Legialative 1 ibrary | anoesT CIROULA?.. * | t worry ANO NORTHERN BRITIOH COLUMBIA Se ee mi, NO A _————— JAPANESE WAR SCARE ON HORIZON IN CALIFORNIA :: WILSON LIKELY TO FACE REVIVAL OF JAPANESE TROUBLES |) <) OVER INTENDED REINTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION AGAINST ORIENTALS BY SENATOR SANFORD. special to Daily News The bill pr de awe exelud Sal kr cisco, Dec 16 jing Japanese fro wning when Woodrow Wilson assumes |American realty Sanford ha reins ff government on) waged his fight three nes in th arch 4th next he will be con-| Legislature Kach time the Leg noted by the bugaboo of war | jsjature has been torn by the con h « ate 5 : Japa precipitated by the flict Pha Brot tte 1 een & ed intention here today I ; feated by Colonel Roosevelt, then f%iete Senator Sanford of Mer president vielding the big He ( ty to again introduces ate k ide iene stick,’ and twice by the efforts of egisiature his alien lance ! apes President Taft an anti-Japanese measure N b uimost resulted in an in o American can own land ational squabble in 1907 and|Japan,” said Sanford He can ) Sanford asserts he willinot even lease it unless he mar tye his bill) immediately |ries a Japanese I am going to he Legislature meets in|keep hammering until my bill nuary goes through HITE MEN TO RECEIVE INDEPENDENT LICENSES ie Fishermen Applying Be- fore March 15 Will Be Given Licenses on Skeena. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN AVIATORS ARE KILLED Death Claims Two Los Angeles and Two English Aviators on Saturday. \ ; etter has been sent Los Der is It * fate Angeles that esting piaces on the Pacithk few miles shore to Horace Kearny. a ity aviator f the white fishermetr ihe district by F. H al Dit spector of New has accorded the bottom of believed Cunning- fisheries Ocean a West fi youns : om brush (olumpDia, for proposed change hKhansas and . swestions ng suBEt his passenger, Chester Lawrence a Los Angeles who started together veard the newspaper man egulaltions governing the on Saturday sposal of licenses in the Skeena Francisco in After searching mn upon a trip to San a hydre fifty-four he which ther together boats and automobiles med, plane nearly sed regulations pro that if white to the f 20 per cent. of the lishermen of the district own boats and gear before March] the their applications be craft were the depart-] p, independent |i the water and the ro« holders of them] eoast north of Santa Monica fish to the high - After that date I Dec will be disposed of names i) in respeet to the rating urs of men ano hydroplane was used with numerous hope ulthe severa was virtually aband ugh censes searchlights from will continued until a late eceived by Phese are d the thew sur last night, throwing beams over KY Didde 16 were Yesterday added to be charged ondon, » “Censes two the to more list of fatalities to the dangerous occupation of aviation Lieutenant W. Parke, of the Royal Navy, and R. Harde- wick of an plane instantly, killed when the h they making flights from Hendon f th i? Canneries, | this distriet there wy liter the held by that about license holders a! I'wenty per cent. of if taken up “le then within the time speci / Will mean 170 independent 680 boats will be i lishing privileges after that Most of these will be are about ses, majority of nm are were Japanese It 600 manager aere Or- | company were ast machine in whic the by were aviation grounds to Oxford came down with a crash Wembty golf course. censes on mis, while Repairing Inn. rhis morning men spreading large tarpaulins Se white men and will have the wrecked roof of the mM benetit of the highest price|T. P. Inn for the purpose of , avoiding further damage to the building contents from rain So far no word has been received from the Montreal! as to what taken, if any, toward the upper part of the hotel It is probable that nothing will be done until after a insurance adjuster sent out from the has visited the scene of the flagration, Jap- are engaged the independent fishers Nese in over Ce —— and Chirstmas comimene continuing See further advertise- 294.205 Edge Co, for wall prices to make room “pring stock, 285.tf Wait for the big we at Mrs. Frizgzell's, Ing "’ Wednesday ‘and r five days only, cements and aler authorities im action is to be rebuilding our nts hire east Bee A, W ver Ww con MAJESTIC - THEATRE =<-=TONIGHT-—- Melodrama in 3 Reels Based on Hypnotism SLIPPERY JIM COMEDIES The Firemap at the A late A Disturbed Theatre Guest Dinner ADMISSION 10 Cents & 15 Cents re. THE DAILY NE re The Prince on bs eel PRINCE RU Here for Christmas. Kenny Munroe, than whom no better known amongst the ‘ld timers of this city, and who business interests here, ed oii on the Princess May amongst his Rupert pend Christmas host of friends in Prince tS | Beautiful and things high priced, covet rare in not that gifts variety chinaware either Christmas things ladies be se. at Wal- 204tf as can cured in great lace’s PERT, B..6., MONDAY, FLOOR GAVE WAY WITH WEIGHT OF MOURNERS So Many Attended Funeral That Floor Sank—Hymn Averted Stampede. Special to Daily News Flesherton, Ont., Dee. 16. The Love murder tragedy came near claiming more victims on Saturday afternoon, when more than four hundred friends of the murdered woman, Hannah had gathered to attend Love, who the DECEMBER 16, 1942. held the a narrow escap: funeral Orange services Hall had from being precipitated into the cellar through the scedie | ports giving Way. oe the | mind of one of the audience averted a panic. He started the jsinging of a hymn, which was taken up by the large gatl.eving as they filed out of the building. After the hall was cleared of half of the people present, the service was oe with. in sup was only presence of that Warm, olean rooms at Savoy. Special to Daily News. Naples, Dec 15. Via Chi- asso It was learned from a semi-official source here that llaly has secretly ordered the na- all residing ordered papers here declare Military reservists Belgium have been rush to the colors. in to Austrian; ITALY PREPARES 10 SUPPORT AUSTRIA IN HER TROUBLE WITH BALKAN ALLIES Transports are Called for by th by the Italian Government to Prepare to Take on Board Troops for Transportation to Durazzo, in the Event of Servia'and Austria Coming to Blows. sion of peace in the Near East. | This agreement is taken here as | finally settling the reports that jdisunion exists among the allies land that they would not support Buying for Santa Claus can best be done when the kiddies are in bed. Open every evening from now until Christmas. Wal- ace’s. 204tf Exactly at noon today the Princess May arrived from the south on her regular schedule to Skagway Travel is very light on this run at this time of the year, most of the passengers being for this port. Monster Christmas sale at Mrs. Frizzell’s for five days, start- Full particulars 294-295 ing Wednesday. in Tuesday's papers Training Hard. Those in the know say that the boxing contest,to be pulled off on Thursday evening next is go- ing to be a good one all right. At the time of going into the ring there will not be such a great disparity between the weights of the two men, Abe Mortimer training down for all he is worth to be able to comply with the conditions of the contest The many friends of Kid Olman ar» tickled to death with the away their man is shaping and are confident of his botaining the de. cision over his opponent in the coming twenty round go, Mr. Little Returns. Mr. A. ©. Little, of Little's News Ageney and the Iroquois pool room, returned this morning on the Princess May after an ab- sence of several months spent in visiting his old home in the Eastern States. Mr, Little is one f the most popular of Prinee Hupert citizens, having been here | e the very earliest days. His ews stand on the G. T. P. wharf Iwas a veritable club and oasis in len desert for the mass of new. leo eps constantly streaming in ld » the early days of the city’s history Mr. Little is looking lextremely well after bis trip and back expresses great delight at eae Fear for Boats. Special to Daily News.) Port Arthur, Tex., Dee. 16. G. Sand, of the Standard Oil Company. barge No. 87, and nine members of the crew were drowned in the Gulf of Mexico when a heavy storm tore the barge from its tow and it turned turtle. Fears safety of the master are expressed for the of the masters and crews British steamer Impoco and the barge Hainut, totalling thirty-six persons, whieh are known to have been right in the path of yesterday's storm. ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY Annual General Meeting and Ei- ection of Officers Will be Held Tonight ‘Tonight at eight o'clock in their rooms in the Sibbald build— ing on Second Avenue the St. Andrew's Society will hold their annual general meeting, when officers for the coming year will be electeal, and other business of importance will be transacted. Members are réquested make it a point to be present to Soeugipcepeomea—emneitingsinnpeiibe Perrin’s Gloves at Demers’. All Ready for You Any Day Now it is our opinion that you will agree that our holiday preparations this year surpass anything that we have yet shown you. Call and inspeet eur goods, early visit is desirable, No place within your reach offers you & more complete showing than this store WARK’S 3rd Ave. Jewellers Box 76 An tion's merchent mettne Gla London, Dee. 14,—Flat agree- | Servia's claim to an Adriatic port. semble forty of its largest ves .|ment that all the Balkan allies | The greatest block to peace is sels here immediately for possible|will support each other's claims | expected here to be the Durazzo se as transports. In the event|to Turkish territory and that alljand Adrianople questions Th of war between Servia and Aus-|will show a united front to Aus- | disposition of Adrianople, when iria the triple alliance plans to/trian, German or Italiah objec | the iug \comes, is expected to send 90,000 troops to Valona andjtions was reached here today by|prove an even more serious ob- Durazzo |the Balkan envoys, who on Mon-|stacle to an agreement between jday will begin a series of con-|}Turkey and Bulgaria than. the Antwerp, Dee. 14, News. | ferences looking to the cont hota of Durazzo. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS BARGE TURNED TURTLE | LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ea AND TEN MEN DROWN Young Jock Dunn arrived Only Two " Bronhe. this morning on the Princess Things were very quie ’ e May to spend the Xmas holidays | Sig Gale in Quit of | of Mexico dial 2 Sart ‘this montlmn somes with his relatives here Barge Away with Ten Men— jbeing only two cases of ordinary ;d. and d., each contributing the usual five and two. A minor as- sault case between two foreigners was. adjourned until tomorrow. Dishes. We have the cheapest ordi- nary, every-day crockery and also the finest chinaware. Wallace's. 294tf Constable Doolittle returned today on the Princess May from a round trip to Vaneouver whence he had been go with two Westminster detailed to prisoners for the penitentiary. Bargains, bargains, bargains. You will not be obliged to wait until after Christmas to avail yourself of the most: wonderful money saving opportunity pre- sented in the north. Mrs. Friz- zell’s Christmas sale, commenc- ing Wednesday, for five days only. 294.295 Tom Dunn returned to the city the latter part of last week. If you are spending Xmas south, take the “Princess May” from here Saturday, Dec. 24st, at 8 p. m., or “Princess Beatrice” Dec, 22nd, at 8 p. m. 291-300 Perrin’s Gloves at Demers’. Mrs. kK. L. Meltntosh tained several members Griffith Stock Company, together with some other guests, at a pleasant little supper party after the theatre on Saturday night at her charming home on Fourth avenue, enter- of the On Extended Trip. Mr. Frank Reynolds, of the well known real estate firm of Collart & Reynolds, left yesterday on an extended visit to Bastern Canada again to Prinee Rupert early in the spring of next year. ——————— Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Phone 4, and the United States, returning! UNITED STATES AMBASSADOR suCct BUT SON WAS ON OCEAN Special to Daily News.) London, Dee, 16. W hilelaw Reid, United States ambassador to died House yesterday noon from asthma. quiet and peaceful. and Mrs. John Hubert daughter, were at when he succumbed. Ogden Reid was in midocean when his father’s death occurred, being on his way from New York in answer to a cable urging him to hasten to England. King George sent a message to Mrs. Reid sympathizing with her. Whitelaw Reid was born in Dorchester shortly after His end was Mrs.’ Reid Ward, his his bedside London, at Two Men and Boy Are Rescued When Almost Dead by Boats from the Shore. - Special to Daily News.) Los Angeles, Dee. 16.—Two WEXT MAILS Por South Wednesday, 2 p.m. From South . Wednesday, ¢ a.m. PRICE FIVE CENTS TALY PREPARES FOR WAR IN SUPPORT OF ALLY HON. WHITELAW REID, AMERICAN AMBASSADOR TO ENGLAND, DIED YESTERDAY IN LONDON WHITELAW RED, AMERICAN MINISTER TO LONDON, DEAD SUCCUMBS TO CHRONIC ASTH- MA YESTERDAY—WIFE AND DAUGHTER AT BEDSIDE, HURRVING TO HIS HOME. Ohio man in 1837. When a young was identified with journalism and during the Civil War acted as special correspond- ent at the front for several papers. He joined the New York Tribune in 1868 and four years later became its editor-in-chief. He represented the United States as ambassador to France and was appointed to represent his country at the British court in 1905. he Wait! Wait! Wait! Frizzell’s advertisement paper next Tuesday. you! See Mrs. in this It will pay 294-295 WORK TRAIN IN PECULIAR MANNER Freight Train Helping Work Train Smashes it Badly When Air Hose Breaks Revelstoke, Dec. 13. — What might have easily proved a fatal men and a boy who were in the of a captive balloon that its cable resort, were rescued four miles out at sea. One of the men, Sidney Near Hampton, the balloon’s pilot, was unconscious when his body was disentangled from the mass basket was parted from al Venice, a seashore by a thirty mile gale, yesterday of cordage enwrapping the gas bag. John Wagener, the other man, was picked up as he was battling with the heavy seas for the life of a lad, Charles Jordan, aged 9 years. The boy was un- injured. THE WEATHER. The weather report at 5 o'clock this morning read: Barometer, 29.595; maximum temperature, it; minimum temperature, 27. Features at the Majestic. Tonight at the Majestic The- atre a strong programme has been arranged for, replete with good comedy and stirring drama. The feature subject is the great three reel drama “The Mystery of Souls,’ based on hypnotism. It is a picture that has caused con- siderable discussion wherever shown and is one that should be seen by all interested in hypno- tism. “Slippery Jim” is a de- lightful comic, as is also “The Freman at the Theatre.” “A Late Guest” and “A Disturbed Din- ner’ complete the programme. Delightful Weather. Yesterday was an absolutely perfeet day, bright sky, sun shin- ing, atmosphere mild and balmy, almost like the south of France at this season of the year. It being Sunday enabled every- one who wished to get out for a good long walk to the many charming spots to be found on the different points of the island. The completion of the road around the island is most assur- edly much to be desired, furnish- ing as it will a most delightful excursion in both summer and winter for a walk or drive. It will be a little longer than the famous spin around = Stanley Park in Vancouver. The G, T, P. Ry. Go, are offer- |ing special holiday rates over the railroad of a fare and a half for j\the return trip to any point be- tween Prineé Rupert and Hazel. ton, dating from December 21st to January ist, good returning train wreck occurred about a mile west of Craigellachie a few days ago. A work train in charge of Con- ductor McCullough was returning from the Okanagan to Revel- stoke. When approaching Ma- lakwa, the engine failed to pull the train. An eastbound freight in charge of Conductor Clay overtook the work train and coupling on to the rear end pro- ceeded to assist the work train. After proceeding in this manner for several miles an air hose on the front end of the work train burst and the freight engine cut the caboose preceding it in two and doubled up a steel convert- ible dump car. Luckily for them, the erew of the work train were outside the caboose when the accident oc- curred and no one was injured. The damaged caboose caught fire immediately and burned up in a few minutes. The train crew lost all their supplies and clothing with the exception of a typewriter belonging to Conduc- tor MeCullough, whieh he se- cured by cutting a hole in the side of the burning caboose. Los Angeles, Dec. 14.—"Of the 6,973 applicants for marriage licenses so far this year,” said Clerk Sparks of the marriage li- cense bureau today, “more than two hundred admitt®d that the girl spoke first.” Sparks’ comment was elicited by the realization that but few more days remained of this leap year. He said leap years always number of marriage licenses, but he did not look up the divorcee records for the corresponding period. ! The Port Edward Townsite Co. is advertising for tenders for four and a half miles of plank alks. These will be placed on some of the main streets of this new industrial townsite and will make access to all parts of the townsite easy. This property is evidently going to be offered to the public in first class shape, and none of the helpful prelim. inaries are being overlooked. Men. Pleasing the ladies is not dif. fleult Christmas gift at Wallace's. January 5th, showed a healthy increase in the | when you select your | i ) caper elctaamaRi rn pil i Re i mt ea ie es yor basil § ma 1 . ‘ ! aa a 3 |