-@T CIRCULATION *l . tn bry ty “0 WORTHERN . ae OL. IV, NO. 4 THE DAILY NEWS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist PRINCE RI JPERT, B. C., — THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1915, EW YEAR IS USHERED IN BY TERRIFIC STO PRICE FIVE CENTS ¢ e. B. C.. Des, FB. A ter.| saster, in which at least] re killed, oceurred at the Creek mines of the Crows Pass Coal Co, at 7:05 this ning, When a snowslide swept n the mountain to the north he town and carried with it carpenter shop, in’ which » twelve or thirteen men were ra 1 heavy snowfall of the last 1 four hours, followed by a temperature, started the! MUCH DAMAGE DONE BY STORM AT VANCOUVER | Plate Glass Windows Broken in | Many Parts of City—Telephone | Communication Cut Off. Special to Daily News. Vane iver, Jan, 4 Vaneouver Some arrow escapes are re As today experiencing the worst ported Just a moment before wind storm that has been known the slide came down Worthington|*™ recent years and a arge had been talking with » maniem unt of damage to property named Langdon, who had turned has resulted Plate glass win on his heel and walked out of the |@0WS i” many parts of the city door not a minute too soon, as|'8¥® been broken and telegraph he was only a few feet from the and telephone communication door when the snow came dow both south and east, have beet and dealt death to his compar eut off. No fatalities have so far ions been reported Another man, Sandy Buneh.| }Was standing’ in the door whet THE NEW YEAR WAS the slide struck the building He ROYALLY WELCOMED | PLACE OF MEETING CHANGED. Friends and supporters of Mr. T. D. Pattullo as candi- date for mayor will please note that the organization meeting tor Thursday even ing will be held im the large room in the new Hart Block, adjoining the Bank of Mon- treal, instead of the building lately occupied ‘as Shrub- Fish Market. All requested to be present at 8 o'clock, Thursday evening, 2nd are sall’s Jan NEW YEAR HONORS FOR CANADIANS Several Prominent Canadians Re- ceive New Year Honors from the King. Special to Daily News. London, Jan i rhe usual New Year honors from the King ‘| have been conferred upon the | following Canadians. | K. C. M. G. to Sir E. P, Morris | premie of Newfoundland, and }to Major Wood, R. N, W. M. P | Dawson King's police medal t Mc hat jlate chief of police, Winnipeg ind to Messrs Traynor and | Brown of the Winnipeg force | Knight's batchelor to J. 8. W j liso formerly of the Poronts | Globe now editor News, and to Hon. Auguste R. | Angers of the Supreme Court, and to F. Williams Taylor, ‘f the London (England of the Bank of Montreal manage! branch the returned yesterday Rupert (y \ o,'e; 3? on the short Sweet, manager of Inn, Prince from a business visit to the south he, which carried all be-| Was struck by the body of one of the workmen and knocked clear 6 t parties immediately of the rushing snow, while the| Everybody Rejoiced and the Hap- work and soem the man. ole men were carried down and! py Event Was Appropriately bodes of the workmen were]? ly injured Celebrated—Whisties rvered, and one by one they As it is not known postivery | Biew and Bells extricated from their prisot just how many men were in the Rang bhe work of pesuscitation be building, the list of dead and in : : , . « s » ‘@ nn don ‘ 9 was us In the meantime all the doc jured is as yet uncertain I 1 i i Fernie were telegraphed Some four or tive years ag —, in amidst great rejoicing 1 special train quickly slide came down at the = same | Prine Rupert, as & the Lime p was rushed to the seens FPISCe, COFTIINE Swey the shop honored custo the w a : : which then stood on the same lo disaster Bells rang, whistles blew, guns . AC ition The coal company built} ; fired ois sit é os mposs ie@ ¢ rese ' . were et and crackers le ff ip ible at the pre n es hubeash af evibeesk aetiie the ' i full list of the killed and i] tlie knots ¢ people gathered | track of the former slide, but it , . a : es ) 2 i » of] ie streets app wathe ys but up to the time Min s case it proved to be insufl : PI g, Six men are known to be ain of friends and relations j ed d at least six ired jlhands a the momen the without t » of recovers } passing f the old yea nd ; out hope « ‘ Allan-Berge. limite bed shade ond Glebe! same pe ee Last evening at the Presbyte i th na . OKLE Varn ic | ‘a ea other all kinds of good aa 8 KLEY, Fern: ian manse a quiet wedding was Din sel nae cal dl th ids R . e : k ane osp i ‘ veg wn NI ILL, a at an celebrated by the Rev. F. W. Kert ih de . i T MaTo) Coal ; i as to come X. WORTHING “Iwhen Miss Helen Berge was Numerous little social gather junited in marriage to Mr. James ome bad te teil Bee ile Pee . gs é een arrange ’ ft ae Fergie rhompson Allan, an employee of ieee «Malad linner part . oe . tog i ~ occasion, dé es adinne i Lies ASLYEZUK, Coal Creek Messrs. Kelly, Douglas & Co, for leighing parti theatre pert ° ng _— sleiz g t es, ratre yartes KITENARY, Coal Creek a considerable time Mr J astediina: aim si hh aint de d oO : ‘e at everyone as ou o have a £oo ‘ nly list of injured tha Lindsay supported the _ brid sa Sion Sai Gall oi emoeh a > ‘ ‘ese . e , 8 all of snow gave be obtained at present ar¢ lgroom, whilst Miss Stella Bid to the city the typical midwinter er Campbell, F. Platt, Fe ding acted as bridesmaid Both] rect ea asia th wht Kicorge Mitchell, Coal Creek the contracting parties are very]. ojeppation wa seiatie in hows 4 man named Jones from popular amongst their own cirele Fernie ing with the happy occasion ' and best wishes and happiness e first indication that the| was expressed for their future . . FIFTY YEARS MARRIED e of Coal Creek had of the| They will reside on Third avenue renee was when the electric Siecle calaeiaaitaliiaeiaill oS system went out of commis This was followed by com That fine old English comedy, n and excitement in the} “Gaste,” drew a crowded house to a oe of and the work of rescue be-|the Westholme Opera House last © PROMS, evening. The performance was Mr. and ioe ii Allison re. ing Worthington was still/excellent, all the members of the}. nog io the city yesterday hing when found and the|company being excellently suited from Victoria, were | they had hotor was used on him for|to their parts, the whole thing been attending the golden wed- ur and a half At one time] going with a snap aid vim that ding anniversary of his parents, | emed to be reviving, as his|delighted the audience, who ap- M: ond. Mrs. Robes! Allison. fluttered a little, but he} plauded conntantly It will he The happy event was celebrated succumbed, Wr. and Mrs. Allison Returned “Caste” Again Tonight. Yesterday From Attending i 8 evening . ; put on again this evening on Thursday, December 26th, and § question and reprinting | ard of Trade, quite st of fairness. palpably ders of the Empire and entirely eoutrary to om rr : “ : ~ Iwas attended by the five sons and two daughters, twenty-eight children and grandchildren be- E MAYOR WILL ae included Walter and Robert Alli E THE ISSUE |)" 220 e NOT FAC. A. H. Allison of Prince Rupert The daughters are Mrs. M. Koss The Mayor is a sidestepper and balks at facts, This is a of Binsearth, Man., and Mrs, Alex ry bad trait, Why does he not face the issue and print Mr Douglas, of Prince Rupert. This ttullo’s letter sent to him for publication? Why also does was the first occasion in seven not controvert the statements made therein? Instead of teen years that a complete fam ne this the Mayor contents himself with asking a sense ily recunion has been held Phe Pattullo to the happy couple were the reeipients prejudice the of including constant the beautiful he offer of Mr designed lo numerous presents; his a purse of gold from sons aud daughters, and a Since the Mayor wants further information, let him ex boquet of flowers from friends le several resolutions of the loeal telephone company, one and neighbors which was moved by Mr, Pattullo himself, asking the Mr. and Mrs. Allison, sr., who neil to take over the telephone = system, Phen let him are 74 and 68 years of age re- k up the records of the Couneil and tind out where Mr spectively, are still hale and tullo, as ehairman of the Finance committee, made spe hearty 1 provision for the taking over of the telephone by insert a a. in the estimates $25,000 for the purpose Won Handsome Prizes. Better than all argument is the facet that the telephone At the first drawing held at the em was installed by citizens of Prince Rupert, one of popular pool room in the Stevens m was T. D. Pattullo, and the telephone system was taken Block for the three handsome > by the 1910 Couneil on behalf of the etty, of which prizes that have been on exbibi neil Mr. Pattullo was @ member No amount of argument tion for the last two weeks the controvert these facts lucky winners were James Con How much money did the Mayor put up and what influ way, first No. 861; H M. Law did he have with the 1910 Couniel? The Mayor did not less, second, No 1461, and H j up a single dollar to protect the telephone franchise, and W. Brooks, third, No, 5? hese or any influence he might have with the 1910 Counell in lrawings will take place upon the or any other direetion he certainly did not have enough first of each month, a tieket be ence to secure the city printing for himself without com ing issued for each cue -played tion upon his own terms The Mayor will have even less in the billiard hall Mr. I H ence with the 19413 Couneil Witt, of the Majestic Theatre condyeted the drawing TIPS ON CIVIC POLITICS Yesterday being a bank hol- accounts for Mayo! that iday probably neglect of New- ton to pay back S010 which his negleet of duty cost the eity seek upon Mayor would the candidates when stand Most ing their Newton probably cracks, re-election records If did that he fali through Mayor Newton's newspa- has discovered that the complaining paid has citizens are the high employees, wares but at inissed the point of the com- the forty. nan who more than he ihe Mayor him. not earning his about erty plaint, Tt is not five cents an hour is getting earns; it as self wages who is Mayor Newton repeats one of his year old editorials and offers it as the public opinion of that time, As Town Talker would say “Mr. Mayor, your judgment has been sunblistered with the radiance of your. self opinion Kivery time you write 1913" remember your reso lution to help give Prinee business adminis Rupert a tration ago when seeking Mayor Newton he would endeavor to im Acropolis Hill play ground. ‘That \ year eleetion said prove for a plank is li still in his platform CANADIAN RAILWAY | PLACES BIG ORDER Seven Million Doliar Order For Rolling Stock and Equip- ment Goes to Cana- dian Firm Special to Daily News.) Poronto, Jan i—The Cana dian Northern Railway which has been extending its lines in 1lmost every part of Canada al a remarkable rate during the past two or three years, has just pla- heed an order for seven million dollars worth of rolling stoek and equipment rhe entire or- der has been given to Canadian firms WELL KNOWN COUPLE WEDDED LAST NIGHT Mr. S. J. Evans and Miss Lead- better United in Marriage at the Windsor Hotel. No more fitting day than-Janu- ary tst could be. selected for a | weduing Last evening at the Windsor Hotel two popular young |}people of this city plighted their | troth on this auspicious occasion, the contracting parties being Mri s. J. Evans and Miss Aileen Lead- better rhe ceremony was per-| formed before a tew intimate friends of both the young people jai 9:30 in the evening in the par- of the hote! by the Rev, W. H McLeod The bride jaway by popular Billy jlors was Wright, )}the genial proprietor of the hotel, of the Toronto|Kenneth Earsman acting as best] man and the bride beng supported by Miss Sadie Tasche Mr Mrs. Ben Self, brother-in-law and sister of the bride were present and at the ceremony The bride was gowned in silk voile After the cere- party all sat handsomely over white satin. the happy down to an elegant supper in the the hotel, when drunk, generally a Many received by from Mr. mony dining room of healths and spent were delightful handsome the thei Evans made time presents bride and numerous who follows dentistry, will bride in were bridegroom friends, the profession of reside with his young the city perma nently GERMAN EMPEROR IS ONCE... MORE A GRANDFATHER grandfather again, birth of a son to Alexandra Victoria, helm is a following the the Princess PRINCE AUGUST WILHELM wife of the German monarch’s fourth son, Prinee August Wil jhelm | Princess “August Wilhelm and Alexandra were married Wctober 22, 1908, and this is the ifiret ehild to grace their | Prineess union | Tom and Jerry at the Savoy F-iven speeches i Berlin, Dee. 31—Kaiser Wil- | ANY CANADIANS RECEIVE NEW YEAR HONORS FROM THE KING: AVALANCHE AT FERNIE X KILLED AND MANY INJURED IN AVALANCHE NEAR FERNIE RRIBLE DISASTER AT COAL CREEK MINES OF CROWS’ NEST PASS COAL COMPANY—LIST OF DEAD AND INJURED. "WAS NEWION WITH THE B.C TELEPHONE COMPANY? |S3OME PLAIN FACTS ABOUT THE TELEPHONE FRANCHISE CRISIS WHICH SHOW HOW Far THE MAYOR WILL GO IN HIS POLITICAL FAKING. 8. M. esty of Newton for two years has been questoning the hon- various cilizeus ou the telephone tranchise. is he do- ing this out of mere hatred of better than himself, or is it lu draw a herring across the tail of his own suspicious attitude en on that same question three years ago? ibis telephone question first came up in September, 1909, When the manager of the B. CG, Lelephone co, yisited Price Ku- pers and quietly announced that tis company would instal a telephone system in this cily unger power of their blanket pro- yineial charter. lie interviewed the iocal press and sought their favor. This paper (at that time called the Optimist, tunmedi- ately sounded the warning and the Board of Trade got busy | devisigg means of keeping this monopoly out. Lhat period | was the erisis in the lelephoue case. liere Was a company which guaranteed them the privilege of planting poles and wires any place in the province, while Prince Kupert was a cily with- oul incorporation and fostered by the Provincial government which granted the charter to the company. It took courage, rapid action and a bold front to make the fight, but Prince Ku- pert had good and worthy citizens and they saved the franchise. lu accomplishing this several plans were offered the Board of Trade, among them being a suggestion from E. J. Ghamberlin, who had a company willing to pul in an automatic system al a | $75,000, and one from i. LD. Patiullo, who had a com- pany willing to pul in a less expensive system and make an | agreement to sell out to the city at a future date. Eventually | a citizens’ company was agreed upon as the safest way of pre- cost of | serving ‘the franchise for the city. This was quickly formed and the very men who were most prominent in organizing it are the very men who are now being villified by Mayor Newton's paper | for their good work. | Now where was Newton when the cily was being threatened | with the invasion of the B. C, Telephone Cd.? Was he protest- Was he fighting to | preserve the franchise for the city? Did he contribute any money | for the financing of the citizens’ telephone company? No! One would think to read his paper today that he would have an- nounced in bold type the visil of the manager of the B. C. T. Co. |} and denounced his mission, but his paper never mentioned it ; until it had become a live publ: Lopic and an issue in the Board |; of Trade. He was not as interested in preserving the franchise for the city then as he now is W take credit for semething he | did not do. THE FACT IS HE ACTUALLY WITH THE B. GC, TELEPHONE vv. IDEA OF STARTING OFF WITH PELEPHONES. That is the truth aboul-the telephone crisis and that is how 5. M. Newton tried to preserve the franehsie for Prince Rupert municipality, As a political fakir it would be hard to find his equal. ing against the entry of these monopolists? ADVISED MAKING TERMS AND DISCOURAGED THE MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP OF METHODIST GYMNASIUM WAS COMPLETELY WRECKED YESTERDAY'S TERRIFIC GALE TORE IT FROM ITS FOUNDA- | TION AND LANDED IT BOTTOM SIDE UP—MR. JAMES BAR- RIE THE ONLY OCCUPANT AT TIME; SLIGHTLY HURT. Almost at the very moment that the fine gymnasium build. ing of the Methodist Chureh was to have been thrown open to the/at young men of the cily as an open day yesterday (New Year's Day | the terrific wind storm that was ‘raging seized it in its fleree em- brace, lifted it literally in the air and landed it upside down a short away, James Barrie, an employee of lite’s furniture store was hap to their fixing it up again. ance, distance Mow Furniture Store On Saturday tast George the only person in the building/F. W. Hart his entire furniture jal the time. In his endeavor lo}stock, They are continuing the }gel oul he was thrown with great}business in the premises lately Violence against the ceiling and Nothing daunted by the mis- “gym,” the Men's Own, will hold a special meeting ther parlors n the Methodist chureh to consider the matter of The meeting will be at eight o'elock, and it is hoped there will be a full attend- the Hend- ricksen, Smith Co, purchased from oecupied by Mr, Hart, at the cor.’ jsuffered a decided shaking up. It}ner of Seventh street and Third }was feared at first that the in-/avenue. |juries were serious, but after. be- jing taken to the hospital and ex. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. amined by a doctor it was found Phone 4. thal he was only bruised extern. ally and will probably be able to ANI tea tet it r be around again in a day or two Mr. Barrie is very well known and LIBERAL ASSOCIATION. popular in the city, being a mem- aa ber of several fraternal societies ‘ rhe annual meeting of besides being prominently con- nected with the Methodist Church, the Prince Rupert Liberal It was due to his enerey and zeal Association, for the purpose jthat the entertainment planned of electing offieers, will be for New Year's Day was mainly held on the evening of | due Much sympathy is ex. Thursday, Jan, 22nd, 1913, pressed by a host of friends for in the K. of P. Hall, Helger- him, and it is their earnest wish son Block. B07If jto see him around again in a few P. W. ANDERBON, |days, none the worse for the Sec..Treas, somewhat novel though painful experience, esi