. revious investigations 1 was |employec for sheep grazing in Find It Through a News Want Ad. de termined wer it sas teil one Seoulend to ‘Suppor one abeop, puesda) GREAT OOST SALE December 17, 1912 THE DAILY NEWS OF Stoves Heaters Enamelware Tinware Lamps Tools, etc. Now is the time for the thrifty housewife to re-stoc her kitchen THE ABOVE LINES WILL BE SOLD AT ACTUAL COST PRICES GALLAND’S HARDWARE McBride and Fifth Avenue. ky RETURNS THAN SHE quo cxnnies snow rou) REFUSE TO OBEY COURT ORDER Forests Are More Profitable FORESTS GIVE BETTER 2 WARDEN AT NEW WESTMINSTER i i —_ Than Sheep Grazing. WOMEN SENTENCED ON APPEAL IS REFUSED ADMITTANCE _ TO THE PENITENTIARY, AND 1S NOW FREE FOR Ottawa, Dee. 16 A very in- SIX MONTHS—CANN BE ARRESTED AGAIN leresting question in regard to ON THE AME CHARGE the relative value of forests and pay sheep grazing was raised in the Vancouver, be y No tat | With the jail authorities and ter what the circumstances of rulings of the tmawistrate and evidence taken a few years ago s j the Case may be, no women eon. | : ' ; ; . judge, backed by the statutes of by a committee of the British|yeted of disorderly conduet in|" joard of Agriculture to inquire |(Vaneouver will be admitted to the British Columbia eount for nto British forestry rhe in-yNew Westminster jail naught, They simply “stand pat crease in population makes the Such was the emphatic state on their previus decisions not to question of its future support ment made by the jail authorities|aceept prisoners of this call from when questioned regarding their! Vancouver. f vilal importance, and the Whether For Yourself of asa Gift to your Friend PERRIN’S GLOVES | The well known Perrin trademark as shown in cuts should be on every glove you get, as thisassures you perfection of Style, Fit and Finish. From the evidence f severa! BOTH CONFIDENT witnesses and that obtained at|lo six acres of the land usually |White Boy and Colored Fighter and tne committee was of op'nion! Both Sure of Victory—Morti- Rupert Marine Ironworks & Supply Co., Ltd. nary, every-day crockery and also/dict his victory. P.O. Box 515 2-cylinder British Kromhout Engine, 50 H. P. AGENTS- that tive acres would be about the} mer Still Over Weight. average. The land used for sheep | en grazing is high, broken land and| Wright's gymnasium was To those intend- some of it is swampy and un-|packed last night to see Morti- ing to instal large }productive of feed rhe number ree one of the principals in the power in launches lof sheep which one = shepherd|fight on Thursday night, go three 1 tow, freight or could look after was considered|fast rounds with his training fishing boats EN- jas about five hundred . i the stock necessary for the sup-|there with the speed and evi QUIRE first for a so that for| partner The colored man is port of one shepherd and his|dently has a good kick in either family 2,500 acres would be re-|hand, although he could not use British quired jit last night on his partner He On the other hand, the evi-|tights with-a erouch and looks dence brought out in regard to}to be in fairly good shape He Kromhout the number of people supported] was about six pounds over weight by a forest on such lands showed |last night, but is eonfident that . Semi- that one hundred acres of forest|he will enter the ring at exactly would be the average per man|170 pounds Diesel employed, so that the 2,500 acres Olmen was also the centre of Engine | lrequired to support one shepherd|an admiring ring yesterday when jand his family would support|he went through his training j}twenty-five woodsmen and their|stunts. Having no weight to take : families off, his training is mostly for the Fuel cheap, mainten- , rhis is a comparison of the|purpose of strengthening his ane low and all the two uses of the land in a coun-|wind. Olmen is a Queensbury other qualifications for work. No gasoline try where each is most highly de-|fighter and is well able to pro- wires, or batteries veloped, and shows their final|tect himself at all times. He is needed in a boat with relative possibilities as sup-/quick and strong, and although} a Kromhout Engine. porters of population on lands|there will be about fifteen pounds | that are rough and elevated difference in weight between the —E two men, those who have studied! Dishes. his style of fighting and know his| I We have the cheapest ‘ordi-|ability to stand punishment pre- DONT PAY RENT or High Rates of Interest. WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUY OR BUILD HOUSES | TO PAY OFF MORTGAGES TO IMPROVE REAL ESTATE AT 5 PER CENT. PER YEAR WE GUARANTEE the time when your indebtedness will be paid off. Office open evenings Write, phone or call. INTERNATIONAL HOME PURCHASING CONTRACT CO., LTD. Offices: Suite 11-12, Smith Block.. Phone 455. M. E. Ritchey, Supt. Prince Rupert, B.C. the finest chinaware Wallace's. Two good preliminaries have 294tf been arranged for Ladies’ Cloak Every woman in Prince Rupert who reads this ittend this sale Many fas! able garments cleared out rewardless f cost or value Ladies’ Coats, full length, made of the very finest tlerials——new shipment from $22.00 to $25.00. Misses ¢ suited; Misses’ Coats hoose from: s hoice, $5.00, oats of unlimited patterns; everyone cal excellently made the entire stock to ome worth up to $45; at your Infants’ Bearskin Coats From 20 to 24 inch length, lined with white flan- helette, handsomely finished in navys, browns, Whites and grays; your opportunity; at $2.75 to $4 | Extra Sales Ladies ) Wanted Blouses Blouses in silk, satin and net; largest and most inplete stock in the north to select from; made lo sell regularly at $12 and $7.50; at from $7.60 to $3.50, Tailored Waists lailored Waists in vestings, muslins and linens { rkKmanship perfect; all shades; everyone can be i \ eased at regardless of actual worth at prices rangine '\ $2.50 to $1.26. this ha 84.50; for $4.25 and $3.00. CHRISTMAS GIFTS Metalized hundreds at excellent selection; to be cleares Sweaters id knit, in good varieties and colors Flower Hat Pins We have sold $1.50; at this sale 250 ) i) ) popular-and comfy for winter wear Made to Ob Lo meee 2 AS Sr REESE oC ill C»””n ae Commencing on Wednesday, December 18th, and continuing until Christmas It has been the general rule in merchandising to maintain the prices of all lines until after the Christmas season is over, and then you expect ordinarily to see sales inaugurated following New Year's. This year you have this opportunity presented to you when you most need it—during the Christmas shopping season And it surely goes withoul saying that this will be one of the most wonderfully successful money saving opportunities ever pre- sented to the ladies of Prinee Rupert \ glance at the prices printed here will convince the most skeptical. Every- thing offered is in the best of condition; most of it, in faet just opened up for the Christmas trade. The dollars that you ean save here will go a long way toward helping to keep down your holiday expense account Silk Blouse F¥ ANDKERCHIEFS Taffetas Lengths | } | Worth from 75c to $1.00, to be sold at the remarkable rate, All colors and pat- terns. They come in | sert “ per yard satins. silks and | \t the Christmas season there is nothing more appropriate and foulards, per yard | . | more appreciated than Handkerchiefs for small gifts. The excellent | varieties to be found here leave nothing to be desired, Your inspee- 65c | tion of the stock is invited. The values to be found are sure lo be Cc | recognized, Prices range from 5 eents to 81.00 each = Excellent assortment Ladies’ Fancy Collars just received for the Christmas trade will be offered on the same basis as the balance of the large stock. Ladies’ Fancy Collars are aiways pleasing Xmas gifts. Don’t miss seeing them. Ladies’ Fancy Belts, 50c. Others up to......... .$2.50 | A large assortment of Millinery stock to be cleared out Ribbons, formerly sold at 50c; per yard........... 26e | at the ridiculously low price of..... b Sse relative value of the different attitude in refusing admission to Ruth Mehsrds, tke others why Best deal A es of land in their ability to| uth Mehards, convicted to serve) have gone before her, is fre ; eautne. peaninrs pring i support population is a valuahb six months imprisonment by!) free and unrestrained pr rey . S . aris )) ndex as to the direction in whicu Magistrate South vhich eonvit legally now serving sentence aut development of the use of land|tion was upheld, on appeal, by|therefore immune from artest ——- hould be direeted Judge Meinnes. the same charge for six months ee =F