— “S=| THE DAILY NE Venture QO 2 nee 1 f) 00 Tuesday, a.m. ednesda ednesday, 2 p.m. Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist yo, 111, NO. 80s PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS a a ROY HARDINGE OF INDIA WOUNDED BY BOMB IWENTY- TWO MEN DROWNED IN GALE © "MJMUCMCHRCN. WICEROY OF INDIA, LORD CHARLES ON THE ROCKY NEWFOUNDLAND COAST *ssscs.zs erase , e das y deed of fanatics. steamer Florence Numbed with the d and} Tamph caused a good deal of | not completed yet, and for the |ant of his was instantly killed by bration and the personal body- / N. 8., lo St. Johns, |drenched wtih wats hev staved| relief the . friends is| Present the services will be held|)a bomb hurled from a house top guard of te: Vieero; surrounded) London, Dec . . eck of|as long as they could on thelfear for their safets ae 6 in the large and spacious hallj,c he « entering the city of | the heuse in an effort to find the| , : : ew 7 ; f : * z : below the church, which w tel ere egrie gstiienege , would-be murderer |Sternation reigns in London over en she went ashore |"0Cks and watched the tide slow- |j wing | their being a ee : aie e Delhi, the new capitol, in state ; ‘ — | eep up to them Then Cay iwa ‘ siderba onger that ) be used as a ehurch ha and | : Following the attempted as- the report just cireulated that loage west of Pl. iain Barr ordered the return to! the had intended However, | Club room todsy sassination, the festivities pre-|the Viceroy of India, Lord ; q Friday during @ ter-lihe ship, which he considered | nothing lowed cosureed. the It was Bishop Du Vernet’s in The bomb struck the howdah,| pared in the honor-of the Viee-/Charles Hardinge, has been ; est gale, liess dangerous than the spra ah weather Géuctne then tention to be present yesterday |or basket in which the Viceroy) roy were abandoned and military|wounded by a bomb hurled from in ashore on a most|l|ashed ledges, but only five of the|have to delay their return wait-|™orning, but owing to his not jwas sitting on the elephant’s| law was enforced, sentries being|a house top by a fanatic. The part of the coast,/half frozen men were able t = 1 favorable opportunity | Peturning from Masset until the} back rhe altendant was killed) pleed on guard, while the officers|extent of his wounds is not re line is comp sed in ake th sition ‘ ake the trip safely | afte rnoon he was net able tofinstantly, while the extent of) and men assisted the civil police| known, although it is stated that ) “ ffs a hundred feet The boat was carrving pas a secisctennninbiiibiiilaaseaatiaes i}do 80 Lord Hardinge’s injuries could/in their efforts to apprehend all | his attendant, who was on the : rew escaped from|sengers Best meal in town at Savoy. | rhe rector; the Rey, 1 ¢|net be ascertained, although it|those implicated in the outrage.| same elephant, was killed. ; | oe assisted by the Rev. W. |} = . ———— —_— $$$ { ‘ : ie THT | OCEAN FALLS CO, LTD, con. acne sa!"2"* UNDERWOOD DRAFTS A | CL HE STORES OF PRINCE RUPERT SECURE LOCAL YARDS {0 yon cece ee SCHEDULE FOR TARIFF | ° PRESENT AN ATTRACTIVE FRONT 1. ennce ror aranon ot we on. st mrparatons sing made fr me TO HOIST OTTOMAN ENSIGN Lester W. David Co. Taken members of the church and vision of Tariff by U. 8. as ; RISTMAS DECORATIONS OF THE STORES IN PRINCE RUPERT Over by Ocean Falls Co. thers both morning and evering Congress in January TURKISH FLEET APPEARS OFF TENDIOS AND TURKISH IN- j WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY WITH THOSE OF ANY CITY eee yee Chie nieeen tee Ue enea anal eoneaer Ua r=nO DAMAGE TO FLAG — GREEK : ITS SIZE—A REGULAR BLAZE OF COLOR. rt 1 mber ird which CRIFFITH COMPANY T0 wen Ctenn Bie ot a a fe MAGE TO CITY BY TURKS. . — oo _ aS OF House Committee of Ways and} s ‘ : we: same ; tie youngsters of;amongst ie emtpraliegy - sneiw. D s Ltd., since early | PLAY ‘NOBLE OUTCAST? Means has announced the follow ee = —" Gov. SOUTH FOR Xmas ue whom, of course, | Provines P. Burns's 7 ne lithe pres yea has been Dy] —_—— ng programme for hearings by|ernor of Tendios in despatches i he time of es,| George apo _ A hem ¢ ed over to the Ocean | Stirring Comedy »Prama_ to bejihe committee in preparation for|today reports that the Turkish|targe Number of £ effaced frot their! app “te eS _ y ’ Falls ¢ Ltd I whieh the Presented Tonight and the tariff revision work of the battleship Torgut Reis, the cruis- Went South for Holidays on { seat id tite ; . > . — oe Lester W De 7 ( * td ? ane } Tomorrow at the next congress . er Medjidien and three destroyers | the Princess May. : sla ieee die ae dee” eit a te rh. - aN erested m - ! l a Westholime fe hedule - Chemicals OS, appeared at 14 o'clock this morn- is - ' 1 titineets pitte| Grosery. stores, which heave @ Me oe pusiness — % o¢ : me Se a d paints —_ 6 ing before the entrance of the sme &. os R, steamer me cess c _ ee . ea ah Sind ible te ae APE ee ed eee I he early) part . st-| Sehedule B—Karths, earthen-| Dardanelles The warships re-|May carried a large local pas- vs of the establish i i ; f he mipa pera x he| mas week the Gr th Stock ¢ jware and glassware, Jan. 8 mained under the protection of} 5enger list on § ay evéning D. Allen & Us Mi strcahty pur Pp goods that tt irge saw ind pulp plant alt}have selected most carefully and} = hedule ¢ Metals and their|jhe forts. and the destroyers ad-|/ast when she» pulled out for s. Wallace & ¢ and; Wholesale manufactures { ') Ocean Falls the Ocean Falls/intend to present, one of the |manufactures, Jan. 10 vanced and fired with shells on|Vaneouver and Victoria. Every « Higher That 50c|)Nowadays t InaAKeE a perfectly hc, Ltd | best plays their entire repel Schedule D—Woods and their) Tenedos, where the Turkish in-|berth but one was taken, a large : Second avenue gorgeous display, are well repre M A. J. Burroughs, who has} toiré The comedy drama “A|manufactures, and Schedule L,| habitants attempted to hoist the|"umber of people being on their ; its of every desery sented by W ams & MeMeekin, |.) handled the business under] Noble Outeast is of an entir-|silk and silk goods, Jan. 43 Turkish flag and put off in boats| Way to the outside from the Yukon : greatest profusiol Stalker & Wells, Met & Rol the Lest W. David ¢ Lid../ ely different character to any-| Schedule I Sugar and manu-/{g weleome the warships. A | also. Amongst these was Mr. ' ttle eves and noses |¢r'sen, and Miller & Ph ps “ ‘ i n charge of the new) thing s« far attempted by this|factures thereof and Schedule| small force of Greek bluejckets| Fred T. Congdon, formerly gov- ? ably glued | the} MeBride Street pany’s business in the nerth,/ clever company Hi, spirits, wines and other bev-|on the island fired on the muti-|ernor of the territory. Below is es of the E. E. cor Phe large provis empor and is expected that develop rhe principal character, re-|jerages, Jan, 15 neers, killing three of them and|a list of the local departures: d candy palace on|of the Prince Rupert Fish & Cold) m« and enlargement of con-| presents one of America’s great- Schedule F Tobacco and| wounding twelve others. The'Miss Milligan, Miss Johnston, \ e. Knott's Bakery,| Storage Co. have { shown them |siderable extent w be verylest problems, the tramp rhe |manufactures, and Schedule M,| Turkish shells did no damage and| Miss A. Brown, Miss Peck, G. W. ectable display of|selves backward im seizing hold) sh vy undertaker particular member of the genus |pulps paper and books, Jan. 17. |{he destroyers quickly retired to| Odell, Mrs. M. Odell, R. A. McGee, bh. s delicacies in the shape|of the chance to show what the; on hob« portrayed in this play,| Sehedule G.-Agricultural pro-|{he Dardanelles. Leigh Henderson, T. Williams, d pastry, Smith &}can do in the way of Christmas Passengers on Beatrice. was once a respectable member |ducts and’ provisions, Jan, 20 J. J. MeKinnon, J. W. Johnston, Das’ | sely decked fruit and| decorations rhe last of the local people ex- } of society, but through a com. | Schedule I-——Cotton manufac- A Fine Display. A. Douglas, Master Bourne, Wal- mdy s ind the unequalled} Cole's Cigar Store is another] pec « to spend the Christmas| bination of circumstances so of-|tures, Jan, 22 Everyone in the city should if|ter Bourne, Miss Martin, Mrs. te eautifully decorated| place that catches the eye of|holidays in the south left on the}ten found in the life story of} Schedule J-—-Flax, hemp and/possible make a point of visit-|Cleveland, A, E. Melville, W. P. 4 veetmeats and choco-|every passerby, decorated most/Princess Beatrice ast night. |/frail human nature, he is thrust/jute and manufactures thereof,)ing George Frizzell’s meat and Bevan, Mrs. Grady, Mrs. John- ales ich of Orme’s drug | artistic ally and st ed munif Amongst the saloon list were the | down into the lowest depths of|Jan. 24. poultry market some time today|ston, J. H. Rogers, Dr. Inman, , me in for a large leent » with articles suitable for! following R. L. Heatheote, I. B.| degradation, and is fast beeom-| Sehedule K—-Wool, Jan, 27. | before it closes. A more artis.|Mrs. F. Watress, Ww. Fadden, ©. j idmiration, as does|Xmas presents Slinger. F. Averde, E. T. Babot,/ing a hopeless derelict Fate | Schedule N-—Sundries, Jan. 29/tie or finer display of meat and|Cullington, 8. Cleynik, F. J. Hor- 3 s Bakery Prince Rupert eed have Ci. D. Smyth, Mr. and Mrs. A. T.[/here comes to his reseue and) Free List Administrative and} poultry could not be seen in any|ton, R. M. Miller, Mr. Dejarline. 2 j y business house in|fear of being « pared fav. | Parkin, A. D. Bain, V. A. Wright,| places him in a position to gain | miscellaneous, Jan sf city in the Dominion. Tomorrow ——_——__-_--—_—_—__—_—_——- Mn has it forth its best ef-l|orabiy with any city of B. ¢ G. EB. LeBelle, J. P. H. MeDonald,| independence ,but .at the hands A statement from the commit-/the splendid display of good MRS. ARNOLD DEAD t t ike an attractive dis-| regard to the energy and artis-|T. G. Wynn, C, Ward, G. Brown,|of an unprincipled young seoun-jtee requests ali persons who de-|things for Christmas -will be rent ae ' i ‘ ate in fitting fashion | ¢ \, taste shown by h enter Archibald P. Smith, M. J. O’Far-|drel, who wishes to use thejsire hearings to apply to the asunder Great praise must be | Mother of Well Known Realty his hay season prising citizens, in fittingly re rell tramp to aid him in extricating committee at once and to file|extended to Mr. Frizzefl and his Dealer Died at Hospital i Phy es’ millinery estab-| sponding to the niversal cus himself from the results of his |briefs. the work and time they have put This Morning ‘ 4 shments of Mrs. Frizzell, Mrs.|ton, of making a special and at \ fine stock of Christmas trees} own evil doing The broken —- competent staff of assistants for . : iners, Miss Barbeay, Mrs tractive showing f he holiday|of various sizes will be on sale down, but warm hearted tramp . Banker Leaves City. in in making the fine Christmas Mrs. Vv. M. Arnold, died at the , d W. J. Hughes have|ceason. The several churches injal L. A Barbeau’s transfer office |eagerly seizes the chance of life RK. L, Heatheote, for over a year| show that is to be seen at the Prince Rupert General Hospital Med their stores and laid INn}ihe city will all shold, besides Phird avenue tomorrow, Or-|but just as hope seems brightest }on the ola of the local braneh meat market on Third avenue, this morning at 10 o'clock, The goods that keep the|ihe regular services connected| ders taken today by phone L. A.|a discovery of the cost at which }of the Canadian Bank of Com- deceased, who was 74 years of r he city busily engaged] with Christmas day, entertain. | Barbeau Phone 58 1 hird}he is purchasing his freedom an - left am Pe on the Everything for the children in}age, was the mother of Mr. G. H. pa « and appraising when| ments of various kinds during) avenue 301 from the old life, dawns upon Princess Beatrice for Vancouver. | toy s or in wearing apparel. Wal- Arnold, af & .8. Helgerson s n iflernoon eXCUPSLONS ithe week, when good fe wship him, and he turns his back on|“Happy” Heathcote was without} lace’s. 304 office. She was a native of Ken- own a aoe ot wil) pata ae Fresh Christmas Flowers. happiness, and goes back to the |a doubt one of the most popular -—__— > osha, Wisconsin. The funeral Bryant Company, Ltd., Martin _. smongst both young and hose who love flowers will be|living death. The play does not }of the young bank boys ever in Have you ordered your Xmas/will take place Thursday after- WReil|y te Kirkpatrick, I oy : glad to know that a shipment end here: he does not always|the city Prominent as an ath- flowers from Wark’s. Fresh| noon at 2.30 from Hayner’s Bros. MrOss ind the Aeme clothing ; will arrive’at the Aretic Studio on|stay in the gutter. How he rises|jlete, both as a runner and an | Tuesday. 301 chapel. I seen to it that the { Heintzman piano, 1 Ennis luesday morning next via thejagain and repays evil with good|oarsman, he latterly performed , i of the community] piano, to be sold during the next | Venture the last ship before|brings this remarkable play to a}|yeoman service for the Prince Big reductions in wall paper. Buy your Xmas gifts today at P been left out in the) 6 days at big discounts See | Christmas Customers will thus} happy conclusion, Rupert Club as its indefatigable|See A, W. Edge Co, 2nd Avenue. Wark’'s big discount sale. 296tf | have arranged and| them Wark's 96tf |be able to have them for Christ- errerniieiiiaeatstaartitere tie ieee MEO his work in connection sient ili aaa MRT as is te slices } fully displayed all the 4 | mas . ur days vars i naa ee - — ‘ . they mad been orderes via le 0 Ts ; lerre concer hi that are manutaoiared to A'starisimps, entertaiiment| Beatrice on Friday. A ahitmemt lt VAI) J > YC fitending in, no, mall measure t G 5 Kladd 10 Beas: af shee “| aap suepices ' Pres f beautiful violets direct ; - its greal success, J S S Ms f the oo a ‘ or poibig anal ‘ Sal Francisco was received ri. _ eee e e ray on * De od ee ee ey wept ss Thea lay in splendid conehion. ‘ Or- | Theatre The - the erage Court. the “T ; Se eer ene | the Bimpseee dere for these shoul Be sinaae Af} meme $l police court this morning, ‘one 15 Di Sal ire offen to be met! The programme w be | nee 5 ‘ TONIGHT ee Reiiiidines miata eit per cent, iscount a e nN a Serta. a b a — ; : i . re _— Searts,| THE CUP WINNER paren - before his wor onlp Engraving Free ' leavor to decide upon rh. principal feature of ” Le ™ Gloves . . an ee pennant ane peying ; Every thing Wn the Jewelry line-WATCHES, CLOCKS, a. 5 siery, Toilet Sets, : i jthe customary 87 for his short RINGS, BROOCHES, UMBRELLAS, HAND BAGS, Ete,, Ete. Xtas © to purchase a6 a@figramme is & musica : M e Sets, Tea Sets, Choco Illustrating the Raee for the sojourn in the Hotel de Vickers Ete.—-with the exception of standard contraet watches Pe for a husband, or|’King Wint in thres : Dinner Sets, are a few} MELBOURNE CUP salen Se eiatn dilediateal , “oOlmne One eve ore { 4 lowed with attehaiinnhie ten ctl ' me ey — sev hs maa menos fin ee a. F seein We specially call your attention to our stock of a hese Phousands of dainty ha ' ae ae ‘a Anely Bos Oh, Mais Mews 01.7 ELECTRO. PLATE manufactured by _FENTON BROS., “ comes down to thelehiefs, from 5¢ each and upwa wank sue ae OTHER FEATURES MAKI ns TO ras BRITISH ADMIRALTY. Every piece Satiety be Gan Which goes} Wallace's Zz sah he best in. the land : Dainty Xmas Handkerchiefs guaranteed Prices in plein Agures, COMPARE THEM. . . s of the inner ar ; See us today Wark's Admission 10¢ and 1% and Collar Sets at Demers OPEN EVENINGS OPEN EVENINGS Kupert indeed ean Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners 206tf | 297-302 ~ shine resplendent! Phone 4, |