it subscribe For The Daly News P, 70, 19te ember P $$$ perenne — ent SSS ‘Something t. to y Wear | the Most Sensible Christmas Gift y jtan FOR THE LADIES a lar@e stock of Cy at showing at s ind st opened up, remeé irkab a ¢ Souvenir | fandke rc hiefs 5 stock of uve! fering Prince COLLARS, JABOTS AND FANCY NECKWEAR AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL Handke Rupert fle i i 50 per cent. Discount on Toys w until Christmas we ha fT; ‘ f Toys alt 50 per cer fT Jabour Bros. The House of Good Values hird Avenue SS a | i —— SS PHE BAILY NEWS "INDIANS ARE INDIGNANT AT * PREMIER’S REPLY T0 THEM STILL THE COST OF LIVING GOES HIGHER Government Reports for Novem- ber Indicates that Cost of 2-cylinder British Kromhout Engine, 50 H. P. AGENTS a s | "| INDIAN RIGHTS ASSOCIATION ARE TOLO THAT THE GOVERN- miving 18 on Increase MENT RECOGNIZES NO GRIEVANCES—MIDIANS ARE . ANGRY-WILL CARRY CASE TO THRONE re or. han OOrenees cost of living wa dicated Vancouver, Dee, 10-—Aftter lav. fover the reply from the Premier in the report of the lab depart ie their claims and grievanees | particularly i that portion ment for November, The re bef he British Columbia gov-| which referred to their grievan ment’s index number whole ind having obtained no/lees, In this connection the secre nate prices Pose ‘pp! ximatel) redress r satisfaetory seltile. tary explained delegations and] °@e point, ene ut 134.2 as th representatives of the! petitions had time and time ag compared with 133.1 October ' tribes who were in thecain been brought before the pro and 1290.4 in November 10414 ei lending the sessions of the vineial legislature without any The advance was d chiefly I Kites Association inani leatisfaction beet btained to higher prices = fo fish, tex endorsed a resolution lt was decided | forward the tiles, hides and leathe and ht n by a nmittee ap. | resolution to the legal advisor re lighting, while Ontar Brains, ed at the aflerns ession|tained by the Association at To dairy produce, metals and Tuesday, the tone f vhich |ronto, with a view f ultimatels miscellaneous building erials ' refusal to der any |bringing the case before the ju- |W" slightly upward, will West. posith by uh ird)~—soby jdiecial committer the privy | er" grains, cattle and beef, rine ' on inteounell and enforcing settle. | Pants and oils downward relation to India affairs until | ment. As compared with — the same the a mportar f title The suil is base: the action |'™ mth last year, grains and f { Irie inds definitely [of Sir James Dou ** in pur ders, fruits and vegetables were *tlhed chasing large tract f land from| lower while animals and meats Phi bie pas-|the Indians, as we 1s the con. |“4iry produce, fish, textiles sed i tette had been read|firmatory aetion of the MeBride hides, leathers, boots and shoes nm Premier MeBride which had| Government in buying the great. |!etals, fuel hous furnishings hee vritter in reply to eon er portion of — the Victoria re and miscellaneous commodities at s fron the associa serve. It is contended that the| Were higher than in 1911. In re I Phe purpe f the lette emaining tribes should be al.|t4il prices coal, butter and eggs ! the g “wnment re-|lowed the same right of title to] ¥ePe UP Nn) oF grievance |theit present holdings * tho aware HORE” BARRED the Indians Indians who were meerned in i ere ndignant | land sales BY POLO OFFICIALS Most of the delegates departed - ce for: thet®: hemes: yeaterday, Gammel McCarthy Wanted to Join of them Nked-cogie a great’ @teu! Exclusive California Club, tance from the Far North and but President Refused To those intend- Interior points ig ee a ‘ ing to instal large i oa Los Angeles, Dec. 17—Luther . Oe ee }MeCarthy, pugilist, will not play rere launches Leaves for Victoria polo with the mallet wielding tow, freight or H. F. G. Sinelair, for er twolhorsemen of the exelusive Pasa fishing boats EN- years whed to the staff of the | dena Polo Club QUIRE first for a ca branch of the Bank of} Phe announcement that the Montreal, left today on the Rup ge heavyweight, who learned *,° for Vietoria, to which place|}to play pol in Canada, would British he has received instructions to|participate in a game brought eport Mr. 8 air, who was/forth a protest from Frank C Kromhout extremely popular with his la ze | Hogan, president of the Club, He} eirele { friends was the first|said that it required the sanction | S . Presider of the Pr Rupe tlof the executive committee to ex- emi- Rowing Club His departure is|tend at nvitation and none had ° the cause of sincere regret, the|been formally issued to MeCarty Diesel We known exigencies f the} McCarty said he had been led ° banking system necessitating the} to believe he was conferring Engine tinual changing of the mem-| favor on the club by accepting s of the staff around nformal invitation, and ad Fuel cheap, mainter Prince jponed a trip to the mountains: in an e low and all the de take part The an- ialifications Men. }nouncement of the president for No gasoline Pleasing the ladies is not @if- | wi is a surprise and McCarty said —— batteries ficult when you select your | he did not desire to ce ee needed in a boat with Christmas gift at Wallace’s jif there was any question abo a Kromhout Engine. the invitation Rupert Marine Ironworks & Supply Co., Ltd. O. Box 515 Prince Rupert, B.C. 294tf | Forty years in use, 20 years | ‘MAN SHOT THE HE GIRL HE | standard, prescribed and recom- | HAD LOVED SINCE BOY mended by physicians. For | /} Woman's Ailments, Dr. Martel’s| Female Pills, at your druggist. | [When Girl Chooses Between Love and Duty She is Killed— XMAS CHEER Complete Home Furnishings ; = Boy and Girl Lovers Sheridan, Wyo., Dec. 20-—Her refusal to marry Peter Jorgen- sen, a mining engineer here, cost Clayton her life she Maxine came here from Springfield, ML, X M A S recently Jorgensen ended a wooing that began in their child- | | hood by shooting Wer through the heart and sending a bullet thro- ugh his own head When the young Woman came Why Not Make a Practical Gift > The tendency, as each year comes around is toward A useful present for mother’s comfort—for father’s den or office. useful gifts for service and comfort. Handsome Leather Easy Chairs and Couches, Substantial Buffets, China Cabinets and Dining Chairs to Wyoming, Jorgensen followed and got a position with a mining company near here. A few days ago she consented to marry him and he gave her money to buy a trosseau, Then she changed her mind. It is a case of love and what I eall duty,” she explained, “but which you will probably call something else. If | marry you I cannot support my mother and Sisters ' He urged that he would take eare of her family ‘That would be too much of a burden,” said the young wom- an. For the Bedroom \ neat Dresser, Chill e Brass Bed in the For the Floor a St desigiis a Lace Curtains, Tapestry Curtains, piece goods by the yard in many of the latest creations and SIR EDWARD GR GREY SA SAYS or effects WOMEN TO GET CHANCE Our large assortment for \mas buying is at your moand, and a useful present is money saved al On ee mn ; -* Foreign Secretary Says the Gov- special holiday Draperies prices Jorgensen stepped back, drew a revolver and = fired. She fell dead at the first shot. A seeond side. shot and he fell dead at her ernment Will Give Women \ good Wilton, Axminster ol Eiderdown Comforte—!01 choice selection Blan. Votes size required Our stock of sq kets, Spreads, Pillows at al! prices, Hearth Rugs, cqunecqum pplied in all shades and colors a! Bath Mats, Door Mats, Blinds, Brass Poles and London, Dee, 19—Sir Edward harmonkwe with your room treatment! rrimmings-—all at Xmas Specia) prices Grey, secretary for foreign af- fairs, in a letter read at a suf- an frage meeting here reaffirmed FOR SPECIAL ORDERS IN UPHOLSTERING SEND IN AT ONCI-—EARLY SHOPPING IS ESSENTIAL ‘het women’s suffrage would . have its chance in the govern eueeees ment reform bill, If parliament EO. D. TITE “The Quality Home Furnisher”’ THIRD AVENUE = SSS SSE SSE PRINCE RUPERT CHRISTMAS TURKEYS Now is the time to order your Xmas Turkey—-while our stock is at ite best No finer display of Xmas poultty has ever been shown in Prince Rupert. FRIZZELL’S MEAT MARKET Third Ave., Next Royal Hotel CHRISTMAS Confectionery For the Christmas trade we are showing the largest and best assorted stpek in Prince Rupert. > J Chocolates in Dainty Boxes : . Prices from 50c. to $7.00 .... If you wish to please your. lady friends at Christmas time these delicious bon bons will do the trick. . ° A Special Xmas Mixture for the holiday trade only, 40c¢ per Ib., or 3 Ibs. for $1.00 E. E. Confectionery Opp. Post Office E. EMAD, Prop. DON’T PAY RENT or High Rates of Interest. WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUY OR BUILD HOUSES TO PAY OFF MORTGAGES TO IMPROVE REAL ESTATE AT 5 PER CENT. PER YEAR WE GUARANTEE the time when your indebtedness will be paid off. Office open evenings. Write, phone or call. INTERNATIONAL HOME PURCHASING CONTRACT CO., LTD. Offices: Suite 11-12, Smith Block.. Phone 455. M. E. Ritchey, Supt. A Store jilied with charming Christmas gifts for men. Styles that are that original clever and original—colors are ang ex- re- fined and appealing-——designs are clusive. The Women’s Store for Men’s Gifts The Store that preparing saves you all the petty annoyance of your packages and delivers them when and where vou say We packages furnish the faney boxes, the gift cards and make your inviltnge and attractive, adopted the suffrage amend ment, he declared, the govern | ment would legally support it, al Bryant Company, Ltd. though the ministers were divi Successor to Sloan & Co., Ltd. “The Store of Better Things” jded on the subjeet , | Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst was howled down in an attempt to address a suffrag: eeting at] although ad et to Norwich last night inission had been by ‘ich sympathizers, sure Read The Daily News Nk ane a ap i meatal a -= s Sa ect t mi sé Sate | 2h aca eet: AMMA TNT LICE EEE