stated that|to this city, about three months WE TAKE PLEASURE, IN ANNOUNCING A PEATURI Leaves for Italy. letter made publie today by W. G,| Ser Goodly, the names put on now were not/fgo. PROGRAMME OF UNUSUAL EXCELLENCE FOR TONIGHT Mr. A. Azgali, who has been alRoom from his son, H. V, Room,| The policeman, still in pursuit|for 1942 in any way, but were for ‘ND TOMORROW NIGHT resident of Prince Rupert for} second wireless operator on the|emtered the house, but the sales- 1913 elections and could not be Boxers Training. PART 4, THE S'TAMPEDI Part 1 some time, will leave on Friday,|San Juan. man was not there; he had dis-|4sed for 1942 voting, so that it Quite a number of sport en- PAKT 2 THE sT > ry , accompanied by his sister, for an The letter says the vessel was | appeared. would be out of order to allow thusiasts were out last night to *, THE STAMPED! Part 2 saa : ne 9 | this. see Mortimer, the dusky fighter Che Stampede” will be of special interest for the extended visit to his former home| fired upon while at anchor off} “What Happened to Jones? eee SERIE er = eer wen reason that these pictures are all Canadiat he original in Rome, Etaly Phey will spend] Acapuleo, Mexico, and the ya The neighbors saw him = go. in, wise " fee ‘ = eal 7 8 eo " al , . re : a aan come time in visiting Chieago,| peer seriously wounded. The San|the neighbors did not see him|>y the eourt of revision. Several/on December 19th, while Olman's See Seo Seees see mae meer SIS® oi New York, Paris and other cities.|Juan sailed from San Franciseo|come out, Where was he? The|@pplications were turned down|admirers had a chance to see him ne manaiaetnyed nm wineipes They present Mi \zzali's trip is rendered|on November 43th. lanswer will’) be found in the upon similar grounds. work out yesterday afternoon, PART = — . rye ge Part 4 necessary owing to the faet that} a | BTCA COMOMY to be presented by G. W. Nickerson bad his qh. He is in fit Sondition and oe he PARS ‘ | Al NAL deep he is enrolled in the Italian army]. lthe Griffith Stock Company this ifications changed from lieense|does not have to drop any weight ‘4. RIP VAN KINKLI ery ind his leave of absence has levening, entitled “What Happen-|Helder to property holder forlit is only a matter of keeping a Van Winkle” is our special feature attra waa ly expired He expects to A Helpful List for jed to Jones?” registered property which he wa oe the a lad yagi. (his week I'he beautiful story made famous by the a hg ce Rupert as acon | ae. owns, take off ten or twelve pounds be- as — aere . mone prassioeie complel és a = em eee of his Christmas Gifts | att. med ae wee ee a a fore the night of the serap. " @ late release from the ViOgraph HLuaios eave, probably in six or eight | The ladies of the Presbyterian | lo satisfy > court as » fae PART 5. A GLEVER FRIEND 2 tins’ laws For Ladies {Church will hold their sale of}of its only including British sub. Auction Sale. An entertaining comedy from the Vitograph Stud ————K = work, home cooking and candy in |Jects. Silverware, cutlery, leather PART 6. "THE © Captain C, H, Nicholson, super WATCH FOBS the chureh hall Wednesday after. arn ENS goods, Xmas presents, at Alder “6 ) CARNIVAL dent of the G. T. P. steam BROOCHES noon, December tith \ large All members of the Fraternal! Block, Sixth street, tonight at a; An exceedingly interesting drama from the Kal ' viee, is in the city, re assortment of plain and fancy ar-|Order of Eagles are requested to/8 p, m, 290.29 “stag e to Vaneouver on Friday BRACELETS | ticles will be on sale, Afternoon|attend the meeting this evening FRANK A, ELLIS, Auctioneer, ; Chis is a very long programme requiring nearly tw en ee ee aa tea will be served and a musical|in the Helgerson Block for the OR * t0 produce, Therefore, the Bre! ae : \ large assortment of Xmas MANICURE SETS programme has been arranged|purpese of electing officers for| D. A, Rankin, the railroad con. ‘ ' Ce s : ‘ e merle i Mm? ‘ m ClOOCR . . os . q ae D i , ; ; Sig a“ 7:45 sharp and . nee Crackers at Stalker & Wells TOWLET SETS for the evening to commence at|the coming year 201 ue toe, arranes this morning on Hi be an intermission © ; Phones 187 and430 east 9 8:15 An admission fee of 25¢ GEREN, the Prince Rupert, ane Renens: programmes . o WARK’S will be charged for the evening M. J, Hobin, manager of the Prices 10 Cts. and 15 Cts. Fancy goods, toys, dolls, games, 288.291 Continental Trust Co, after a I. N. Linnel, associated with _ eig the right goods at right 3rd Ave. Jewellers Box 76 3) flying visit to the lower coast|the law firm of Messrs, Williams PRINOE RUPERT THEATRE CO., LTD. | ‘ Mehtae Bros., Ltd, PHONE 1228 Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners,|cities, returned this morning on|& Manson, returned this morning ™ 290.202 | Phone 4. the Prince Rupert, from a short visit to Vaneouver, ; it