Monday, December 23, 1912. THE DAILY NEWS 3 - — ——————— —_—- - _— - — ——=s Se A ” . LAND PUCHASER NOTICES LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, | MEOAL FOR am ee ee a Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Skeens Land District—Distriet of Coast, Rt. Hon, James Bryce Honored FRED STORK’ S H ARDW ARE | thi : Hauge Pen B00 etnin O Take poet that George KR. Naden, of Take notice that 1, ‘ Mike Vidak, of by noytvania noty. om Prince Ra occupation broker, intends] prince Rupert, B. G., occupation restaurant _ to_ apply or, ‘permission to lease the fol-} man, intend to sly for permission to New York, Dec, 21.—In com.|Qo ====="——===— + Eetablished 1908 = aoe 7 lowing described lands Lnuad chet purchase the ere og bgt _— . ’ Meh ! M a ble CL t Gift ¥ om mmencing at 4 os , . » oF £ » ‘ se e ris } te en eS ccslty Glsaee Toe win monet .2 dravesard Point tete.| memorating — the 125th anni-|§ : a e on many Is the Most Sensi iristmas Gift You Can Buy Moore's Cove, thence east 60 cpaima, thence graph oMce and being op the sou th side versary of the framing of thelf Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery south 80 chains, thence wes chains f the Skeena River, thence sout! 0 oe , i chore ee ae containing” o40] § chain, onenee, re nea Constitution of the United States Wire Gable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle ) FOR THE LADIES point of) © encement, 80 chains, thence wes chains post . vores More OF lee FORGE R. NADEN ner. containing 640 acres}ihe Pennsylvania Society held its|}} Tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles & Shotguns ; poses Bente cma. bated August om, wn VIDAK. |fourteenth annual dinner here Rope Valves Ammunition We are showing a large stock of Coats, Suits and Skirts i pop Sept. 28, 1012. ub. Sept. 28, 1912 Saturday night, with Kt. Hon. Pumps ines Paint just opened up, at remarkably low prices : Skeena Land District—District of Coast, James Bryce, the retiring British ; ’ . Range V. na Land District—District of Coast, » gue Stoves & Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Tron S dk h of date cones Want Th Alsconeee Teette, oF Skee p Se as the guest of & ouventr an ercnie $s - or® Essington, B. C., occupation cannery- . oma: honor, a , . rT man, intend 0 apply tor permtasion Se on Report — I te bee . feature of the dinner was the [once . We are offering our stock of Souvenir Handkerchiefs .1 te urchase the following descr ands: "sn iam A Te 2 B ar - “ince rp | \ ee an a Qs a planted at the pector, intend to apply for rmission to bite Ab a salle ini “ ” Prince Rupert at a big sacrifice. iy soutwest corner of tt 2%, tnence noran| Ourcuaze, te, fOUONIng, govstiogg,Mede.,,/ Presentation of a gold medal to We Sell Nothin But the t : og : “s Commencia 0 o - } bo 20 chains, thence West 20 chains more Ot/ south bank of the Skeena Aiver end about; Mr. Bryce, This medal was|® g COLLARS, JABOTS AND FANCY NECKWEAR TT wore or less to the beach, thence follow- re cena Ay aan tee eat founded several years ago by a AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL 1 ing the vw eae 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence} group of members for the pur- i taining AL: EXANDER NOBLE east 80 chains to post of - icpmcemee ‘ i ‘ cial recog << = SSS ’ 1 October 16th, 1912. ‘ containing 640 acres more or pose of providing special recog- 50 t Di T a Date obe 5 j aD. Nov. 11th, 1019—Jan, 6, 1043 Deted August 96% THOMAS “A. ROY. nition to any person whom the per cent, iscount on oys ’ HORACE ROY. sereahoee, about 2 miles distant os Washington, Dec, 24.—Presi- norUiwesterly reclion rom umeoloh i 2 Pub. Sept 98, 4018. lnlet, and about $00 feet south of small dent Taft today sent to the Sen- bay, thence east 30 © Ds, mee por ate 2 ¢ ‘rederic Ps 30 chains, thenes west 30 cheiua more oF ate the nomination of Frederick jess to toreshore, thence southerly follow-|Simpich of Washingto nstate to UIGUSR AST, 1600, ee, contains deel ae Oricss {be consul at Nogales, Mexico. HEE a ay G Geo. D. Tite ™ (Section 41.) ee WILLIAM 3. Mocnipas. weal 2 tobe: ° alt= anne that on the first) Pub. Get. 29, 1018, Oregon Town Wins Rate Fight. ° e mace to the Superintendent of Provincial Washington, Dec. 214. — On Sell liquor ‘by’ retail, Inthe hovel known) Skeema Land Digtrick—pistrict of Goasi,| complaint of the Baker (Oregon y O ake a YactlCca l the Bi Hotel, si - Ran, . si ; » i : os % 6 2! oy eee s Kit . Take aii tat iS nara i Prince jean -. Club the cone Dated this 10th of October, 1912.] "upert, occupation — w;Commerce Commission today de- J. W. PATERSON, Appileant. apply bor J permission to arches be Ft iseed entensenabic’ the eledh A useful present for mother’s comfort—for father’s den or office. The tendency, as each year comes around is toward Comumenci plan cop (i j FORESHORE LEASE. north bank o sta River, abous| ates from Baker City to points useful gifts for service and comfort. eos 20 fu east of Indian cnet, thease thence}on the Oregon Short Line between Bkeena Land District—Dietrict of Cassiar + —- eked wanes | Olds Ferry, Idaho, and Vale, Ore. Take notice that G. KR. T. Sawie, of}. commencement, Prince Rupert, intends to apply for « lease ar the ae of » contain. Handsome Leather Easy Chairs and Couches, Substantial <<< ll f the foresh 1 the north- more oF teas, Nova ol aver Gack at Lak TOb, Gaane baa, JOURN BEBRESE, [acotoe Socialist Vote in Caiifurnia ° Stout 0c is "to “the "southwest corner Dated September 2nd, 1912. ° ° Sacramento, Cal,, Dee, 21— . . * . post of said lot. being all the foreshore inj UB. Seps. $7, 1048. California socialist candidates Buffets ( hina Cabinets and Dining Chairs pene * rat / Townsite, as a for Congress received a total ’ : pert Registry OM ce | meee ens under plan oe vole of 104,122 in the November ‘ aan oe | saw » Applicant. LAND LEASE NOTICES, election, according to Statistie-|f Pub, Oct, 2%, 1942. . ian Cremin. The total vote re- \ F h B 1 ° Skeens Land District—District of Coast,|Ceived by the Socialist president- i or t e e oom aperies WATER LICENSE. Range IV. ial candidate was a_ little over|# Take notice that Henry D. Foote, of (FOr a License to Take and Use Water. | Porcher Island, 8. C., “occupaiton ‘ariner,|79,000, A neat Dresser, Chiffonier and Chair or a hand- Lace Curtains, Tapestry Curtains, piece goods )) | Matlen is henehs ven that G. R. T.} intends apply for permission to lease some Brass Bed in the latest designs and finishes. ; >» , Sawle, of Prince Cuiee will apply for a] the foulowing described land: pny deg R TRNAS , & € by the yard in many of the latest creations and license to lake and use ten (10) inches of Cotunencing at a lanted on the Los Angeles Man Testifies i} color effects, water out of an unnamed creek which] ast shore a Bonilla ~~ and about Hows in an easterly direction through Lot wule sistent in = easterly direction from Cincinnati, O.,, Dee, 21,-Pres-}} For the Fl Our large assortment for Xmas buying is at you! 66 and empties into Goose Bay near south] the highes R sland, thence cK a + . ae avad ¢ wee m) LaF ie ceae me 7 oe ty eh whale Geare or ea te ine’ anon McKinney, of Los Angeles, oor command, and a useful present is money saved «ut verted @t @ point about 500 feet from|sbore line of the island, thence in a|was one of the chief witnesses our special holiday prices, 4 ,. mouth and will be used for domestic pur-|uortherly direction following the shore A good Wilton, Axminster or Brussels Square in : poses op the land described as Granby Bay] line to the north end of the island, thence | !!) the government's suit against 2 =. in & southerly direction following the}ihe National Cash Register Com any size required, Our stock of squares can be Elderdown Comforte—or choice selection Blan This notice was posted on the ground] shore line to point of commencement and ’ 4 egister “Vom. kets, Spreads, Pillows at all prices, Hearth Rugs ou the 15th day of October, 1912, The] containing 640 acres, more or less. pany for alleged violation of the Bath Mats, Door Mat Blinds, B Pol and 8, or | 8, inds, rass oles ¢ supplied in all shades and e rs ¢ selecte application will be filed im thé oMce of the] Located November 4th, 1019. hi end colors and selected to Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. HENRY D, FOOTE, Locator. anti-Siferman trust law. Thel harmonize with your room treatment. Trimmings—all ’ ; Objections may be filed with the said Michael McFadden, Agent. government expect { rest it i #s--all at Xmas Special prices. Water Recorder or with the Comptroller] ‘Dated November 14th, 191 pects 10 Fest eis of waler, Hights, Parliament Bulldings,| Pub. Nov, 18, 1012—Jaen. ‘, 19128, case before Christmas. )} ctoria, io Ue } o a fT, AWLE ES } FOR SPECIAL ORDERS IN UPHOLSTERING SEND IN AT ONCE—EARLY SHOPPING (8 ESSENTIAL Pub, Oct, 21, 1912. Skeena Land District--District of Coast,| Switzerland Prepares for for War ' Range IV. Take notice that 1, Michael McFadden, Berne, Switzerland, Dee, 24 } — IN THE MATTER OF AN AppLICATION| f Porcher Island, B. C., occupation tarmer,| ‘The Swiss government, in view] ) Oh THE . ; UPLICA’ intend to apply for perinission to lease the : ps alan” pon tae a following Teceiben lands: of the possibility of war, is aug- BLOCK 3, TOWN OF SEALY. (MAP jommencing at & lanted on the 956.) , casi shore of Bonille island and abou. | menting the amount of ready|} ; Notice is hereby given that it is my in- ehest a. yg ey ook cash at its command A eon- i nition to issue at the expiration of thirty) :0° chains more or less to the west shore|signment of 85,000.000 i nsilvert|q © © dave after the first publication hereof @liine of the island, thence in I duplicate of the Certificate of Title to the|! ; me southerly! and gold arrived here yester abovementioned lands in the name of Elia} Urecton following the shore line to the ere yesterday |§ south end of the isiand, thence in a|hy special t . ban 66 ® s Lozo whieh Certificate of Tithe was issued northerly direction followin p poo rain from Paris and) h Q | F h ag 6 the shor tn applcation dated the sth August, 101% | Nass itt "et tontaascentas ing eax*| was toded in the Swiss National e Quality Mome Furnisher Mad Registry OMce, Prince hupert, B. ©., “Povnted }novemper im 1048, Bank, The government also|q THIRD Nove Oth, 1912. at "FADDEN. continues to order quantities of |} avenue PRINCE RUPERT PHONE 20 276-40 WILLIAM E. BURRITT, Dated November \ 104 District Registrar. Pub, Nov. 18, ‘oie hes 18, 1942. | erain from America, SSIS