11, 191 December —<—<————— THE DAILY NEWS ae ——— or RCHASE NOTICES LA NOT ——"_e! _— —— AN! ! Gl REPORT BY MAIL OF year by the g@ove ' and notlportant question iff ond istrict pistrict of Coast keer . bs the Senate as ha statedleountry sinee confer \ range V ft ‘ st George KR. Naden of] al Ka ‘ DOINGS IN COMMONS by the Conservative p pass At the present tine rak \ pation nrames, fatend j Ruy Ink ed this House and improvee| though the debate on (| ache ance a . aon t rare ve ’ " 1 reat g : : at i ' ha " -— iby the Senate, but the Cove woold last until the « hi pt an | ' wing 208 , post planted about) mu la niinwed fro rage 2 ent would rather j ; _ Poms i rea wie g poe, Keection trom | m . 7 i ‘ m Par ment enule tthe \ t th week Possibly with tl | tyr dist east Bf ebains, thence | grap! . nt tek — en | BOCEPL I as ny ‘ ne spell the Prime M 7 < set 80 chains tol of “ ; 4 ! T ' , 4 . i in 80 chains te mm oo f uth #80 phe Forge He quoted from The effect of the tmendment be ready by Monday | — hi sor ment, containing 640) ae hain a > . » . “ nt of commencement Myf By. R. hat vou will have this| Unholy hands upon Whichltof Labor to the local unions all on ne when your indé co gy will be paid off. ‘ more or less n ; ano r ‘ | ice open evenings ‘ile D . ainine BAM ENNYI hen Aining ies deems be dane. mprovement which has|™ay or may not, mea hat thel over the province advising them | ! 6 rite, phone or call. ws ° th sees eee LIA MUGRID aE promised you for the past bill will be so amended as not to|to ignore the proeeedings of the INTERNATIONAI HOME r I vears, and which you ne- again demand the guillotine commission entirely 7 ree 8 at _— . ast a ' seas i ained. You will have it not the interests of the « I We do not think the commis- PURCHASING CONTRA co., LTD. vat William J, Mogridge Range Vv ‘ that oxi é@pesten, sion will be of any us,e” said a ‘ tah i occupation broke ake 1 teat Teen hs + een an next session, which No Redistribution Bill. a > oh, as Offices: Suite 11-12, Smith Block.. Phone 455. va 7 permission t lease | Au; pa t ul ntend : one month The Gov- well known abor eade this wm. E. Ritchey, Supt. bed lands vi pert i i the f at mn the demand of yout Again Sir Wilfrid unsparingly| morning It is composed of . \ 1 post planted on the , be : ‘ ringing | . meolon Inlet 2 Lot N I a e at a planted the be Mr. Morwat will have condemned the delay bringing | ‘has-been politicians tt has hains enes ul . ' 14 ’ . o seiributio | eT t »£ . . ’ 18 we Se Chain more ait : saiee , - ‘ about he necesary subsidies voted, one dow! the redistributtor bill | bee made a sort of reward for ee > bank, thence norther f : ! ea ‘0 chains.| hundred thousand, two hundred especially in connection with the | political services. wk and foreshore to fj h h 4 hain thence west 40 5 : > * ators ‘ . " ‘Re 4 nee, mtaining ¢ a a vp mmencement, contain-| '! nd, if need be and you appointing of new ena i Premier McBride asked the on ne acres 0 wr ie ha ha ' the west There might be reason| Federation of Labor to nominate WILLIAM J. MOGRIDGI HN MERRITT, Locator ' ; , wind N er 15, 1042 ' }. Fallowfield, Agent Che bribe failed in Richelieu for appointing the new western|two men who would be acceft- po. N 9—Jan. 2 ; i ept . ry ss Wilfrid ntimidation | Senators, bul there was als able to organized labor and we oe . District——District of Coa | « work in Macdonald, but in }|"e@80" why the west should be}did so, bul our neminees have — we V keen Land Dist jistrict of Coas y . air repnresental . . m that Reuben W. Roger oe Kange v na , is the electors are con. |#iven ee nd ee wi I a a = on ake i tha homas Partington, of ‘ ed we want to feel that suc h an immediate redistribution Sir Had J H Hawthornthwaite is t app! oO ” issbor kirk, Ma pation erk, tmtends t a fantail : ‘ . ; a ase wing described jand ‘ph permission to | hase the fol |! sethod imnnet be countenan Wilfrid declared And our yx been a member it would have been WANTS — g at @ post peantos at th . be leed. Differ as we may on poli- icy is such that there de es|different. He was asked to form rtheas o 614 ange tuilb sz ‘ A pos Planted on @! ‘ , ALOGUE SS 1 ear Lakelse Lake, thet ‘ ne mile easterly from indian re-| tical questions we ought after upon the government a constitu-yone of the commission, but pres- IN BIRKS’ CAT ‘ pe ‘ : thence west 4 ce ; ve s me t jutaeenes iver, thenes An ome wait ir contests in tional and imperative duty to give|sure of business obliged him to and you will readily see how you may save a large per- ! pia commencement AD wing ver bank, thence) |; f ritis int tions » | this redistributto immediate decline centage by buying yo ifts thro ir i e RK. W. ROGERS i h4 chains, hep ast 4 chains to] h B h tor H ‘ . j i nT re ‘as . 63 ~ © a ugh their mail order Dated Nov 1912 he pos ynmencement, containing 16¢ therefore moved the following | Met Next session oF time session There is nobody on the com service. Why send your ofders Kast when you can be Nov, 18, 1919—Jam. 13, 101 HOMAS PARTIN mm teesees lamendment as a te of cen-| after nex! but during the present |gmission that we have any eon fi- | supplied in one-quarter of the time from Vancouver? str yistrict of . : A. G. Fallowneld, Agent r session tence in and we shall not appear | Supplied with the same quality goods Siena Land District—District a ated September #nd, 1912 pi vi q - at t same prices. . i nenge S a Pub. Sept. 27, 1912 We beg represent to The opposition leader pr inted| before it What's the use? We carry the largest stocks of Jewellery Silverware, vy I wcupation bookkeepe; Roval Highness that in|oul that this was the policy m- — Watches, Clocks, Gut Glass, Leather Goods, Brass Goods wien pt for permission t pur keene Land District—District of Coast, apis j 7 . ‘ Bins aia : ‘ » 4 nase owing described lands: — Range V. — he elections of Macdonald and|V@! iably followed since the firs J. J. Sloan, of the real estate and Novelties west of Toronto. And eyen Toronto does _emmencing Oe oe — S nal! ae, & tice that i, Napoleon Roy, of Richelieu there were prac- | census after confederation, and] firm of Bainter & Sloan returned | not excel us. Our Catalogue tells it all, consult it now. res 5s . ws — x Walla idat occupation mill man, it that ¢ , . “dis ‘ . : . j y — : 5 ne et oe a Mission to purchase es calculated to terrorize|that although im 1904 the redis-|today from a short visit to the} All goods are shipped at our risk and money will be re- ~ : ith 60 chains “thence | “Cot tn acin e . pia ted about 1 ind co p the electorate,| tribution did not take plee until|teday from a shortr rvrinsritr rt) turned if goods are not entirely satisfactory. What more 4 il Lemme a ’ ialtea s0U | : wes t ae e tolowing | st mile south from the mouth of the Shames which were connived at by|190s, it was introduced at the|south could you ask? Do you wish to make the most of your y Ww point of MuMmence fly nd at t belf at south from | iy : . thea @ | —— +9 Punt we ee eet de nores tore OF 1008.| the south beak of the Skeens Ri sen ministers and which de-|first session efter the census Christmas money? Then write us. Writg before the z ‘ = na . i ke south 8 hains, tence east 80 chains, he ensure f the|figures were available Sir Wil- } Christmas rush begins. ‘ ati opr en hen nort 80 chal then 3 ( ‘ th, 1912 ha t I ~—t a mn nt ‘contain ! st | frid issued this warning I E =o eo , ey earn NAP EON ROY , re} his scathing in }sha awa what the governme! { SMITH & MALLET T Henr Bir 'S S Sons mited: ° ‘ AL AM . =s — . Sbeena Lal sob _— o mst) Da August 20th, 1912 ment the Prime Minister’s| have to say on this important THIRD AVE. y > Li ; ange } It Sept. 28, 1012 . ' " . - | tue that I, Albert Lopas, of| F , . e] was that Sir Wilfrid] Subject. 1 assume today that they |] Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting ard | JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS 2? prox Rupert, B. C., occupation pr | - ‘ j . » ne | pecter, a apply for permiss mm to} > . . "Rh y. . 085) was a “scrap-DOOK rato and | have me ntention of performing Sheet Metal Work j Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C pureaase ywing described laud re ap ‘ what is an important constitu Office: 3rd Ave Workshop . Cammencing at @ post planted about aks © that |, Horace Roy, of Prince| the remark that the Opposition) — Phone 174 “2nd Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Ste a jraveyard Point teiegrapt i i occupation gentieman, ip ead ould have a test vote on| tiona duls if | am wrong I 1 op the south side of the ud wo app permission to purchase . f . “8 Meru thenes south 4 hains ing desert jands iis proposed motion Mr. Bor-| shall be glad wh it and it wi meee Wen: a ‘ chains thence t tt 40} tuts mg at 4 p pianted about 2 . ‘ i ne 4 ¢ my a apologize but if chai west 40 chains to pos } a 5 wes um» Graveyard Point| “* was evidently contider tha “ : : , ™ g containing 160 acres more grace] tT al about 1% malles) ; natte! what happened he am rivht the government may so : = igre omer und, about 4 le st happ ‘ovr vist oie soversnont ms |Gasoline En ine ALBERT LOPAS. | ne i Siacey’s application wo} could count upoer his majority. | expe rea ihe qu KM ba Aug 1v12 | lids thence south Bt bails thence ‘ ie reps a ont acall during he yresent ses F Sal Sept. 28 | west 8 hains, thence north 80 chains, | rhe res h el was along)" or e } a z | thence east 50 chains to post of commence he quoqgut me 8 familiar | §!0! Two horse power, single cylinder, ver im | fem Lap District—District of Coast | nent, coftaining 640 acres more or ess . And whal lid he Prime Min tical, stationary engine, with Wizard. Range V ‘ ; HORACE ROY jiast Sessiol | ; . magneto. Will séll at a low price. } nl - nm that I, denry Smith of | Based ft ast 1m 1912 li: was the general feeling in reply 1 his Again the - an , E, Daily News, Prince nm nm 8. C., e@ccapation il- | . yo © = ‘ aque ‘ . upert, B. apply for permissiot “4 ; : he House that the Prime Minis-jeverasting tu que que—and en- nH 9 wing described lands keens Land Districs ae Of Coast), . had made a remarkably weak vera to show that there had —_—_—— a st & post planted about none } = = . — . nm nd te eoutheriy directiot ske notice that Martha Ann Krutz, of ‘ly to an exceptionally ong | been an undue delay between the - - ml - 4 Washington upation spinster, , . : _ Po slegraph office ab . al « “s ‘ uth side Othe neon | to apply for permission to pur-|address by Sir Wilfrid Laurier by census of 1901° and the final ap- a ml Diver, thence sou | ame es ‘ liowing described lands pl la e redistr ‘ j W cha ' > ore "Se teaies, ‘then ‘ mmencing at a post planted op the he clumsy way in which he dod . f th distribution bill a a a 5 uns to post of commencement DOUnGary we Lot ee a the attacks of the naval de- relober 1903, stretching to a a tainin ean ay " i you ye azetted a ' . . ; a : ; tt IKE VUKSTI H j \gnew's 1 1a purchase fence and decent electiol issues itmost tits including tong The up-to-date House Decora- a a le 9 : i bein hains west of . ; it ' a o ( a r rs, Se ; heast ocrnel chains West of Will Demand Investigation” | ‘ebales in» th House After tors of Prince Rupert nH n ; 20 chains, thence west to east bank But the government was al-|this Mr. Borden added As | tieens Land District—District of Goas Hocsall Kiver, thence southerly follow : | understand, and as he (Sir Wil ° °,? | ml 6 6 | Range V ne east bank Hocsall River to the mwwed little rest That same ev- j unde ana, at ‘ the eo ign riting.. nl a... e that I, Peter Stacey, of | “rium 5 Bin oeaa® ee eee ening Hon. Frank Oliver took up frid inderstands it, any redis- a Prince t, occupation carpenter, in ving north boundary; iis lot to poimt - : t . . 7 ; tor permission wo pur’ hast minencement, containing 40 acres! ihe cudgels with regard to the)! ibution measure that may be Paper-Hanging - _ - wing dese | more r less . > ' » » 2 mmencing r cy i, ™ about MARTHA ANN KRUTZ Macdonald electio utrages and| passed cannot take effect until ° atts nl e ° nm ‘wiles south from Graveyard Point tele: | KS na with documents, citations and |the dissolution of the existing ur Specialties gn mn ween stat and being on the south side vct. 3 . o tani Tt fan | amerde of the Skeena Kiver, thence south 80 chains, | letters proved his cast io = the | Parliament lis is extremely west’ 80 ‘chaime, themes north 90) %keena Land District—Disirict of Coast, an kamen at mao ‘anificant. If it means anything| “0 Stwage deliver the goods.” Je = Me the : t ange iit. net enly that the adminis-|* ! . ‘ © east 80 chains to post of j i , thmencement, containing 640 acres more | Take notice that I, Mike Vukstich, of) a s vatice had been pro-jit means that Mr. Borden in- 2nd Street Phone 156 Green | } Ot less prince Rupert, B. C., occupation restaurant) (Faron we Js é I | im | mn 7” PETER STACEY. | men, intend to apply see pe ounesen Ww] stituted to prevent Liberals from tends to delay dissolution of the — — - | nl ied August jourchase the following described iWhds j x ¥ Parlis . x } Pub sept a |" Commencing at @ post planted about 70/ doing their duty in the riding, |existing Parliament as long as | el . , lchains south from Graveyard Potnt tele-))) sna sn < eae me ho | possible He is under promise me | teeena Digests f | graph oMfce, and being on the south side put that Conservative crooks wit nl ’ ‘hoe sDintrict of Coast! yr the Sksena River, thence south 80}had actually pleaded guilty to|to apply to the people en any ' | ah | ‘ ; : _| chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north) re ‘ a : Tak . a i aiiche Mates a mn ae neo ans ao eee tnains to post{election crimes, were tried injpermanent naval policy he may - ; a . vecupation laborer, inten ancemé 5 4( acres ang . . = re fey te permission to purchase the | S Bey ement, containing 640 acres) nna) and let off with fines paid at length propose. Ii is, there- a a Wing { a». ore 4 as aur ‘as on eentes ot 1 HENRY SMITH by the party organization when fore, putting these two proposi- i TESTIMONIAL wl ‘ a dU) ) bec a u ¢ ’ . » ‘ i Dated August 24th, 1912 rethe fairly ‘ arent Pp ss , | . ner of Timber License - 9 Ithe law 8 weifieally provided im- tions together, art apparen To make room for our onne*Ganahher 2 Lakele ‘Wallan aheut & of s| Pub. Sept. 28, 1012 | the | i | set aia te he iy wow i Dr. Ramsay, Fleetwood, reports:— nm - westerly fram the ‘Williams | eumeem aes . prisonment as part of the pem- that ti a ‘ - . large stock of next sea- §$| If i it of excellent quality, and very suitable for in- wl ol paces thence South 380 chains, | ' mined to take no chances—-thal | ; ii : ” ha > os 0 chains, thence north 30} LIQUOR ACT, 1010. alty a: Me i : ; son's goods we are offer- | valids requiring stimulants. am mimes ¢ west 50 chains to point of —— That this star chamber meth-|he will try and jam through a oe meu, ¢ ore | . ‘ — : less onteining 150 acres mor Section 41.) lod of procedure must be fully contribution as a temporary ex- ing - a MICHEL KORDAS Notice is hereby given that on the frst) i ijate i »stigate ‘dient and hold on to office to I Fred E. Cowell, Agent day of December next application will De) ‘©! tilated and investigated bv| pe ‘ White backs from 7'2c up 3) a Pon vctober and, 1942 made wo the Superintendent ¢ peosmess parliament, whose first duty ;|'he last mimute before venturing per roll if nl tith, 1942—Jan, 6, 1013 oa eee 7 ee py the. hotel known|to prevent such outrages, was)! appeal to the country with a | | nm . as the Big Canyon Hotel, situate at Kit-| _),., w Ho Mr. Oliver when | divided cabinet and following on Gilts, from 10c. up per roll 3. selas, in the Province of British Columbia. | own F nh. Ml : en , } mn nu LAND LEASE NOTICES Dated this 10th day of Oevober a“ jhe said that not only would the|the maval issue—the most t- —_ nH —DISTILLERS — nl iW PATERSON, Applican’ —————_—_—_—_—_—_—— matter be dealt with in — the SEE OUR HIGH GRADE ALEX. FERGUSON & CO Ske « a ~ _ — | ° ena Land oisene —District of Coast, FORESHORE LEASE jeour ts but that “there were pro- BURLAPS } - , a jange IV , | | Take 1 tlee that” beeacy D. Foote, of ceedings in the Macdonald elee- | nH we West Reagent Stenst, Gisapen = : sland, B. €., oeeupation farmer 0 t te _w ’ Tex-ta Dor-na double dy- ' on ADDly for’ permission to, lease | Skeena Land District—District of Caselar tion that did not come within the | : =— a « described land Take notice that G. KR. T. Sawle, of jurisdiction of the courts, but ed, soft burlap, per yd.,20c a mm ‘ ie @t @ post planted on the] prince Rupert, intends to app'y for @ lease 4 2 side ge “— . i : ; ponte Island and about | of the foreshore ‘comme neing at th north that concern the courts > mse l- Imperial and Colonial fill- a ° 2 , a 1 @ @apieriy direction from! ast corner et of | 6, Goose Bay,) ye and go as far toward the very ‘ r point on the island, thenee | and running ¥y as yu thwe ste dire ection , ed, dyed, per y ard. . 30c a 9 nm \ ‘is more or less to the West] vout 60 chains to the southwe rner| fountain of justice and liberty mT mn n ; Of the island, thence i @) post of said lot, being all the for shore 11) this eountry as to demand the at- ~—AGENTS- lire wen —e the shore romt of Granby Bay Townsite, @ reg ‘ i } i i bl i The A W e 0 a m horth end of the island, thence ered in Prince Rupert hes Mee ion of the only woody abie 0 . . g e | erly direction following ti under plan 1007 . th attention and that i nl PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ml point of commencement and ( k ' t (hha { e Ooh é i - 7 iO a . i. BR. T. SAWLE, AP au in ' vember 4th, 1012 _ Dated October iSih, 1012 : he Dominion Parhament i 2nd Avenue nm n WENKY 0, BOOTE, Locator Pub. Oct. Ot, 1948 “The Highways Bill” SORES lichae M " i Da \ovember 4 Bn aoe 1, Agent WATER LICENSE \ her point dealt with — by — —- ——____—— , 18, 101%——Jan, 13, 1012 For @ License to Take and Use Water peech from the Throne was] . tice is here , { | 1 ) sir Wil. | District-