en i : iT ; ! a | i Li THE DAILY NEWS siti ng the Xmas Kodak is a very simple matter at the REXALL 8T:O. 5. “The News” Classified Ads. | Our stock is complete ecemeaionnis —— : - e from the little Brownie ° : _ to the more expensive a e nt or r Cc rti0 — Kodaks. Let us assist you in selecting the -THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— Xmas_ kodak. C. H. ORME SSS s = The Pioneer Druggist—Two Stores ee anes ossiie . corm 82--PHONES—200 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ATLIN, LAND PURCHASE NOTICES holden at PRINCE RUPERT, BETWEEN M si MARTHA CARKOLL, Piainuiit, and ED For Rent — =~ = J/ARD JAMIESON, Defendant ! j Skeena Land District istrict of Coast, Take notice that on the goth day of omens onmcotncotentbeotneotne stp comns . Range v. November, A. D. 1012, a plaint was fled Take notice that George KR. Naden, of and summons issued herein by the under-|puRNISHED cabin to rent with 2 beds,| Prince Rupert, occupation broker, intends . signed in which said piaint the plaintifl electric light and water; also share Of|to apply for permission to lease the fol claims a8 against you the specific per roo! h be ‘McBride St lowing described lands A ” Standard we Xmas - Gift formance of a certain agreement of sale 280tt Say oat inl Commencing at @ post planted about entered into between yourself and the four distant in a southerly direction from plaintiff! on the 8th day of September, Moore's Cove, thence east 80 chains, thence Few presents that can be given will bring greater or A.D, 1909, whereby you sold to the piain- McINTYRE HALL to lease for dances, ee south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to . t f rrade ull Lot 5 ock 30, Section 6, City of Terms. Gray & Son. Black 78 208! shore line, thence north 80 chains to more lasting pleasure to the recipient than a high grad Prinée husers, iertins to & map or plan point of commencement, containing 640 accurate watch Our stock of ladies’ watches in gold of the said city fied in the Land Registry | 4 ee res acres more or less . , . ‘ Office at Prince Rupert and numbered 923. GEORGE R. NADEN filled, solid gold and diamond set cases is large and The plaintiff? asks the Court to order a For Sale . oe re ao ats Agent, ar Mor re ’ » ra ¢ » selec conveyance of the lot aforementioned to Datec eptember 19th, varied. For gentlemen we have a fine selection of thin eeatt OF to grant & vesting order vesting ! aia Pub, Sept. 28, 1912. model Howard and Hamiltons. the said lot in herself. ee And further take notice that unless within eight days after the first publica-| FOR SALE—A brand new Mauser rife and|Skeena Land District—-District of Coast, e e tion hereof inclusive of the day of such 100 rounds of ammunition, cheap. Geo Range V publication you return to the Registrar of Oreene, Central Hotel 205-207 Take notice that |, Alexander Noble, of Official Watch Inspector G.T.P. this Court at Prince Rupert 4 dispute note Port Essington, B. C., cecupation cannery TERMS ARRANGED. FOUND Limited.” pany, . ist day of November, A. D. Dated the 1912. . ' WLLIAMS & MANSON, Solicitors for Sloan & Company, Limited, 226 Sixth Street, Prince Rupert, B. C. PORT EDWARD TOWNSITE CO., LTD. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. the unde St, up Tenders will be received by signed at their office, McBride Fifth Week of the Highly Successful Engagement of the THE FRENCH WAY CLBANERS, Thursday, December 19th, at noon, for the RITCHIE & AGNEW, Civil Engineers dated and signed by yourself or your 80 . —— man, intend to apply for permission ww licitor in answer w ‘ihe plaintitt's claim, | Swe aaa iy purchase the following described lands the plaintiff! may proceed in this action Commencing at a post planted at the and judgment may be given against you Wanted southwest corner of Lot 27, thence north in your absence, 286-291 20 chains, thence west 20 chains more or WILLIAMS & MANSON ss to Lot 1746, thence south 20 chains Solicitors for Defendant more or less to the beach, thence follow TO EDWARD JAMIESON WANTED—A woman for hotel work, Ap-| ing the shore to point of commencement, se > 93-2905 uiaiming 40 acres more or 1e55. Lot 21, Block 14, Sec. 1, Second - — ee . ALEXANDER NOBLE NOTICE. Dated October 16th, 1912 : Ave., near $15 000 00 . “~—— es aera b. Nov. 11th, 1012—Jan, 6, 1913 es McBride ? In the Matter of the Companies Lost and Found skeena Land District—District of Coast, : V Act and in the Matter of Sican Oe ailsidiiditiiasleascmneninalnigll Take notice ett, Sam Ennyu, of & Company, Limited. Kayex, British Columbia, occupation lum berman, intend to apply for permission k PR NOTICE that an application will {007 Robson Street, Vancouver, B. C.| purchase the following described ‘ands e made to the Registrar of Joint Stock Express paid one way on $6.00 orders, commencing at 4 post planted at the ° Companies after the expiration of one both ways on $10.00 orders. Write| southwest corner of Lot i182, Range V, month from the date of the first publica- for price list ‘ 988-tf | Coast District and on the north bank of on inen a rus Oo. > tion of this notice for leave to change the P ine Kayex Hiver, thence West 15 chains 9 name of the above company from “Sloan ihence north 15 chains, thence east 15 ; & Company, Limited,” to “Bryant Com-| ————————— chains to the boundary of Lot 182 afore aid, thence south aiong the said boundary 16 chains to point of commencement, ontaining 23 acres more or less SAM ENNYL 10th, 1912 1912-—Jan. 6, Dated : Pub to uctober Nov, 11th, 1913 VW EST HOLME OPERA HOUSE construction of 23,300 lineal feet (8b: | skeena Land District—District of Coast . * TICR proximately) of 3-foot plank walks. Plans, » IV LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. specifications and forms of tender can be Take notice unt w iem J. Mogridge, —— = = — =e seen at the above office. 295-207 of Vancouver, B. C., occupation broker, intends to apply for permission to lease miles south from Graveyard Point tele- Skeena Land District—District of © . . Range V. en So December 14th, 1942 the following described lands » y Conmumencing 41 4 post pianted on the ome wane oe. oteantien vealeees foreshore im Kuimeolon Inlet, on Lot No man, intend to apply for permission to 167, tence cast _ ie te eens purchase the following described lands: PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-ELECTRIC CO. |)! hails, tence West 20 Challis Hore of - Ce neing at a post planted about 2 less to river bank, thence northerly fol NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. lowing river bank and foreshore to point MONDAY AND TUESDAY graph office and being 08 the south side ‘ali 2 ee ee ee . of the Skeena River, thence south 80 . a wy “ The Great 4-Act Comedy Drama chains, thence east 80 ‘chains, thence north| ,, Teaders will be received at the office of WILLIAM J, MOGRIDGE 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to post the Prince Rupert Hydro-Electric Co., Dated November 15, 1912 99 of commencement, containing 640 acres| ays Building, up to Wesdnesday, Decem@-| Pub. Nov. 26, 1012——Jan. 20, 101% e an oO s er more or less. ber 18tn, at 6 p. m., for the construction MIKE VIDAK. of the following: ; A Study in Hypnotism Dated August 24th, 1912. 1. 1 bungalow, class A ae ne ee of Coast, ) 5 Pub. Sept. 28, 1912. : ; - a, 7 Take notice that ‘Reuben W. Rogers, of - Skeena Land District—District of Coast,| 4. 1 tower for aerial tramway cee es cals ter parmncen ; 5. 1 protection trestle for aerial tram me : t . a” Popular Prices: 25, 35 and 50:Cts, Take notice that 1, Thomes A. Roy, of|way. ey Reserved Seats at Orme’s Drug Store. Phone 200 eres, taliad "te saatt for Tevaeaeiin tol bushers, cubic yards sand and gravel! qortheast corner of Lot 8141 Range |, purchase the following described lands: 7. Gridiron for unloading scows, 14° oo ee ee eee Pe sro cx neing at a post planted on the| feet by 30 feet. thence south 40 chains, thence east 4. south bank of the Skeena River and about s Plank walks chains to place of commencement Qe ——— —_—_—— oo / 2 miles southeast of the mouth of Shames! plans, specifications and forms of tender : RK. W. RUGERS River, thence south 80 chains, thence west| for the above can be seen at the office of Dated Nov. ist, 1912. e e 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence! Messrs, Ritchie, Agnew & Co, civil en Pub. Nov, 18, 1919-——Jan. 13, 1013 containing 640 Sarde aes Commencement, | gineers, McBride street ’ W I} Dec, 11th, 1912. r e y @ S ened haat bet bY A. ROY W. CLARK DURANT, Skeena Land wigan ipioertes of Coast, , : ‘ ; . ige | Pub. Sept. 28, 1912. General Superintendent fake notice that Richard J. Grant, of Vancouver, B. U., occupation boukkeeper, HOLIDAY SALE Our Entire $30,000 Stock OF JEWELLERY, CONSISTING Diamonds, Gold Pins, Brooches, Cuff Links Bracelets, Rings, Necklets, Watches, Lockets, Cut Glass Brass Novelties, Bronze and Copper Goods, Hand Bags, Club Bags Sterling and Plated Silverware, Toilet and Manicure Sets, etc. OF in fact every line that we can sell at less than their regular prices we are going to sell at the following discounts. Everybody well knows that we have always carried the largest, the most reliable and most up-to-date Jewelry stock in this North country. This season'we misjudged the market. When we were buying this spring we hoped and eupested a pros- perous Xmas‘ and therefore bought altogether too large and expensive a stock. Everything going at 10 Do You Buying Early while | you have first choice 4 Our Mistake Will be Your Gain per cent. discount W. WARK & SON Third Avenue Jewellers Phone 122 imtends to apply for permission to pur chase the toliowing described lands Commencing at @ post planted on the fureshore in @ small bay about one-hall mile north of enwvance to kumeolon Inlet, thence north 40 chains, thence east 60 chains, thence south 60 chains, thence west to foreshore, thence following the foreshore westerly to point of commence ment, containing 240 acres more or less RICHARD J, GKANT. William J. Mogridge Agent Dated October 7th, 1912. Pub, Oct 29, 1012. Skeena Land District-—District of Coast, Range V. Take notice that I, denry Smith, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occapation tail rvader, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at @ post planted about 70 chains distant and in @ southerly direction from Graveyard Point telegraph office and being on the south side of the Skeena Hiver, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence containing 640 acres more or less. MIKE VUKSTICH Dated August 24th, 1912. Pub. Sept. 28, 1012. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V. Take notice that |, Peter Stacey, of Prince Rupert, occupation carpenter, in- tend to apply for rmission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted about 2 miles south from Graveyard Point tele- graph station ,and being on the south side of the Skeena River, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to post of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less, PETER STACEY. Dated August 24th, 1912. Pub. Sept. 28, 1912. Skeena Land District-—District of Coast Range V. _ Take notice that |, Michel Kordas, of Victoria, B. C., occupation laborer, intend to apply for permission to purchase the foilcwing described lands: Commencing @t & post planted at the southwest corner of Timber License No, 32770, in Lakelse Valley, about of a mile southwesterly from the Williams Creek bridge, thence south 30 chains, thence east 50 chains, thence north 30 chains, thence west 50 chains to point of commencement, containing 150 acres more or less. MICHEL KORDAS. Fred E. Cowell, Agent. Dated October @nd, 1912. Pub, Nov, tith, 1912—Jan, 6, 1018 eS We Will Remain Open Until east 80 chains to post of commencement, | ENGLISH CHALLENGE HAS BEEN ACCEPTED . Polo Championship Will Be Played Between British and U. 8. Teams Next Year. Special to Daily News. New York, Dee. 17 An national polo mateh for the Hurl inter ingham cup to be played in this next summer became as the Polo the country action of the sured by executive committee of Associa tion im accepting English recently received the I challenge feams representing Hited States and England will play for the world’s championship honors in a series of matches on dates to be Harry decided later Payne Whitney has been the team of Amer ican i913 the would selected to captain eup defending which apparently that Mr Whitney further rest rumor not play in any matches wherein the Hurlingham cup was it stake rhe selected defenders may not be months, as hela the cup for several tryouts are expected to be entres of that the may be ob- meet the English quar in various polo United States in best combination tained ti tette order THINK JEWELS RETURNED General Belief in treland That Stolen Jewels Have Been Re- turned to Crown. Dublin,. Dee 17 In spite of official denials there is a grow ing opinion that the crown jewels stolen from Dublin castieltin 1907 have been returned to the au thorities and that though not actually here they may be in the hands of oMecials in London Both the lord lieutenant and the Ulster king of arms have gone to London and their jour ney is believed to be connected with the recovery of the jewels The officials here when ques tioned gave evasive replies Beautiful and rare things in chinaware not high priced either things that ladies covet as Christmas egifts—can be se cured in great variety at Wa iace 8s a4 ELEVEN BOATS BURNED Fire at Naples Destroyed Eleven Goats and Barge—Naval Assistance. Naples, Dee. 17 \ blaze that for a time threatened to become serious occurred here wher a barge loaded with 200 tens of paraflin taken from the White Star liner Adriatic from New York ¢aught fire The flames spread to elever small boats in the vicinity of the barge, destroying all of them and threatening other shipping. Sail ors from the warships and the harbor firemen succeeded = in confining the fire to these craft The loss is estimated at $400,000 Find it through a Daily News Want Ad.” if you are spending Xmas south, take the “Princess May” 2ist, at Beatrice” 291-300 from here Saturday, Dee 8 p. m., or Dec, 22nd, at 8 p. m. “Princess Best room in town at the Savoy. KNOTT’S BAKERY For First XMAS CAKE and HOME-MADE PUDDING 3rd Ave. Phone 190 To avoid possible disap- pointment later, please send your early. Class orders Tuesday Devembe: ‘9 1949 a FOR SALE and i t ) paty Lots 14 8900 ” bovuatas 389 Third Ave (Opposite P.O) fo * 606 EMPIRE BATHS For an easy and co in at the Empire Bath most up-to-date f mfortable she Ve drop 5 oO Thi irnishings et Ave. stalled and the gen have been ome eral surro ‘a uch as appeal to particular peop” “ e Centrally Located ple PROSITE Majestic 7 7 heatre KEEFE @ DORREL Proprietors FURNISHED ROOMS @ CABIN Furnished rooms and beds per week for single beds Pt 1.40 bie bed Complete With’ bath a water = Furnished Cabins at $4 a mony APPLY 208 NINTH AVENUE Phat little g having her ha t te to keep he . Keep the sw “They grew in beaut y side b ( They filled the home with oar ' ' tog The PANAMA STUDIO ' Meat 8 Peerless Studio Rooms 1 PAPERHANGING AND DECORATIONS f All Kinds Est es Fre R. E. BALL P. O. Box 274 INTERIOR Phone 1% - George Leek 618 3rd Ave Pr nce Rupert ; SNAP Lot 31, B 5 5 his sth Ave. a structible grade and | way Price o4 Terms Crown Ageicy Co. Phone 43. One Doutle Cor ner 7th AVENUE SECTION SIX over te! $2000 cash and the balance years at 6 per cent Samuel Harrison & Compal Open Evenings 0:30 Every Night This Week Xmas Slippers We Carry the Largest Invite You to Stock of Slippers tn Look the City and Them Over Cash Prize Coupon with Every $1.00 Purchase Renworth & Jefferson Srd Ave. and Bth St. Best in Footwear | Brokers and Financial Agents Second Ave. Prince Ru # roomed house on at 10.00 ge n lt 2 room cabin , \ nd Ave f Avenue Oflee on Pet Store, on dec mynd G. R. Naden Co. Li end Avene