Monday, December 99 10, THE DAILY NEWS ee . > ee ee : — THE Day News |! In the Letter Box ENGLISH MEMBERS APPRECIATE ecnpaieaT— a CANADA’S GIFT BUT NOT FORM A Plea from Afar | : | ia ae LL alae leaves for Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle FRIDAYS, 9 A. M. For Port Simpson, Granby Bay, Stewart, Naas, ii a. m., Jan. an Sth, 10th, Mareh Sth (10th SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DaltLy, Boe | T mnie EAL aeenn ie PANADIAN GIFT WILL MEAN $3,000,000 PROFIT TO OLD Mayor of Prince Rupert COUNTRY CONTRACTORS— RELIEVE TAX PAYER per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All WITHOUT HELPING THE EMPIRE Other Countries—Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. Dear Sir: Sialic os For Masset and Naden Harbor, 12 p. m., Jan. 10th, o4th, Pet Y ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates Whereas, it is now evident to] London, Dec. 21—The Daily|sent, and Premier Asquith re-| ford Ba ad sane oon on lott ; “s . ; 0 neen Charlo d po ; epee a = . jeveryone, and should be to you,| News’ parliamentary correspon-|plying said: “That's entirely a 1 nn. {3th, doth, Feb. 9th, 23rd, March ae ee ' me ; jafter the past year's experience/dent writes that many members |matier.for the Canadian parlia- | G@. T. P. RAILWAY PASSENGER SeRVice HEAD OFFICE that you are not qualified tolappreciate Canada's generosity | ment. | Nd. @ leaves Prince Rupert 10 a. m. Wednesday and Saturday represent the people as mayor iNjon the whole, but regret the _ Grand Trunk Railway Syst i hird Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. ' regre ra’ y System i} Daily Newe Building, Thi pe ja city such as Prince Rupert] form, The entrance of the Do To Succeed Col. White. (The Double Track Route) ; tT j}should be, it seems to me that! minion to the E é race Ottawa, Dec, 21 The retire- ine th excursion rates in effect. Choice of routes to Ch i OFFICES AND AGENCIES ’ ’ inte e European race a, ; Nine mon ‘ ) Chicago to cont a BRANCH it is up to you to step aside and|of armaments and the fresh fuel}ment of Colonel Fred White, with the excursions and fast trains of the Grand Trunk Rallway Systey ' ’ * 7 i New Yor«—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City lassist the people in electin®| furnished the already powerful | comptroller of the Royal North Agency for ei! Atlantic Steamehip Lines. Fo: ali infermation apply to A. &. MOMABTER, Jenerai Agent, Centre sire }some one who has at least a little} armor industries are facts of| west Mounted Police, whic h is a 4 SeaTTLE—Puget Sound News Co. I q tab a a Sper anes raining in business atlairs, @8/serious importance. Contractors’ |take effect a re end o le yea , Trafalgar | i . | : ee ~The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building. £ well as having some practical eX. profits on Canada's gift will be, will likely be followed by the pro- ; i ; perience, $3,500.00. [f India were to add| motion of Laurence Fortescue, | F Susscriners will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 incase of) yw ouig jike to point out tolher 24 millions, a further ten|I. 8. 0., assistant comptroller and |[ ge COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE |) non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. you and your colleagues that you] millions would be added to these/accountant of the department.j/[ = — a . al a have gone just as far as you can| emoluments, Mr. Fortescue has been ae analae ‘i | | = a — ee Yee ee , “Tt is not to be taken for gran-|ed with the Mounted Police since | wadae. Deo, 06. i912 with your policy and if you wish I 0 be ta ; DAILY EDITION wea eaneers ae ‘to continue the affairs of the city|ted that this is the only legiti-|the early days of the force, hav | Cor. Fraser and 6th Choice Wines and ( ivars —_— SS ee in the manner in which you have| mate aspect of the case At theling been appointed in 1875 He} | RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMFORT of been conducting them ,you will|same time there is even among/came to Ottawa from the west to} | / | have to do so alone. This direct| Radicals a belief that Canada’s/assist in the administration of} ft : e ° taxation will not go next yearjaction will strengthen Sir Ed-|the force and has been in his| } THE IROQUOIS if ~ ~ land 20 mills on the dollar is ajward Grey’s hands at such an/present office since September, S.S. PRINCESS MAY | . orl otes pings | poor advertisement for Prince}|important juncture 1908. |] Southbound Sat., Dee. 21st, 8 p.m. POOL / |}Rupert at the present stage of “The Nationalists are delight-| 0 ay . S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE a and | ithe game, as there has been soled there should be this object A "| Southbound—Sun., Dec. 22nd, 8 p.m. lr a and American Billiards - . 2 pr 4. @. MYNAB, General Agent | Twelve Tables SECOND Ave 7 i | oe a Sallie little done in comparison to what]|lesson; their loyalty. is the pro- I E ; “MEADS, | WI a ae ~ = aa a ~ a i 1ust be done. I think it is about] duct of colonial home rule.” FOR S re | — ' TAILS, YOU LOSE” cee oon ar ridicu _ ~ | time for you to drop your in- Sir Newton Moore, Agent-Gen- meet | - , So making rash promises 4s o eile iat -“ ath ie » a . stralis Lots 14 and 15, Block 15, Section 8, Since the attention of the i : » |Surgency and independence andjeral for Western Australia, 1is line of action for 1913.|,.. t iiibndiienies . ninaaaiel . a dann $900.00 pair; 1-3 cash, 6 and 12 months t ' public was drawn, through the The News assumes the full re-|°"' a. eee in taying) opeaming - fe, said the tendency UNION $4. COMPANY OF B.C. Ltd ress Bowling Ale | : Tne. Rows : bility for the erticle that the foundation for the building}|of a contributory naval policy 4. DOUGLAS | AND POOL ROOM editorial columns of The News sponsibility for the article that! (¢ the great city of the future. might easily be to relieve the|$9® Third Ave (Opposite P.0.) Box 606 » alaaen ten I on Wednesday last, to the has caused Mayor a a nes I also think it is time for the| British taxpayer without stren-|-—---— The Twin Screw Steamer Best Fitted and Most Luxurious 7 \ manner in which the chief issue = aes * a oa local government to do some-]gthening the Empire. Australia’s the Coast 7 | magistrate of this city was, at ees ws a alee - ate thing for Prince Rupert outside|loyal naval scheme enlisted the i“ 99 ' oF r we cnown 0 every wide- s | ‘ , : of ‘enacting legislation thal tends| sympathy and actual co-opera- enture i , livir to the first basal il The Mawes 5 . . that time, living up 9 aa awake citizen. The News fur- in every way to the encourage-|tion in the Imperial cause which plank in his platform for 1913, ther states that the article was ment of anarchy. The Canadian| a avere money contribution ‘ there has been some show of written not so much with the people have always boasted of|would never do. Arrives from Vancouver Every activity in closing a few of the enjont es a wi ve em" having a free and independent After Premier Asquith’s state- MONDAY NIGHT gambling joints that were run ee Te Sie eke ia th, | country, but it does not seem to}ment in the House of Commons | omnes New Wellington Coal. Best on the most openly. Even in this avcien ; ; ; gr Po ee me to be the case in Rupert|yesterday, Keir Hardie asked the | | Saile for Port Simpson, Naas River Points| Paces move an attempt is being made Cee out of his publishec | where the ratepayers cannot have} Premier if he would ascertain} and Granby Bay Tuesdays, 8 a. m. | Phone 116 Rogers & Black to win support for Mayor New- plaviorm. their work done by contract and|how far Canadian labor organi-| G r | ek ssiiiltesabilis ton in the approaching cam- ee se by whom they please. In short,}zations agreed with Premier | ge | Salle for Vancouver " as paign. It is being made to ap- BOOKS AND THE if this kind of business is al-]| Borden's offer. The question | 618 3rd Ave Prince Rupert WEDNESDAYS, 2 P. M. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE and R pear that Mr. Pattullo and his| HOME lowed to continue people might] was received with cries of dis- | : STORAGE supporters are responsible for A love for good books is aj ®%® well invest their money in | the enforcement of the law in ; r : ie - ee we th Mexico, where there is neither : es anil men R ers Steamshi Agenc G, T. P. Transfer Agents this particular, and in this EE ea ee “|law nor order, The only differ- ‘Little’ NEWS 0g Ip y | Orders promptly filled — Prices reasonable manner it is hoped to create book stores are filled with ex-| ence seems to be that the Mexi- S ency Phone 116 | OFFICE H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone feeling against him amongst cellent books that may be had|can government is trying to pro- . ; — those who derive a profit from for very little money. Any fa-| tect the interests of investors re- re, :: Periodicals :: eee | | the operation of various gam- ther can start a library for his! gardliess of nationality or even |CIGARS :: TOBACCOS ::; FRUITS | |} SMITH & MALLETT bling devices. For the infor- child for very little more than citizenship, while the local gov-)) ES Se 2nd Ave. Below Kalen Island Club | SONS OF NORWAY “NN THIRD ave mation of the public The News it would cost to “set ‘em up” | ernment is not. ; ty | Meets every Thursday at 7 p. m.,| Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting ar states pesitively that neither a few times for the other Well, Mr. Mayor, I hope that Lot 31, Block 1, Section lat 319 3rd Ave. All Norwegians | Sheet Metal Work Mr. Pattui'o nor any of his “boys.” A portion of the} you will not be the means of hav- 5. This is a corner lot on are welcome. = ne a ae eee friends had: anything whatever! price of a gown would fill sev-| ing some one elected as mayor 4th Ave. and*has an unob- ilvers| Bros, ‘ to wa ee a ewes ee ewe en re pee be soyge n structible view 3 ways. On oon ence that was made editorially ~o0ks. oodstock ‘Sentinel-|which are~ neither feasible nor ke os oe The up-to-date House Decora-|; 9 — } to this matter. Mr .Pattullo] Review. possible, for the sake of gaining grade and desirable in every ° ef Bri a Valhalla” of S.H. & E.F. ree power. way. Price $4,500.00, tors noe Rupert (SCANDINANIAN SociReTY) Westholme Lumber : I am a Socialist, and I believe Terms. ° W es? | Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 7 ting LIMITED THE } 1836 THE BANK OF 1912 in good wages and further that Sign : ri . on p.m. in the ball at 319 3rd Ave. British North America |'"’ “2? m2 wre ae ver-|f Crown Agency Co. Paper-Hanging — D il N manently located in the city STUART & STEWART al yy: CWS 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS should have the preference in ' Phone 43. Our Specialties Lumber and Mouldings doing all the work that is to be qnmemune Accountants Development Capital and Reserve Over $7,500,000 | oo: 1 also believe that when “We always deliver the goods.” | 900 ane es none ame All Kinds of Building Supplies oss seh daaleanel tlie” hiding tale ——————— ‘or y rince Nemes —_—— ~ poseanty. meres e wrens 2nd Street Phone 156 Green PRINCE RUPERT, 6.0. Vv onc emseives 0 “aise a — — - > Bank by Mail and Save Trouble . ake employment for on Extra copies of this hand- ' money to make emplo} One Double | Alex. M. Maneon, B. A. somely illustrated edition If it is inconvenient for you — — it is up to them to do W. E. Williams, 8. A, L. L. B, First Avenue Phene 18 may be obtained at the of- to get to town every time [{16, Work at @ reasonable Agure WILLIAMS & MANSON Dee f The Dails ‘New { : : w . and assis e@ property 1olders WALLPAPERS _ aes you wish to deposit or with. in making conditions such as Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. eorgetown WRAPPED READY FOR draw money, call or write will enable the ratepayers to O} J TAR Box 286 MAILING the Manager of our nearest raise the money to carry on such eee dues ie ad Melgercsn Bleck Prince Rupert, G. © ° Lid Your friends and relatives Branch work, — Sawmi . . ‘ge stoc sea- P.O. BOX 2 PRINCE RUPERT who have not had an oppor- ’ s Any man who is advocating 45 7th A VENUE ae stock of next sea- 3] i tunity of seeing Prince Ru- } You simply mail us your cents per hour in Prince Rupert aD son's goods we are offer- §| JOHN E. DAVEY L b e ; pert will be glad to receive a deposits or write for whatever at the present time is not the SECTION SIX ing: TEACHER OF SINGING umber p COPY: This is 4 convenient }}| cash you need. friend of the working man. The White backs from 7/20 up $ rurm or wa. FoXON, maa, ARAM. LON. mNO end ) Way of letting them know time to make such demands is}$2000 cash and the balance over ten " 1 - ) you have at least thought of Interest paid half-yearly on when industries have been es- years at 6 per cent. oer om Mouldings | them during this festive }} cll Savings Accounts. tablished and a permanent pay Gilts, from 10c. up per roll > season. { roll has been provided, but to in- - | HAYNER BROS. Only a Limited Number of i} i upert Branch, sist on that seale now is a little M Compan UNDERTAKERS ann EMBALMERS A large stock of «ry finish Copies Left. Pr mee Bap too early in the game for the Samuel Harrison & y SEE OUR HIGH GRADE funeral Directors | ins lumber Se a. ly } " » Manager. benefit of the working classes, Brohers end Financial Agents _ BURLAPS | 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 56 Se nares clog as at Se hace OR ie the tinhorn business class or any | Second Ave. Prince Rupert Sen.ts Bedene Jeuble -o- , : : Subseribe for the Daily News. | of the class that wishes to make ed, soft burlap, per yd.,20c Our prices are as low 4s #0) $e a living in Prine ’ r . mrt wrderin Sane oe teen a Sec. 1. Imperial and Colonial fill- Gall on ue before ordering Sauat dhe ven a the city 1.|U0t 5» Block 17, $10,500; $4,300,/3 od, dyed, per yard... 300 : go ahead or do you want it to bal. covering 2 years and nine E. L. FISHER ; FOR SALE sland sul?” Ifyou want it to go} months. The A.W.Edge Co. $f) "vs, prey, on tntaine ornice: ahead you have to make condi Sec. 5. ‘ee g ° CHARGES REASONABLE Lots 16-17, Block 1, Section 1, $15,500; 1-3 cash, bal. 6-12- a P DOn~ * ‘ I 2nd &t., cor. 2nd Ave. Phone 366 o mbar ; 15,5 cash, ) tions equally as good as they are Lots 22.23, Block 17, $3,500; 2nd Avenue OPEN DAY AND NIGHT EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. . 7 “© ys 7 * : . = < . ° Lot 19, Block 14, Section 4, $15,500; $5,500 cash, bal. 6-12- in Vancouver. Vancouver sees in} $2,000 cae, bal. 4 . 3 years Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Av ; 48 months Prince Rupert a strong competi- Lot 9, Block 25, $1,650; % cash,| nimeetiael “a é “ va a a Lot 25, Block 22, Section 5, $1,300; $600 cash, bal. arranged we Ane the snleene eres een I = wy } * : a hiae ea mal rs ni are doing their level best to pre- PLOt 15, block 36, (with building ee = Lots bowery ee Section 6, $3,000; $1,000 cash, bal. 6- vent capital from going up there. costing $3200), $4000; 82000 i Lot 6, Block 34, Section 6, $1,350; 1-3 cash, bal. 6-12-18 But I firmly believe that Prince eaeh, bel. 1 and 8 yeors. Phones 126 and 436 Phones 126 and 436 t months Rupert will outdistance Van- Section 6 { Lot 34, Block 28, Section 6, $1,150; $600 cash, bal, arranged. ae Edmonton will outdojLote 1-3, Bice’ Of, 63,050; % Lot 23, Block 7, Section 6, $3,500; 1-2 cash, bal. 6-12-18 |Calgary, if the citizens of Prince cash, bal, 6-12 months. s : elendinet ’ i ’ ” we , _ | Rupert will work for the ad- Sec. 7. B rine [| p IS lore p ; Lot 8, Block 23, Section 7, $1,000; 1-3 cash, bal. 6-42-48 vancement of their city as the|Lot 44, Block 24, $1,000; $600 7] 4 ‘ months, people of Edmonton are doing. cash, bal. arranged, - = Lots 3-4, Block 32, Section 7, $4,500; $500 éash, bal. 6-12 Hoping, Mr. Mayor, that you|Lot 44, Block 24, $4,050; $600 months. will — this letter in the spirit cash, good terms, THIRD AVENUE AND SECOND STRERT Lot 19, Block 5, Section 7, $1,200; $400 cas mee ee in which it is written-—-that of|Lot 6, Block 34, $850; % cash, (With 3 eit edie pepeshiene :SeN:.. aaese benefiting the city, I am respect- bal. 6-12 months. Have the Finest Selection of Lot 4, Block 89 ,Section 7, $1,000; 1-3 cash, bal. 6-12-18 fully yours, : Lots 13-14, Block 35, $1,900; % tweak JAMES WALSH cash, bal. 6-12 months T. G D d Chi ‘. Ti Lots 23-24, Block 13, Section 7; $3,500; £1,500 eash, terms Edmonton, Alberta Sec. 8. ur eys, eese, uc Ss an IC ens m own arranged. T en ee Lot 7, Block 4, $700; % cash, bal. | Lot 14, Bloc 26, Section 7 a snap); 8500 cash. Facing 2 lf a -_ other presents 6.12 months or e . t ace’s : 2 o4 ‘ i i streets. ee allace 300-1) Lots a0-46, Block 23, $1,500; % | Quality Guaranteed and Prices to FREE PRESENTS FOR THE We have a large list of lots in Section Bight. Houses we cash, bal. 6-12 months | Suit All CHILDREN We have a large stock o : ' \ for rent. Insurance written in all its branches Safe de il a oo 7 wees “a f ye Lots 5-6, Block 36, $950; 8&5 500) | ‘ ‘xe ,r re - : , | want one this cash, bal. good terr posit boxes for rent. holiday time? ‘These are abso. d terms ! ‘ ! All children accompanied by thei parents, visiting our store on Tuesday, Decembet al PATTULLO & RADFORD ately perfect vod we guarantee PO McLachlan!) oe ees ane ten, eliden every one. Our prices for the between 4 and 10 p. m., will receive a present off our Christmas Tree by Father Christma nest six days are as low as the Phone 382 Box 324 } Coe ee uae , - jtowest. Wark's eon Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C.| =