rhursday, January 2, 1915 rHE BAILY NEWS 4 4 ‘ LAND LEASE NOTICES, | eiecens : ——_——>$$—— POPP P DF COS a ae erececsroocrooe. TOMMY BURNS AND CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS OPERATIONS STARTED ON + E » Land Digaries sproerten of Const, WELLS ARE MATCHED SILVER STANDARD MINE a | ke notice that 1, Michael MePadden ames a ® 4 j cher etena, » ct cocepeuen farmer, A p Calwary Der at Arrange Native silver has been discov The machinery at the Gilve: “FROM HOME TO HOME.” a . ae Pe ieed ands i eb nents were completed yesterday ered at Stewart Lake, northwest i Standard Mine is pow all installed a ‘ st planted « ‘ ail . | if mmen tas ee gore coe on th afternoon for a fifteen round|of Fort George, and Edmonton | and the property will be ready to ai n an easterly Sreeice, from the Lot 34. 1 boxing bout between Bombardier |C@pitalists are having it worked. | pesume work about New Year HOTEL EL y SIUM i t poimt o a. ’ ce est “y } Sloe} _ —__ | ins more or less to the west shor: ‘ vot 1, Bection Wells hngelish heavyweight : when it is expected that a full 4 aa ee chore line to tne i Phis is @ corner lot on champion, and Tommy Burns, J. KE. Mekwan is moving his|toree of miners will be put on Sid. Sykes, Manager é , ' ‘ . re se Seal. f fn” eneeiion pa }. RL ith Ave, and has an unob who claims the championship of |#tck of merchandise trom “ | Last Week D. McLeod and J. B. L.| The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. { erly ' o re le cker ake re point of commencement and con Structible view 3 ways. On the world, the will to be held in|@Y 0 Decker Lake, where his) Macdonald visited the mine and Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices A « cd wovember. ath, 1919, grad id j Calgary, March 14, for a purse of |#eneral store is to be opened) reported that Manager Haskins ' ate 5 , race anda desirable in every . F ‘ ta ! ee oe oan z irable in ever £37,000. A local ayndicate will| Within a fortnight was then completing the testing, | 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. ; 2 : y ay yy « ; 7 Dare eras, 10i8—Yen. 1, 1912 I wries #,900.00 finance the affair and the money , by re ete He expected to be ready to} Phone 8500. \ ' | erms wil » a : , ¥ ’ The C.P.R. has just sold a tract Ap ‘ , ‘ | 3 keena Land District sfplowrees of Coast,| ‘ vt | be posted in a loeal bank on ot tend ia the cvuthern part of|een in a few days i; HKange anuary 2nd . . 7 fake potice that Henry D. Foote, of C t y ver lo an investment : ; . ‘wer Island, B. C., occupation farmer, | rown gency Co. rhe bout has been under con Vancouve uve ; . i See A. W. Edge Co for wall | a is to apply for permission to lease | sideration for some time, but {Company for @ sum approximat-| paper, Low prices to make room| —— ijowing described land | Ph ous . , y &750.000 | | 7 mencing at & gost pleated on the | one 43. not until yesterday could terms|'"® 74°" |for new spring stock 285-tf | fa i ‘ wre O o OU ay | sient in an easterly direction from | be arranged with the English rhat Canad — unite . . t anade ‘ oee 3 f one ts aes be iets be lan een -|Champion, A wire was received a ae * LAND PURCHASE NOTICES chains ) 8 ) . 7] . ) ; ‘e.eminence as ¢ , or 4 | e line of the island, thence in a yesterday from Wells, The split position of pre-eminence a i} Se ° rly direction following the shore ® . fi field for the profitable invest | i the nose oe Bene, + ] ing Oo te purse has not been ment of British capita is the | Skeena Land District—District of Coast| 4 southerly echio ollowing = th announse j but a me , . wee) Range V ae cud aor S mene.cr leas -_ vers es rQs. hat " i ’ o . rg a tood statement of Mr \ Colin, a y Take —? that I, Michel Kordas, of Jdning 6 ‘res, : a8 that urns Will receive 825,000 , ictoria, B. C., occupation laborer, i i ated November 4th, 1012 a prominent London financier Who] to apply for permission. to purchase the HENRY D TICES, Looser The up-to-date House Decora- has just arrived in Vancouver folk lowes ats aan wine so f yn OT . P | sommenc O08 ylanted a e Deved Noversmer s60m, 1008. sone tors of Prince Rupert | HOCKEY PLAYER FINED from Australia, and who is mak- coumrwess corner of ber License No, b ov } » . 32770, in Lakeise Valley, a t . e.° ing a tour of Canada on his way mile southwesterly froth the Wintams [oo ee — on sign Writing Fifty Dollars the Penalty for As~| ). 0... Creek bridge, thence south 30 chains, : ‘ 4 ko enaum ‘ fake notice het L, Stanley Niven, of o - saulting Newsy Lalonde eeueeemneensa ceavan, teens West 66’ dhatae to" seat a Kupert, British Columbia, occupa Pa H _ , ‘ commencement, containing 150 acres more vil engineer, acting @s agent for per- angin rhe new {i-storey theatre and | or jess, 2 Harbor Land Company, Limited g foronto, Dec 30-——Frank Cleg- hotel now under construction at MICHEL KORDAS. f Victoria, B. C., intend to apply for per Our Specialities jhorn, the Mont hoe : : Fred E. Cowell, Agent 1 to lease the following described , ontreal hockey playerlihe eorner of Pender and Bur. Dated October 2nd, 1912. 1 — who was co tte elas Pub. Nov. 11th, 1919—Jan. 6, 19143 , “commencing a @ post planted on the| “We always deliver the goods.” /.,, co minitted — yesterday,|rard streets, Vancouver, at a to or High Rates of Interest. therly point of Lot 501, Range 6 | @nd st 9 . 1’ assaulting Newsy Lalonde tal cost of nearly $1,000,000 wil|| Skeena Land District—pDistrict of Coast, . ) ‘orpoise 0 m1 reet as to : % » Range V Low’ Weter Meth. ieenes pore ; Phone 156 Green Wis today fined $50 in the coun be ready for occupancy on Aug Take notice that I, Sam Ennyu, of WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY ; therly following Low Water Mark | ty surt Lalonde, through} yet 4. 1943 Kayex, —, Cotamise, cocuneiies lum 2 »s ac > cor . ’ ciel berman, intend to @ issior a | e a deb, eae t r a> ge a Bao alae vounsel, made a strong plea foi anatase purchase the rollow ae deseribed anes: TO BUY OR BUILD HOUSES t east ft | ‘ ‘ ence | == ileni 0 rho -_ Commencing at a post planted at the ont ; y following igh "Water "Marks | ~ - a a rhe Departinent of Public | southwest corner of Lot 82, Range V, TO PAY OFF MORTGAGES s point due east of the most northerly THE ! Works have authorized a survey in bean ive, aes Wak 16 ae, TO IMPROVE REAL ESTATE Staplet« sia ) f Lot 64% , 8, tapleton Isiand, part Lot 42, | NOVELIST’S MOTHER DIES of Seymour Narrows to ascel thence north 15 chains, thence east 15 west to thie polat, thence follow | Dail P Ne 5 | ike eine 4 ibility of netruct..| (hains, to the boundary of Lot 182 afore- Hig o st side of} W _——- ain e Teasib Or cons ‘l= | said, thence soutn along the said boundary sta Isiand to the most southerly | Yy ° j 5 . ar Stapleton island, thence east tu Mrs. Hall Caine Passes Away at) i; 1 bridge from the Mainland conteienng 06 ecbes mors — AT PER CENT. PER YEAR High w ee ey 248, Renee | D v l t Daughter’s Home to Vaneouver Island. SAM ENNYU. ole e € al Dated October 10th, 1012. 1 polmt due east of the most southerly | eve opmen - _ Pub. Nov. 11th, 1912—Jan. 6, 1913 WE GUARANTEE a rae” Fisted ee tae eee Number London, De 30—Mrs. Sarah A herd of elk are now being a point due south of the mos Hall Caine, mother of Hall Caine| secured in Wyoming for Strath- | Skeems Lana District—District of Coast, the time when your indebtedness will be paid off. y point of Lot 501, thence north a copies o e he j . . ne ; Dolmt,. thence northerly end ‘oat Extra copie f this hand- mother of the novelist, died yes-|cona Park, the new British Col- Take notice that Reuben W. Rogers, of Office open evenings. Write, phone or call. following High = Mark to the| somel) illustrated edition terday at the home of her daugh-|umbia wonderland on Vancouver can dele 'ep cathe fat pommaneiam to commmencemen . | I I POISE HARBOR LAND COMPANY may be obtained at the of ter, Lilly Hall Caine, the actress.| Island purchase the following oa we IN ERNA IONAL HOME iMITEL a » Dail seine i ) Commencing at @ post planted at the ; * Staniey Niven, Agent me oe ere cee Mrs. Caine was born a Quaker in northeast corner of Lot $141 Range 5, PURCHASING CONTRACT CO., LTD 1 December 10th, 1912 WRAPPED READY FOR 1828 and lost her official connec Trains at Telkwa Soon north 40 endian tense weet 40 chetes, of : : ee MAILING tion with the Society of Friends Omineea Herald thence south 40 chains, thence east 40 ces: Suite 11-12, Smith Block.. Phone 456. . ; skeena Land District—District of Coast jth ugh her marriage outside of The bridge steel for the Mud yer amege hacen R. Wy ROORRS. y mM. E. Ritchey, Supt. ~~ ; ; Se mange SY Your friends and relatives Sn wats She shed denai tuna g Davee Nov. tet, 1018. Take notice that William J. Mogridge, who have not had an opper- Creek bridge arrived last Satur- Pub. Nov. 18, 1919—Jan. 13, 1913. Re Vancouver, = i occupation broker ' gems oF jewelery except her dav and was taken up to the te Pye de : niends to y i < ‘ un of see , Pp 2 é t as te , ( » aj ‘ man neing at & post planted on the pert will be glad to receive a M 1 rhe steel gang will get busy on] Skeena Land Digerten—picertet of Coast, a ti nmencin > ed o . i f Hal Se a4 , ti shore in Kumeolon Inlet, on Lot No.|M copy, This is a convenient M She ne ts Bow at St lit at onee and rush the work.| take notice shat Richard J, Grant, of mi ine e cast $0 eheins, thence south oar 6¢ Wélien them deme ‘ z rhe funeral of his mo-{ywpen it is completed the Foley noe 5 ey uae -_ Ee ; f e¢ to river bank, thence northerly fol you have at least thought of ther will take place in Liverpoollweieh & Slewart freight can be|ehase the following described lands: | wing river bank and foreshore to point eve ON ee ce 1ougna ‘ Monday Commencing at @ post planted on the f mmencement, containing 60 acres them during this festive taken many miles to the east Of|foreshore in a small bay about one-half es more or leas emavin town By the early spring the|™Mlle north of entrance to Kumeolon inlet, | WILLIAM J. MOGRIDGE seasu : thence north 40 chains, thence east ‘ated November 15, 1912 Forty years in use, twentyirails wi be laid and trains|chains, thence south 60 chains, thence ea e ews Pub. Nov. 25, 1919-—Jan. 20, 1013 Only a Limited Number of we west to foreshore, thence following the Copies Left years standard, prescribed) andi running to and past Telkwa foreshore westerly to point of commence- | —_ P . recommended by physicians. For ™ ment, containing 240 acres more or less. | Order Early. w ‘'s Ai ’ oar 2. GRANT. TRY A NEWS WANT AD iomen's Iments, Dr. Martel’s Find it through a Daily News William J. eridge Agent. | And Get All the News Female Pills, at your druggist. Want Ad pat Se +. ae , TREC — “ YEAR END CLEARING SALE 3 Mi Remember! This is Our FIRST SALE and Prices go V Way own gs a3 This Sale is a bona fide lowering of prices for the purpose of making a complete clearance of all seasonable goods. In order to do so quickly, we have made prices without regard to costs or real values. The season of profit is over. Now to clean up ready for the new season that will soon be here. A special feature in this Sale will be our offer of BLUE SERGES Reg. $22.50 Values at $18.00 Reg. $18.00 Values at $12.50 verc oats Also several odd lines of Fancy Tweeds, Reg. $12.50 Values $6.50 Men’s Suits his sale offers you the finest ready-for-service Lowndes Winter Overecoats, all styles, in faney HATS. SHIRTS SWEATERS. Tweeds and heavy Moss Cloths, from $25.00 to suits in the world at prices made without regard to made with but one end in costs or values prices , an al : s view---the complete clearance of our entire suit During this sale English and|C!uett-Peabody ae and — Sweaters and Sweater Coats, $40.00. Sale price............ $20.00 to $27.50 , ; aad 25 Shirts at. \ stock. These suits are the Lowndes 20th Century American makes of broken areree 78,5e Cute at ° while they last, $2.25 values » Bench Tailored, and are naturally known as clothes lines in Soft ve will er Santicts Platincta wrisheoineaiaiie gi eS i ia ie $1.50 Lowndes Cravanettes and Gabadines, in various of Style and Quality. at one price only....... ° , 7 ~ . re Fancy Tweeds; reg. $25.00; at. .... seer es $20.00 Regular values 83.00, 83.50 collars, reg. $2.00 to $2.50 $3.50 values at......... $2.26 } styles; $20.00 values at.......... - 1... $18.60 Yorkshire and celebrated Harris Tweeds; reg and $4.00, VO OO. ag. . Skea $1.65 \ 097.50 to 625.00; at..ceccosdss ose» $22.50 Heavy Bavy blue Melton Shirts, UMBRELLAS. Lie i se od oss Faney Worsted; reg. $37.50 to $45.00; at.. .$27.60 Suit Cases, Hand Bags, Trunks reg. $2.50; sale price... .$1,65 : . eS Were Sherer ee one 6 8 geen eves 50 F F and Steamer Trunks at greatly] All stapes in Tookes’ Linen Col- Self openers, reg. $1.00, at. .@5e LOWNDES TROUSERS. reduced prices. lars; sale price...... 3 for 25c Raw. O4.90, Obs cc tibhccsaes 90c t me » A i f men's heavy winter Overcoats; 4 In faney Worsted weaves. — - — Samana ee oe — - —— te special me : at Regular $7.00 and $8.00 values al......... $5.00 Men's Heavy Ali Wool Undewear, All Sizes, Regular $2.50 Values at $.165 the Suit. } rom. $44.00; reduced to. .cscsssccicccick $9.50 Regular $8.50, $9.00, $10.00 ‘and $41.00, at, $6.60 Broken Lines of Other Underwear at Reduced Prices. 1 } by RF) And don’t forget there are many reasons why it is advisable to be here when the sale opens. S Bring back anything you are dissatished with Our ‘snipe will allways be geanine. Bveey Grive Sad every getnle fo Ohnaasines bene ene. i ee eee eee rs 4 as advertised, and we cannot, with our honest prices and honest guaranteed values, have a sale every ; " ; ; ' ro sthe y it during the sale or t will strengthen our reputation as the greatest a No matter whether you buy : & . now and then as some stores do, but twice each year, every January and July—then and then only . ! spy other time, bring it back if you don’t like it ; . value givers in this city, It will convinee many ty We don't want you to: keep /il Above all else we we shall ecoduct our’ great Clean-Up Sales to clear out the odds and ends of the season's business more men conclusively that this is the best place ' and we cul prices to the lowest possible jimit to trade, s pry want you satisfied : BRYANT COMPANY, LTD. **The Store of Better Things’’ Sixth Street, Prince Rupert, B.C. Ce . Successor to Sloan & Co. 0 . Wy OO ticle a Sire aeesyiGes 4