% ey _ 7 ' ances or | wm orry AND “ERN A enmrisn a™ ae Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist — NO). 306 ent il PRINCE RI JPERT, C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1912. THE DAILY NEWS Princess May Pp am. Venture Tuesday, Wednesday, 2 p.m, ee PRICE FIVE CENTS ——_—_—_—= NEW YORK GARMENT WORKERS OUT ON S CONSIDERABLE DAMAGE DONE AT QUARANTINE STATION BY SATURDAY NIGHT’S STORM KITSELAS DISTRICT IS RICH IN MINERALS Samples Mostly from the Surface Have Been Sent to Cham- ber of Mines at Van- SWEEPING DEMANDS BY TURKEY PEACE OUTLOOK NOT PROMISING TURKEY DEMANDS THAT PRACTICALLY EVERYTHING SHE POSSESSED BEFORE OPENING OF HOSTILITIES BE | “; STEAM ENGINEERS HELD SUCCESSFUL SMOKER Pleasant Gathering on Sat- urdey Night /Carpenters’ Hall Was Scene of al ve Prince Rupert Loeal, No. 510, l International Union of Steam En |gineers, held @ very successful | smoker in the Carpenter's Hall jon Saturday night. Although or- zed only @ few months, the | engineers have made rapid stri- | des in the cily, and are now a flourishing umion. That they have proved themselves excel- ilent hosts goes without saying. | Everyone of the large number! who were present at the enter- jtainment giver by this oe union on Saturday evening last went home pleased and delight-| ed, voting ita huge success. Mr. W. B. Sutherland, the secretary, | Lambe of NOTICE. \ friends a supporters of Mr. T. Di Pa as can didate for Ma are re spectfully Peqi ed to at tend an orgat ition meet ing to be held the build. ing lately o@eup as Shrub- sall’s Fish. Market, on 3rd Ave pposite he Bank of Montreal, on Thursday even- | ng, January 2nd, 1943, at 8 »C1IOCK jot course, will speak volumes t the initiated : I am writing ou eport of | the several properties which I ar personall interested, to. gether with meritorious prospects the camp, accompanied by a sketch plan of the district drawn from personal observation of all claims ineluding ‘on and coal. Most of the chest ore has hee mnlv recently discovered. At | present most four time has be upied trail and camp i ding I should like very much to jassist in any iy possible your} 1uda enterprise if you will ( 1 thal as Lo bershiy fees or contribu- proved himself a chairman, dragged never programme Messrs Black, selections Kenda of stories, rt, N dances most efficient ly McKinnon eville by toget ar Mr and the for cluded = Kelly, song and Robins, Messrs. Baco her with recdotes Alex, a and Gray at the a mipute. The | by| s Cummings, Bacon, Jas banjo n and number step presided piano couver RESTORED — BULGARIANS' DEMANDS ARE EQUALLY AS IMPOSSIBLE rh Special to Daily News.) host I : i. \ i | j Ler 20 Although | ands of the B s ” , itions still eontinus 5 ND sip ' . sees a i i I] ' Purks rh ! ‘ _ id ee [the Chamber of Mines at Var rurkes “ altogether tor iti . ze i mi ! oe | vu : i. © wr her demands and semawel an via jis - a practically everything Maen shal ' li, he K ad re the opening of|hood of a cessat h . | lh as : -_ =|! ! j Va iV egarding the Chamber f Mines R0LD BANDITS DISCUSS coe ee | yet organized B.S. t lp n ning dustry t RAID ON LOCAL STORE "=": 2-02" | wethe ul hat a ‘ [ though ‘ i not I UNRAVELLING THE MYSTERY CONNECTED WITH AN AUTO- | send a preset! MATIC PISTOL DISCLOSES A PROJECTED HOLDUP BY jtative samp t of s, dug uy SOME OF PRINCE RUPERT'S BAD BOYS. jd iring pros] K the se eral ¢ ips the camy Cons ible Lime was taken inthe k has « gt | rh is i star As rt this morning b i hands of al peo; {- | $0 is the seas pe \ : j ravel a myst« jab two boys, P 5 g and| Sa , al f i i Hert Va r . ya} ing ‘ he « a, hsothe disappea h é; , : ‘ rhis on . * | gz ® i vt ! h The ez anne ‘ ited D ‘ ! i i u . s «la ed sa iM \ . ! at the ¢ HK us i is l i ! itter pla . h { i i n | s be and wae st he g i s g | saturda i ly niles t i F. M. ¢ ab . j hat I i i fhe " severa bad bb lis ssed th il - i a8 At i . i i beorge I iyne, who has be the Ruy Fish & ¢ t bef 4 “Wis st in ‘ rh hre s ed sente has} fina tt ! i I stealing the gun|f Judge Young, a ‘ { ! I R ms . | ' . this 18 VM. New bsg | Ma . bu CLYDE FITCH’S GREAT SPLENDID MUSICAL SERVICE \ he Em ear § DRAMA ‘THE CITY’ Presbyterian Congregation En-) i j M joyed Excellent Christmas | \qi\ ga uw ’ pa New Play Will Be Presented by une Sant Signe j telephone system, and in view «t the Griffith Stock Company : are lthe faet that I offered t nsta This Evening. Phe annual Chris _ es 1 svste h eity y Ww rr " mri , | Lt I iW “ Civde Fiteh, that marve ehou inde the a ; : ee Calls authors, died, he left Miss Froud, took place - : fer ing in the Empress Theat i I u Ter | Zz egacy to a world which = tenien admemeant ‘ ./B i rrade, | was awa ha ed him, a great com of the church and hers ate ja 8 pa was | pal einhe drama of life as he saw/in appreciative sile & le Prince Rupe with ! is produced some three| splendid progran ha \ as | 4 pi system and i ths a r his death unde the | rendered Besides severa \ |' ir tha ns ” 5 ~ ar - ak anonymity. At the cli- ems ane carols ™ . ; 4 s ‘ddled with . private AX the magnipeont second ar. 4 Aen . 8 cae yhone ; ; fine rendering of “It Car Upon ]eory ‘ whing i . the enthused audience ros« a Midnight Clear rhe pas |s possibly for all tme As ' body and shouted for the! Rey. F. W. Ker the pla if he ty was not at this time a | ; se told the s yibody corporate in a postition to author, but when finally the little} the usual add : . ’ lia eS black vated stage director of Phe Other ox : on a posit , a Board “pped before the curtain it was a a ' lirade, which at that time was ; om ounee ti posthumous au er ecan kah ) actin ie in the capaci} " . bit of a city coun is as at} \ great hush fell on the crowd,| Prince Rupe and his intent 5) pas » hronih the tent ie al ind ma tears were shed for the! to remain here, Mr. A Du Ber bis! ad and the hoard unehimenusl ‘riliant young author gone to alhas decided to erect a fine res decided that citizens should be /remature grave, and “The City,” |dence for himself, a the extreme \ alled upon for subseriptions| MS greatest masterpiece, went on | end of Borden stree! Mr. Du Be leuflicient to instal a telephone its beautiful ending. Inis, who accompanied Dy his | seal . be taken over by. the The Grifith Stock Company,)| wife, arrived nm the v a few] ay as -eooe eilae inconeenennan wing its poliey of keeping} months ago from Pa France ‘bam t could be arranged This ie of their very best plays un-|has since invested avily " was done, and as pointed out by ‘he conclusion of their en-|real estate here ! wore 1 Mr. Naden, good eitizens like Mt Fagement, are presenting this|erecting the h the liaw. Mr. Westenhaver and others » #reat drama at the West-|hands of Mi Bull Websat igave both of time and money to} Theatre tonight, and all) who is already = bus) the lihat end —_ Wilhess it will remember} foundations It w pe 8 d- | rhe action of the Board f sly tch's last play above all/ ern up-to-date me ' 1 rrade jet with my most hearty respect, and situates ' which I showed in a} Cash + Orta command & mas! bstantial way by immediat € Drawing Tomorrow. the liarho: bing $500 toward the pri Phy iWwihe for the lueky vhieh I subsequently suppl nN the cash prize con Amongst the toca by a further advance . - dueted by Renworth &| turning by the Princess Ma he bank of 8750, making a > “ during the month of} morning were Joe How on of $41.250 out of a Will take place at their! & MeNulty, bardwar that time of about #4 iorrow afternoon at 4/4, ©, La Bell, local ina The drawing will be in| W. J. MeMillan & ¢ the Empire has repea Arty, { Max Heilbronner and! Eby, the well known Kits the public how it saved “Hith and the publie are| merchant hone system to the eity r ar nvited to be present a has come when the pub. | ; prizes to be drawn for Pantorium Pioneer Gleané informe ange | m $25 to @5 10606=—' Phone 4 rary this being the case, the Empire had neither diree tly nor lireetivy anything whatever to do with the taking over by the eity f the elephone system Long fore the Empire became: s vociferous upol! the tele phone question it had already heen decided that the city should take ver he telephone svstem As a matter of hard facet the solicitation of the Empire in this matter was coincident with the efusal of the 1910 Council, who, with the exception of myself, you had supported for office, to give you the city printing without competition upon your own terms That was where you broke with the 1910 CGouneil, and when I went to your office upon two oc- ecasions and asked you to find out from the government the (erms upon which installation of the telephone had been permitted and jalso to examine a resolution of ithe shareholders in the company making it obligatory to turn over the to the city, not ‘only did nothing of the but |yvou misrepresented what I had said to and had apparently | determined to use the telephone reason for your break Council wiueh had you city printing competition upon your own terms. Your to why $25,000 was placed in the 1940 estimates s easily I placed the system vou kind, you jery as a the to iwithout with re- | fused give query as answered. item there myself to be perfeetly sure that the money would be available for taking over the sys- tem whether the Council was pre- sented with a petition o1 For a long time you have not | SOME PERTINENT FACTS ABOUT SAVING THE TELEPHONE FRANCHISE this For honest A few the ing that wy to all and made All ing erying, “Stop, thief,” seemingly in the hope that such righteous indignation might be taken for honesty and indeed you seem to have deluded a number of people | in this regard, but now that you yourself have injeeted the ques jtion of your high sense of honor and great integrity of purpose system pardoned if reserve diy insLance, V Empire teeth away had caused Ww yo in tt ights to it statement misrepresenitation or a mere that |Mr. Pattullo States a Few Facts About Mayor Newton’s Break With the 1910 Council---The ‘Empire’ Had Absolutely Nothing to do With Saving the Franchise for the People e do not accept un- ur own connec tion, consider 1e telephone ago it was like get the tele from the mer s installation. was not a you of this fae It Yours truly, T. the the 8 verdict stated D, PATTUL MEN’S OWN ASSN. i most capable | proceedings | | | your | Issue in haul- phone 1 who Now mere mis- statement; it was a deliberate lie, and it is a striking commen- tary upon the kind of honesty of which you so loudly boast. Unserupulous demagogy, like some forms of virulent disease, must run its course, and itself furnishes the best remedy for its ultimate and complete extermina- tion and eradication. realization are about to be injeeted be well for you to prepare for the plunge. Into a eold, t you might HAVE OPEN DAY partors, Church, Day from noon until 10 p. m reception committee has been ap- pointed to look after all visitors, who can rest assured they will be any feel apparatus nasium will be at the disposal of Visitor om th near the Met A cordial invitation is extended young men of the city to visit (he Men's Own gymnasium hodist time on New Year's at the perfeetly of tis occasion, Vane Vanee, daughier, To on Accountant or Apply Box 63, »ther Births. Mr. and Mrs. December 29 desires work for Daily News A home, gym- Ww, th, D. 301.7 Find it threuah a Daily News d that, con-\ into the campaign we may boy erent Ad.” bookkeep- | evenings. |\Crew of Thirty A au INDIAN OUTLAW MURDERERS TURNED OVER TO POLICE |CHIEF OF TRIBE DELIVERS OUTLAWS INTO THE HANDS OF THE AUTHORITIES—HAVE BEEN SOUGHT FOR MANY WEEKS. Special to Daily News.) Aspen Grove, B. C., Dee. 390. The Spintlum, Indian outlaws Paul and who murdered Con- Kindness months stable near Clinton a few ago and who been hunted ever since, were to- to the author- of the tribe. warned that | day delivered over by the chief latter had been ilies have | unless the outlaws were turned over to the authorities before the end of the year the chiefs would jlos. their titles. | THE WEATHER. The weather report at 5 o’elock |this morning read: Barometer, 29.432; maximum temperature, 38:, minimum temperature, 30; hatha ocd 05 inch. ss BIG STORM ON SATURDAY NIGHT CAUSES MUCH DAMAGE AT DIGBY Serious damage was effected to the Dominion government wharf in course of construction at the quarantine station on Digby Island by the storm on Saturday night. Although being more strongly braced than the plans submitted to the contractors factually called for, the outer |thirty feet that was completed was swept entirely away, the pile driver tools, ete., being -dumped into forty feet of water. So flerce was the wind that the piles snapped off close to the mud like matches, only two or three re- maining out of fifty or sixty. This being made to raise the morning efforts are by the contractors pile driver, when the work of re- building will proceeded with with the utmost expedition be BRITISH BARQUE WRECKED Saved—En Route from Glasgow to Portland. (Special to Daily News.) Aberdeen, Scotland, Dee. 29.— The British barque Torrisdale, en route from Glasgow to Port- land, Maine, was completely wrecked off the jetty near here today. The vessel broke in two, but no lives were lost. numbered thirty souls. The crew VANCOUVER WOMAN INJURED in Automobile Accident at Los Angeles Race Track—Driver of Car Fatally Injured. ‘Special to Daily News.) Los Angeles, Dee. —Hal Shain, automobile racer,” was fa- tally hurt, Mrs. A. B. Atkinson of Vancouver, B. C., had her jaw broken, two others were seriously and a number slightly hurt when Shain’s automobile shot out —f the cup shaped track in a race called the “Dare Devil Race for Life’ at Venice, a resort near here, yesterday. Judge Recommends Death. Goodwin, a Stockton Judge Frank Willis geles is heeded of Los .An- case, he declared, was fairly trie¢ and the findings of the jury ply sustained by the evidence am Tom and Jerry at jewelry’ salesman, will hang if a letter to Governor Johnson from Superior Willis sat in the the Savoy. MORE THAN THIRTY FEET oF NEW GOVERNMENT WHARF AT QUARANTINE STATION BLOWN AWAY—PILES BROKE LIKE MATCHWOOD—PILE DRIVER TUF.NED TURLTE Porpoles Harbor was not im- mune from the effects of the big storm. A pile driver in the serv- ice of the Port Eéward Townsite Company was blown from its moorings and turned turtle. It was not damaged to any extent and the company this morning have a wrecking crew at work restoring it to its normal posi- tion, where it is being used for driving piles for the new wharf. OBITUARY Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Daggett mourn the loss of their infant who died at the General Hospital on Sunday morning. The funeral will take place from EK. L. Fisher's funeral chapel to- morrow privately. —_—$P$——_$$ LABOR UNION OFFICIALS ARE FOUND GUILTY Thirty-eight Convicted in the Dynamite Conspiracy Cases —Sentences Deferred. son, (Special to Daily News.) Indianapolis, Inmd., Dee. 29.— Thirty-eight labor union officials were today found guilty in the national dynamite conspiracy eases which have been attracting the attention of the whole civil- ized world. Sentences have been deferred. BAPTIST CONGREGATION Enjoyed Splendid ™ Musical Service Given by Children in Mclatyre Hall Last Evening. Instead of the usual Sunday service the Baptist con- gregation last night enjoyed a rare treat in the way of a Christmas musieal festival, given almost entirely by the children, who had been trained to much proticiency by Mr. J. E. Davey, chow leader. The special choir for. tihs oceasion consisted of thirty voices and a splendid se- night lection of anthems, carols and Los Angeles, Dee, 27..John 8.|solos was rendered. Mrs. Rolf Rogers, slayer of Benjamin A.) Walker very ably officiated as pianist. The programme alse ineluded recitations and readings by the younger members of the congregation, Mr. Robert Me- dntosh performed the duties of Rogers trial and the Governor|chairman in a most satisfactory recently wrote him asking his manner, views of possible clemeney, for - the man Willis replied in no Garment Workers Strike. uncertain terms, branding the New York, Dee, 30.-One hun. jmurder of Goodwin as “cold|dred and twenty-five thousand blooded and premeditated.” The| garment workers, representing 1} 4,000 faetories im this eity, went on strike here this morning: Of lthis number 40,000 are women, tinaoetik, for the Daily News, cn seer cine 2 me