| ianoesT oimou ATION } ww OFrTY AND NORTHERN pRiTiOn COLUMBIA Ubrary 00 NO) WORTIMER DEFEATED IN THE FIFTH ROUND BY WHITE BOY An ADMINISTERED THE SLEEPER IN THE FIFTH OF A gCHEDULED 20 ROUND GO WITH AN UPPERCUT — MORTIMER LACKED WIND — —ocLaimep FOUL WHICH WAS DISALLOWED oum | i i | | | | | Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist RUPERT, B.C, PRINCE FRIDAY, DECEMBER, 20, 1942. FORMER PRINCE RUPERT MAN MAKES THE DAILY NEWS PRICE FIVE CENTS TURKISH ADMIRAL KILLED AND QUARTER MILLION IN SASKATCHEWAN FLAGSHIP OF FLEET DESTROYED 0. M. Helgerson, With $41, 41,000 He Cleared in Prince Rupert Realty, is Able to Make $530.95 Per Day for 449 Days GREEKS WERE VICTORS IN NAVAL 8 BATTLE ON DECEMBER 16 —TURKS CLAIMED VICTORY, LUT REPORT WAS NOT TRUE —ADMIRAL KILLED AND FLAGSHIP OF FLEET SUNK. Special to Daily News eft uppereut to theyall the be Mortine h 238, 402. 87 Athens, Dec, 19.—In a naval KING SENT WREATH \ : hort arm jab to the | wher al close quarters, wrestle ---Cleared Altoget er $ pateic’” on Eheeneiies 46th. the sie ene ahaa " XK Olmen eee oul be he than b nv and for this The following ac the; buying and selling in that period {business and represented seven) Greek fleet contrary to the “re. Sestinte and ccaieies of the colored heavy was warned by Referee Dun ‘ ’ alas » 182,806,000 worth Saskatoon|days per week, rising at 3:30 sasehi in eile . : ‘ (be M he fifth round of a | bw Ccasiol eeeoee Wien: ee a 7 |property Mr. Helee: eer vam seidilelinas winter and sum a _ 2 — os oe ee Sorrow to Mrs. Reid. ; enty round fight 7 per wergaed ' ” 18 ie Sees or paises only the ehoicest of ide busi- |}mer, and Sunday morning as well - peste lagen rhe flagship a" ‘ he first sound of — the | 1 nd hereby forfeiting his de perations i Saskatoon 4P-| ness propertiog vend, | dictte lie believes that the training has|'e Turkish fleet was badly dam- Special to Daily News.) had the best of the} po f S10 Phe articles called| peared in the Saskato Phoenix! have been aineeae entirely concdibeew of great ‘benefit, teaching | aged and the admiral was killed London, Dec. 19.—-His Majesty é he fourth had the|for his ringside weight to be 170lof December 42th Aned to that. Bertion of Thirebhim, ae it did,to rely on himeelt rhe following telegram was re- King George oom a wreath bear- ’ ressed }po nds Oliver entered a toe For at individua real estate | avenue lving between Nineteenth | Saskatoon was my first love ee ceaaana ae ” — i. sicher ai aeaaeen x" ae vl wreat disadvantage | po nis perator, alone and unassisted,|and Twenty-third streets said Mr. Helgerson and my im Cae or Seth. tes 19 ~ via oa i rmpreger : amas ick of wind and he} The fight was nder}without the aid English o1 She din Gs telecremtil. : ; - New York, Dec. 1§ oday to be placed on the caske arly in the second aight Mara Queensbur thes side capital, to make an : itial experience im city property rhe Greek navy has been vie-|of the late Whitelaw Reid, the possessed of afrules. There wa ndication}average profit for himself in 449|MCteorle career reads like fi€-| was obtained here in 1907 dut torious ®@ an engagement with|United States ambassador who Olmen was aware|of a fake and had anything hit consecutive week days of #530.95 | tion He was born in Northwest!\,. oy eight months’ residence|the Turkish fleet. The flagship|died this week in London. i atehed for it, cles ed at such the police uid havela day . going even in|lowa just thirty years ago and | at that time Later I went to the — the ee saunter, _ silat, mallee tae ee ery time forbidden the affa M ‘ Saskatoor O.™M rson, well|since he was 44 years of age,!paeifie Coast and it was while in| Sarbarossa, was sunk and the Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. the white lad had|seconds attemptes : iknow: onl circles.|with the exception of nine|geattle in August. 1908, after|®@miral, Habil Pasha, was killed.|Phone 4. — | ) bu h here wa sf he ia who has attained t months, he has Deen al the head| meeting with some reverses, that — Jbiance of, as not only Referee] this record oF mis own business, | First i) went into « pawoshop «od of-| PRINCE RUPERT TAKES |PREMIER WILL SPEND SERNMENT APPOINTS }Dunn but those he om : According to an audit just com-|was poultry in lowa; then milk | fered the watch [| still carry corner, in which the sleeper wa pleted November 30th by D.|in Wisconsin, and later real es-| However, the pawnbroker’s offer HOLIDAY CROWD SOUTH HOLIDAYS IN STATES CONCILIATION BOARD administered suw Crear ni | Mo wa chartered accountant, of|tate in Canada Heal estate was af &4 was turned down, and ne- HOw de ores It was a smash-|ihis « n which all the prop-|decided on by Mr. Helgerson as|/ gotiations were called off Some eae ta ce ei bord to Discuss ‘Troubles in the; ine fell uppers and landed ui mf ul the present time by la business that would permit of | months later a property T held in ” cams Gea ae a cas baeheua ae Metal Mines Appointed for der th iw below the right ea at Helgerson is taken in at cost|@reater and more rapid expat | Saskatoon and which heretofore This Mornin Kootenay District Immediately the secon price, with the exception of one} sion than any other line, though,| was unsaleable, was sold for 9. Southern States. sd foul the referee had - w, ‘ arcel, which is being carried on|ae Mt Helgerson states due} 4.400, and $1,200 of this amount ie oe : 4 ; Special to Daily News. mayne come me the ring at the books at market value the credit must be given the milk} was the foundation of my opera Bovina 9 wm os se aie eee (Special to Daily News.) In 19—The Depart. }exaniine he prostrate fighter.) peeords show a net profit for his}business for furnishing the orig-|{ions in Prince Rupert, which a ian eee ohiefis a ie lel Ottawa, Dec. 20. —— Premier . La has established @|He declared ha there was 1 | seventeer months residence in| inal $1,600 with which the foun-|ejty 1 had long had an eve upon ve reared an aheneaiaan eat Borden left the capital last night peilia Board for the meta ence of @ foul Diow Mort | Saska if $238,402.87 dation for future real estate/and in fifteen months from the \Mallette, W,}Pameus Comedy Drama “Caprice” WER ROCK FOR HOURS with «a idney punch Kk king | spoke i h Naas live rifice for Peace. aud family left this morning « | Burden, Miss Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Will Be Presented Tonight at iwa he sparred ane he ex-1 Kid we 1OWl ind sp alia ale the Prince Rupert to spend ee i illiam Manson. W. J. McCor. the Westhoime. 4m Quinn Crushed By Fall of | ¢arer re a mony , with tare vangens Se Special to Daily News. holidays at their old home in *- | mick, Mrs. A. H. Allison, A. H, —_—— fook in Tunnel at Fiddler Mortime agail attempted jie parts he province, Was London, Dec. 19 A later de- | haime }Allison, Mrs. Shepperd, H. A Without a doubt the Griffith Creek md his sinashit ft, but wasla ss hhbout passenger his siot he Turkish govern omer | Harris, Mrs. Thoms, Fr D.| Stock Company suceeded in win- gain biocked, © sOSLEP~ it e he Pri Huy nent just arrived at is uhknow: We have a large stock of dia-|.., ny, H. MeDonald, R. Tyson,| ning more laurels for themselves der a huge b ler} Pine and letting pass beneath — but it is believed to be such as|™onds. Do ‘gage want one thi8/neg Rockwood, R Brinney, Wil-|over the production of the well a : ‘ ponplis arn Agail he boys ex ragged Ball. aid the work of the peace cor holiday time ‘ These are abso- | liam Lord, G. Stirrett, Cadet Lay-| known farce “A Bosom Friend of natrueti at Fid-|ehanged head blows = an He Callies vs. Tigers; Men's OWN | ference in its resumed labors utely perfect and we guarantee leock, W. Hume Mr Patrebaugh.| Bowser’s’’ than anything that the bine f the G nehed Phe und wa eve vs. Creseents, at the Auditorium, | It is thought that the growing |@®very one Our prices for the iJohn Johnston, Ww MeFepley, they have so far attempted. Each allway, James Quinn lay}@"@@ ended in the centre he} Friday night at 8 o'clock, Last) jlitary spirit in Turkey may | "ext 6ix age on a the |1 orne Sharpe, Mrs. E. Demers,|member of the company was per- ie hours before his|"ine game of the series 98 299) hay e some effect on the peace ne-| lowest. Wark’'s zoe! | W. Lang, R. G. Sparling, Mr.|feetly cast, and the entire per- extricate h Round Two. gotiabions ha eal: ele mae deeeiiaeill wit) |Coltins, William Brass, W. Fer-|formance went with a snap and h weident happened the Oln again waited f he a Dr. ‘Prayn f Terrace arrived rs oe sient uty ' a lave inf SU8R, bk. Duval, A. Levenan,}vim that jeft nothing to be de- esterday ane heltack and clinched when the big ast evening rain and 1s} LOCAL NEWS ITEMS epend ie “ ee ea wad Aw Morrison, A. P, MeGorkindale, | sired. ; an was brought |fellow rushed Mortimer de gistered at the Premier Hotel. | peep sgt a a ole W. E. Blemm, ©. A. Howard, A. This evening they are putting under the care f'ered a short smash he hear " ‘ ; Samer re a or ie a: Hussick, Miss.A. B. Paul, M. Kil-|on for the first time in this city last evening’siand then followed with a punch Dainty Xmas Handkerchiefs Miss M. Hurst Renesrarney the ere my hele verry, |S tier, W. E. Gillespie, W. H.ja charming rural comedy drama, ain. | feared that his bach the fac Olmen came ba and Collar Sets at Demers lo city Clerk vou left “ ajresiding at = Stevenson, Miss Benson, Jay| Caprice,” in which that world he heing paralyzed|and in the clinch g nh severa 297-302 short holiday bag csre ” wee Dainty Xmas Handkerchiefs| Kugler, J. D. Westenhaver, Mrs.| renowned actress, Minnie Madern hi st down, Every care hort rm body ibs Mortimer " eauver, 08 he Prince Rupert and Collar Sets at Demers iJ. D. Westenhaver, W. L. Bod-|Fiske, has made the greatest i ae aman te aan fia tien the tetas Dr. W. B. Clayton and Mr. Lee| this morning ane ollar Sets a oat oil well, James Stewart, W. Ellis. success of her triumphant career. he company in tras jman, for which he was warned]! dersol eturnes ast Over Miss Mercer, one of the popu | Mr. Sheens and two children, G.| “Caprice tells the story of a wthe mek Meies the epenolee the valores Olmen smashed|ine on the train from a@ two. Joune ladies Gonnedted with G. A. MéNisholl, superintend- | 4. Kirkpatrick, J. A Beachey, | young millionaire, spoiled and eo iden the ambulance} his righ he darkey’s face and| Weeks’ professional visit to the) ine teaching staff of the city ent of the G. T. P. and family|W. 4. Lambert, F. B. Burnett, L.j|consequently world weary, who x tl rain and conveying} followed with a straight puneh|iterior extending as Tar as 2 schools “went: south= totlay to|,... moved into their new reei- |E. Levenhagen, Joe Howe, H, G.|has seen all the beauties of art pa immediate!s , hel which was blocked. The nehed | dermere and ‘Telkwa in the Bulk- }spend her Christmas vacation.| ganee on Fifth avenue |F. Sinclair, W. Carpenter, Mrs.|and nature, who has flirted with i! Hospita and Mortimer bore Olme dow ey Valley jreturning again in the seeond ee }O. Linland, Miss Manson, Mr.|the most fascinating and attract- pwith fis weigh They we | week in January If you are spending Xmas| Watson, Mr. Seott, E. Smith, J.jive women, painted the most Leaves for Victoria. leclinched as the gong sounded Beautiful and rare command a Miss A. B. Paul. who for over;south, take the “Princess May” | Paine, 8. E. Paine, 8. Harrison,|sorgeous scenery and who has F. G. Sinclair, for over iwo|Mortimer was breathing heavily. /¢mawaly S ae “a oie yea! has filled the position of| from here Saturday, Dec. 24st, at|4- Sibbell, Mrs, Boyce, G. Bain-|found something lacking in the *atached to the staff of the/Olmen had a shade the hes one chien as lanien ants talbeagreliinen at the loeal branch|8 p. m., or “Princess Beatrice” | te?, C Johnston, F. Horne, Ww. O.j; whole scheme of things. He ’raneh af the Bank of Mon-| this number ne Chvistouns geme-—-oum a lof the Ganadian Bank of Gom- | Dee. 22nd, at 8 p. m 291-300 |Johnston, J. W. Uppon, Emma|meets a young, ignorant but elt today on the Prines Round Three. cured in great variety «© _ merce Was a passeiger south | | Gilman, William Stewart, ©. Iver-| beautiful and bright minded Victoria, to which Phey clinched and broke after | lace's Boats this morning on the Prince Ru.| Walter Hume, of the wharf|son, G. A. Lister, Carl Pollock, country girl and stubbornly ve we he has reeeived instrue-|exchanging body blows After Se ; ay{|pert. Miss Paul, whose home is|staff of the G. T. P., left on the | Miss C. Cameron, W. E. Fisher, | fusing advice, warning and prece- e i ad J. W. Sheppard, the popular |} , ln rt fl vyning for) Miss Mitehell, Miss ©. Mitebell,| dent, makes her his wife. But eport, Mr. Sinclair, who|sparring for an opening sue! vperintendent for Folev, Weleh|in Vancouver, has resigned her | Prince Rupert A Ns morning Mu te tS & Menken tee Sees bee ot ee eee “tremely popular with his|ied and Mortimer sidestepped, |) Sur 4 lef the Prince Ru-| Position with the bank and will jhis home in Kelowna to spend |" aa Sutierworth, BE. A. Sauer, (os a ade : h h nee oir of friends, was the| tripping the white boy TO ee the ob imas holi.) ake up her residence again with jthe Christmas vacation, | Roy Reed, Mies Wianemt, Louk hip sane Sas waren = sale president of the Prince Ru.|lost his temper and went after|pert to spend the sh won 7 orf her anpents ia Seine ahs | % ‘ | Levenhagen, Charles Bell, has married in the ere "Rowing Club. His departure | bis opponent hey clinched and | (ys —, = eeaee a -* . | thawinee: tom Geet, Mies can | * eee . waied ~~ ‘raising mee given her. “ihe cause of sineere regret. the}exchanged body blows and kid friends a eae et | best be done when the biddies | This morning at about 8:45|The result is natural, : a Known exigencies of hone punches, to the advantage of) san Wasningies | on™ lare in bed. Open ev ' Prince John arrived from But the final outeome * as AIDE System necessitating the | the white boy, In the breakaway Rg Heintaiten| THE | ton now until Christmas. Wal. |Stewart with about thirty pas-| surprising as it ~ Penang and "ual chanzing of the mem-| Mortimer landed heavily to the} Do you oe uM shee a | ace’s. ©O4tt sengers, many of whom proceed-j|true to nature. Unprise is a the staff ribs The round was Olmen’s, | Plane : the bes ae ‘o ae Dail Ne ws me te ed on directly south on the Prince | play which all will enjoy, It will wminteencielinals Mortimer showing his lack ofjcheap? See us today ian ' yY:? | Bienes Dorathy end Pransesnpeanett. be put on tonight and tomorrow Big reductions ! e ! — | Mitehell, lately holding an en-| at the Westholme Opera House, pee ean enper, | wem Develo ment shill | Buy your Xmas gifts today at|/with a special matinee on Satur- \. W. Bdge Co, 2nd Avenue, | ————————_ ; WE. Fisher, of the legal firm | ip jwagement with the Griffith Stock | Wark's bi eeemehaaal a onest tes sdhatnnals tar Ge 285-11 | Continued on Page * of Fisher & Warton of this eity, | Number eNOS, ee re . a ~ | a passenger south today to} : jinorning on the Prince Rupert, —_—_—_—_——— ————— - oy pwn | spend the holidays in his old] ou ee as | ' home mm Victoria 7 Jack Ambrose Won Prize. } A inilasiaaa may be obtained at the of The Majestic Theatre was | Pleasing Announcement and Mrs. J.D Wostetinlen! fee of The Daily News jpacked last night when the ealai eel é i ray on... mily left for Vancouver} WRAPPED READY FOR iprize drawing took place and it} With mueh pleasure and satisfaetion that w b norning to spend the hoi. | MAILING Was hecessary to run an addi_| e he ar ‘ as tlowers on e very ' | c ale athe . cone 7 } me Ve - eet 2 rg eam oo i: s ne Baas Your friends and relatives sername pi an 15 per cent. Discount Sale i E { oast OM ~e a who have not’ had an oppor my 1 | th Cl who love flawers it will be a relief to k " being at high sehoot} tunity of seeing Prince Ku commodate the patrons of the Engraving Free ‘ selection of elass A quality ean be had \ el pert will be glad to receive a house jack Ambrose was the | Every thing in the Jewelry line-—WATCHES, CLOCKS, copy. This is a convenient B{'Ucky holder of | the winning] RINGS, BROOCHES, UMBRELLAS, HAND BAGS, Ete,, Ete, : THE ARCTIC STUDIO W. Agnew, 8. Barireas gaa way of letting them know ohet, Sn, '508 oe om Te Ete.-with the exception of standard eontract watches, Ha left this morning for you have at least thought of Was especially interesting going at this discount } TWO DAYS FRESHER { and Victoria Com. them during thie feative night a complete change of] We epecisily call vour ailesbion: te..oub seek ae ' Ch Ae , lis . " wy - | Frida pre am te eee Only a Limited Number of adams onnatiniiitite Lately andl MAKE ke TO res oe SAS en See Wail for the arrival of our Fresh Gut Flowers on ew industrial suburb: of ithe addition of the Gaumont! Guaranteed. Prices in plain Aigures, . 7 : I ag HKupert Port Edward, \@raphics to the service has nent} OPEN EVENINGS OPEN EVENINGS a TUESDAY MORNING em the south jinuch appreciated, saan = Se OE SSS ee Ae - a i —————— 0 Ng, a a ee a AR tes ll in aa aS