: THE DAILY NEWS Monday, D sdiensiliainadeenligubiian sgagltediaiaaaiatataes SIR WILLIAM WHYTE IS A SOCIALIST PEER — 2 THE DaiLy NEWS THE SOLE ARBITRATOR, "RP TIES. car mss esomen womoer ot | CARTOON SS. PRINCE RUPERT rere THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA It ninemsn! Fabian Club 1 RMIT LS A! Published Dally and Weekly by Hard times will come ere very . -easaygibeed Vancouver, Vietoria Buu THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. To Decide Dispute “Between the eed bite do. aftem London, Dee, 14—The Fabian and Seattle sinnipaet aasniil i Government and the Grand =f |'"'8: . . "i, - a ee | coejety, an organization whose FRIDAYS, 9 A.M System Trunk Pacific Se ee ae oe wens) ropagate socialistic : TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—®50 cents per inch. Contract rates wrong, and grief will make Lo, ete Bagh gyre and up-| “PRINCE JOHN” -———. an deas amo ‘ ' on application. Montreal, Dec. 14——An agree.|sauirm. The seers may all be off} vet tm ehdel to. For Port Simpson, Granby Bay, Stewart, Naas, 11 4 » . ment has been reached betwedn| their base, as they. have been be cael cand ia ' nee gin tins! tee thie Helin a ve “0m SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Daity, me the Dominion Government and] fore; they like to scare the human Keri Russell, the firet member of! Por Skidegate, Aliford Bay end other Quech Chern, per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Wemsty, $2.00 per year. ; the Grand Trunk Pheifie Rail. |face and make us sad and sort ihe H i = ¥ Lords to become al Nov. 100th, 24th, Dec. 8th, genq CUE Vena, CRON Par Peay WEE, CRE pe sean, \CEey way in regard to the operation|And then again, they may be|'" ialist George Bernard Shaw @. 7. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER seRVice teeters of the Winnipeg-Super June.|right, their guesses may com \' a prominent Pebian and H. G.| No, @ leaves Prince Rupert 10 4. m. Wednesday HEAD OFFICE tion section of the Transconti-| true, if > tee eer reel Wells, the novelist, did much to] Grand Trunk Railway System nental Railroad The effect of] twill be ws 1owdy-do! So let's lextend the society's operations (The Double Track Route) Daily Newe Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. the agreement will be the open.|hoping for the best while fixing . {but has now withdrawn from it.| Nine month excursion rates in effect. Choice of + ;ing up of the line from Winnipeg|for the worst, and do our dai rl Russell explains the step he| with the excursions and fast trains of the Grand BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES ito Fort William for passenger | stunts with zest till our suspel oo 4 ae “ Alay ton ae tee ela Agency for al! Atlantic Steamehip Lines. Fo: at) informatio: ana n + ' ‘ ers “s it’s pu brine | = ees &7 ™ A € A » Jeners o Te : om ore oe aoe sas oll oe os — = ad ee ont ama ae ‘ol eater —~ to “ ah h a eral agreement with the Socialis McmAsTER, ‘ee i e se scads or wi . . . — e Gét ob of SeaTTLe—Puget Sound News Co. work with haste, « mize as ad idea of iran & th ' ? oa . ‘ our s "vt t foolisl industries ane¢ 7 meskes Y ow es Lonpon, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar ee ee out t . > duction in the hands of the com waste. It will net hurt us to be- re lieve that panies will arrive; the|™unity, and he attaches special || B.C, COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE qf Susscripers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of een ae savin we achieve. the{mportance to the nationaliza ==: === i non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. more we all will thrive. And if}4ion of land FA SAFETY PRINCE RUPERT IN the panies do not c but bet. MOUS een | —= ger oy ter times instead, if ngs keep SONS OF NO ay ESS CANADIAN A DAILY EDITION i roa Monday, Dec. 16, 1912 es(tMM ERE we's oe hen — a Aa PRINC meray = — SPEED | f acthiaetaintiiatinstt eatin : nol : Fs Meets every Thursday at 7 p. m.,| LINE nardwa SERVICE { seats areemearens mmm eee rene es an ene much ahead.—Wat Maso! at 319 3rd Ave, All Norwegians} A NNE ‘ oe ra are welcome | - | X i MODERN MASTERS S. 8. PRINCESS MAY , Southbound Sat., Dec. 21st, 8 p.m. H E lit ° N Chi ° Paintings by Modern Artists| ‘*Valhalla’’ of S.H. & E.F. S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE i orl otes S Bring Big Prices. (SCANDINANIAN SocteTy Southbound—Sun., Dec. 22nd,8 p.m. Owned _ | Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 4. @ WNAB, Gonerei Agent i Grand Trent Po , y the H Paris, Dee. 14.—The first day's} p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. i A Bide on. | allway on " sale of the colleetix of the late} i ietieats a an pla / JUSTICE 18 safe to say that not one min- Henri Rouart, cansisting of n od | STUART & STEWART - steam heat. elect, rht, « ren . Y , ’ Pr i » rea lis total of | g nd a MANDED. ing Colstituency will return ern paintings, realized a total « fy modern conve nei = . his candidate at the next elec- $352,000. The bidding was spir Recountants lutely first-class in ever ae The strike at Oumberland tion aris ited’ throughout and in mans|%%® 94 @vence Phone 280 ) espect PT at Pxte th : SIR WILLIAM : . a “ees OS" muaivors for the City of Prince Rupert The appointments and service aa and pm sap " > Since we last wrote on this cases the works fetched more PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | are equal to any hotel on o 4 greatest blots on the history o oe ; j am * : than double the valuation set by } e 1 British Columbia, and in a few Sunret, “SS euiry Ase bein tion of the Transcona’shops. The experts. The best price of the} — + . . : “ held into the Diamond Vale}jong standing disagreement be- atin. ks $46.900 ‘ “" a Corot | Alet M® Mangon, B. A. } years’ time, when the party disaster and severai men lust{tween Major Leonard, chairman Twerty.two atea osteha sald at W. E. Williams, B. A. L. L. ®| ; polities of today are, forgotten, Certilicates, Dut that does noifof the Transcontinental Railway prices ranging from $2,650 to WILLIAMS & MANSON Is made comfortable, safe and Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day ; the treatment of the miners by matter imuch, Pney wii, no]/Commission and Mr. Chamber- £24,500, Manot’s bust of a Barristers, en Etc. fast by using the Best Route the government of this prov- doubt, be restored, as was WD. lin, yeouienen of the . Grand woman, undraped, valued at Box ince will be remembered, and| Mchinnelis at bxtension. Trunk Pacifie, has been referred $10,000, brought 821.340 Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, 8. o North R that with shame ihe commissioner appoint-|'° arbitration, Sir oo “a Re ee! | Ee ea erm y. G. A. Sweet Manager ’ of Winnipeg, formerly ice- , i 7 That the minora ate MOM] OF NF Whe Minister Of Minsel» citent of the CPA. heb been} Meet mes) In town at Sever. “Jiitettate © “sine " Offers the choice of routes| ; | i ing is known to most of the was John Stewart, registra appointed sole arbitrator to de- | end Manitobe Bare. = and Al through a well settled country Fd people of this province only of volers at Ladysmith anu] cide upon what terms the line : ss CARSS & BENNETT F ae because of the scarcity of coal, deputy recorder for the govern-|from the head of the lakes to —THE — | BARRISTERS, NoTaARiEs, Et 3 DAILY TRAINS : but the conditions under which! = jent, Mr. stewart s experi-| Winnipeg shall be leased and Al-| _Oftee— Albert Block, Second Avenue. From Seattle or Vancouver the a Pema the ae ence in mining has been gameu as Oe a io paid for} Westholme Lumber Co. Chicago and all points east 4 sons for the strike are gener- 28 8 é ‘anscona, ’ wns v im selling to the miners stOCK} Phe railway company agrees —LIMITED— iP. ©. BOX PRINCE RUPERT 0 ‘ | ally unknown. In most cases ; R St hi when a strike is heard of it is and bonds im diilerent mines] to operate the line and open the} JOHN E. DAVEY ogers’ eams. p summed up in two words—j and recording licenses. He is}shops without further delay and| TEACHER OF SINGING | Agency Gor. Fraser and 5th © Wines and Obgars “Higher Pay.” This is not the a strong Lory and was defeat-|to abide by sae decision of the | Lumber and Mouldings OA iti cite a ia aa tae ; RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMPORT case, however, with the Van-| ‘@d as candidate of that party |arbitrator, leasing the line. on PHONE 116 couver Isiand miners, for al-] at the election before last. wejthe terms he shall decide upon. | _ . } ; though the rate of wages paid| do not imtend to criticize his —_—— | All Kinds of Building Supplies : - 4 to them is in some instances} verdict in the inquiry at Mer-] Big reductions in wall eee HAYNER BROS. THE LROQL OIS one dollar per day less than ritt, itis against the law to|See A. W. Edge Go, 2nd Avenue. UNDERTAKERS sawp EMBALMERS UNION Ss. COMPANY OF BC Ltd that paid to the mimers in the eriticize an honorabie court, 285.tf | pwet Avence Phone 186 Funeral Directors . v. POOL State of Washington, where| but we may stale that while Sr Ave. near Ath St Phone No. # living is cheaper, the men are acting as registrar of voters English a a arde The Twin Screw Steamer “Venture” Arrives from Vancouver Every i. fighting for their lives. and deputy recorder, in which Twelve Tables BOOND AVP As soon as they declared a position he is supposed to be strike, after having. been re- absolutely impartiai, he aciea fused an audience with the of-]| “as shairman at the Conserya- ficials of the company, which tive meeting at which Sir is a subsidiary of the Canadian Richard MeBride spoke and also TO CURE COUGHS =: E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embaimer CHARGES REASONABLE Saeees Seat ley : 2nd &t., cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 356 Northern Railway, they asked toured the district in favor of OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Geneay may ) h t t t the T did N a rom oe the government to appoint a e Tory eandidate. Now, is it . tie 4 ALLEYS 12 TABLES ) commission to inquire into the not a consistent thing to put a ron Cc Oo |e D MS »>—> Sails for Port Simpson, Naas Rivér Points Best Fitted ani % ts 2 | charges made by the men real estate agent in as a com- and Granby Bay Tuesdays, 8 a. m. ; : { oan H. E. ROSS, Prop ore Ave. blacklisted for acting as “gas missioner to inquire into the —— : all men. This was refused and causes of an explosion? When M thi 9 in Storage Gants Gar Wenscnees PSS ~ SO instead the government sent in a marine disaster occurs the a eu s yI up WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. mM. 200 special police to the Cum- presiding judge does not sit A percentage of your wages - berland district. These men,| alone, but is assisted by two of Tar and Cod Liver on deposited in a Savings under charge of Attorney Gen- competent sea captains, but not : l ° only sto: cough but cures Account is so much of your ers eral Bowser (the man whose when the MeBride government " ly stops a y Rog Steamship ency it. Its tonic and restorative labor in storage for emer- firm drew up the famous con- appoints a man to inquire into Phone 116 tract with Goto, the Jap, at the} an explosion which the cor- properties enable the system to gencies or old age. New Wellington Coal. Best oo the time he was making an abor- oner’s jury says was due in permanenti throw off a cold. , . - - Coast tive attempt to pass a useless part to the government inspec- y What seems an inexhaust- Phone 116 Rogers & Black natal act force Chinese to either break strike or leave the country. Were it not for force the Chinese would not do a single stroke of work, for they came out in sympathy with their white fellow miners, but the officers of the law in Brit- ish Columbia say that must break strike or leave the district, so they work one or two days per week. Premier McBride has much to answer for in regard to his treatment of the miners of British Columbia, and it is they]. \T .00"wsS “To ME_ Like IM ON THE |] TRACK OF SOME HIDEOUS AND SIMISTER crime! tors, a real estate agent, the employee of the government, is appointed to act, The men at Cumberland and Extension demand justice, and the only way in which they wi!! get what is the right of every man under the British flag an honest, fair hearing in a competent court—is for the societies, the churches and the individuals of this province to make such a strong demand that Sir Richard MeBride will! be compelled to give them the inquiry they demand. 35¢ for large bottle. Sold everywhere. J. &- MATHIEU CO, Prep. SHERSROOEE. MATHIEUS SYRUP OF TAR @ —_—— | COD LIVER OIL Winnipeg Stock at Messrs. Ferguson Bros. 123 Bannatyne Ave., Winnipeg, ! ible supply of strength may not last as long as you expect. Begin storing some of it now, this week, in the Savings Department of THE BANK OF British North America ~~ ru wo usmvrercs soumve Lilltle’s NEWS CAPITAL AND RESERVE OVER $7,500,000 LINDSAY Orders promptiy fillet OFPIOCE —_—___ Way acines Pervdicals +; Prince Rupert Branch, ©164!> |» 10%acous F. S. LONG, Manager, ‘The Horrible Details of the Back Lot Murder ff BORVING His TL MICTIM - fill | ih Ui! }= i" A MURDERER IN | ALL PROBABILITY) POOR HELPLESS! HAVING CAUGHT MY PaPER | —=j WITA THE Goops MR, + MURDERER - X DEManp |= —==) YOUR NAME AND = =— 4 PAOTOGRAPH FoR You TRL 4 LIFE Se DOLL AND TM TRY: =| YO HIDE iT WHERE ISHE WONT FIND IT BEFORE CHRISTMAS Prees reasonatie BB Keehewter, Centre m1 CARTAGE and STORAGE G. T. P. Transfer Agents PRINCE RUPERT FEED 0. — EE Dealers ir HAY, GRAIN FEED AND SEEDS Agency Newspapers Agemts for the International Stoch Fové FRUIT> Phone am 1 p T0 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Island Club yar ornpers PROMPTLY ATTENDE! a —Drawn for The Daily News dy “HoP T BOUGHT MY LITTLELE/ HOW SMoKeE - ve DiscoveRe? — Aa REAL Lie HUMAN MAN THAT ANS DOING His KMAS SHOPPING EARLY — THIS STORY WIL = STARTLE THE WHAE : » COUNTRY) O° ;